Super Soldier

Chapter 1910: A slap shot is gone? (two more)

On the table of Ban Ningfang, several Congolese stars are in the Congo. It is not easy for everyone to develop this step. They are very close to each other. They are very happy to talk. Ban Ningfang suddenly heard the command of Williams. She first stunned and her face began to become very ugly, but she was originally a signing artist at Zhonghe Group. This Williams is her boss. She didn't dare to attack anything. She had to stand up and feel awkward. Said: "General Manager Williams, I can only sing, can't dance, or else I will go up and sing a song to help everyone?"

Williams changed his face, patted the table and squinted his eyes: "What do you mean? As a signing artist, even dancing is not going to happen? How did our company sign you at the beginning? Then I think you are in our company. There isn’t much value in staying there. Whether it’s dancing or continuing to develop your entertainment career, think about it yourself.”

A Congolese entrepreneur at the same table as Williams advised me: "I don't think so. Actually, there is nothing. Everyone is very happy to eat and drink. It is not necessary to perform any dance."

“Yeah.” Another local entrepreneur also spoke. “And Miss Ban Ningfang is mainly signing up for your company as an actor. Dancing is also a matter of fire. She is not a person who can dance. Don't be embarrassed about her."

"Mr. Williams, you are suffocating, we continue to eat and drink, or not to be so unpleasant."

Williams felt that Ban Ningfang had made his heart very unhappy, and folded his face in front of so many people, especially before he had been swept away by Xiao Bing, facing Xiao Bing, the Chinese. He is not a big deal, but in the face of a signing artist of his own company, he is not good enough to come up with a prestige?

So he didn't mean anything at all, he was sullen and said: "Ban Ningfang, there are the officials in your country, as well as Vice Minister Xiao of China and Mr. Henry of our country, so many big people. All here, don't you give a face to jump one? Then I have nothing to say, you roll the roll directly!"

Ban Ningfang’s tears are coming out, but her acting career is hard to develop. Now she is also a first-line star in the Congo. Her family condition is not so good. It’s not easy to fight this level. She Even if it is a grievance, how can you give up?

So Ban Ningfang closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was thrown away when she was shameful. She just stepped up and prepared to step on the stage. No matter the other stars or entrepreneurs and officials, she sighed silently in her heart. At this time, no one can help Ban Ningfang, no way, who makes her a weak, even the mayor can not offend a foreigner for her, let alone Ban Ningfang is in Williams Under the company's signing artists, if people want to let Ban Ningfang roll to cover people, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Just when everyone sighed for Ban Ningfang, when Ban Ningfang himself recognized it, Xiao Bing suddenly said faintly: "Dancing? Then why don't you go up and jump one?"

Everyone's eyes widened, and I couldn't believe it. I looked at Xiao Bing, who had a light expression in his hand. Ban Ningfang was even more jaw-dropping and opened his mouth.

Xiao Bing looked at Williams and said faintly: "If you want to cheer everyone up, then you can go up and jump on oneself. We prefer to watch you dance."

Williams was dumbfounded and his face became particularly ugly. He said with a blue face: "I am an entrepreneur, but I can't dance."

Xiao Bing snorted and nodded. Suddenly he asked: "The girl is acting, can she dance?"

Williams did not expect that the deputy minister of China would have to marry himself for a small actor. When he first came in, he would endure his own love. If you let your position be high, my status is low, but killing. At the head, now let my general manager go to dance for everyone, is this a bit too much?

Williams gasped and said: "She is the signing artist under my hand. I am her boss. Naturally, there is a right to order."

Xiao Bing took a look at the time and said: "Well... you are her boss, you can humiliate her personality? She said she can't dance. On this occasion, no one wants to marry a woman who can't dance at all. Going to the stage to make a fool, only you, her boss is an exception, you do not even maintain the employees under your own hands, are you worthy of being her boss? You said that you are her boss, naturally have the right to order her, then good Ah, now the mayor has ordered you to go to the stage to dance. Are you a citizen here, does the mayor have the right to order you?"

Williams became angry and said: "Xiao Bing, you are humiliating me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, I am humiliating you!"

This is so straightforward, this is already a shame of the red fruit. I have heard that Xiao Bing’s character is tough, but I did not expect it to be tough.

Henry frowned. "Deputy Minister Xiao, this Mr. Williams is a foreign businessman who opened a company here in our country. It is also a driving force for the city and the country. You seem to be not good to him. ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Insults, people are insulting, I don't think there is anything wrong with this. Oh, isn't Mr. Williams going to jump one?"

Williams stood up and snorted and said: "Mr. Xiao, I respect you as a deputy minister of the country, but I am not a citizen of your country, even if I am a citizen of your country, in this era of democracy. You have no way to target me. I have written down the matter today, and I am leaving."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Slow and don't send."

Williams looked at Ban Ningfang again and said with a smile: "Ban Ningfang, since you don't want to face today, don't want to appear on the camera in the future, don't think of picking up any drama, you and our company. There are still seven years in the contract. I don't think there is any pay for your next seven years, and there is no way to show your face. How do you live. And your star career is completely over!"

Ban Ningfang’s eyes contained tears, and the body shook a little. He sat on the chair, and he regretted it. Even if it was ugly, even if he lost his dignity, it was better than completely losing his job. Ah, since Williams decided to block her, she will definitely no longer be able to live in this circle in the future. The most important thing is that she can’t do other work because the contract does not allow it. Have you starved since then?

William Sturt said so here, he looked back at Xiao Bing and smiled proudly: "Mr. Xiao, you can't decide me, but you don't want to be her, I can decide her fate. Deciding her life and death. From now on, she has no job, and she will never have a penny of income in the future. I think she has only two ways to go, or else she will be taken care of, or else she will be alive. Starve to death, hahaha..."

Looking at the proud Williams, the rest of the stars are full of sympathy to see Ban Ningfang, but they are not willing to take the lead for Ban Ningfang. Today, more than one class, Ban Ningfang is signed by Williams’ company. Artists, even if it is not the signing artist of Williams' company, it is easy for Williams to kill her. After all, this world is not the world of Africans.

Xiao Bing looked at the triumphant Williams. He sighed and shook his head slowly.

The entrepreneurs all raised a few sorrows in their hearts. They whispered one by one: "What does this Chinese vice minister have to do with this head? He does not care. As a result, Ban Ningfang completely sinned people. It is."

"Yeah, it’s good now, no one can save Ban Ningfang."

"This Williams is also too much, but what is the solution? People are foreign businessmen from the M countries. No matter whether they are foreign or m-nationals, no one dares to offend him."

"And their company has signed a contract with Ban Ningfang, and now Ban Ningfang is dead, and there is no way to turn over."

"Well, it is not easy to kill a artist. It is only the first step to lose work. I think Ban Ningfang will be killed sooner or later."

"Oh, now it’s good, people are offended. Even if Vice Minister Xiao is really high-powered, what can be done? Nothing has been committed in his hands. There is no need to be afraid of him. He has no How to give people a way."

"Yes, that's it!"

At the table of entertainment stars, they are also whispering: "Ban Ningfang, or else you have to apologize for the past, and then you can't make a big dance. Is it important to be serious?"

"Yeah, Ban Ningfang, the deputy minister of China is a good person, but he can't protect you. He doesn't even have a single way to take this person."

"Just listen to us, just apologize."

"Oh, I’m afraid I’m late to want to apologize.”

These people are persuading that Ban Ningfang clenches his teeth tightly, closes his mouth, refuses to speak, and although there is despair in his eyes, he is determined.

Williams felt as if he had found his face, and smiled and said: "Then I am gone, not here to accompany you blacks..."

This is a direct anger for everyone. Now the society is equal, the biggest taboo is racial discrimination, and his words are clearly discriminating against these black people, but they think of each other’s foreign status, they are one by one. I still have to bear this tone.

Seeing that Williams is leaving, Xiao Bing suddenly smiled and said: "Oh, yes, you have to wait."

Williams stopped and looked back at Xiao Bing and asked: "Why is Xiao Gui’s minister? If you are pleading for Ban Ningfang, I think it’s OK, but if you are willing to kneel down, I will also open the net."

Anyway, he has already offended, and Williams is not afraid to completely offend the death. Anyway, the other side has no way to take him.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I just forgot to say a word to you."

"Oh, then you said."

"I forgot to remind you that not only can you decide a person's life and death, but I can also..."

Williams stunned and was reminiscing about what this sentence meant. Suddenly, Xiao Bing swung a hand directly from the air, and then a huge palm print flew toward him, a bang, William. The whole person of Sis was shot directly, flew out from the hall, and then did not know how far and how far he flew, completely disappeared...

All the people in the hall are stunned and look at each other!

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