Super Soldier

Chapter 1957: Then break through it (two more)

At this time, Chubei was just finished with the other eliminated in the elimination zone. Because the people who were eliminated in the same round must also have a strong weakness, so that they can determine the student number after enrollment. As a result, he won the game. After just sitting down a few games, I heard Xiao Bing challenge Zhou Jian. He stood up and suddenly widened his eyes. He said in his mouth: "Where, you are crazy!!"

And all around are all the same voice: "This person is crazy!"

"Yeah, what is he showing? Is it courage to show himself? Don't say that he can't use weapons. Even if he can move weapons, he can't be Zhou Jian's opponent. Zhou Jian is taller than him. A realm!"

"Oh, it seems that his newborn student will stop here."

"In fact, I can understand his thoughts. The rest of the people are all in the sturdy period. The weakest ones are also the beginning of the enthusiasm. He chooses no one has no absolute hope of winning. It is worse than challenging. The most powerful one, even if he lost, showed his courage and could deepen his impression in the eyes of the teacher."

"The idea is good, but who can't see his idea? When the teacher is a fool? Oh, I think he is stealing the chicken and not eclipsing the rice. If he really chooses an early rival, win or lose. It’s still ambiguous. If you win, he’s the top ten in the freshman ratio!”

"Well, I also think that this is too unworthy for him. Unfortunately, if I am the number one, how good."

"Oh, what is the use of you as a new student? In the middle of your life, it is estimated that you will not be able to go so far."

"That's true……."

Zhou Jianxian was a stay, and then the breath of the peak of his body was completely released. His eyes were extremely cold. "I don't know if you think about it. You want to lose the heroic point? Then I will Hello!"

Xiao Bing shook his head and walked out of the team. His face was serious: "I am serious about it, you are a junk in my eyes!"

"You!" Zhou Jian was furious and took a deep breath. He smothered his eyes and said: "Don't swear, or see the real chapter under your hand!"

The assistant in charge of recruiting students shook his head slightly, and Zhao Qing’s instructor was also faintly revealing a disappointment in his eyes. He sighed slightly and said to his assistant Li Zhonghua: "This is what you recruited." Students? Although they have reached the middle of the enthusiasm, but the age is too large, the most important thing is that the character is too frivolous, not self-sufficient, this is the taboo of martial arts!"

Li Zhonghua also sighed and smiled bitterly: "When I recruited, I also felt that his age and cultivation were barely ruinable. However, I didn't expect his temper to be steady and steady. It was really disappointing."

A lot of students are saying: "Hey, this Xiaojun seems to disappoint the teacher. You look at the teacher's expression. Hehe, he has to play tricks, so the superficial things can hold the teacher. What about your eyes?"

"Who said that it is not, but also angered Zhou Jian with words. When the sword was used, the sword had no eyes. Even if Zhou Jianyi accidentally killed him, no one could say anything."

"Oh, I think he is looking for his own death, and he is not doing anything."

"Now look at what he is going to do next, just wait for the ugly!"

"Don't say that he is in the midst of sturdiness. Even if he is a master of sturdy peaks, he can't be the opponent of this Zhou Jian. Don't forget that the school still does not let him use weapons. The empty hand and Zhou Jian fight, I Within ten strokes, he is sure to lose."

Now because there are only 20 people left, so there is no need for an average of four pairs of students to enter the field at the same time, but one team to go in, first after Xiao Bing and Zhou Jianbi finish, then the next round Go to Zhang Yan to pick his opponent and play the game together.

Xiao Bing and Zhou Jian walked to the middle of the field. Everyone gave up the position. Zhou Jian took the sword in his hand and smiled. "Don't say that I bully you, I can let you make a move first, just let you Leading the teachings and learning the power of the peak!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then you are asking for it!"

"Let's talk nonsense!" Zhou Jian's eyes were cold, his hand was already on the scabbard, and sneered, "Is it with you? If your luck is indeed against the sky, I am afraid you have already lost. However, although you have drawn a number, but since I did not know how to choose to be an opponent, then you should only be able to come here, now I let you know that who is the garbage!"

Among the students, Wang Qing turned to look at Zhang Xinxin and Li Linger, and then said coldly: "Your companion should not be the best, it should not be swearing, relying on Zhou Jian’s sword, estimate You can't win or lose with five strokes, and your companion is too ignorant of your life. Zhou Jian will never point to it. It is estimated that he will not only be defeated, but he will not come to class later."

Zhang Xinxin and Li Linger were both shocked. Wang Qing’s meaning was obvious. Zhou Jian was likely to abolish Xiao Bing. Li Linger suddenly shouted: “Diao Xiaoge, I can’t admit defeat!”

Xiao Bing smiled a bit, touched the nose, I rubbed, which side are you?

Zhou Jian, who was on the court, smiled a little and taunted: "Maybe the girl said it is right. You are really a good choice, but now you are standing in front of me and want to lose. That's too late."

"That's more than trying to see it!" Xiao Bing rushed straight past a step, punching Zhou Jian with a punch, and the strength of the mid-term was brought to the extreme.

Zhou Jian was about to pull the sword, and suddenly found that Xiao Bing’s fist just sealed all the angles of Zhou Jian, so he had to start to retreat immediately, delaying the time of drawing the sword.

This is the first time that Xiao Bing started from the first game of the new student, and the first time he took out the real strength. The people around him looked stunned and amazed, and no one thought that Xiao Bing, who was bare-handed, turned out to be the first. An attack was launched, and Zhou Jian was forced to retreat immediately. Whether he can win or not, at least this courage is already commendable.

Zhou Jian’s face changed, and his heart was extremely sad. He turned back in front of a person whose realm was far below himself, and there was no weapon in his hand. This is a shameful shame for Zhou Jian.

Xiao Bing is still on the offensive, and Zhou Jian has become more calm after he has prepared.

Assistant Professor Li Zhonghua whispered: "Mr. Zhao, who do you think this war can win?"

"It must be Zhou Jian." Zhao Qing said calmly. "This Xiao Jun also made me look at it. I can't think of his judgment on the move. He can reach this point every time. Every time he can block Zhou Jian one step at a time. The next move, but he just wants to win is still not possible, Zhou Jian is actually a lot higher than him, and Zhou Jian has a sword in his hand, so he has no hope of winning."

"Well, I think so too." Li Zhonghua nodded.

Obviously, the other students who watched the battles all had the same thoughts at the same time. Although it seems that Xiao Bing seems to have the upper hand, it is only because Xiao Bing is preemptive, plus between the two. The realm of the difference is so big, as long as it is delayed by Zhou Jian, Xiao Bing is sure to lose.

After a few strokes, Zhou Jian finally recovered from the beginning of the unprepared defense. He finally pulled out his sword of Sen Han. After Jian Guang was in front of him, Xiao Bing’s offensive finally began to suffer.

Zhou Jian’s exuberant voice: “Now you finally understand the gap between you and me? Before in the clothing store, I said that your talent is too weak. Now I will prove with you, even if it is younger than you. Ten years old, it is easy to humiliate you! This is the real distance between the weak and the genius!"

Zhou Jian’s Jianguang suddenly became more and more fierce, and constantly shrouded Xiao Bing.

"And, your strength is too weak and too weak, even if I don't use the sword, you will not be my opponent, a realm gap, what do you use to make up?"

"Oh, you mean this..." Xiao Bing left and flicked to the right, and said calmly, "That would break the line."

Xiao Bing’s words made the people watching the battle in vain.

"How can this person brag about it?"

"Yeah, such a frivolous person, what achievements can be made in the future? I see, in a few years, he will be overtaken by most of the classmates in the class."

"Oh, such a person is still bluntly saying that a breakthrough can be done. He thought that the breakthrough is as simple as eating and drinking?"

"I don't know what to think in my heart."

The teacher in charge of the class and the teaching assistants also shook their heads with great disappointment.

Li Linger bit his lip and said with a sigh of relief: "Xiao Jun is not the kind of person, I am not allowed to say that to him!"

Zhang Xinxin sighed and whispered: "Ringer, we and he are just just getting to know each other. Although he helped us once, but according to his frivolous personality, it is still better."

Li Linger looked at Zhang Xinxin with amazement and asked: "Chenxin, how can you say that?"

"I am also doing this for you. I don't know how to be grateful. It is because he is too arrogant and too self-sufficient. It will be easy to get tired of us after a long time."

Li Linger’s eyes were red, biting her lips, and her face was stubborn and stubborn, but she was not talking.

At this time, suddenly everyone gave a burst of exclamation, Li Linger also looked at the past, the two mentor also looked at the past with surprise, the ridicule of Zhou Jian’s original eyes turned into a surprise color. But I saw Xiao Bing actually... broke through! !

p: I will give you more time today, five chapters update, this is the second chapter today. (https:)

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