Super Soldier

Chapter 1965: Do you like Li Linger?

Only Xiao Bing, Zhang Yan and Li Linger stayed, and Dai Xueman said: "You three have extra rewards. In addition to the points, Xiao Jun can also get an extra piece of Chinese medicine, Zhang Yanhe. Li Linger can each get a piece of the next product."

The eyes of Xiao Bing's three people are all bright. Xiao Bing is quite unexpected that he got the middle class. He also thought that the other party only rewarded a lower spirit, which was already very generous, and Zhang Yan and Li Linger did not listen before. Say the second and third place can also get the reward of the spirit, so it is an extra harvest, although Zhang Yan has a spirit in his hand, but no one will be too good, even if he can not use it, Can also be given to your family.

Although Zhang Yan’s father is the leader of the Fire City, he will not feel that the spirit is not expensive.

After Dai Xueman finished speaking, "Come with me!"

Several teachers walked with Xiao Bing all the way, and suddenly felt a strong wave of power in front. Xiao Bing looked forward three times, all of them were amazed, but there was a substantial enchantment in front, Dai Xueman And the other three teachers each took out a token from their arms. All four tokens were pressed on the enchantment. Then the enchantment began to blur. Several teachers went in first, then looked back to Xiao. A few soldiers said, "Come in."

Xiao Bing’s heart is in the dark. It seems that this eccentric has already studied the enchantment very much. No matter where you can use the enchantment, this enchantment is definitely incomparable to their enchantment. The soldiers believe that if they restore their full strength, it would be easy to destroy the enchantment of this arsenal.

Xiao Bing and others followed several teachers to open the door of the arsenal. After entering, Dai Xueman said: "There are two floors in total. We can only come to the first floor. You all have a look, these are on our left. All are some treasures, but you don't have to look at them. In addition, sitting in front of them all are the best tools, Zhang Yan and Li Linger, you two can choose one of them in the past."

Zhang Yan and Li Linger walked over and felt that they couldn’t take it any more. The number of lower spirits reached nearly one hundred. They went to see one by one, each wanted, some picked their eyes, and finally Li Linger chose one. Longbow, Zhang Yan chose a sword.

After the two people returned, Dai Xueman pointed to the right and said: "These are all Chinese spirits, a total of forty-four, you can also take one."

Xiao Bing walked over, and after taking a look at it, he finally took a long bow and then returned to the teacher.

Dai Xueman said with some surprise: "Do you also like to use bows and arrows?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Teacher, is the spirit now owned by me?"

"Yeah." Dai Xue nodded.

Xiao Bing asked again: "Is it possible to give away or exchange?"

Dai Xueman did not hesitate: "This is your private item now, of course, at your disposal."

"This is great." Xiao Bing suddenly handed the bow to Li Linger, smiling, "bell, change it!"

"Ah?" Li Linger directly forced, and did not respond to what Xiao Bing meant, not even Li Linger, and others did not understand what Xiao Bing meant.

Xiao Bing smashed Li Linger with a long bow and said with a smile: "I said, the spirit of the two exchanges, my one is for you, you give me that."

Li Linger's face was red, and everyone else looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look. Xiao Bing took a moment and didn't understand what everyone was thinking.

Li Linger was blushing, and some flustered words: "Dr. Xiao, this is too expensive, I can't change it with you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you take it down, I am serious."

"This one……."

"We are not friends." Xiao Bing said with a deliberate face, "If you can't think of it, then you can't look down on Xiaojun!"

"That's okay." Li Linger handed the bow and arrow in his hand to Xiao Bing, and then took Xiao Bing's heavy Chinese spirit in his hand, stroking the middle-aged spirit in her hand, her The face is hot and hot.

Dai Xueman looked in the side and smiled a little at the corner of his mouth. He said, "Well, your private exchange has nothing to do with the school. Since you all get what you want, let's go."

Xiao Bing promised, then asked: "Right, teacher, I see here is a total of two floors, what is upstairs?"

Dai Xueman said: "Upstairs is an artifact, even I am not qualified to go up, regardless of whether it is a top quality or all kinds of treasures are on the first floor, the teachers in our schools are only qualified to enter the first floor."

"Oh." Xiao Bing promised, and the heart is hot. If you can get the artifact upstairs, you can feel it. But you can feel that there is another institution upstairs. So easy, and will also alarm the dean of the college, it is said that the dean of the college is likely to be the invincible power of the gods level, do not know whether it is true or not.

Xiao Bing was reluctant to leave the arsenal with several teachers and classmates. Then Zhang Yan’s attitude was respectful and respectful: “Several teachers, I will go back and get familiar with this sword.”

Shenba nodded and said: "Yes, then go back."

Zhang Yan left immediately.

Li Linger’s face was red and some flustered: “Teacher, then I will go first.”

"Yeah." Her mentor Zhao Qing nodded, and then Li Linger immediately left in a panic.

Zhao Qing never looked at the back of Li Linger's departure. My heart was vaguely sighed. Although the strength of this disciple can't compare with the few seed students, the fortune is indeed very strong. First, I entered the top three, and then I got the Zhongpinling. Because of this, Zhao Qing’s absolute Xiao Bing’s impression has also improved a lot. First, he looked at Xiao Bing and then said to several other teachers: “Everyone, I am leaving.”

Shenba said: "Me too."

"Well, then I am leaving," Lu Laoliu said.

There are only Dai Xueman and Xiao Bing left here. Xiao Daiting has already left the first time when they entered the arsenal.

Dai Xueman said: "You can also go back to rest, and formally attend classes tomorrow. In addition, I did not agree with you to send out the Chinese spirits. After all, a good weapon can improve your strength. After half a year, the campus is bigger than you, and you must use it, and your grades are also related to the honor of our class. But you have made such a big cost. If you like her, then hurry to pursue it. I think the little girl is very interesting to you."

Xiao Bing looked awkward and asked: "What little girl? Who do I like?"

Dai Xue laughed and said: "Are you embarrassed? Don't you like Li Linger?"

"Hey." Xiao Bing recalled that he was really very fond of Li Linger. This little girl has been talking around her since she contacted her, and she is always firm regardless of other people who are not optimistic about themselves. Standing still by her side, so she can win the friendship of Xiao Bing, even if the Chinese spirit is willing to exchange with her, but if I like it... I like it a bit, but I still can’t talk about that kind of love. Right?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Teacher, what are you talking about? Our two are good friends. I think she is very cute. In my eyes, it is a little sister."

"Little sister?" Dai Xueman's eyes were weird, shook his head and said, "Just a simple little sister, you gave her the spirit of the Chinese goods? Don't look at the spirit, it is only one level, but the power is The difference is very big, don't you like Li Linger? We can all see it. It is estimated that Li Linger also saw it myself. Didn't you see her running away with shame?"

"Oh...." Xiao Bing only felt that he was big, and he could never have that kind of thought. He smiled bitterly. "I really didn't think about it. I just thought that we were very involved, so I don't mind helping. She, teacher, then I will go back first!"

Xiao Bing walked toward the west campus, while secretly thinking about what he had just said, Dai Li, wouldn’t Li Linger really misunderstand? However, Xiao Bing has a good impression on Li Linger and likes her very much, but it is not like that. Another Xiao Bing does not want to provoke too many girls anymore. Xiao Bing feels that he is very sorry for his own women. .

Looking at Xiao Bing's back, Dai Xueman's eyes were a little confused, and muttered to himself: "It's a very good thing... just to exchange a piece of Chinese spirits for a good vote? He can't I don't know what the Chinese spirit represents.... This is a strange guy."

Before Dai Xueman gave up the choice of Shi Changle, but chose Xiao Bing, that is, there is something in Xiao Bing’s body that is attracting her, but now she feels that Xiao Bing is mysterious, but other teachers may not have This feeling, so the heart is still confused about Dai Xueman's choice of Xiao Bing instead of Shi Changle. In their view, although Xiao Bing's current realm far exceeds Shi Changle, the age has already determined the potential of Xiao Bing. It is impossible to match the few seed students...

Xiao Bing carrying a bow and arrow, I heard the voice of the soul chasing in my mind: "Just a small broken bow, some people have said that you have thrown me away? It is really bad eyesight, it is It’s too bad.”

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but think in his heart: "You, you, all the things that have passed, why are you still thinking, you guys are really vengeful."

"What are you going to do now?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment: "Well... go to the library and take a look, then go and earn points!"

Xiao Bing can't wait to go to the library and see if he can find everything he wants to know. Is the mystery of his life experience true?

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