Super Soldier

Chapter 2113: Kusama's idol (three more)

The next morning, Xiao Bing opened his eyes and turned over and sat up. Then he muttered in his mouth: "I seemed to drink a bit more last night. Didn’t drink anything with Ayi Ding? It’s not that wine can mess. It’s a pity that **** is...."

Xiao Bing did not take off his clothes last night. He went straight out of the room after wearing the slippers. Then he looked at the bright inside of the room. At first glance, he knew that it was not too early. Sure enough, the clock on the wall. The display is now 8:30 in the morning.

Ayi Ding and Arland are sitting on the sofa watching TV. When they see Xiao Bing, Arlan said: "Hungry? Auntie put the breakfast in the kitchen, you go straight to eat, at night. Make a big meal for you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Auntie doesn't have to worry, just like a regular meal. My uncle, his drink is so amazing, I really drank too much yesterday."

Arland smiled bitterly: "Your uncle is not drunk, not seeing that he hasn't gotten up yet."

"Oh, then I will wash and eat breakfast."

I heard that my old man was drunk by himself. Xiao Bing’s heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. It seems that he still has two sons. The father-in-law still can’t drink me.

Men are not arrogant in many things, and they have a broad mind, but in some respects they do not want to be divided. This is a man.

Xiao Bing went to the bathroom and washed his face. Then he heard Arland say: "There is a new toothbrush and tooth cylinder inside, specially prepared for you, blue, have you seen it?"

Xiao Bing glanced at him and said with a smile: "I saw it, Auntie is really careful, thank you Auntie."

After that, Xiao Bing brushed his teeth, then walked out of the bathroom, went to the kitchen, and ate the soy milk and steamed buns.

After eating, Xiao Bing went to the sofa in the dining room and sat down. It also looked like a TV.

Arland asked: "Is it usually busy in Kyoto?"

"Well, there are very few times when you are free." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "It’s rare to sit here and watch TV leisurely."

Arland smiled: "These days you live here, relax and relax."

"Thank you, Auntie."

"You don't have to say thank you to the aunt. Anyway, you have to change your mouth to call your mother sooner or later." Arland laughed after he finished speaking, and Ayi Ding on the side was embarrassed.

Xiao Bing also showed a smile on his face. He really likes the hearty character of his father-in-law. What do two people say, they are not at all emotional, their luck is good, they can meet such a father-in-law, and they also save A lot of troubles and troubles.

After sitting down, I saw the entertainment news on the TV. The entertainment journalist was saying there: "The latest news, the Hollywood blockbuster "Bat Team" officially started shooting, the actress Bi Tingting has entered the crew, this is the actress of China. Once she became the first woman in the Hollywood blockbuster, Bi Tingting’s Hollywood door was completely opened. What kind of performance she will eventually have, whether it can be the first Chinese actress to stand firm in Hollywood, let us wait and see.”

Xiao Bing’s heart is full of comfort. It seems that Bi Tingting’s Hollywood Road has officially begun. From now on, Bi Tingting will have her own dream of Hollywood.

Some women want to be husband and wife, but there are some women who have other ambitions. Every one is not wrong. Everyone has their own goals. Xiao Bing hopes that all of her women can live happily. .

After watching TV for a while, Xiao Bing’s father-in-law, Kusam, came out of the room. He shook his head. After seeing Xiao Bing, he immediately smiled: “I gave you more to drink last night, 唉Can't drink, you will drink a little less next time."

Yesterday, I have already had experience in playing chess. Xiao Bing quickly said: "Yes, yes, I still feel a headache now. The father-in-law is really massive. I heard that you are the **** of wine here?"

Kussa is proud of the road: "That is of course, I am really the **** of wine in Zihe County, there is no opponent on the wine field, but these years are older, Aydin does not let me This is when Dad’s total drink, so I’ve been drinking so much as I did yesterday, and it’s usually just a few drinks.”

Arland smiled and said: "Yes, this is not to see you coming. Your uncle saw you coming, and I felt happy in my heart, so I drank more yesterday, and I didn't stop."

"Not much, not much." Coussa said, "What more, no one else knows, don't you know your wife? When did you have a man who had a lot of drinks? Yesterday, it was just a casual drink. Not too much."

Ayi Ding was holding a smile on the side. Xiao Bing deliberately pretended to be such a look. Arlan was somewhat speechless: "Not much? You should ask Aydin, you were last night. Hit the wall, what is the bag on your head, is there nothing in my heart?"

Kussa slammed a bit, then touched his head, and suddenly he bulged a big bag, and it hurt a little. He suddenly screamed and said, "When is it a big bag, it hurts? ""

Ayi Ding laughed: "Dad, I will take you to the medicine first, do you have medicine?"

"Well, yes, you don't have to worry about it, I will go to your dad to apply medicine."

Coussa smirked and sighed with a lack of enthusiasm: "This was not careful last night, and it has nothing to do with drinking..."

Kusam was pulled into the room by Arlan, and Aydin just giggled. Xiao Bing couldn’t help but smile. He whispered: "This old man is really cute."

"Yeah? I didn't say anything wrong? But ah, he is dead to face, barely like a cow, hello, just the news of Bi Tingting, I heard the leaves mentioned, is it also me? Sisters."

Xiao Bing coughed and nodded.

Ayi Ding sighed: "How do I feel that all the beautiful girls in the world have been collected by you? Bi Tingting is a big star in the day after tomorrow. Many of my former classmates are her fans, both boys and girls. Like her, I also like to listen to her songs."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Let her sing to you alone after that."

In the original heart, there was still some vinegar. After listening to Xiao Bing’s words, Ayi Ding immediately blinked and smiled. “That’s it, let’s let her personally sing a face to me. If I say it, I don’t think anyone else will believe it."

"There is nothing unbelievable." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "Everyone will know sooner or later. At that time, you can go out and go shopping with Bi Tingting."

Aydin said: "And let others know, oh, Xiao Bing is a wife and a wife, see how harmonious his wife are together, right?"

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "I don't think so."

At this time, Coussa came out from the inside and said, "What are you talking about? I heard that you just seem to be chatting with Tingting? Xiao Bing, do you know, if you know, you can give me a signature, 哎Hey, daughter-in-law, what are you doing for me?"

Arland laughed and said: "Your uncle, I have recently been fascinated with a few songs that Bi Tingting sang. It doesn't have to be so troublesome. I have a lot of people, and I don't want to sign any signatures. Don't listen to your uncle."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In fact, it is not trouble, that... my friend..."

Ayi Ding said straight away: "Dad, Mom, she is also my fiancee's fiancee."

"Ah?" Coussa was a little bit too understanding. "Who?"

"Bi Tingting, she is also one of my brother Xiao's girlfriends."

Kusamman: "...."

Arland: "...."

Both husband and wife stayed together, Xiao Bing secretly smiled, how awkward, how much more to be embarrassed, but this kind of thing can not help but sooner or later, since it is leaking sooner or later, now it is not squatting Too good, so Xiao Bing did not defend.

Cousa looked at her future son-in-law with some complicated look. She said with a smile: "You do, you, stinky boy, your means is quite high. Our Kazakh flower is ready, and the beautiful ones are also beautiful." You got it...."

Xiao Bing said: "Uncle... cough... that..."

"Don't be this one, oh, your uncle, I have already explained it to you yesterday. The previous things have passed. Since I have already said this, I am not planning to use this kind of thing for my daughter." Continue to care, but the signature is still necessary."

Xiao Bing sighed and smiled. "Thank you, uncle, I will help you sign it."

Coussa said: "Since it is your woman, you need more signatures."

Arland said next to him: "Oh, what are you doing so much?"

"Get out and show off, take it out and give it away."

Arland said: "How much trouble."

"Who cares, who makes this stinky boy always go out to spend a lot of time, seduce so many girls, you say, after the family Ayi Ding, there are more sisters! Don't bother him, I Who is it?"

If Coussa does not say this, Xiao Bing will be embarrassed, but since Cousin has said it, it proves that he really did not continue to go to the heart. Xiao Bing sighed and hurriedly said: "Don’t say more A few signatures, even if it is more than a few dozen, no problem, give it to me, uncle."

"Yeah." Coussa screamed, "Oh, this time, not only the brain hurts, but also the heart hurts. The daughter of this family is too many competitors, too strong, grandma’s, what society is there. If you marry, you still have to go to fight for favor. No, let's eat something first, you are a stinky boy, I intend to spare you, and I will drink you this evening!"

Arland accompanied Cousman to the kitchen and said: "Old man, you drink less, young people, you are not an opponent."

Coussa said: "Whoever said, I can drink him two!"

Aydin eats and laughs: "Why don't you say that you can drink my dad three?"

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "The old man is a master who can't offend. How much I have, in this respect, I am more true with my old man, unless my head is kicked."

Upon hearing this, Aydin immediately laughed and laughed. Arland, who had just walked to the kitchen door, couldn’t help but laugh and laughed.

Ps: Start the stabilization time tomorrow, there will be more in this week, and the specific day is uncertain, in addition to the previous chapter, it will add more

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