Super Soldier

Chapter 216: What you love is nothing but yourself.

Liu Sheng, the poison of the poisonous woman's heart forever, this is the source of her hatred.

As long as the name exists in her memory, her hatred and resentment against the world will never disappear, and even become more and more intense like **** until the world is destroyed, or she is being seen by her in this. The cruel world is ruined.

The exhibition is open to the car, and the second one is sitting next to the poisonous lady. I don’t dare to move. There are not many people in the world who are afraid of the second goods. Even if the strength of the other party is really strong, there are many goods. A daring battle, but the woman in front of him let him go unconsciously in the ghost door, he did not even understand what happened, this feeling makes him creepy.

The poisonous lady has been silent all the way. Her heart is thinking about things, thinking about many memories. This kind of memory makes her heart begin to tear and then reassemble, the original red dragonfly. The heart became lacquered black, all dark.

Finally, the car stopped at the gate of a courtyard in the suburbs. There was no one in the area around the house, and no one was there.

After the three people got out of the car, they walked into the house. It was until this time that the exhibition was red and the second one was relieved. Although the two of them were progressing rapidly, there was still a feeling of powerlessness beside the poisonous lady. Only at the side of Xiao Bing will it become practical, which is why they are willing to follow Xiao Bing.

The courtyard is very large. Inside is a bungalow. The door of the bungalow opens the door. Xiao Bing is not in the house. Instead, he sits on the chair at the door of the bungalow and looks at the poisonous lady with his legs.

There were a few chairs in the yard. The two goods and the exhibition were all standing behind Xiao Bing. The poisonous lady did not sit down. She went to Xiao Bing and asked, "What do you want with me? You know about Liu Sheng. What is it?"

Xiao Bing smiled and asked: "You don't ask me who I am?"

Today's Xiao Bing's strength has reached the peak of the martial arts. With his martial arts comprehension that is far higher than the martial arts period, he will not fear the poisonous maiden in martial arts, and even he has great grasp. The same level of martial arts peak killer, his only taboo is that this is a natural virgin female scorpion, m. ↘.co≮m people, poison and martial arts are different, it is impossible to prevent.

Since the poisonous lady came in from the doorway, Xiao Bing’s eyes looked at the poisonous lady without hesitation. He looked calm, calm and confident, but he did not dare to despise the poisonous lady’s every move.

In the eyes of the poisonous lady, she showed emotions such as madness, cruelty, resentment, distress and so on. Xiao Bing could even feel that her heartbeat was accelerating, so she smiled calmly and calmly: "My name is Xiao Bing, from Jiangcheng... ""

"I just want to know what you know about Liu Sheng, and I don't want to know anything else." The momentum of the poisonous lady was soaring, and the breath of extreme sorrow even made the woman who appeared in the showman feel scalp numb.

Xiao Bing’s expression returned to seriousness: “Well, okay... but I don’t like the condescending words of others, whether she is a man or a woman.”

Xiao Bing pointed to a chair opposite.

The poisonous lady walked over and sat down on the chair. After entering the yard, her every move was taken away by Xiao Bing, but she was unaware that there was only one thought in her mind. What is the secret of Liu Sheng?

Even if Liu Sheng had already died, but after so many years, she could hardly control the emotional fluctuations in her heart as long as she heard the name Liu Sheng.

After the poisonous lady sat down, her eyes stared at Xiao Bing like a poisonous snake. If Xiao Bing deceived the poisonous lady, she would definitely go up and Xiao Bing immediately, as long as she could kill the name of the woman who dared to mention it. People, even if they sacrifice their lives, they will not hesitate.

"You." The voice of the poisonous lady is like the grievances of the sky, so even if the strength of Xiao Bing does not dare to go directly after the poisonous lady comes in, so the same level of masters of the grievances, if there is really a life of despair Desperate with you, even if you can win, it is also a trouble.

Xiao Bing’s two hands were placed on the armrests of the chair, which naturally formed a gas field. The eyes were clearly seen with a bit of gaze, and quietly said: “Liu Mei, female, Liu When I was nine years old, my parents and foreigners quarreled. Under the anger, the body excreted toxins. All the people in the house were poisoned. Although they were rescued, the people in the village began to regard you as a demon and ghost. You must have been suffering at that time. Hey, I don’t know if you are a natural poison in the middle of the world. It is a peerless genius in toxicology."

"Well, from this, if you have a poisonous master who teaches you around you, I am afraid that your achievements are far more than that."

Although the poisonous lady is surprised that Xiao Bing knows her past, but what she really cares about is Liu Sheng’s business. As long as it involves the name Liu Sheng, she is impatient: “What do you do if you don’t know what about Liu Sheng? I don't have to sit here to stay with you if you don't know. You are all enemies of Dragon Pa, I can kill you all here, as a price to deceive my poisonous lady."

Xiao Bing looked at the poisonous lady, and she was not in a hurry. She smiled and said: "Things must be one by one, our time is very abundant, and the poisonous lady is in a hurry."

"Okay, okay... If nothing makes me interested, I will poison all of you... Don't think that your level can escape my poison like me, for the poison of the peak Masters, all the people below the congenital master can not resist my poison, even if it is into the Dan Jin period, as long as it does not reach the realm of enthusiasm, my toxin will have an effect on him."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I think you must be more interested in the things about Liu Sheng than those who killed me and me, so it is better to listen to me and continue."

The poisonous lady is holding back, the default.

"Your toxins are getting stronger and stronger, even to the point where they can't be controlled. People in the village... Even your family is starting to crowd you out, treating you as a demon and driving you out of the village. Then you are so lonely. Wandering, even dare not approach people, until finally you can control the body's toxins one day, and begin to reintegrate into the normal life, work in the city, and slowly get to know this Liusheng..."

"You and Liu Sheng have developed very quickly. Even when they have reached the level of marriage, there is a day when Liu Sheng and a group of hooligans are in conflict. They are beaten and bruised. The anger makes the toxins in your body uncontrollable. Poisoned several people, one of them died, the rest of them were smashed, some became vegetative, and you were arrested."

"You are about to face trial, but you still have no regrets, because all this is for your favorite man... but you have learned a message inside, Liu Sheng will not visit you again, because he has already found Another woman, and soon will get married."

"The deep hatred of love, the seeds of love mutated in the heart overnight. You attacked many guards with poison and fled. After finding Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng personally admitted this matter and advised you to return to surrender. Overnight... Liu Sheng and his family were all poisoned by you, and the woman and her family were poisoned by you. There was one Liu Mei in the world and a poisonous lady."

Xiao Bing looked at the poisonous lady and asked, "Is it right?"

The body of the poisonous lady is constantly shaking, and all the eyes are full of hatred. It is obviously remembering the painful memories and fluctuating the dark source of her heart.

"Liu Mei..." Xiao Bing directly called out her name, which has been called no longer for many years. "Do you not want to know why he wants to marry that woman?"

The poisonous lady smiled, her laughter pierced, and her hair was erect. After she finished laughing, she looked at Xiao Bing with a look that hated the people of the world. She said with a gloomy smile: "Isn't it all the bad roots of these men?" ?Hi new and tired of old!"

"What you think is really simple." Xiao Bing sighed. "A man who has been with you for a few years, a man who is at home with pressure to slap you through the door, will be in the short time you are caught." Did you give up on the day?"

"Then, what is it because of it!" The poisonous lady was almost smashed out.

"Because he wants to save you!"

"You...what?" The poisonous lady suddenly stood up, her eyes first horrified, then she did not believe, shook her head and laughed. "Okay, okay, you want to persuade me to abandon evil. What? In the end, I used this ridiculous lie to deceive me."

"I have lie to you, you can see if you don't see it."

Xiao Bing threw a book at the foot of the poisonous lady. The body of the poisonous lady was shocked and bent down. Her movements were slow and slow, and her fingers were slightly trembling. Everything was like his mood at the moment. In terms of her eagerness for Xiao Bing is true, on the other hand, she is afraid that Xiao Bing is true. Although she is unbelieving from the bottom of her heart, she even feels ridiculous, but in the end it is very difficult to pick up the book.

Xiao Bing's tone is calm: "The second woman of the woman is the director of the Public Security Bureau... You look at the second page and there is a seal on it."

The poisonous lady opened the second page with difficulty, showing a shock of her face, and then her face was pale, and the book in her hand fell to the ground.

Xiao Bing sneered: "This is what I transferred through the relationship. It was already recorded more than ten years ago. I was lucky enough to save it. At that time, the woman’s cockroaches wanted to handle you lightly through the relationship, obviously enough to shoot. He directly sentenced you to 10 years in prison through the relationship. What do you think is for no reason?"

Xiao Bing sneered: "Because your man, in order to let you come out soon, promised to marry the niece of the director, and that woman has long been in love with Liu Sheng for several years."

"Why." The poisonous lady slammed into the chair and her tears flowed down. For the first time in more than a decade, she shed tears. "Why didn't he tell me?"

"He must have thought that you would have been so poisoned. He wouldn't tell you. I want to follow the original situation. He wants you to completely die. Only in this way can you save you and let you later." Go find your own happiness. Unfortunately... he misreads you."

Xiao Bing’s eyes were sharp, and he immediately poked out the dark heart of the poisonous lady: “You don’t love him, it’s just yourself... you don’t have any trust in him. This is why you didn’t think about it. !"

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