Super Soldier

Chapter 2188: Women love to marry (three more)

Linda has come back after a while, everything is like nothing has happened, no matter what Bi Tingting, Linda or Xiao Bing, no one has said anything, exactly the same as before.

After eating the dinner, everyone watched the performance for a while, and then they began to disperse one by one.

Before Xiao Bing left, Linda and Xiao Bing exchanged their eyes, and then Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting left their arms.

After waiting for the hotel, Bi Tingting took a look at Xiao Bing's arm. Xiao Bing's screamed and spit out: "How do you all love women?"

Bi Tingting smirked: "Which woman is jealous of you? I know, the leaves they definitely like to yell at you, do you know that this can prove what it is?"

Xiao Bing asked: "Prove what? Prove that you like to be awkward."

"No, I can prove that this man is a bad boy. He is a bad man who always goes out to blame, so he will be embarrassed by his own woman."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I am single-minded to you."

"Get it." Bi Tingting suddenly asked, "Linda's black bra is not good?"

Xiao Bing blurted out: "Is it not blue..."

Xiao Bing began to regret after saying it, said: "Hey... I just took a look at it."

"Giggle, you can explain, who can't see it, your eyes are staring at people's bodies when you're fine, look at people's chests for a while, look at people's legs for a while, look at people's **** for a while... Hey, Are you a good meal tonight?"

"" Xiao Bingxiao smiled. "Actually, this can't blame me."

"Yeah, ah, I’m too scared to wear Linda. Oh, Linda is obviously cheap, and it’s blame, it’s also pitiful.”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I didn't even touch her when I touched it. What is cheap? I mean, this can't blame me, what is the intention of a woman wearing so little? Not just to let other men Appreciate it, and a man looks at another woman, which proves that the man will appreciate the woman and has no feelings for the other person."

Bi Tingting asked: "Going to see people and prove that there is no feeling for others? This statement is very fresh."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It’s just like you. If you wear such a dress, I won’t go see it, even I will lose your temper with you, because I can’t let you wear a suit outside. Exposed to other men, do you understand?"

Xiao Bing's words are very simple and easy to understand. The reason is simple. A man may not care about other people's daughter-in-law wearing less, but he will not let his woman wear so little clothes, otherwise the heart will feel uncomfortable.

Although this is not a love story, but it is better than love, Bi Tingting immediately turned into anger, and the heart is full of happiness, began to be full of happiness.

Xiao Bing observed the words and smiled: "Is right?"

Although Bi Tingting is happy in her heart, she said, "Oh, even if you barely pass, I will stare at you later, lest you carry the leaves on the outside."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "I see you because you will be jealous, you have to use the leaves as a shield, hehe."

Bi Tingting’s face was red, then the evil said: “What are you talking about?”

"Hey? The weather is really good today."

"It's dark now!"

"Oh, yes, yes, black sky!" Xiao Bing pointed to the sky and said, "The moon tonight is really round."

Bi Tingting: "...."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Will we two people walk around for a while?"

"Still forget it. Now, even though I’m dressed up, and it’s a country, it might be a little better, but...”

"Nothing, but you also said, here is the country of m, although you will soon be recognized outside of China, but after we have dressed up, we should not be a problem."

Bi Tingting thought for a moment and walked to her car. There were several bodyguards waiting for Bi Tingting to come out immediately. Bi Tingting said: "You go back first, I am shopping with my friends."

The bodyguards hesitated, and one of the bodyguards said with some concern: "Don't you stay with us?"

Bi Tingting smiled and said: "The law and order is still very good, and there are my friends, what can be done? Rest assured."

The bodyguard said: "In fact, the law and order in the country of M may not be as good as ours in China, because almost every household here has guns, and there are frequent shootings in nightclubs and other places."

"Well, I know, we won't go to the nightclub, just walk outside."

"That's alright." The bodyguards glanced at each other and said, "Let's go back first, and then call us again."

"Okay." Bi Tingting smiled and agreed.

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting waited until these bodyguards drove away, and then they walked along the road.

"Xiao Xiaoge."


"Actually, I really feel very happy in this place."

"M country? Do you think the happiness index of m country is so high?"

"Of course not. I love my motherland most. I love Huaxia. Who makes me a Chinese, and many places in China are indeed stronger than m. Every country has the advantages of each country, but Everyone also has a sense of belonging to their country."

Xiao Bing was satisfied with the sound, although Xiao Bing did not care that his woman had his own ideas, but Xiao Bing was a soldier after all, and even now is a military thinking, so patriotism has always been very much for Xiao Bing. important.

Bi Tingting said: "I mean, in this country, there are still many people who don't know me and don't know me, so I am a little disguised, and I can accompany you to the night scene here, but If it is in China, even if I am dressed up, even this kind of night scene is very difficult to visit, because it is easy to be found outside, even if it is night."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But this is the life you choose."

"Yeah, this is the life I chose." Bi Tingting said, "The life you choose must be responsible for yourself. I always understand this truth, but it won't take long. I can be bright and good in the morning and evening. Walk with you hand in hand."

Bi Tingting said sweetly.

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "Yes, it won't take long."

Xiao Bing thought of Bi Tingting's plan. The plan of the two people is actually the same, but Xiao Bing thinks about how to deal with the m country, and Bi Tingting thinks more, it is through the career aspect of Bi Tingting. When two people are together, it will not affect Bi Tingting’s career.

Two people joined hands and continued to walk on the street. After a while, I saw some snacks in the store. Bi Tingting took out a mask from her pocket and put it on her face, plus the original. Wearing sunglasses on the glasses, so the average person can not recognize, Bi Tingting took Xiao Bing's hand, said with a smile: "Go, go with me to buy some cold drinks and snacks to eat."

"Okay!" Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting walked into the store together, then lined up to buy some food, and then went out to eat.

After the bag was opened, Xiao Bing took out the plastic bag and put the package of the snack directly into the plastic bag. In the developed countries, it is not allowed to litter randomly, otherwise it will be very serious. Fine, so each country has the advantage of each country. The disadvantage of m is that their so-called democracy is not democratic in some respects. They naturally have their own advantages.

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting, while eating cold drinks, walked toward the front.

Bi Tingting said: "This should be regarded as the most developed city in the whole country. Oh, yes, how do you know so much about movies? I see you talk about it later, the father basically does not feel to others. Interested, only interested in you alone."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No way, I just want to prove that I am not only a handsome man, but I am also very talented."

Bi Tingting smirked: "It is estimated that the old man does not know how narcissistic you are. You have not seen how much he appreciates you, especially when you are going to the bathroom, you and Linda don't know. When he was in the bathroom, he was full of praise for you at the dinner table."

Xiao Bing blew a whistle and smiled. "Is it like this? Then I really feel so honored. To be honest, he has always been one of my idols. Well, I am not going to go." The person who chased the stars, so it is not the kind of crazy fan, but he is definitely a very favorite big director. It is really very popular, and it is very difficult to get."

"See it." Bi Tingting said, "This time our shooting time is estimated to be in a month or so, or it may be longer. For the time being, it’s not good... you can finally stay with me. But I am also very embarrassed. After all, you just got married, you can't stay with them at home."

"Nothing," Xiao Bing said. "They all understand my work, um... This thing has something to do with my normal work. Otherwise I am embarrassed."

Bi Tingting said: "Im is still targeting you later?"

"I haven't got it yet, but I think it's because they want to give me a fatal blow." Xiao Bing thought of the previous Buddhism in the country of M, and thought about it carefully. If there is no Buddhist door to stir up, maybe the country I have already started attacking myself, and because of the relationship between Buddhism, the country itself has been a bit sloppy and will maintain a tolerant attitude towards itself.

But this kind of tolerance will not last for a long time. This kind of tolerance will not last long. It’s just that the government thinks it’s time to take time out, but in Xiao Bing’s opinion, that day may not be too Too far away.

After all, this is the only superpower in the world.


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