Super Soldier

Chapter 1971: Zhang Yan worship

Chen Donglie also showed a strange color, then nodded slightly and said: "Yes, can hold a step forward, this perseverance can already make him even the most top talent, the future will certainly be The strongman’s path is far away. It is estimated that even if he is not at this age, he is elected at the age of ten or so. Even if he can’t get the first place, the top ten is hopeful. After all, perseverance is also a Kind of talent."

I heard the evaluation of Xiao Bing by two Chen Donglie brothers, and everyone else was secretly shocked in the heart. The heart also paid a little attention to this new born first place.

At this time, the points on the standings began to change constantly. Xiao Bing entered the top 30 from the 31st place. The previous 31 were squeezed to the position of 31. Everyone still I didn't think there was anything. Until Xiao Bing moved forward five times. When I arrived at the 24th place, the two brothers Chen Donglie spoke again.

Chen Donglie sighed: "It seems that he has already exceeded ten meters... As far as I know, in the position of twenty-four, Chen Heng of our class, he happened to be ten meters ahead."

"Yes!" At this time, a student came from afar, a young man with silver-white hair and blue eyes. He wore a blue dress and his strength reached the time of breaking the void.

Chen Donglie saw him and said: "Chen Heng, you are here too."

"Well, I just passed by." Chen Heng came here a few steps. He looked up at the standings and said with a dignified face. "Most of you haven’t experienced it in it, you can’t understand the feeling inside. When you don't jump into the flame pool, you will feel the heat inside you will melt yourself. When you jump in, your feet just fall to the ground, just like the two feet are directly burned by the flame, it is a kind of cone. Heart pain."

Everyone just felt a goose bump in the body, and the body could not help but shake.

Chen Donglie nodded, and he said: "Yes, I went in with Dongqing at the time. The result was that I couldn’t hold it after jumping. I jumped out from it and then felt two feet in seven or eight consecutive days. It’s the same pain as the cone heart. Now I’m still worried about it. I guess I won’t dare to challenge the fire pool before the third grade.”

Chen Heng asked: "Who is the person inside?"

"Xiao Jun."

Chen Heng looked up and saw that it was Xiao Jun’s personal information written on the standings: “Xiao Jun, male, first-year student, the current score of two thousand points!”

Chen Heng and others glanced at each other and showed a shocked color. Li Linger hurriedly asked: "What happened? What happened to Xiao Jun's brother?"

Chen Heng’s voice was a bit embarrassing and full of incredulous saying: “I was challenged at the end of the first grade. At that time, I just stepped into breaking the realm of the void, and my heart was full of confidence, but in the end it was only inside. After walking ten meters, I can't keep going. This Xiao Jun... He has already gone 20 meters."

Sure enough, Xiao Bing’s ranking has risen all the time, and now Xiao Jun’s two words have risen to the top 20, ranking 19th. ”

Chen Heng did not believe it: "Is he just a freshman?"

"Yes." Chen Dongqing said, "But he is a freshman champion, so this ranking is quite scary, but it is understandable. After all, there will be one or two enchantments every year, but I guess he will stop here. Your realm is to break the void period. You can stick to ten steps. He insisted on twenty steps, which is already exaggerated. I think..."

Chen Heng said with amazement: "What do you think you think, look at your eyes and look good!!"

Chen Dongqing looked up and his body trembled and exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

Xiao Bing’s standings advanced one more, entered the 18th place, and the points reached 3,000 points! ”

The current nineteen people are also three thousand points, and the reason why they rank differently, it can only show that Xiao Bing has gone more than 30 meters now. For example, the classmate who is under Xiao Bing is up to thirty. One meter, and Xiao Bing has already reached 32 meters. Both of them must go to 40 meters to continue to accumulate points. However, they have different lengths in the long run, so the rankings will definitely be in order.

Chen Heng took a deep breath and said with a red face: "I don't think it is possible, but he just did it. Who is this freshman? It is a monster!"

The staff responsible for guarding the fire pool is called Lao Zhang. He is an old employee in the school. After he graduated from school, he didn’t become a teaching assistant, but he still wanted to stay here, so the school will hand him over to the fire pool. I have been a deputy for more than ten years here. After turning positive, I worked here for more than ten years. Even if Lao Zhang was not qualified to be a teaching assistant, 30 years later, Lao Zhang, who is nearly 60 years old, has reached To break the realm of the peak of the void, although the realm of strength is still not very high, but his understanding of the fire pool is more profound than anyone else.

At this time, everyone else was surprised, but Zhang was still very indifferent. After a few decades, he had seen too many geniuses. It is really hard to walk more than 30 meters in the fire pool. It is also a genius, but the genius he has seen is too much, so it is not surprising.

After a while, Xiao Bing’s ranking continued to rise all the way, from 19 to 14 in the school, and accumulated 8,000 points.

This time, not only did other people feel surprised, but even Zhang Zhang began to pay attention to it, muttering to himself: "The first-year freshman can go directly to the 80-meter position. It is really rare. Look at him now. Can you break through a hundred meters?"

"One hundred meters? Impossible." Chen Heng hesitated, but some were not sure. "But this person is really abnormal. I am not sure if he can do it. One hundred meters is simply too It’s amazing. It’s said that in the last three years, there is only one person who can break the 100-meter record when he first entered school.”

"Yeah." Lao Zhang nodded. "Not only three years. In the last ten years, there are many people who dare to challenge the fire pool within one month of entering the school, but most of them are ignorant. Only one person has successfully passed the 100 meters in the first month of school. It is Xiao Si Xia that you just said. He and the Xiao Jun are the same. They challenged the fire pool on the first day of school. At that time, I didn't dare to look down on him. I want to know that he is the son of the **** king. It is the lord of our Protoss. Who can look down on the blood of the king of God? He really succeeded more than a hundred meters, remembering that time. The record is one hundred and thirty meters, and directly entered the top ten of the whole school list as a new student!"

Some of these people are not the first to hear about this, but now they still feel that they are boiling.

The newborn with brown hair next to him said: "His Royal Highness is His Royal Highness, and it is worthy of being a man who will become a King of God in the future!"

“Yeah.” Lao Zhang said: “It’s been two years since that time. At the end of the first grade, Xiao Sixia has become the first person on this list, and in the second grade, he still The record is constantly refreshed, and now his record is more than three hundred meters, far more than the second place is more than 100 meters away."

Others took a look at the rankings on the standings. The first record of Xiao Sixia was 36,000, and the second record was only 23,000. The gap is not a one-and-a-half point. ”

Zhang Yan grabbed his fist tightly and looked up at the flame pool. He suddenly said, "I have to go in!"

Lao Zhang took a look at Zhang Yan and then noticed Zhang Yan’s student card and asked, “Are you also a freshman?”

"Yes, I am also a freshman."

"Oh, I know you, you are the second son of Zhang Yan, the son of the fire city." Chen Dongqing's attitude is very gentle. "Not bad, in fact, you don't have to rush to fight against Xiao Jun. Xiao Jun’s age is a few years older than you. You are only one lower than him. From the perspective of talent and potential, you should be above him.”

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "Let me in."

Business squadishly said: "Take up your score card."

Zhang Yan handed the score card to Lao Zhang, and then Zhang Zhang deducted 500 points from his score card. Then he sent the pendant to Zhang Yan and said, "Do you know how to use it? Come out Remember to return it to me."

Disposed immediately after the old Zhang opened the door and put Zhang Yan into it.

Chen Donglie sneered: "How are the new students in this session all such uninformed people?"

"This Zhang Yan may actually appear in the rankings. Maybe he is the son of the Fire City. The talent is very famous in the realm of the gods." Chen Dongqing said this is not very sure, with a bit of hesitation.

After a while, suddenly Li Linger shouted: "Xiao Da Ge... Xiao Da Ge has 10,000 points."

Lao Zhang couldn't help but widen his eyes. Some excitedly muttered to himself: "It's too powerful, it's too powerful... In ten years, he is the second one to break through a hundred meters in the first month of the new life. genius."

At this time, Zhang Yan’s name appeared on the standings, ranking the last one, thirty-two. Although the points are not shown above, since he appears on the list, he proves that he has at least stepped forward. A step.

After a while, Zhang Yan also earned a thousand points, proving that he had already taken 10 meters away. All the people held their breath, and even some people were whispering next to them: "Do you think Zhang Yan can catch up with Xiao Jun? ?"

Soon there will be several look at the idiot's gaze as he looks at him. He also wants to smoke himself with a big mouth. The genius that happened once in a decade, how easy it is to meet!

After a while, Zhang Yan’s ranking in the standings actually replaced Chen Heng, ranking 25th. Everyone was stunned and Chen Heng was a bitter bitter. This year’s freshmen are so perverted. What? Just entering the school can walk more than ten meters inside the fire pool? Chen Heng happened to be advancing ten meters. Zhang Yan exceeded Chen Heng, which means he has exceeded the distance of ten meters.

But then, the name of Zhang Yan in the standings suddenly turned red, and the staff immediately said: "It looks like he is a broken pendant, I go in and see."

Zhang Yan is indeed more than ten meters. When he walked to the eleventh position, he only felt that the body had entered a horrible flame, as if he had to incinerate him from the inside. He couldn’t stand it anymore. After breaking the pendant, after the pendant was broken, a force lifted him out of thin air and flew directly to the ground outside the fire pool. He struggled to sit up, snoring and breathing, and his eyes were black. Fainted to the past.

At this time, Zhang Lao also ran over. Zhang Lao checked his situation and his face was gloomy. "This stinky boy has been poisoned and attacked. He can't help but still have to be stubborn. I really don't know how to praise him. Have perseverance, or should he say that he is too stupid."

Zhang Lao hurriedly took out a pill bottle from his arms and stuffed a pill into Zhang Yan’s mouth. The pill entrance was instant, and a cool breath reconciled the dark fire inside the body. Then Zhang Yan felt the body. Comfortable, people woke up, when he woke up, he could not help but smile, his face was all helpless, muttered to himself: "I insisted on eleven meters."

Zhang Laofu said with no expression: "It’s hard to get stuck in school so far."

"But compared with Xiao Jun... I am really convinced." Even if he lost to Xiao Bing, he didn't feel anything. After all, his age was small, but at this time he saw between him and Xiao Bing. The realm of martial arts is similar, but the time that can be persisted in the fire pool is so far different, he is really convinced.


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