Super Soldier

Chapter 1995: ‘gun god’ Senna

On the second day, everyone else walked away from Xiao Bing’s residence. Only Xiao Bing was left alone. Chu Bei walked in the end and hesitated. When other people left, he still found Xiao Bing, whispering. Said: "Xiao Jun, I can feel that Zhang Xinxin is interesting to you. In fact, there are some things that our friends are not talking about behind the scenes. Her people are actually not bad. Although she has some enthusiasm, her life is very poor. But... she may not be right for you because she has some purpose."

"I know." Xiao Bing did not expect Chu Bei to say this to himself. His heart was warm and warm. He looked at Chu Bei. This is really treating himself as a friend. Xiao Bing smiled and said, "My heart. There are a lot of things, rest assured."

Chubei smiled and said: "Well, if you say so, then I will be relieved, but if it is Li Linger, you can consider it."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You want to be a matchmaker? Rest assured, the emotional things are left to me to handle."

"Well, then I will go to class first, envy you, you don't have to go to class, of course, you can't go to the same strength."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Come on, don't tease me here. If you let Dai, you should be angry."

"That is, but Dai is really good for you. I heard that you are still advising you to jump directly to the senior grade. I think you are really better off listening to the teacher. What can you learn from the first grade?" Ok, I am leaving first."

"Well, go ahead."

After Chu Bei also left, Xiao Bing heard his own soul-striking sound into his head: "I really can't understand you. Yesterday, the girl was very beautiful, not white. Why don't you want her?"

Xiao Bing just remembered that when he went to Zhang Xinxin’s room yesterday, the chasing soul was still on his body. Damn, isn’t it yesterday’s thing, it all knows? It’s too embarrassing to carry such a thing with your own soul anytime and anywhere, not even a little.

The chasing soul stick is still chanting: "I thought that I could see a little excitement yesterday. I didn't expect you to be so disappointing. People even took off their clothes. You are going to rush out of the hala, and you are not on, you Wouldn't it be impossible?"

"Rely!" Xiao Bing angered. "Is this a good man? Have you seen a few gentlemen like me?"

"That is really rare to see, the average man is quite normal..."

Xiao Bing turned his eyes: "Well, you still said that I am not normal, then I ask you, should your voice be considered public?"

"you like me?"

"I mean, how many years have you been in this world? Hundreds of years? Thousands of years? Are you still an old man?"

The soul chasing is not loud.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

"How didn't you move? Don't you still have to get rid of the single?"

"Hey, let's talk and exchange, don't be shy, I am not at the moment, I will ask you if you are not. You see why you don't say anything, it's such a simple little problem, you have What is embarrassing."

The chasing soul was repeatedly asked, and finally rushed: "Crap, I don't think it is not, you are looking for a mother to come out! Besides, when I was created, it was smooth, you said my mother. Well, I don't even have a hole. You said that I am public, I don't have that function. I am still hungry. Can this blame me?"

"..." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "I can see it. You have been stunned for years and you don't know how many years old virgin. Now it is a little bit mad, too embarrassing, too dirty, hahaha. ...."

Chasing the soul is annoyed: "I have to practice, don't bother me."

"Well, hurry up and practice, and strive to upgrade to the top artifacts one day!"

There was no sound from the chasing stick. Xiao Bing returned to the room and began to look through the books borrowed before. After reading it, Xiao Bing took the books and came to the library. The old man saw Xiao Bing coming in and said: "Come on, you little guy, yesterday's performance was very good."

Xiao Bing surprised: "You saw it yesterday? I don't seem to see you."

"I saw it in the distance, huh, I can sit with those people." The old character of the wine has always been a bit quirky, and only when he treats Xiao Bing, he is still relatively concerned. "That is called Xiao Si Xia." The kid was beaten by you. I also specially drank some wine, just as it was for your kid to celebrate."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Even if you usually have to drink it?"

"Ha ha ha ha, you have seen it broken, OK, the stinky boy will go in and read the book."

Xiao Bing smiled. After brushing the score card, he went straight to the third floor and picked out a lot of books. Then he got it downstairs and put it up. This time, the old wine did not say that Xiao Bing was too wasteful. After the book was all loaded with Xiao Bing, the old man asked thoughtfully: "When are you going to leave?"

"Oh...." Xiao Bing snorted and asked, "The old meaning of wine is..."

The old man laughed and said: "Why must I be confused here? I am a bad old man, and it is still a drunkard... Well, I mean there is obviously nothing in this school that can teach you. It is estimated that you are also Stay here for a while?"

Xiao Bing snorted and secretly thought about it. He said: "It is estimated to be faster, and it will not be a few days."

"Well, well, I know."

"Before I leave, I will definitely check out the old man."

"Yeah." The old man waved his hand and said, "Don't be awkward, let's go."

Xiao Bing smiled a little, and the heart always felt that this strange but very enthusiastic old man had any secrets, but he could not see through it, but this is all his own business, and he has nothing to do with himself. Xiao Bing shakes Shaking his head and walking to the door of the library.

Xiao Bing is about to leave the library. The old man suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, you have already created the highest record in the Kailing Building and the Fire Pool. Is it a difference?"

Xiao Bing looked back at the old man and looked blank.

The old man said: "When I have the opportunity to pass the Tongtian Tower, I have tried it in the past. Since I have created two records, it is not bad, as long as you can flatten the history."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is the historical record?"

"The 18th floor was created by Xiao Biantian, but now the name of Xiao Biantian has been erased throughout the history of the college, so the first record shown now is the 17th floor, huh, huh The college is really able to deceive itself."

Alcohol always dare to say anything, obviously working in Tongtian College, but also criticized the place where he worked. Xiao Bing thinks that he wants to laugh but thinks that his father’s name has been erased. Xiao Bing I can't stand the anger in my heart.

Why? What did my father do wrong? He is the Lord of the Realm. He is your leader. Just because he and my mother are in love, it is so much hurt by you. Why? ?

Xiao Bing said one word: "I will do it, the 18th floor, I will do it."

The old-fashioned smile smiled, and the eyes sparkled with inexplicable light, and Xiao Bing had already left the library at this moment.

How difficult is the record of the Tongtian Tower, the first person in history is eighteen, and the nineteenth floor has never been reached.

Xiao Bing doesn't care if he can reach the 19th floor. He cares that he must recapture the first record of the Tongtian Tower. His father's name is erased, then his name will be rewritten. The record, the father was wiped out, and he will regain his back!

Xiao Bing walked on the road, thinking silently in his heart, father, this is the only thing I can do for you now. I don’t care if you love me or hate me. Because of my existence, our family is broken. But I am your son, I am your son anyway!

If your son has no way to fulfill his filial piety, then let his son, after your death, let you see with your own eyes, what your son has done for you, one day, one day, I want the whole Protoss to Let's talk about your name and let them know that you are a protoss hero and let them know that you are right.

Thinking about it, Xiao Bing’s body made a thunderous sound, and Xiao Bing forced the temporary suppression of this realm. Xiao Bing knew that he was only one step away from the peak strength, and now he can break through anytime and anywhere. The sage is at its peak, but Xiao Bing does not want to break through immediately. Once it breaks through, the vibration caused by it will be even greater, and it will inevitably lead to suspicion.

At this moment, in Tianshen Mountain, the residence of the **** king of the gods, a voice came out from the hall: "What, can this child of Si Xia be defeated by a new student? And the other person claims to be the worship of Xiao Biantian. "? Gun God" Senna..."

"In." A very fierce breath suddenly rushed into the sky, this breath is like a rifle, so that the world is moving, then you see a strong presence in armor, holding a long gun from a distance Come over.

"You immediately sent your guns to go to Tongtian College, pass me orders, bring the person to see me, I have to see for myself what this peerless genius looks like!"

"Yes, God King!" The gun **** Senna promised with respect and respect, then turned and left. His gaze was as sharp as a sharp rifle, muttering to himself. "Even even the Highness can be defeated, it looks like me. You should see for yourself what this Xiao Jun is doing!" (https:)

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