Super Soldier

Chapter 2121: Whose spirit is stronger? (two more)

Paying attention to the disdain in Xiaobing's eyes, Charles I said that one of the anger, the horror of the breath immediately began to approach, Xiao Bing once again felt the heart.

"Young people, do you know that the incumbent Queen has only one signal, you are afraid that it will be dead at this moment."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I believed it before, but now I don't believe it."

"You are not afraid of death?"

"Of course I am afraid of death, but I don't believe you can kill me." Xiao Bing sneered and said, "If I look good, your strength is actually entangled with the demon, only a small part of the power. Can also be used, this power is of course not killing me, but your most terrible is your strong mental strength, this mental power even if the semi-god-level powerhouse, are likely to be hit by a fatal."

"Oh, what you see is very accurate." Charles I asked. "Since you can see this, are you not afraid?"

"I said, you can't kill me at all. You can accurately see my true strength. Even with energy, you can entangle with the other party for hundreds of years. When you see it, you must have reached the level of God. However, now that you have been consuming a lot of power for hundreds of years, the other side also consumes a lot. As far as I know, the life of God is limited. If you have lived for hundreds of years, this world must be With great perseverance and strength to reverse the fate, even if this is the case, I am afraid that you are always at risk of dying out?"

Charles I said in a deep voice: "In the mythological era thousands of years ago, when the two most powerful races of the Protoss and the Mozus killed each other, humans began to rise from them, and the number was huge. They all felt the threat of humanity. After all, the number of human beings is too large, and the gods and the demons can no longer catch up with the human race, but the protoss think of a way with their wisdom."

Xiao Bing curiously asked: "What is the solution?"

“Cultivate the eternal flower that transcends the quality of the medicine.”

"Flower of eternal life?"

"Yes, the world's spirit grass is extremely rare. The gods and the gods are more likely to be impossible to see for ten generations, but they want to cultivate the flowers of eternal life beyond these, above the grass. If this flower is cultivated, taking it can reach the legendary immortality, let the life of their protoss or the master of the demon continue, then they may make up for this disadvantage and rule the world forever, and The top powers will continue to be born, but will not fall, and no other race will ever compete with them."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and thought of it after a burst of anger. He said: "If this is the case, the Protoss will not be sealed."

"Unfortunately, they gathered the wisdom and strength of the entire Protoss, gathered all the rare earth grasses and **** grasses of the earth, and provided nutrients to one of them. Finally, they found that this theory It can be successful, but it can't really change their destiny, because just this flower has already consumed all the grasses and grasses in their hands, and it may take a few to really cultivate success. The millennium is even nearly 10,000 years."

Xiao Bing said

"If that's the case, then they really failed, because they have been sealed, even if the last flowers are really mature, they can't enjoy the fruits of victory, but you said this, don't you... ...."

"Yes, I accidentally discovered this eternal flower, and seized the monster beside the flower of eternal life, forcing it to tell the origin of this eternal flower. It turned out that this monster was unintentionally known. The secret, when the Protoss was cultivating, it was nearby, but the Protoss did not find it. After the Protoss and the Mozu were sealed, it remained here. It was thinking that if one day it would If you can't, take this eternal flower and take it. If it can hold on, wait until the flower of eternal life is really mature."

"I later killed the monster, and watched the flower of eternal life even after thousands of years, even half of it was never mature. I couldn’t wait to take it, then I went straight from the saint. The realm has directly broken through to the **** level, and I can feel that my life expectancy has increased dramatically. Although I can't reach the level of immortality, I can live for thousands of years."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "So you lived to the present?"

"Yes, so I lived to the present."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath, just relying on an immature flower, he actually turned his life directly several times. Until now, he has not died yet, and may even continue to live. Fortunately, this kind of eternal life. Flowers can't be cultivated in large numbers. Otherwise, are the god-level powers of the Protoss still alive?

Xiao Bing suddenly thought of another question: "The guy who is entangled with you..."

"It is not a human being, nor a god, not a devil. Strictly speaking, it is a kind of grievance. At that time, an extremely evil sect in the world, with the support of the rebel leader, directly sacrificed tens of thousands of lives. Let tens of thousands of lives drain their blood, and then all the souls gather together, plus they use the ban, creating a grievance that can compete with the gods, or you call Its devil is also very appropriate."

"Because at the time on the battlefield, it swallowed up the lives of countless warriors, so the strength became stronger. Finally, I applied a ban, and at the expense of my own body, I was imprisoned. Therefore, it has been entangled with it for hundreds of years. Oh, if it is because of its appearance, I can live for at least a thousand years, but now I only have energy and soul, even the life of energy and soul. At most, I can still hold on for another hundred or two hundred years, because my consumption in this hundreds of years is really too big."

Xiao Bing muttered to himself: "I don't think there is such a story."

"Oh, the record of your history must be fake. You must know how this kind of thing can be recorded in history. Later I was here entangled with this demon, and each wanted to destroy each other while guarding the royal family of the y country. My strength is still above the devil, so even if it is entangled with it, you can use a small amount of power in a short period of time, enough to kill a strongman of the semi-god level."

"I said so much, are you scared? You still disdain?"

"I am not afraid of you." Xiao Bing said, "I believe you can easily kill a semi-god-level powerhouse, but

You can't kill me easily. ”

Charles I laughed: "What special do you have, are you more than half-god?"

"Of course I am a god-level, but your most powerful weapon is the spiritual power of terror, and my spiritual strength is also a long-term, not only that, I even have this spiritual artifact!"

Xiao Bing lifted the chasing stick, Charles I first stunned, then laughed and said: "With such a broken stick, can you fight me?"

His words had just been finished, and suddenly a horrible force rushed straight to Charles I. Charles I first stunned, then screamed an impossible, then the figure was attacked and disappeared. Soon his figure slowly reappeared, but it was not so real.

Charles I was unbelievably watching the chasing sticks in Xiao Bing and Xiao Bing, and was surprised: "What is this?"

The chasing soul wow wows: "Do you dare to call this artifact for something?"

Charles I is now a product of spiritual strength and energy. His communication with people is also the use of spiritual power. The pursuit of souls is also the use of spiritual communication, so Charles I immediately heard what the soul-hunting stick said.

Charles I can't believe it: "It..."

Xiao Bing said: "It is called a chasing soul stick, a medium-sized artifact that can carry out mental attacks. Its body contains even more spiritual power than me, and now your mental power has been huge for hundreds of years. Consumption, plus most of your mental power, must be used against the demon in front of you, and only a small part can be used to deal with me, so I said that you can't deal with me, just rely on the spirit of a small part of you. Force, it is impossible for me to add an opponent to chase souls."

Charles I was shocked: "The artifact of mental assault? Good... well... this is indeed my nemesis. Then tell me, you came here to see what I am going to do?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't do anything, I am just curious. Come and see you. You have used force twice to deal with me. Finally, because the Queen has not ordered, so you didn't shoot, so I want to see what kind of person you are. I didn't expect it to be a person whose body has already died."

"You have finished reading it now, remember to keep this secret."

Xiao Bing gave a cry, then suddenly asked: "You just said, you can live for a maximum of one or two hundred years now, then I want to ask, how long can this devil still live?"

"This... I am not sure, the strength of this demon is still under me, maybe it is already dead before I dissipate. But although it is not as good as me, but because it is just a grievance, and I originally have The body is at the expense of the body, so its life is much longer than me, and it may not be able to die after I dissipate."

Xiao Bing asked: "If you dissipate, but it still exists, what will happen?"

Charles I was silent, and then said heavily: "If this happens, it will destroy the entire royal family, because when the rebels created it, the task was to destroy the entire royal family!" ”

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