Super Soldier

Chapter 1876: Gao Fei's invitation (three more)

Xiao Bing stunned and asked: "Why do you say that?"

"I am not saying that you must deny the blood and genes flowing in your body, nor do you want to treat both the gods and the demons as enemies. I just feel that you should not stick to races according to your personality. Why don't you think about it this way? This is a civil war in the life of our world. You want to stop these heroes. No matter which side you help, you don't need any guilt.: ”

The leaves smiled and said: "In any case, no matter which side you support, I will stand by your side, I will only know the same, I am your woman, this is enough."

Xiao Bing's gaze flashed a little, smiled slightly, and gave the leaves to the past.

The leaves curled up in Xiao Bing's arms and said softly: "Now you must stand on the side of human beings, but if one day humans want to completely destroy the gods and the demons, you will stop, isn't it? Therefore, it is enough to be loyal to one's heart."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Leaves, I am really fortunate to have a girlfriend like you. Every time I have something to worry about, you can help me with three or five sentences."

The leaves smiled and said: "Which is my three or five sentences. In fact, there is already a direction in your heart. Isn't it? In fact, no one has the ability, I am not a psychiatrist, not a psychological teacher, but just a help. You are sure about your inner thoughts."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is enough, come on, let my husband kiss one."

"Ah, the bad guys, just to help you finish the solution, you start to break up."

Xiao Bing stole a kiss on the face of the leaf, and then he said: "How can this be called bad? I am so happy to be a big guy, I should be too happy to come, do you say it?"

"Good face."

"Haha, since I said that I don't want to face, I will kiss you again... Hey, how can you get your husband out of bed, you are murdering a husband and wife..."

And the leaves laughed in the room for a while, these two people are also a little too tired these days, Xiao Bing is because of the continuous retreat for many days, and the leaves are because they have been worried about Xiao Bing, so the spirit is exhausted, two people are idle It took more than eight o'clock to start talking and talking and fell asleep.

This night, both of them slept very fragrant and fragrant. They slept until they got up the next day and had breakfast. The leaves were going to go to work, but Xiao Bing left them all to make them feel good at home. After a day off, Xiao Bing is too aware of their character. Don’t look at these days when they are left in the Ministry of National Security and have not gone to work. In fact, they may be exhausted when they go to work. Xiao Bing is naturally a man. Take a break for your own woman.

There are still a few women who listen to Xiao Bing’s words. Even if they don’t listen, Xiao Bing feels very happy, so several people stay in the house. Several women have a show. They don’t go out and sit. Speaking in the yard, and making a pleasant laugh from time to time.

Xiao Bing’s several disciples also came back. The three men began to go out and learn from each other. Fang Yuanyuan made another progress in just over a month. Now he has broken through the level of Dan Jinfeng from the middle of Dan Jin. Among the three disciples of Xiao Bing, her strength is the strongest one. Zhou Shaopeng and Lei Jing both achieved the mid-term repair of Dan Jin, and Fang Yuanyuan is now struggling to sprint to the realm of Jin Jin.

For Fang Yuanyuan's progress, Xiao Bing did not feel a sudden. With the character inside Fang Yuanyuan's bones, if more than a month's time, even Dan Jinfeng could not break through, then Fang Yuanyuan's talent is too bad. According to Xiao Bing's expectations, Fang Yuanyuan will be able to reach the sturdy period within three months, but this is far from enough. In a year's time, Xiao Bing will try his best to help her break through the peak of enthusiasm. Then the next year will help her step into breaking the void. This sounds too exaggerated. Even if Xiao Bing’s progress speed is not so fast, I must know that Fang Yuanyuan’s strength is still very weak, at least Xiao Bing’s front is so, Xiao Bing’s existence of this level is still very easy if he wants to help her break through.

However, once a master has broken the void, the next breakthrough is not so easy. Even if Xiao Bing wants to pull out the seedlings, he can't do it. What's more, it is not necessarily a good thing to promote the seedlings. There is no advantage in the growth of the time, it is very likely that after reaching Tianzun, it will stop, which is not the result that Xiao Bing wants.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei went out to find a place to discuss and discuss a lot. After they exchanged a lot of ideas with each other, Gao Fei said: "This time I have encountered many crises on my way out."

"I know." Xiao Bing smiled. "The strength is so fast. If it is not a huge effort, it is hard to believe. If you encounter any opportunity or crisis, you don't need to tell me, it is you. Your own secret."

"Well, but there is one thing I want to tell you, because this thing is probably something that needs your help to do it."

Xiao Bing stunned, and some curiously asked: "What needs my help? According to your current strength, I am afraid there is no rival under the demigod level. Except for the gods and the world, I am afraid to find Can't find a half god?"

Xiao Bing actually knows that there is a strongman of this level, that is, the abbot of Shaolin. At least according to the strength of Xiao Bing, he is not the opponent of Shaolin abbot, but according to Xiao Bing’s estimation, the abbot should not reach the level of God. But the half **** should have been reached, and the means of his own will not work in the abbot. The Shaolin abbot looks more unfathomable than Zhuang Shen. The reason why Zhuang Shen lost to Xiao Bing, except for pride. In addition to being calculated by Xiao Bing, there is another reason that he has just broken through to the half-step god. If he has completely consolidated the half-step gods, Xiao Bing is probably not defeated.

However, Xiao Bing did not say the abbot. This involves the privacy of Shaolin. The outside world cannot understand the strength of Shaolin. In this case, Xiao Bing will not talk too much.

When I heard Xiao Bing ask what help she needed, Gao Fei’s eyes flashed with a little bit of excitement and said: “I went out this time and found another closed space, which is another enchantment.”

After hearing this, Xiao Bing immediately opened his eyes and asked: "Another enchantment, what does this mean?"

"The meaning is that, besides the fact that the gods and the demons are sealed in the enchantment, there are other enchantments in the world, which should also be arranged by the sages of the Terran in those days, in order to seal what powerful life."

Xiao Bing Shen Shen said: "Is there any fish in the gods and demons that have slipped through the net, so they have been sealed in?"

"No." Gao Fei shook his head and said, "Because I have passed through this enchantment."

Xiao Bing was filled with curiosity and asked: "You passed through the enchantment? What did you see?"

"I found a few monsters inside, and each of these monsters has reached the peak of the saint."

“So strong?” Xiao Bing exclaimed, “Everyone has reached it?”

“Yes,” Gao Fei said. “All we know is that the monsters are extremely powerful at birth, but we also know that their speed of promotion is very slow. The biggest feature of these monsters is that Born to be able to marry the innate realm of the Terran, even the best, and the long life, the longest life of the monster even has a thousand years of life, and they rarely have to survive And there is no ability to unify the world because their ability to multiply is really bad."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "I have heard that the ability of the monsters to breed is extremely poor. Otherwise, with their long life and the advantage of being born at the peak, once the number goes up, I am afraid The gods and the demons will also have an advantage, and they will not be enslaved by the Mozu in those years."

Gao Fei said: "The life of the monsters I saw seems to have been somewhat degraded, but it is still strong and unmatched. I almost died there and finally tried my best to escape from there."

Xiao Bing's eyes are dignified, and he can almost let Gao Fei lose his life, which proves that the strength of the other side is really terrible.

Gao Fei continued: "I want to invite you to go and seize their inner Dan!"

"Capture the inner Dan!" Xiao Bing frowned slightly, although the other party is a monster, and most of the monsters are extremely ferocious, but the other party is sealed, and now they are going to seize the inner Dan, the equivalent of capturing People's lives are not very humane. ”

I saw what Xiao Bing was thinking. Gao Fei was about to talk. Suddenly he saw Liu Xiaorui running from a distance. After Liu Xiaorui saw Xiao Bing and Gao Fei here, he spit out the gas and said: "Brother, inside the house." There are a lot of people coming!"

"A lot of people? Who are you?" Xiao Bing was a little curious, and did not dare to neglect. He went straight and Gao Fei also rushed to the past.

"Well... I don't know, but it's not all Chinese people, it seems to be Europeans and Americans."

"Oh." Xiao Bing sighed and smiled. "I know, as long as it is not troublesome, let's go, go back and see!"

When I walked to the door of Xiaofu, I stopped a lot of luxury cars outside. After Xiao Bing walked in, I saw a group of Westerners in the yard at this time. Among them were m people, e people, y people, and f people... one of them. They are all big people in the political circles in their respective countries. Even Xiao Bing has seen them during their missions or on TV. Everyone is a big man who can shake the ground in his own country. At this moment, it is gathering in Xiaofu!

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