Super Soldier

Chapter 2162: Mother and child recognition (three more)

Bai Yan looked up at Xiao Bing and muttered to himself: "This is... This is the end of the abuse of Jiang Tian, ​​there is no chance to resist Jiang Tianyi."

The leaves smiled and said: "I said, he will definitely win."

Although everyone said that all of them were scarred before, but basically they could not hurt their lives. This is not Jiang Tian’s mercy. After all, Jiang Tian is an enemy. It is impossible to kill so many people at once. He can It’s been a horrible thing to do so in a few strokes, so that Xiao Bing can kill such a terrible power in such a short period of time, and let the world Governments have felt a little bit of fear.

The president of the m-country and the military personally saw this live broadcast, and then the head of the military looked solemnly: "Mr. President, if there is no grasp of this Xiaobing, you should try not to provoke this. People, I can feel that he is stronger than the last time in our country."

The president of the m country also nodded in a dignified manner and then said: "He is about to have a wedding soon."

The important person in the think tank on the side said: "Mr. President, I suggest that the diplomat in Kyoto immediately bring a gift to the past and congratulate him on behalf of the m country."

The head of the military said: "I am also the suggestion. After all, there is no reason for you to die. If this is the case, it is better to temporarily ease the relationship."

The president nodded. "That's it."

At this moment in other countries, everyone is also expressing the attitude of not being able to enmity with Xiao Bing.

In the palace of the country of y, after seeing this scene, Her Majesty the Queen showed a smile on her face and sighed softly: "This girl... Although I hope she can stay here to inherit my position, but also have to Admit that she is really very visionary and worthy of being my descendants."

In the royal residence of the country of R, the brow of the Emperor's brow slightly tightened, and finally sighed, muttering to himself: "It seems that it is not a mistake to marry Nami to this person, this guy can not easily offend."

The national governments all over the world realized the horror of Xiao Bing at this moment almost now, but the intelligence systems of various countries have also begun to investigate the identity of Xia Hongyin, Liuzhi and Xunzi. After all, what they have shown is not human power, but also has died. Jiang Tian said that these three people are probably both Protoss and Mozu. The Protoss and the Mozu have always been the enemy of human beings. For example, although the country of M intends to ease the relationship with Xiao Bing, it also thinks about using it. Xia Hongyin’s identity came to a fatal blow to Xiao Bing.

But that's all about the future. They must first investigate. When they are ready, they will be awkward. Before that, they really want to have a good relationship with Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing fell to the ground, then patted the groom's clothes on the body and said: "I just returned to the base of Longmen, changed the clothes, and found that all the team members were not in the base, I guess I am afraid something is wrong..."

Leaves and other people came out from the inside, Xia Hongyin pulled out a medicine**, handed it to Xiao Bing, saying: "To all the injured people, it will be good soon."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing took the medicine, and he took a medicine. After eating it, everyone felt a warm current flowing in the body, and the injury was recovering, although it was impossible to recover to himself soon. At the peak, but the body is no longer a problem, the most important thing is that although they are not hurt, they are not very heavy.

Bai Xue circled Xiao Bing and said, "I have protected my sister."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, the snow is the most embarrassing, you guys will fly."

The leaves said: "I was also the first to see Bai Xuefei so high. It is estimated that it was just under the urgency of the situation. It is really deep to see the relationship between her and Mingyue."

"Yeah." said the red rose. "Who said that the monster has no feelings?"

Although the red rose is now a human being, but she was a descendant of the human race and the gossip snake, she was always very sensitive to this issue. Now I see that Bai Xue has such a performance, naturally it is necessary to say a few words.

After Xiao Bing was feeding everyone to finish the healing medicine, he looked at Xia Hongyin and said, "Mom, what do you want to say to me?"

Xia Hongyin looked at Xiao Bing, hesitated a moment, opened his mouth, but some could not say it. She has always been a very assertive woman, she always has a strong personality, so she will marry Xiao Brooding at the beginning. However, in front of her own son, she felt a strong sense of guilt and guilt, although she had already made a decision. On the day when her son got married, he would come back anyway, because this It is her few dreams. Her biggest dream now is that her two sons will be able to get married one day and finally be able to take up their grandchildren or granddaughters.

However, when she really faced Xiao Bing, she did not know how to face it, because she knew that her son probably knew everything, how should he say it? Why did he drop him in the orphanage that year, he has been so many people in the past few years, there is no one around him, will he forgive himself?

Xiao Bing stood in front of Xia Hongyin and asked with a trembling voice: "Your son is standing in front of you. Don't you still recognize it?"

Xia Hongyin shook her head, tears flashed in her eyes, and choked: "Son, I... I am your biological mother, sorry, I..."

Xia Hongyin's words have not been finished, she was held in the arms of Xiao Bing, and then she heard Xiao Bing began to cry in his ear.

All the people who saw this scene in front of the TV were touched. Xiao Bing’s deeds have long been known. Everyone knows that Xiao Bing grew up in an orphanage, has no father, no mother, but today On the day of Xiao Bing's marriage, his mother appeared.

Countless people are imagining that if they change themselves, then they must be unable to forgive their family. At least they can’t forgive for a short time, but Xiao Bing is forgiven, and they cry in tears. They suddenly start to Xiao Bing was happy and saddened. They could think of how much Xiao Xiao missed his parents and missed his family for so many years.

The Buddha in the distance closed his eyes slightly, and said faintly: "My mother, it seems that she is completely unable to squat in the future."

The woman’s voice sighed and asked: “Master, what is in your heart now thinking?”

"I didn't think about anything." The Buddha's son opened his eyes again, and his eyes were only cold and ruthless. "The only thing I think is the same. It is a great plan. No one can be a hindrance to my great plan, even if it is My loved ones will not work either."

The woman said softly: "Master, the second son is now reunited with the honor, are you not happy with them in your heart?"

The Buddha’s son hesitated. This time he did not refute again. He sighed softly and said: “This is a wish of my mother.”

The leaves and others are all happy for Xiao Bing. All of them know that Xiao Bing said that as long as there are enough relatives of Xiao Fu, it doesn't matter if they don't know who their parents are, but they all know. Xiao Bing actually has a knot. After all, will the children of the family not want to be a person with parents? Now Xiao Bing’s heart is finally open, Xiao Bing is crying, but this is the tears of joy. This is also the tears of grievances that have been suffered for so many years. When this time, after crying, he is left. With joy, all the grievances have vanished.

Xia Hongyin finally couldn't help it, tears burst out, and while gently patted Xiao Bing's back, he said, "Child, don't cry, don't cry, mom is sorry for you..."

"I don't blame you..." Xiao Bing whimpered. "I never blamed you. I know everything. I used to know everything. Everything is up to me. I only blame myself. Even if you hate me, blame me, throw me away, I have not blamed you, I just hope that I can see you again, can tell you this, and can call you a mother again."

"I'm sorry, sorry, that's not your responsibility, Mom is sorry for you." Xia Hongyin patted Xiao Bing's shoulder, rubbing his tears and said with a smile, "In fact, I should be happy today, today you are getting married, you wait. I have been waiting for a long time on this day, and my mother has not known how many years have been waiting for this day."

"Well, I should be happy." Xiao Bing loosened Xia Hongyin and then grabbed Xia Hongyin's arm and said excitedly, "Mom, don't leave this time, I don't want to leave immediately after I get married."

"I don't go, I don't go." Xia Hongyin's nose was sour, he choked. "Mom didn't know how to face you before. Mom didn't face to face you, but this time I won't escape, I won't I will leave easily. I will stay and witness your marriage and have a grandson."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing turned his head and looked at the leaves and others, saying, "I'm sorry, the day of the big marriage, I..."

"It doesn't matter." The leaves looked up and looked at the sky and said, "Now it must be broadcast live around the world. Let us think about it. You can take this as a good thing, just as this is the biggest wedding gift you gave to our sisters. Let all the people in the world witness it, my Ye Xiaoxi and my sisters have become your woman, the happiest woman in the world!"

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