Super Soldier

Chapter 1978: Lost Zhang Xinxin

Today is destined to be a sleepless night for many people, and those who see Xiao Bing from beginning to end how to record one by one can just boast about this life for a lifetime. After all, this is a witness to a history. .

After the people under the Tongtian Tower were all scattered, Kang Xuan was the last one to go. The levy and Li Baoshan were all annoying. The gaze was very ugly: "Kang Xuechang, you said we can bet Win, now both of us have lost. I originally had only more than 6,000 points. Now there are only a thousand or so. What should I do?"

"Yeah, I am even worse. I had only more than 5,000 points before, and now there are hundreds of points left." Li Baoshan said, "I have to hurry to complete some tasks, or else in the cafeteria." Eating is a problem."

Kang Xuan cold face, Shen Sheng: "You two are you blaming me?"

The levy and Li Baoshan’s original heart really have a lot of complaints. After all, Kang Xuan’s chest is guaranteed, and they think that Kang Xuan will not work. Xiao Bing will certainly not do it. Where do you think Xiao Bing is so much stronger than Kang Xuan? However, now Xiao Bing is not guilty of their sins. They are equally offended by Kang Xuan. The two of them saw Kang Xuan seem to be angry, and they hurriedly said: "Where will I blame the seniors? The seniors have been against us. I am very cared for. We have always been the only leader in your life. It is a bit wrong in your heart. You must blame the Xiao Jun, and you are absolutely not complaining."

Li Baoshan also hurriedly said: "Yes, that's right, the slogan is what I want to say, and I blame the Xiao Jun."

Kang Xuan snorted and said: "Xiao Jun is now a thing of the past. He was a champion of a new student. I want to pack him. It is also a breeze, but now he is not just a new student. The champion, but also the treasure in the eyes of the school leaders, even the strength has reached the realm of Tianzun, the three of us are not his opponents. Before Tang Hao also let people teach him, now even Tang Hao himself does not take the shot Maybe."

Li Baoshan said with annoyance: "What do we do, we ate this loss?"

Kang Xuan shook his head and said: "Of course it is not so easy. In fact, for me, although the five thousand points are painful, they lose if they lose, but it is different for both of you. You want Revenge, I have a way."

Li Baoshan hurriedly asked: "What is the solution?"

Kang Xuan proudly said: "You all go to spread the rumors, it is best to let all the people in the school know, and said that after Xiao Jun Shaoguan, everyone said that Xiao Si Xia is just like this, he is the real genius in the school. In fact Even if you don't say it, Xiao Si Xia will probably go to Xiao Jun's troubles. What's more, you are so addicted, according to the proud character of Xiao Si Xia, do you think he will allow someone to step on his head?"

Li Baoshan and Bu Zheng’s eyes lit up: "Yes, but will the school allow Xiao Sixia to shoot Xiao Jun? Now he is the focus of the school!"

Kang Xuan smiled and said: "You are scared by the eyes of the vice president? I tell you, no matter how much the school attaches importance to Xiao Jun, it is impossible to violate the principle of competition, not to mention the lack of competition. Can Xiao Jun develop in the future? Which strong person is not a little bit honed? So no matter whether it is the vice president or anyone else, he will not kick off the stumbling block in front of him, nor will he If you think of ways to prevent him from being frustrated, then it is not to protect him, but to harm him."

Almost all of the talents who were able to enter this school were talented geniuses. After Li Baoshan and the levy listened, he understood it.

Kang Xuan said with a smile: "What's more, who is the person we are talking about? That is Xiao Xixia, the son of the gods and gods, the true master of the future Protoss, Tongtian College has always been treated equally, regardless of identity, only to see the potential, but The other party is the son of the **** king. Can you really ignore the identity?"

Li Baoshan and the pace have all heard the nod.

Kang Xuan said: "In short, I am right."

"Good." Li Baoshan patted his chest and promised, "I must do this thing properly."

"Well, then you should do it well."

Dai Xueman and Xiao Daiting both walked together at this time. Xiao Daiting was a little excited: "I don't think this Xiao Jun is so powerful. I think he is more powerful than Xiao Si Xia. It is the most powerful genius in our school."

Dai Xueman said with emotion: "Yes, he broke all the records of Xiao Sixia in the first grade. It is wrong. It broke all the records of Xiao Sixia during the past two years. The entire Protoss has never seen such a genius in history. ""

Xiao Daiting said: "In the future, not only Xiaojun scenery, we have to follow the scenery."

Dai Xueman smiled and said: "I am really happy for him, but can we really get the scenery?"

"Ah? Why can't you?"

Dai Xue shook his head and said with emotion: "He just took part in the birth of the new student, he was in a strong realm. In just a few days, he has now stepped into Tianzun, but don't forget, I am just the beginning of Tianzun. You think that such a student is as high as my teacher's realm. What else can I teach him?"

Xiao Daiting stunned, and then hesitated with a look. Dai Xueman said that the students are higher than the teacher’s realm. Let’s talk about what the teacher can teach the students, and say how the student might respect himself in the future. Teacher?

Originally thought this was a good thing, and now I found out that Dai Xueman’s teacher status has begun to be unstable. Dai Xueman has always taken care of Xiao Daiting. Xiao Daiting is a bit of a headache for Dai Xue at this time. He sighed and said: “But I really don’t understand, this Xiao Jun was still in the middle of a few days ago, how come so quickly to the realm of Tianzun."

Dai Xue shook his head and said: "I didn't understand it at first, but now I understand. He has already reached the realm of Tianzun in the long run. It is only to stabilize his foundation, so he did not break through it. Forced to help break through. The 30-year-old Tianzun strong, even if it is a genius in martial arts, he would rather let everyone say that he is only a low age. Only took a first place, he also had to endure not to break through, it is this heart, none of the people I have seen can match him."

Xiao Daiting carefully considered the words of Dai Xueman, and then nodded.

Xiao Bing has already returned to his place of residence at this time. After entering, he will catch the soul stick and hold it in his hand. He smiles and says: "How are you getting a lot?"

"Oh, that's not the big harvest of your kid. I can see it. I didn't take me with me this day. I don't know what to do if I don't know what to do. If I am not mistaken, you are now The whole body and the inside of the body are all like a thousand hammers. I don’t know how many times. The third layer of King Kong’s not bad body is getting closer and closer.”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't want to take you with me. You don't want to follow me. I want to absorb the aura here."

"Oh, the aura here is indeed sufficient. If I give me a year and a half, it is not impossible to return to my heyday."

"I am afraid there is no way to give you so long." Xiao Bing thought for a moment, said, "I am now more and more exposed, and more and more recovery, after returning to full strength, I will take you back to the human world. The longer I stay here, the more likely I am to be exposed. One of the vice presidents of Tongtian College has reached the level of demigod. The dean may even be the **** level, plus Going to their gods... This is not the place where I can run wild."

"Well, according to your current physical fitness, it is almost a delusion to estimate that the demigod level wants to win you."

It’s true that the chasing soul stick is correct. On the one hand, it is the monster inside the dragon that was absorbed by Xiao Bing. The body has two kinds of powers of water and fire. In addition, after Xiao Bing passed the fire pool today, the body has undergone a lot of hard work. At this moment, the body is tough. The imagination of ordinary people, it is estimated that it is casually standing there, Xiao Bing does not need to release the hood, the ordinary congenital master wants to hurt Xiao Bing is not easy.

Xiao Bing said: "I won't talk to you first. I have to sleep well for a while. Don't wake me up tonight, it's too tired..."

Xiao Bing continuously challenged the Tongtian Tower, the Fire Pool and the Kailing Building. The body was indeed exhausted, and he fell asleep in bed.

After dawn, Xiao Bing opened his eyes and found that his body's injury has been further restored, and the infuriating body has recovered to the extent that Tian Zun's peak is perfect. Xiao Bing can now break through whenever he wants.

However, Xiao Bing still does not want to break through. He wants to be low-key in the Protoss world. If you let other people know that Xiao Bing is actually a low-key person, he has to vomit blood. I am afraid that there has never been a thousand years. Freshmen are like Xiao Bing's high-profile.

Chasing the soul stick or stay in the residence, Xiao Bing will hide the soul stick and hide it, then leave the dormitory and come to the class. After entering, Xiao Bing found that all the classmates are staring at themselves, one by one. With a color of worship in his eyes, Xiao Bing coughed and touched his nose and asked, "Do you think I am more handsome?"

Everyone laughed happily, and then they started to wrap around Xiao Bing, and started talking to Xiao Bing. Some of them were inquiring about things last night, and some were talking with Xiao Bing, obviously this thing now. It has been spread throughout the school.

After everyone dissipated, Zhang Xinxin even walked over to Xiao Bing. After walking to Xiao Bing’s desk, he hesitated a little and said: "That... Congratulations, you broke the record last night, today I want to Please have a meal with Chu, Chubei, and how do you feel?"

Xiao Bing’s attitude is not hot or cold: “Okay.”

Although Xiao Bing promised to come down, but Zhang Xinxin looked out Xiao Bing still wants to keep some distance with himself, although it is promised, but it is very likely that because he is not just asking Xiao Bing alone, Zhang Xinxin is secretly in his heart. Sighing, but unfortunately, I don’t have the kind of eyesight of Li Linger. Otherwise, I have a good relationship with him before Xiao Bing’s reputation. Without chance, I have no chance to make a relationship. When I talk about temperament and appearance, I have to win. Li Linger is just right, only the eyesight... Perhaps this is also God’s destiny.

Zhang Xinxin was somewhat lost, but her face smiled and nodded. She whispered a dinner together and went to the school gate to gather, and then returned to her seat.

At this time, Dai Xueman also came in from the outside.

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