Super Soldier

Chapter 1898: Nine-wing Tianlong (one more)

When Walker brought people and Dracassi couples involuntarily gathered together, the pterosaurs had already flown back to the sky, and when they put out their tongues and licked the blood of the corners of their mouths, they returned to the taste: "Good fragrance, octopus Fire, should we join forces to destroy these humans? Or stop the stupid mutual calculations."

The eight-clawed feet slowly slammed on the ground, then snarled: "Nine-wing Tianlong, I agree with you, the lightning batosaurus has been killed by these despicable human beings, we are noble noble demon Can't stop their traps."

Gao Fei whispered to Xiao Bing: "The Jiuyi Tianlong is also one of the top ten beasts of mythology. The ranking is slightly lower than the eight-claw fire, one level higher than the lightning batosaur, they are regarded as the top ten beasts. There is a medium strength inside."

Eight-claw fire stared at Gao Fei, proudly said: "The junior, said so detailed what to do, our top ten beasts are originally the true peak of the beast family, leading the entire monster family, but the result is given by your Terran The secret, the seal is here."

Xiao Bing asked: "Isn't the top ten monsters? Counting the two of you, I have only seen four, the other six? All come out, let me teach you the style of the top ten monsters." ”

Eight-claw fire angered: "If the top ten beasts are all here, are you so arrogant? And you feel that if all of our top ten beasts are sealed in the same place, this little enchantment still wants to be sleepy. Live in our ten peaks?"

Xiao Bing sighed, and the strongest monsters that seemed to be trapped here should be four, eight-clawed scorpion, nine-winged dragon, blue-winged sea dragon beast and thunderbolt batosaurus. Now the lightning batosaur is dead. The rest are only the Eight-Claw Fire, the Nine-wing Dragon and the Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast. In addition to the white wolves who are constantly harassing, although they are still not very good, but at least there is no victory. .

According to Xiao Bing's previous estimates, if one of the top ten beasts did not come out, then these people must think about retreating. If two of the top ten beasts do not appear, then they must escape immediately. OK, but now it is possible to play a dozen to see if you can kill these monsters.

After listening to the sound of the eight-clawed fire, the Jiuyi Tianlong at the top listened to the sound of the eight-clawed fire. The loud voice: "The eight-clawed fire, you have no long-brained things, can't you hear that they are What are you talking about?"

Eight-clawed fire is also very angry, but the anger is the nine-winged dragon. It is a thing with no long head. The temperament of the eight-clawed fire is cruel and cruel. It has never been like to analyze things carefully, and the top ten beasts are in the age of myth. It is indeed the highest level of the monsters, so although they are monsters, their self-esteem is also extremely strong, so the most annoying thing about the Eight-Claw Fire is that others mention his IQ.

The eight-claw fire suddenly spurted a large mouthful of flames, and the flame went straight to the nine-winged dragon. Others looked silly. These monsters really said that they would fight!

The Jiuyi Tianlong hurriedly escaped and flew in the air, while roaring angrily: "You guy with no head, you don't know which one is our opponent? You want to make these humble The humans have all of us to fight together? Your guy with no head, and the blue-winged sea dragon beast is also a fool who is self-confident but very short-sighted!"

Eight-claw fire screamed and said: "Don't say that I don't have a long brain!"

The Jiuyi Tianlong was silent, flying in the air, and a pair of eyes swept across all the Terran on the ground, and then suddenly sneered: "Well, the blue-winged sea dragon beast is hiding again, you and me. I’m still guilty here, and I’m careful to be counted by this bastard.”

Eight-claw fire roared and said: "When I eat these humans, I will go and swallow the blue-winged sea dragon beast!"

Jiuyi Tianlong said: "You are half, I am half!"

"Okay, that's it!" Eight-claw fire suddenly screamed with force, and then the flame formed a fire dragon, and went straight to Xiao Bing and the death **** burned.

Xiao Bing quickly retired and then ducked on both sides. They and the flames escaped some distance, but still felt the heat of the horrible waves passing by them. The heat wave still had a few punches with them. The distance, let Xiao Bing feel like the body is going to be grilled.

Xiao Bing Shen Sheng said: "The flame it emits is not an ordinary flame, all are careful!"

Gao Fei cold and cold road: "Good!"

At this time, the nine-winged Tianlong in the sky suddenly swooped down directly toward the downwind, and the two front paws went straight to the back of Xiao Bing and grabbed it.

"Fuck!" Xiao Bing took out the chasing stick out of his arms and turned around and greeted the Jiuyi Tianlong.

The fore paw of the Jiuyi Tianlong had just caught on the chasing soul stick. Suddenly, he felt a terrible breath and suddenly invaded his soul. This horrible breath could not resist even if he couldn’t resist it. He screamed and immediately screamed. Fly to the top.

Xiao Bing roared: "The eight-claw fire is handed over to you, this nine-wing dragon is mine!"

Xiao Bing flew straight up and sat directly on the back of the Jiuyi Tianlong. The Jiuyi Tianlong seemed to be irritated, and while madly swaying his body in the air, he roared: "Damn human What is your weapon of soul attack? Ben Long wants your life!"

The Jiuyi Tianlong directly took Xiao Bing away, and the eight-clawed fire looked at the remaining two men. While holding the ground with their front paws, they laughed and said: "Your companion is dead, nine wings. Tianlong’s ranking is only one level lower than mine. Its strength is basically not under me. I thought that I could ride the Jiuyi Tianlong on the back. It’s too small to look at the Jiuyi Tianlong.”

"Next, it's my turn to burn all of your **** guys!"

The eight-clawed eyes stared at Gao Fei and the **** of death. Walker waved his hand to the people around him and said, "Let's go up and help them!"

Walker first looked up and glanced at Xiao Bing, who was sitting on the Jiuyi Tianlong in the sky, and then surrounded the eight-clawed fire with the people, and the two people of Dracassi also followed. If you refuse to do it at this time, there will be some spoils in a while, I am afraid that they will not be able to.

They can understand it now. It is impossible for the top ten beasts of the top ten beasts to reach the hands of both husband and wife. However, in addition to the top ten beasts, there are other top-level monsters in this enchantment. The quality of the inner beasts of the monsters is not as good as the top ten beasts, but it is enough for them to enjoy. ”

Sure enough, at this time, the Eight-Claw Fire suddenly screamed with force: "White wolf, come out with your sons and grandchildren, solve these **** chop!"

A terrible wolverine, then a huge white wolf that seemed to be more than three meters tall came from afar. The temperament of this white wolf is exactly the opposite of the eight-claw fire, and its body exudes a breath of cold. Just like it is a piece of ice, its eyes are cold and cold, its heart beating is very fierce, and it’s so loud... Goofy and others have never seen a heart that has such a strong beating sound. .

Gao Fei glanced at the white wolf and said: "It is another demon holy, the demon holy in the early days of the saint!"

When I heard the words of the saints, Walker and Dracassi and others not only did not fear, but instead looked excited. Now I am afraid that there are too few demon saints at this level. When Nedan is not enough to share, now Out of a demon sacred, apparently by then they increased the probability of being assigned to Nedan.

De Gulasi immediately looked at the **** of death and said: "Mr. Death, this white wolf will be handed over to us, and its inner dan will be owned by us at the time."

Now the Eight-Claw Fire is staring tightly next to it. The **** of death is not energetic about the white wolves, so the voice is hoarse and cold. "These white wolves are handed over to you, let me and the Gao Fei come to deal with this." Eight-clawed fire, as for the inner wolf of the white wolf, you will distribute it yourself."

Draculasi stunned: "These white wolves?"

The modern girl, Julie, licked her man's arm, and Dracassi turned her head and looked at it. Then her face became ugly, but she saw a white wolf coming out from the depths of the jungle. The size of the white wolf. It is a little smaller than the one that came out first, but the breath is also the beginning of the demon, and I don’t know why, it is obviously a wolf, but it will give people a very fascinating feeling.

Walker whispered: "I saw it. The first one to come out is the male wolf. This is the female wolf. They should be a pair."

The pair of white wolves stood together, this is not finished, and the white wolf that came out behind him was densely packed, but the strength of the white wolves that came out later was quite different, one by one. Only the strength of the sturdy period, the strongest can achieve the atmosphere of breaking the void, even if this is the case, after all, there are a lot of people, it seems that at least thirty or forty heads, people do not dare to take a nap.

D'Gulasi swallowed a slobber. He had killed a lot of people before, but the opponent he faced was never terrible. At first he felt that he had an advantage here. Now it seems that he is here. The strength of their husband and wife and Walker is outside the sage level. The rest of the people are equivalent to the strength of ordinary white wolves. They are not necessarily comparable to those of ordinary white wolves. It seems that the strength of both sides is hard to say who is strong. Who is weak!

After all, Walker is a soldier. He has seen everything on the battlefield. The psychological quality in this respect is fully reflected. He looked at Dracassi and said: "Now we must be enemies, otherwise today. I am afraid I will die here, and both of you will listen to my orders."

Julie wrinkled a nice eyebrow and asked, "Why?"

Dracula Syrah pulled out his own woman and shook his head and said, "Listen to him!"

Then he lowered his voice and said: "Now there can be no differences. Otherwise, you will not get anything for a while. You have to lose your life here. This guy used to be a soldier and he obeyed his command."

Dracassi then said loudly: "But if you win the inner Dan, the inner Dan of the leading male wolf will be handed over to me."

Although the lead male wolf and the female wolf are both saints, but everyone can see that the male wolf is the real leader.

Walker said coldly: "You have fewer people and pay less, so the mother wolf is here!"

Dracula bite his teeth and said, "Okay!" (https:)

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