Super Soldier

Chapter 212: Xiao Bing and Poison Fox

Overnight, the big cities in the underground cities conquered by the Dragon family were all in the same place, and their heads were cut off, and the death was extremely miserable.

At the same time, there is a rumor in the underground world. In order to avoid the disobedience of these new conquests, the dragon family killed these amnesties and then replaced their own people. In fact, these people were killed. After that, the Dragon family sent people to replace the location of the big cities in these cities, and began to suppress those uneasy elements to kill chickens and monkeys.

At one time, the underground world of the entire black province was full of people, including the mixed people who had fallen into the hands of the dragon family. They all decided that the whole thing must be done by the dragon family, and they are loyal to follow. The boss is so different, and they are shocked and angry, and they are afraid that this end will eventually fall on themselves, but they can't help.

Also included are those underground world tycoons who have not yet settled in the hands of the Dragon family. They are also frightened one by one. They have seen that the big scorpions who had surrendered to the Dragon family were killed one by one, they are not I dare to have the slightest luck. If these people have been thinking about surrendering one by one, they have already had the idea of ​​fighting.

Surrender is death, so why not fight for you to die?

However, if they are desperate, they will definitely not be the opponents of the Dragon family. Hou Ye’s command is made, and these big ones are all gathered together in Jiangcheng. They thoroughly bowed to Hou’s court, and even Hou’s forces will use their power without any effort. To annex, but they are still on the surface of the big cities.

Under the guise of a powerful foreign enemy, Hou Ye completely unified the majority of the black province forces. If he had been able to command these amnesties with his appeal, then he is now justified and can command these amnesties. Because these amnesty has officially announced the incorporation of Hou Ye.

After the meeting, Hou Ye and Mu Tingchuan walked into the study. At this time, there was no outsider. Mu Tingchuan couldn’t help but erect a thumbs up and said: "Hou, you are playing beautifully, the outside world is not I know that the big bangs are killing us. I heard that the gangsters in those cities have started to make troubles, and these people have to thoroughly bow down to us, and their forces have been officially compiled. In this way, although we are tempted, m.¢.co↓m force only occupies most of the black province forces, but our forces have a desperate mind, belonging to the iron plate, more cohesive However, although there are some more on the surface, the victory is a bit stronger than before."

Hou Ye looked serious: "The master, the site, the number of people, the dragon family all beat us. At present, we only have the chance to win at most 30%. Winning the machine, Tingchuan, your wisdom is not in Zhuge Jiangnan. Next, it helps the wrong person."

Mu Tingchuan stood up and looked like a white-faced scholar on weekdays. At this moment, it was a serious face: "Hou, you are heavy, I have cultivation, I am sorry for you." Tingchuan!"

Hou Ye smiled and said: "Okay, well, then I won't, but you can rest assured that whether it is for myself or for these brothers, even if this battle is disparity, I can only win or lose. Xiao Bing has left Jiangcheng, and he doesn't know what is going on there."

When Xiao Bing left, he was not only alone. He also took the second goods and the exhibition, and the three people quietly left Jiangcheng, and they silently had no figures.

In Shangyang City, Zhuge Jiangnan has left the villa of Longba, but has lived in his own Zhuge House. Zhuge House has masters and guards up and down. Many of them have guns, which is a fly. Hard to get in and out.

In this house, in addition to Zhuge Jiangnan, the most distinguished of his identity is his two disciples, one is Jiang Wu and the other is a poisonous fox. These two people are always around Zhuge Jiangnan and live in Zhugefu.

Jiang Wu and the poisonous fox's masters are worse. On the one hand, Longba does not pay much attention to them. On the other hand, although they are talented, they always follow Zhuge Jiangnan, so others They will not notice them, and they will not be able to pay attention to anyone.

For two consecutive days, the gate of Zhuge House was finally opened, and the poisonous fox came out from the inside and got into a car.

As a wise man, poisonous fox has its own weakness, that is, a woman.

No one is perfect, the poisonous fox is very self-disciplined, and the wine is not stained. The surface looks flawless, but everyone has their own dark side. Everyone needs to vent, and the poisonous fox needs it. And the object of his venting is through women.

However, he is also very smart in this respect. He has a woman in Shangyang City. The woman is called a branch, and she is in her twenties. She has a good car and a brand-name jewellery. The most important thing is that this woman’s family is innocent and absolutely There are no problems.

In addition to being around the master, the poisonous fox often goes to the villa for one night, which is also an important way for men to relieve stress.

At this moment, his car slowly drove to the villa and drove in.

The car stopped in the villa. After the poison fox got out of the car, the driver and the bodyguard drove back. He will pick him up tomorrow morning. The villa is not disturbed except the servant.

The poisonous fox walked slowly into the villa. If it was changed to normal, the branch had already greeted the upstairs, and the cold was warm, but at this time it was not seen.

The expression of the poisonous fox still looks a little gloomy. He always has this expression. Zhuge Jiangnan gave the light to Jiang Wu, and gave the darkness to the poisonous fox. Only in front of the branches, the poisonous fox would barely be able to unload a few points. Precaution in my heart.

The poisonous fox walked slowly down the stairs and yelled upstairs and said, "The branches."

Suddenly, his heart felt a little bad, and the branches were not there. Why didn’t even a servant come out?

The poisonous fox turned and ran, and the sound of footsteps suddenly came upstairs. Xiao Bing walked downstairs, but at the door, he did not know when there was a strong big man blocking it. This big man is naturally two goods.

The poisonous fox suddenly realized that he couldn’t run away. He even counted it as an organ, but he was only a weak man. He didn’t have the slightest force. It’s because of this, people like him can only rely on a strong one. Strong backing, and then assist each other.

The poison fox stopped and turned his head and looked upstairs. He asked, "Who are you? Why do you count me?"

Xiao Bing finally walked down and looked at the poisonous fox. Hehe smiled: "The first sentence is to ask me why I want you to fall into the trap, but I don't want to know how your woman is. You are really cold and ruthless. The poisonous fox is really a poisonous fox."

The poisonous fox frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Xiao Bing."

Hearing Xiao Bing's words, the poisonous fox was even more surprised, but his face didn't have much confusion. Instead, he went to the sofa in the room and sat down. He asked indifferently: "What are you looking for?" ”

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed a few points of appreciation, sitting opposite the poisonous fox, burning a cigarette, taking a deep breath, spitting out a ring of smoke, his eyes were sharp and sharp enough to pierce the poison in front of him. The soul of the fox: "You are not afraid that I will kill you?"

"I am afraid, but you will not kill." The voice of the poisonous fox is full of self-confidence. "If you kill me, you will not be so much with me. If you kill me, you will not venture at this moment." Shangyang City, but not looking for others, just looking for me."

"So, you are not coming to kill me, you are let me help you with things."

Xiao Bing laughed: "You are a smart person. My favorite thing is to do things with smart people. Then will you help me?"

"No." Poison Fox said seriously. "Zhuge is my master. He has taught me for more than ten years. I can't betray my master."

Xiao Bing smiled faintly: "I didn't let you betray your master, I am letting you betray the dragon."

The poisonous fox frowning asks: "What is the difference? Longba and my master are themselves one, the dragon is good, my master is natural, the dragon is dead, can my master still be safe?"

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "Your master thinks so much, but the dragon is not necessarily, and the rich and the poor are not facing each other. This sentence is not understood by everyone, and not everyone can do it. Longba is When the forces still need your master, now the power is huge, your master has long been a stab in his eyes."

The poisonous fox sneered: "Promoting this way, this means should be my best."

"If you want to provoke a smart person, you must have facts. You should listen to me first, and then you think that my is not the truth." Xiao Bing.

The poisonous fox looks unrecognizable.

Xiao Bing smiled calmly and said: "What kind of person is Longba? You should be judged by it?"

Poison Fox Road: "Strong, confident, pampered, and assertive."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you have a vision? You may not be too happy to replace it with another word. You just use it yourself. Self-confidence is also conceited. If you are such a conceited person, what do you think is the most tolerant?"

Xiao Bing did not wait for the poisonous fox to return, and said to himself: "If he is such a conceited person, what he can't tolerate is that his own light is covered up by others. In his eyes, everything he has is in his eyes. It is because of himself, because of his powerful power, he can't tolerate others to give his credit to others even one and a half stars."

"White, his power is like Xiang Yu, his heart is like Liu Bang, such a person, may be successful, after all, he has the most powerful strength and power now, but you feel that following his men, if Your master has covered half of his light, what will happen?"

Xiao Bing sneered: "This time your master was abandoned, it is the simplest example, and this is just a beginning."

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