Super Soldier

Chapter 202: ‘Devil’ Xiao Bing

Xiao Bing’s eyeballs completely turned into blood red, and the black and white eyes disappeared completely. Soon, his skin slowly became red, just like the red cast iron grilled on the fire. same.

Xiao Bing’s body began to tremble again, and the trembling became more and more fierce. Originally thought that Xiao Bing was about to die soon. Seeing this scene, Sima Hongchuan also widened his eyes and kept muttering to himself: What's the matter? Go back to the light? But this kind of look, Mom, Laozi kills you..."

The terrible eyes made Sima Hongchuan’s inexplicable uneasiness rise. He jumped high and the whole person stepped down toward Xiao Bing. If the whole person stepped on Xiao Bing’s body, even if it’s It is a granite that turns into a powder.

His feet are a few centimeters away from Xiao Bing's body. Suddenly a horrible breath erupted from Xiao Bing's body. He felt that the swell was so strong that he could not resist it. The whole person was directly This raging flight flew out!

Sima Hongchuan fell heavily in the distance, and even rolled on the ground, and then he got up from the ground, and his heart was full of shock.

This is how the same thing? The airflow just broke out from the body of Xiao Bing? That is simply not the power that human beings should have. Damn, is that suffocating? But has he reached the sturdy period?

Sima Hongchuan once saw Longba, knowing that Longba has reached the level of enthusiasm in the cross. After reaching the realm of enthusiasm, the body's appearance will be surrounded by gas and form a protective layer. Sima Hongchuan has never been a master of enthusiasm. The fight has been over, but you can think of it with your head. With infuriating, you can turn it over. Unless you reach the realm of suffocation, you can never do it.

Xiao Bing Ming Ming has been dying, and the bones of his body have been broken by him. Even a finger can't move. He can only lie there and close his eyes and die, but the body has such a terrible force. .

When Sima Hongchuan stood up and looked at it, his intact left eye pupil was instantly enlarged, his eyeballs almost smashed out, and even the red bloodshot inside could be clearly seen.

How can this be!

Xiao Bing stood up from the ground and he stood up!

%★%★%★%★,m.$.c⊥om Even if Dan Jin master is so seriously injured, all the bones are broken, and it is impossible to move, let alone stand up.

No... Even a strong master is absolutely impossible... Is this a monster?

Sima Hongchuan squinted his eyes and asked, "How did you do it?"

No one answered him, because Xiao Bing was no longer Xiao Bing at this time. Xiao Bing’s body was screaming, and the blood on his body stopped automatically. The injury on his body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The chest is slowly calming down, and the bones inside must be healing quickly. This has completely violated the normal laws of human beings.

Xiao Bing swayed out of the deep pit and walked out. His eyes were red, his skin was red, and he even braved steam... He walked swaying, breathing white gas inside his nostrils and mouth. The saliva flowed down his mouth.

Xiao Bing looked at Sima Hongchuan, his arms open, his head tilted forward, and he snarled loudly. At this moment, Xiao Bing is the world. In this area, all the power is returned to Xiao Bing. Take control.

Sima Hongchuan’s eyes are full of fear and exclaimed: “The world of the sturdy period!!!”

Yes, this is a world that is only possible if it reaches the sturdy period. In this world, Xiao Bing is the sky, Xiao Bing is everything, everything must be around him.

How can Xiao Bing reach this point? ? ?

"What are you just... don't you want to torture me? Hey... hahahahaha..." Xiao Bing laughed wildly.

Surrounded by gusts of wind, Sima Hongchuan stepped back, and then he was surprised to find that everything around him changed. He seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire at this moment. All over the world were bones and white bones.

All of this is an illusion, an illusion formed by the world, but even the world of Longba, which has reached the peak of enthusiasm, has never done this. Sima Hongchuan looks around, even his feet are stepping on it. The road paved by the bones, and below the bones is a hot volcano.

He has nowhere to go!

"Why don't you run away? Then let me kill you!" Xiao Bing lowered his head again, facing Sima Hongchuan, and his face was screaming loudly, and the raging fire of the sea instantly drowned Sima Hongchuan.

"The illusion, all **** is the illusion!" Sima Hongchuan was surrounded by flames, his clothes and his skin burned, and he was not willing to roar.

Xiao Bing's mouth floated a little smirk, step by step toward Sima Hongchuan, the remaining eyes of Sima Hongchuan almost smashed out, crazy roaring: "All **** is the illusion! Lao Tzu killed you !"

Sima Hongchuan's strength has reached its limit, and his body's Dan Jin has burned in an instant. Dan Jin master will burn his inner Dantan in Dantian and will explode more than two or three times more than himself, but the price is this life. Can no longer use force.

Finally, under this force, Sima Hongchuan broke free from this illusion, and the sea of ​​fire disappeared. Then he rushed to Xiao Bing like a madman. For a martial master, martial arts is everything for him. After Nedan burned, the best result for him was to go with Xiao Bing and live without any meaning.

Under the running of Sima Hongchuan, the ground began to tremble, and the horrible power even distorted the air. His attack has already entered the threshold of the early days!

Xiao Bing looked at him and kept laughing. The blood red light in his eyes looked more and more intense and more and more crazy.

There was a roar in his mouth, and the huge winds that could not be resisted swept to Sima Hongchuan. The speed of Sima Hongchuan was hindered. Then he saw the wind in the wind, and Xiao Bing’s devil’s face appeared in an instant. In front of his eyes, his body seemed to be much lighter. His legs were soft and he fell on the ground.

Xiao Bing’s hand was drawn from the strong body of Sima Hongchuan, holding a heart that was beating in the palm of his hand. Sima Hongchuan stared at the heart and looked like a crying smile: “In my lifetime, I Actually... I can see how my heart looks... Death is worth it. I want to know, Xiao Bing, who are you... Who is this devil?..."

Xiao Bing grinned, and the other hand reached out two fingers, getting closer and closer to his left eye. The thumb, index finger and **** gently peeled off his last eye and said: "I It’s the devil.”

With a bang, Sima Hongchuan fell to the ground and fell into a pool of blood.

The heart and the eyeballs all fell to the ground, and Xiao Bing suddenly squatted on the ground. Both hands clenched into fists, madly slamming to the ground, and the pain in his mouth made people feel scared and scared.

The strength in his body is too horrible. The horror to his body is somewhat unbearable at this time. He needs to vent out madly, and the best way to vent is to kill.

Xiao Bing once played a madness in the face of Zhu Mingyu and Peony Fairy, but far from the horror of this time, at this moment he has completely lost any reason, even he is not him.

The ground is cracking, the earth is shaking, the birds are all scared to escape to the distance, the trees are constantly shaking, and even an horrible tornado is forming around him. His car has already flown out. How many meters away, the two huge stones that blocked the road have also become gravel.

At this time, Gao Fei stopped at a distance of ten meters from Xiao Bing, looked at the blood of the land, looked at the ground that had already had a huge rift, and looked at some crazy Xiao Bing with his eyes red, watching Xiao Bing The human spirits radiated from the body are enough to tremble. The high-flying eyes have always been a little surprised, and finally there is a bit more light.

Finally, Xiao Bing raised his head and looked at Gao Fei. It was just how strange his eyes were at this moment. The blood-red eyes seemed to be swallowing everything, as if to fly Gao Fei immediately.

Gao Fei asked: "You don't know me?"

Xiao Bing stood up and still kept breathing.

"It seems that I don't know." Gao Fei said faintly, "The Dan Jin master seems to be dead too. This power in your body has already controlled you. Even this magicality has suppressed your original will. You are now Who is it?"

No one answered Gao Fei. Xiao Bing once again made a shocking sound. The crazy waves swelled to Gao Fei, and the ground cracked into countless stones. The stones also madly rushed toward Gao Fei under the huge waves. Such a terrible hurricane slammed into high-flying clothes, and the stones were all turned into powder when they were half a meter away from Goofy.

"A good and powerful force... far exceeds the Dan Jin period, and even more than sturdy..." Gao Fei began to slowly retreat, keeping a distance from Xiao Bing, his eyes fixed on Xiao Bing, muttering Said to himself, "Maggie is coming over. Before she arrives, I must fix you first to avoid hurting Maggie."

At the moment when the hurricane dissipated, a toothpick in the hands of Gao Fei suddenly came out. The toothpick flew to the heart of Xiao Bing with the speed and power of lightning and thunder, and the sound of the toothpick was in the air. The body of the soldier is still a few centimeters away, and it immediately turns into a fire and burns out.

Goofy silently, straight up the body, the tone is vaguely excited: "Your strength is strong!"

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