Super Soldier

Chapter 1967: Tang Hao

The old man looked at Xiao Bing with great interest and said: "You are a very curious young man. The children, the things of the king's family do not have a little relationship with you, but those martial arts books, you can Take a look."

Xiao Bing sighed and smiled and said: "I am also a little curious, thank you for your concern."

"Well, I want to know the secret things... Go to the top floor, the third floor!"

Xiao Bing looked up and then heard the old man said: "The third floor has a strong seal. Only when I take you, can you get in. Your current points can't even go up on the second floor, or don't think about it. Too much."

Xiao Bing hurriedly asked: "How many points do you need on the second and third floors?"

“The points required for each floor are all five times, that is, the second floor requires 50,000 points, while the third floor requires 250,000 points.” The old man’s tone is calm, “So Before the third grade, you should not consider going to the third floor. Generally, even if you enter the third grade, only the top students can earn 250,000 points, and it will be accumulated over the years. Before the third grade, absolutely No one can do it."

At this time, two young people of about twenty years old came in from the outside and stood at the door to hear the dialogue between the old man and Xiao Bing. The two people couldn’t help but smile at Xiao Bing, one of them one meter seven and watching When the young man with yellow and yellow clothes of 178 kilograms saw the student card on the chest of Xiao Bing, he couldn’t help but smile: "You are the champion of the new competition? Have more than the students of the school age? Haha, do you still want to go to the third floor? You don't want to be whimsical. We are all second-year students who can't get on the third floor. Are you a little freshman here to dream day by day? Or learn honestly."

Xiao Bing squinted at this fat man, the strength of this fat man is to break the initial stage of the void, and the attitude of the young man next to him with a somewhat proud attitude is to break the peak of the void, and both people seem to be around twenty. Looking like a young man, it seems that the students in this school are really geniuses.

The fat man is very dissatisfied with Xiao Bing's eyes, and he provokes: "Bad boy, what do you think? Believe it or not, I will not know what you are doing now?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I think you may not find anything north and south, and you don't even need me to hit you because your eyes are too small..."

Xiao Bing directly made the old man sitting on the chair laugh, and smiled and thought: "This kid is too bad, too bad, it is the old man I used to be the style of the year!"

The fat face of the fat man is simply mad, and he is going to rush to Xiao Bing directly, but he is caught by the white youth and said to him: "You are not his opponent."

The fat man heard the white youth say so, his face is even more ugly, it is simply to become the color of purple eggplant, but he thought about the rumor that the strength of the other party has reached the break of the void period, even if it is put into the second grade He was able to rank the top student, and he had to dispel the idea of ​​hands-on.

The white youth looked at Xiao Bing and said: "I am Tang Hao who has just entered the second grade. This is my classmate. I heard that you are the first of the new students, but from your age, the talent is probably That's the way, the potential is not too big... so don't be too arrogant, especially in front of the seniors.

Xiao Bing looked at the other side with disdain and did not speak.

It was this disdainful eye that directly made the face of the white-shirted youth Tang Hao gloomy, his eyes cold, and said: "School brother, it is not good to offend the seniors just after entering school. It seems that I have a chance to teach and teach well. The way you behave."

Xiao Bing was too lazy to take care of each other. A 20-year-old breaks the void. Whether it is age or strength, Xiao Bing can't afford any interest, but the saints can't be insulted, not to mention Xiao Bing has already stepped into it. The realm of the demigod, so the other party's repeated provocations still inspired Xiao Bing's anger, Xiao Bing's cold voice: "Then you will teach me well!"

Tang Hao stepped forward and broke the air of the void and released it instantly. When Xiao Bing was planning to take some action, the old man suddenly coughed twice, then asked the tone: "Tang Hao stinky boy, Jiang Ming does not I am sensible, you are not sensible, you have not seen me, this old man is still sitting here?"

When I saw the old man, Tang Hao hesitated a little, and the momentum immediately dispersed completely, and then gave Xiao Bing a warning look. It seemed to tell Xiao Bing that this thing would not be so Xiao Bing's face is not careless, but it makes his eyes a bit resentful.

The old man looked at the little fat man who started the matter and asked: "Jiang Ming, how many credits do you have now?"

Jiang Ming said proudly: "There have been more than 30,000, and for a few more months, I can go to the second floor."

After that, Jiang Ming still had some ostentatiousness to look at Xiao Bing, but he was directly ignored by Xiao Bing, and he hated his teeth.

The old faint saying: "Oh, what is a second-year student posing in front of the new students, forget that you just finished the new life? Tang Hao, you are the genius in the second grade, how many points do you have now?"

The old man said, looking at the lonely young man next to Jiang Ming, the young man is very arrogant in front of other people, but in the face of this old wine, but also dare not let go, attitude respectful Respectfully said: "I just got 50,000 points today and I can officially go to the second floor."

The old man praised the road: "Yes, I just successfully entered the second grade after just one year of school, and it has been a rare 50,000 yuan a year. It is rare to go to the second floor. There are many martial arts classes. Books are something you can use. When you learn the clever martial arts, wait until the strength continues to improve, and then go through some tasks and strive to successfully climb the third floor before graduation."

Tang Hao agreed, and turned his head and looked at Xiao Bing, then took Jiang Ming to the library.

Jiang Ming said quietly next to Tang Hao: "Tang Hao, you are the famous genius in our second grade. Even if the teacher is looking at you differently, although it is still a student, it is necessary to be old to a library. Is the guy low-eyed?"

"What do you know?" Tang Hao did not treat Jiang Ming as his classmates. It was like treating a follower or a subordinate. "I heard the tutor mentioned that even they are in this wine." I must be careful in front of the old. I guess that the old man is a deep-seated high-ranking person, or else there is a deep background. In short, it is good to be sinless or not to offend."

Jiang Ming was reprimanded, not only not angry, but only promised: "Oh, I... I know."

Tang Hao said coldly: "But this is called Xiao Jun's kid, but I can't let it go so easily..."

Jiang Ming’s eyes lit up and he asked with excitement: “Hao Ge, how are you going to teach him?”

Tang Hao said: "Some things still need to be hands-on?? Feng Feng just owed me a privilege in the task. He is a famous thorn in his class. He is followed by several people, and his own strength is not weak. It also reached the break of the void period. If you add the few people around him, can you still not pick up a Xiaojun?"

Jiang Ming looked back at Xiao Bing at the door and then gave a thumbs up to Tang Hao: "High, Hao Ge is really high!"

"Well, you are on the first floor. After reading this, I am waiting for me here. I can finally go to the second floor..." Tang Hao said, walking towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

After Tang Hao and Jiang Ming walked inside, the old man looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Every student has a few thorns like you, but I have never seen you like this. Can make trouble, this is the first day of freshman enrollment, you will directly offend the second-grade genius. Just that Tang Hao you know?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I don't know."

The old man said: "Tang Hao, 18 years old, entered the school. At the age of 19, he has now entered the second grade. According to the regulations of the school, the age of 25 must be reached before the age of 25, which is the promotion. The second-grade standard, but he has reached the beginning of breaking the void on the first day of school, and within a year directly reached the peak of the void, is the top genius of their top three. And the other Jiang Ming is not worth mentioning. Jiang Ming, when he was enrolled, is also 18 years old. He is a middle-class realm of enthusiasm. Now, after a year of study, he has reached the beginning of breaking the void, and he is barely a talented student. Tang Hao is no way to compare."

The old-fashioned person said: "It is good to be sinless or not offended in this school, because the school will not be too restrictive for many things in the private world, and you will gradually know it later..."

This Tang Hao can reach the peak of the void at the age of nineteen. It is really amazing, but it will not be seen by Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing knows that the old man reminded himself that he was out of good intentions, so he still accepted it very humblely. Down, said: "Thank you for reminding me."

"Well, let's go. I think your child is very eager to learn, so I will remind you a little. As for your private affairs, it has nothing to do with my old man."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The old wine should be very fond of drinking a bar? I will bring you to the next time when I come over."

The old eyes of the wine were bright, and smiled and said: "I didn't remind you once for a loss. Ok, let's go, remember not to break the book."

Xiao Bing promised to take two books and walk away.

He just walked out of the library and saw Zhang Xinxin coming from a distance on the head. Two people met on the front, Xiao Bing nodded slightly, and Zhang Xinxin nodded slightly and passed each other. (https:)

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