Super Soldier

Chapter 2200: Give me a glimpse

The old class listened a little surprised and asked: "You are not afraid?"

"I'm afraid of anything." Xiao Bing laughed. "When the soldiers come to block the water, I don't believe it. I can kill me with a few videos on the other side of the country. Oh, let's do their spring and autumn dreams!"

The old class said: "But there are so many mouths, I am afraid that those spit stars are not what you can accept."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "In fact, I also want to know one thing. How have I treated them over the years? Now I am being challenged by the M countries. How will they treat me in such a situation? ""

The old class was slightly silent. After thinking about it, I said, "I understand, I am relieved. If there is another video, we will not manage it, but you have to think clearly. Public opinion is sometimes the most terrible. One thing, even our country and our party can't violate public opinion. Do you really have a solution?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will give you a reassurance, I will never have anything to do."

The old class sighed and said: "Since you say this, then I will follow your instructions and stop blocking the news."

"Don't block it." Xiao Bing smiled. "Just wait to see how my soldiers will cover the water."

The old class said: "You kid, always have a lot of eyes, this time I have to see how you deal with it, right, this time is back?"

"Come back." Xiao Bing said with a smile, "I will go to the Ministry of National Security to see you tomorrow."

"Well, a woman who spends time with you, it is a small matter to see me as an old man."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "Old man, when are you not so confident, after I come back, can you not see you?"

"Oh, the stinky boy has a woman, and he forgets the old man. This is nothing unusual."

"It seems like I am very good."

"Aren't you?"

Xiao Bing laughed and laughed, and the old class laughed.

"Okay, why should the stinky boy go, don't bother me to rest, this time the old man I started to health, can go to bed early to sleep early."

"Well, your old age is so big, you must be healthy, good night."

"The stinky boy even spit out my age, OK, good night."

Hanging up the phone, Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Do you really have confidence?"

"Well, I have confidence." Xiao Bing smiled. "I am not a fool. If I don't have full control, will I let the Ministry of National Security not block the news? Those who want to engage me behind them, they I am afraid it is a wrong calculation."

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Dr. Xiao, why do you always want to deal with you in the country of m?"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "It’s plain, or because I threatened him. In contrast, although big countries such as Russia and China may threaten them more, but a country as an opponent and A person as an opponent is a completely different concept. Because a country may need to consider more things, there will be many things to consider, and people will worry that the country will die. People will worry that ordinary people will not afford it. The consequences of the war, but as an individual, there are fewer things to worry about."

Su Dao: "You are right."

"Yes, so China's energy may be much bigger than me, but they can temporarily tolerate China, but can't tolerate my continued development."

Su Dao: "But can you pass this time this time?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This level is about to deal with me, but in the future they will not be willing to give up, they may still take a more intense approach to deal with me in the future ... but it does not matter, the soldiers will block the water to cover it. ”

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Well, Xiao Xiao, I feel that you are working hard every day."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. What's more, how hard you are every day, you have to worry about me every day. In fact, the feeling of total anxiety is even more uncomfortable. I understand more than anyone, it’s hard for you."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "I have nothing, mainly other people."

"No." Xiao Bing said, "Including you, including other people. Rest assured, I have already said it to my mother before, and when I am a few years later, I will retreat to the rivers and lakes. You go to seclusion, I have two ideas now, one is to buy a small island, and then take all of you into the island, there is an idea to live in the fairy door, but feel like living in the fairy door or Not very good, let's talk about it later."

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Really? Can you really go to seclusion together?"

"Of course, yes, why not." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "We will be together every day, and we don't have to think about the mess, when you say we will be very happy."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao nodded and said happily. "I think about it now, I feel so good looking forward to the time."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am looking forward to it, but I am actually looking forward to the night of this night."

Su Xiaoxiao stunned, and then asked with a look of confusion: "What is the night of today? What is the holiday today? I don't know why."

Xiao Bing suddenly put Su Xiaoxiao into his arms, and then he said with a smirk: "Today is of course the day when I am sleeping with you, or else what do you think is it, is it so late for us?" What kind of holiday is going to go out?"

Su Xiao’s face was slightly red, and Xiao Bing couldn’t help but smile when he saw this scene: “Ha ha ha ha, little and small, I can’t think of the iceberg beauty when there is blush.”

Su Xiaoxiao snorted and said: "The beauty of the iceberg will not only blush."

Xiao Bing asked: "In addition to blushing, what else..."

"I will bite people." Bi Tingting said, even directly squatting Xiao Bing, directly opened his mouth and bite a bit on Xiao Bing's shoulder, oh, no, actually this bite is not light, this is not One bite directly let Xiao Bing's shoulder hurt, and then waited until he looked down at the shoulder, Xiao Bing found a row of deep teeth on his shoulder.

Xiao Bing complained: "How can all of your women bite people?"

Su Xiaoxiao Jiao said: "Who told you to say mine, but this tooth print is a brand for you, so that you will remember all the time, you are my little man."

Xiao Bing coughed: "I really didn't find that you were such a bully girl."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "Don't you forget that when you first came to my house, I was almost bombarded by me."

Xiao Bing thought of the scene of the year, and his face could not help but smile. He said, "Yeah, although I was mentally prepared, but your reaction still surprised me slightly, but that is For the first time in my history, I was given a closed door by a person."

Su Dao: "So you still say that I am not the kind of girl who is overbearing."

Xiao Bing touched his nose, some helplessly smiled, and finally sighed and said: "Hey, anyway, go home, how can I still do it anyway, I will accept it."

Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao had to start to bite and bite, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't, don't, don't, I am joking, I just made a joke."

Su Xiaoxiao snorted and said: "This is almost the same."

Xiao Bing smirked: "And even if it is a bite, I don't want you to always stare at me and bite."

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Then you want me to bite? You guys are strange. When I first saw someone biting, I still have to find a position."

Xiao Bing sneered and said: "I hope you are going to bite me below."

"You..." Su Xiao’s face was red, and suddenly his knees were lifted.

Xiao Bing snorted and stood up straight, squatting down and said: "Su Xiaoxiao, you want to let your man break the grandson, you talk about this in case you are pregnant, look How can you have **** in the future?"

Looking at Xiao Bingwu’s squatting and jumping there, Su Xiaoxiao was frightened. At first she just wanted to scare and scare Xiao Bing, so she didn’t have any real strength, just the knee top. At that point, she was only mastered of the scale, but seeing Xiao Bing’s painful look, is it that he has not mastered the measure? Direct force is too strong?

It’s terrible, what should I do?

Su Xiaoxiao was so scared that he almost cried: "What's wrong with you, I am not too hard, I call you to call the ambulance, I will send you to the hospital to have a look."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Nothing, nothing... it hurts, hey, it hurts. Rest assured, I am fine, I am the most measured about my injury. It is me here... it is too It hurts, someone may need someone to help me with a little sigh."

Su Xiao’s face was red, and some even became hot and hot.

Xiao Bing said: "That, if you are really embarrassed to come, then forget it, then let me listen to my fate."

Su Dao: "Or else call an ambulance."

"How can it be done? You don't want to think about it. If you call in an ambulance, then everyone in Xiaofu will know it. When will my face be placed? And when you are there, too It will be very troublesome."

Su Xiaoxiao thought about it, Xiao Bing said that since it can't call an ambulance, and Xiao Bing said that there is no serious problem, it is just a pain, then it seems that it is really necessary for Xiao Bing's brother to be good. It’s awkward.

Su Xiao’s face was hot and hot, and he looked shyly: “Then I... then I will give you a sigh. put that...”

Xiao Bing grabbed Su Xiao’s hand and untied his waistband. He sent Su’s little hand from his waistband and said, “Come on, let’s put your hand in it. Uh...oh...hey..."

Su Xiaoxiao grabbed the hot one with her hand... Then she heard Xiao Bing’s call, and she immediately had a red face, especially the one that was hot and hot. She directly blushed and reddened her hand and almost shrank her hand back.

Su Xiao’s face was hot and his face was flustered and asked: "What... what? Nothing?"

"No, no, continue to squat, it's very comfortable." Xiao Bing cocked his thumbs and said, "I really admire you as a woman's responsibility and responsibility, rest assured. You give me a little bit of a sigh, I will be fine right away. Oh, yes, yes, so comfortable... Oh... so comfortable!!"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "You... so disgusting, can you not call it?"

"I... I am comfortable." Xiao Bing said wrongly.

"Okay... okay." Su Xiaoxiao also had no way to take Xiao Bing. He had to continue to use his slender fingers to gently squat. In his heart, he only hoped that Xiao Bing must have nothing to do. It’s easy to break...


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