Super Soldier

Chapter 1961: Anyway, won't choose you (six more)

Xiao Bing’s battle directly shocked everyone around the battlefield.

On a high platform in the distance, several teachers in the first grade are sitting there. In fact, they have already come, but they have been watching the battle all the time. The reason why they didn’t show up is because they don’t want to give these experiences. The new life is too much pressure. At this time, the winners and losers have already been divided. They all flew from a distance, one by one. Of course, their flight is not a real flight, but a glide from a height. Slowly landed on the ground.

Xiao Bing looked up, but saw a total of three people flying, a woman and two men, including a woman in her thirties, wearing a red dress, long hair tied up, regardless of appearance, temperament or wearing It’s amazing that one of the two men has a brown hair and some white hair in his hair, but he looks like he’s forty years old, and the other man is in his thirties. Thick eyebrows and big eyes, it looks like a tempered man.

The strength of these three people is almost equal. The strength of the middle-aged man who is slightly older in his 40s looks slightly stronger and reaches the realm of Tianzun. The other two people have the same strength as Zhao Qing. It is the beginning of Tianzun.

When the four people landed on the ground, the students began to talk about it: "This is the first four tutors in our first grade. I heard that I have to divide into four classes. The four teachers should choose from them. I want to enter. The class of the female teacher."

"You look at the appearance? This female teacher is called Dai Xueman. The age is the youngest of the four teachers. But the talent is very strong. It is said that this teacher used to be a student in the school. After graduation, because of his excellent talent, he stays directly. Of course, she is not only excellent in talent, but also very beautiful. She is a famous beauty teacher in the school, but I still want to be the apprentice of Lu Laoliu, the oldest teacher, he is Lu Laoliu, he has worked longer in the school, has stronger strength and more experience."

"Oh, now it’s not that we have the final say, it depends on who the teacher wants to choose."

"Well, this is the case. It is estimated that the champion must be chosen by the first one."

"I'm afraid not necessarily, I think Zhang Yan was the first to be chosen. Although he lost, even if he lost, his talent is the strongest in this session. Xiao Jun won the first. First, but also a higher level than Zhang Yan, but he is the oldest, his age is almost comparable to Dai Xueman teacher."

Sure enough, the assistants went to let people take Zhang Yan away. Zhao Qing went to the other three teachers and sighed and said: "When you compare, you are hiding far away. Zhang Tongling’s son is now being It’s not so bad to play with you. Now that the new student’s ratio is over, you are all over.”

Lu Laoliu snorted and said: "Do we still need to care about the command of the city of Fire? What's more, no matter who the son, even the son of the king of God must follow the rules of the school, the new student can still Can't you make it?"

Zhao Qing smiled and said: "Mr. Lu is highly qualified and highly respected. It is natural to speak. It is better to go to the teacher who teaches and teaches the king of the king?"

Lu Laoliu’s face changed, and it looked slightly embarrassed. He snorted and said: “He is a third-grade student. The old man is a first-grade teacher. Isn’t it the responsibility of the old man to teach him?”

Zhao Qing smiled and said: "Is it because it is not your responsibility, or is it because even Teacher Lu can't teach?"

Lu Laoliu snorted, his right foot was on the ground, and his majestic momentum came out. Shen Sheng said: "What do you mean by this? Can you teach the son of the gods?"

The male teacher who looked like a temper was grabbed Lu’s arm and laughed happily: “What are you doing here, not our first-year students, not to mention that he can’t teach him, he’s not shameful, that stinks. The kid is a gene that completely inherits the king of God. A horrible cultivation is above you and me. Even if we want to teach, we have more than enough strength."

Xiao Bing heard the flashing light in his eyes. He originally planned to come and go to the library to look at it casually, then go out and make money to buy some spiritual devices, and then find a way to see what the Xiaotiantian looks like, and then go back to the world. The world did not expect that there was such a news that the son of the king of God was also attending school in this school. Doesn’t that mean... is that the son of his uncle? Is also the son of his own father-in-law?

Xiao Bing’s body burned with anger, but forcibly covered it up. No matter who it is, no matter how generous, it’s impossible to be indifferent to the death of his father, not to mention that his uncle is hurting himself. I have never seen a father since I was a child, and my family is full of wives and children, and it is very likely that my mother will hate herself.

The father is no longer there!

Mother is not a mother!

Brother is not around!

The culprits of all this are just one person, Xiao Tiantian, his father's brother!

Xiao Bing also wants to personally verify that what Bai Xiaosheng said is true. Plus, the strength is not enough now, so Xiao Bing can still be patient now. This is one of the reasons why Xiao Bing wants to enter the school. Look at the school's library to see if there is any information about your life experience. This kind of **** king's family is supposed to be loaded into history!

Lu Laoliu snorted and then stood up and said: "The next step is to choose the students. The old rules, each of us choose a name, take turns to choose, until the end of the election. The first person I choose Zhang Yan is a stinky boy."

"That won't work!" said the middle-aged teacher who had just stopped the appearance of Lu Laoliu, who looked hot. "The characteristics of this Zhang Yan are similar to me. It is best for me to guide him."

Lu Laoliu looked at the teacher and said with anger: "Shenba, your kid is also arguing with me? On the age, I am forty-six, older than you, ten years old, bigger than both of them, on qualifications, How long have I been working in school, how long have you been working? When it comes to strength, I am now in the middle of Tianzun. How many of your juniors are in the early days of Tianzun, and what fights with me?"

Shen Ba smiled and said: "If it is on other things, I said let it, but now who can't see this stinky boy is a genius who will have the opportunity to enter the gods list in the future. You will want to take the qualifications casually. Press us, who can serve?"

"Don't argue." Zhao Qing's face was light and dark, and said, "Just do something like this to fight for it, in front of so many students, it is simply what kind of system. Want me to see If you don't argue, this kid's temperament character is very close to me, so let me be his mentor."

Dai Xue frowned, but did not say anything. Among all of them, she was the youngest and her qualifications were the shallowest. She was 30 years old and was a teaching assistant at school when she was twenty-four. When she was 28 years old. Become a formal mentor, now just two years of mentor, almost every tutor in the school is her predecessor, so she wants to fight can not compete.

Seeing that Zhang Yan is so popular, she has begun to study who is the best except Zhang Yan. She has just seen the whole of the new birth, and she has talked with the other two teachers privately. The two teachers all agree that the most talented person in this time is Zhang Yan, followed by Shi Changle, then Wang Qing, and finally Zhou Jian. In addition, there are some excellent ones, such as Li Longfeng, who has just stepped into the peak of Qi Jin, has several middle-class students like Zhang Xinxin. In the eyes of the two teachers, Xiao Bing’s talent is actually turned into the same rank as Zhang Xinxin.

That is to say, although Xiao Bing won the champion of the new student, but in the eyes of most people, it is not the most talented, not even the top five freshmen.

But I don't know why, Dai Xueman always feels that Xiao Bing gives her a very different feeling. It seems that there is something in this student's body that they have not seen through.

Dai Xueman’s eyes continued to drift away in Xiao Bing and Shi Changle, Wang Qing and Li Longfeng’s bodies. The heart of the Shi Changle’s talent should be second only to Zhang Yan’s. He should be better. However, Xiao Jun is the only student who makes me feel unpredictable. For this kind of unpredictable, I don’t want to gamble and try it...."

At this time, the three teachers were still arguing, Dai Xueman finally spoke, her voice was very good, but she was a little bit hot in the gentle, and she immediately let the hearts of many students could not help. When I jumped up, the three teachers were quiet again. I only listened to her and said, "With such a controversy, today I can’t tell a result. Instead, I have delayed the students’ time. I think it’s so good, just guess the number, you guys. How do you feel?"

“Oh?” Zhao Qing looked at Dai Xueman and asked, “Do you want to guess with us?”

Dai Xueman laughed and said: "Since the three teachers are so interested in Zhang Yan, although I am very optimistic about him, I will not win people's love, but I have a condition, no matter who the three teachers win, the second choice. The right must be handed over to me."

Zhao Qing immediately said: "This is no problem!"

In his view, if Zhang Yan was chosen, the talents of Shi Changle, Wang Qing and Zhou Jian are different, but the gap is not very big. The question of who to choose is not too big, so it will be happy. The second option was given to Dai Xueman.

Lu Laoliu obviously thinks the same way. Hearing Dai Xueman said, he immediately agreed to it: "Okay, we will argue first about who wants the first choice, then the second choice belongs to you, and the rest The two men went to fight for the third and fourth."

"Okay, that's it." Dai Xueman suddenly put his hand out, but her palm was held, then she looked at the three teachers with a smile and said, "You guess now. Guess there are a few petals in my hand."

All three teachers stayed for a while, and then some uncertain words: "What if you guess wrong?"

Dai Xueman smiled and said: "I will give you a range, one, two or three, you guess."

Lu Laoliu said: "Is not just taking a chance, I guess a petal."

Zhao Qing said: "I guess two."

Shenba said: "Three."

Dai Xueman put his palms up and slowly spread his hands, but he saw three petals lying on her beautiful and delicate palms.

Dai Xueman smiled and said: "Mr. Shen guessed it!"

Shen Ba excitedly laughed and said: "Ha ha! Then this Zhang Yan is mine!"

Zhao Qing and Lu Laoliu are both awkward, Dai Xueman asked: "I don't know who the next two teachers are the third choice, who is the fourth?"

Zhao Qing is absolutely eager to wear Shi Xueman. He must choose Shi Changle. Shi Changle’s talent is obviously better than Wang Qing, Zhou Jian and Li Longfeng. After Dai Xue’s selection, the talents of other people are similar. It’s not necessary to fight for it. So, he said generously: "Mr. Lu is a senior with senior qualifications. It is the third choice of Teacher Lu, and my fourth."

Lu Laoliu snorted and guessed Zhao Qing’s thoughts, and he did not appreciate it.

At this time, the students had already arranged for the team to stand up. Xiao Bing stood in the first position. Everyone was ranked according to the ranking of winning the new big ratio. Wang Qing glanced at Xiao Bing, faintly said: Xiao Jun, I admire you, but even if you win the first, how can these teachers compete for Zhang Yan, and I dare say that the next few teachers will also select some of our top seed students. Go, then I will choose you."

Xiao Bing smiled and didn't care. Xin Ni, who is willing to fight with you, which teacher is the difference between my teacher? Anyway, I am not qualified to teach me. What I really want is the one.

Xiao Bing is thinking, he heard Dai Xueman pointing to Xiao Bing and said: "I want this time the champion of the competition, Xiao Jun!"

Wang Qing’s mouth has not been closed yet, but it has become bigger, and everyone else is stunned.

On campus, dead!

Ps: I haven't added more days, and today's big explosion, a total of six chapters, updated. A few book friends said that this book has to be restarted in the Protoss. In fact, it will not. Didn't you find that Xiao Bing's strength has recovered quickly? After all, this used to be the home of Xiao Bing, the place where he was born, and the recent plot is just to bring out the Xiao family and pave the way for the follow-up.

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