Super Soldier

Chapter 1896: Provocative success (one more)

Conley did not think that the other party would directly throw the inner Dan back to himself, how can the meat in his mouth still spit out?

It was just too late to wait for Conley to think about it, because someone on his side had already started to work. I saw a figure flashing. Duan Tian had already shot ahead. He rushed out in advance and reached out to grab the inner Dan.

Conley's voice snorted coldly, and a black dagger suddenly broke out and went straight to the hands of Duan Tian.

Duan Tian continued to grab the inner hand with one hand, and the other hand suddenly waved the golden axe in his hand. The golden axe slammed directly on the black dagger. The golden dagger flew back and was caught by Conley again. In his hand, and the inner Dan was in the hands of Duan Tian, ​​Duan Tian immediately stunned, and then quickly and Xiao Bing and Conley both sides have kept a distance.

Conley’s eyes were gloomy. The ‘death clown’ De Gulaxi looked at Duan Tian with some anger. He said: “Duan Tian, ​​we are all in the same camp. You are going to betray, this is probably not very good.”

Duan Tian’s tone is calm: “You and I have seen it. The monsters here are definitely not so good. The main thing is that my goal is just a Nei Dan. Since I have already got Nedan, why bother here? And you are wasting your time? No matter how many loot you can have, it doesn't matter to me. I just need this inner Dan on my body and then leave here."

De Gulaxi gnashed his teeth: "You have achieved the result, even if it is ‘death god’, Mr. Conley is no problem, our husband and wife will not do the same!”

Duan Tian laughed, and the laughter was as deafening as Hong Zhong. Then he raised his head proudly, and his face was proudly loud: "Why don't you do it? Just leave you with my couple? Death clown Modern girl, you two years in the European continent, I don’t know how many people have been killed, but it’s easy for me to kill both of you!

De Gulasi and Jules looked at each other without saying anything. Instead, they looked at Conley, the **** of death. Although Dracassi was quick on his mouth, he could not be desperate because of a Nedan. Even if it is precious in Neydan, it will not be theirs. In fact, Conley should be the most angry, because if this Nedan is not in the hands of Duan Tian, ​​then it must be owned by Conley. Now, only the next lot of trophies will be able to get some of them.

Sure enough, the death **** Conley suddenly took a step toward Duan Tian, ​​an extremely strong death breath instantly shrouded to Duan Tian, ​​Duan Tian did not care at all, he shook his neck, and then there were countless inside the body. The sound of the blast sounded, and at this moment, his strength suddenly soared and stopped until the sage's peak was completed.

The footsteps of Death Conley stopped and stared at Duan Tian and said: "You have used the secret method, and you can't persist for a long time."

Duan Tian grinned and said: "Yes, it really can't last for too long, but it's enough for me to fight with you." If the two saints are full of great strengths, if you fight together, you must be able to win even if you finally win. Will it pay a heavy price?"

"Yes." Death Conley nodded and said, "I will let you go, you will leave immediately, how far you can go..."

"Thank you, Mr. Death, and the dragon son!"

Duan Tian was holding a giant axe and swaying in the direction of the enchantment. His speed was extremely fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Conley, Conley, looked at Xiao Bing and pressed the anger in his heart. He said in a sullen tone: "You counted him and he will shoot, isn't it? You counted the result, so provoke our camp, let us one less." The top powerhouse against you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Even if it is, but this also blames you for your carelessness, isn't it? You used to be the king in the dark world, and even if you have been through so many years, you still think that you are the original Wang, I think you can let all people listen to your orders, but the result is like this... completely beyond your expectations. Otherwise, if your movements are faster, this Nedan will fall on you. On hand, and according to my estimation, your strength is stronger than those around you. When you finally get more and more spoils, you will not share a little bit of results with other people's hands. Up, so you naturally can't leave as much as you can with a piece of convenience."

The eyes of the three brothers of the lion and the couple of Dracassi also became unhealthy. Although Conley was facing away from those people, he still felt the change of attitude in everyone's heart. His heart was angry and his body was murderous. It became heavier, and the lion boss behind him hurriedly said: "Mr. Death, don't be angry, we know that this person is arguing, and he just wants to let us fall apart, and they will sit well." It’s good for the fisherman."

"Yeah, yeah." De Gulaxi also hurriedly said, "This person is simply a treacherous confession that I have never seen before. It is really shameful."

After Dracassi's appearance as a clown, he felt the murderousness of Conley's body, and he jumped and jumped, looking very funny.

The eyes of the **** of death stared at Xiao Bing and said: "Reassure, we are still allies, and the temper of my death Conley is definitely not what he said. I will say a word, since the promised things will be completed according to the agreement. Next, we have to unite well. After getting the spoils, I will be the first one. The Dracassi couple will be the second, the three lions will be the third, and if there is a fourth trophy, It will be my time."

Although this rule is unfair, it can make them feel relaxed and agree one by one.

Confucius Conley looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Xiao Bing, I can't think of the dark world, you can come out like you, such a difficult up-and-coming star. I will suffer in your hands today, and I will definitely find a chance to share with you in the future. Winning and losing, but here, we are not too suitable for playing a game, so as not to let the secretly bewildered monsters get cheaper, what am I saying?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are right, I don't want to fight. In fact, I am a very good person. I am very friendly. I have a simple personality. I don't have much mind. If we are going to face the monster together, I promise. If there is any gain, then you can be fair."

Conley, a **** of death, snorted and said: "We will do it together for a while, whoever kills the place is who it is."

The blue-winged sea dragon beast suddenly laughed in the distance, and everyone looked at the blue-winged sea dragon beast. The blue-winged sea dragon beast was huge, and all of the body was blue, and his eyes were blue.

At this time, Gao Fei whispered: "This is the blue-winged sea dragon beast. The lightning batosaurus that have just been killed are the top ten beasts of the ancient times, but the strength of the lightning batosaurus in the top ten beasts is moderate, and this The strength of the Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast is considered to be the weakest one, but its strength is the worst in it, but it can survive to this day and has not been swallowed up by other greedy counterparts. It also shows its strengths."

Xiao Bing spit out two key words: "Cautious, hehe."

Gao Fei snorted.

After the blue-winged sea dragon animal laughed, suddenly loudly said: "The human who killed the lightning batosaurus, you really are the existence of the cockroaches in human beings, just you just use the inner dan of the demon sacred beast I am really admiring the fact that the weak human beings have sent away and provoked the internal contradictions of those people."

Conley’s face changed slightly. Just now he and Duan Tian thought that the Nei Dan was a Thunderbolt batosaurus. He just did not seriously look at it under the rush. Now, when I think about it carefully, I am afraid that it is really fraudulent. .

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Are you not the same as the early saints?"

"You are the same as the ordinary demon sacred? The demon sac can rank among the top ten beasts, because the demon is a talent level, and the real combat power is equivalent to the ordinary one of the same level. The existence of times, so the value of the inner demon of this demon holy is the same as the inner level of the higher level of the demon.

The voice of death Conley’s voice is dead and heavy: "Dragon son, just the inner Dan is really not a lightning bat dragon."

Although it is also the inner Dan, but the inner demon of the ordinary demon sacred beast and the inner dan of the lightning batosaurus are incomparable, the lightning batosaur is not only two levels higher, but also belongs to that kind. The talented demon, so the value of the inner dan of the lightning bat dragon is at least ten times the value of the inner dan that Xiao Bing has just thrown to Duan Tian.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I just said that I will send you Nedan, but I don't know who to send to Nedan."

Conley Conley nodded and only felt a bit of grievances: "The strength of our side is arbitrarily provoked by a Nei Dan of a demon sacred, and you are really cunning!"

Xiao Bing smiled, but he didn't answer. In fact, he still has a bit of pain now, although it is said that Nedan is indeed a Neon that has just been promoted to the demon of the demon, the value and the inner dan of the Thunderbolt Compared to the difference, but it is also a very good spoils, and now there is only one loot, he can blame without feeling bad.

Conley's gaze looked at the blue-winged sea dragon beast and said: "Now that those are useless, now the most important thing is to kill this blue-winged sea dragon beast, and then see who can take it inside. !"

"Want to kill me?" The blue-winged sea dragon animal suddenly smiled, and then the eyes flashed with a fascinating light, opened its mouth, Xiao Bing and others were all wary, but did not find any energy gathering.

Gao Fei suddenly said at this time: "Hurry up your ears!"

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