Super Soldier

Chapter 2218: Poorly caught (one more)

The power of terror is ejected from the mouth of the horrible blood. Even the hardest rock will melt in front of this force. Xiao Bing is stunned. He really knows the horror of this power. However, he has just learned the experience of the past, even if this power is absolutely not weak compared with the laser, even if Xiao Bing is unprepared, I am afraid it will be seriously injured.

At the moment, other people have tightened their fists one by one, and even the people of Buddhism have held their breath. This is the strongest blow of the four great beasts of the mythology!

Now the singularity is facing a desperate situation. This attack has almost used all its power. This attack is even more horrific than the attack on Xiao Bing. After the power is ejected, the singularity is like a deflated ball. The breath suddenly fell by more than half, and the power of terror even burned a black hole in the space. The power between the eyes reached the front of the Buddha.

This scene has shocked the whole world. At this time, the world’s shots are aligned here. The whole world is also broadcasting this picture. The two big sons of the dark world gathered for the first time in front of the world. The two major organizations of the world have all come today, and they are all for a goal, the mythical period is so wonderful!

Now the world has seen the fierceness of the beasts of this mythology. All the people have squeezed a sweat. Is it true that the Buddha is so dead?

While the body of the Buddha’s son continued to slide backwards, his left hand grasped the chain, and the right hand directly pushed out the flat palm. A white light appeared in his palm. This power is not infuriating, not Divine power, not magic, is the purest power under the sun.

When this power collided with the singularly ejected power that could destroy everything, the horrible energy swayed in all directions, and then it was seen that the space around the kilometer was torn apart in the air. Even the people of Molong had to quickly retreat backwards. The Longmen and the Buddhamen each retreated in the opposite direction. The people of Buddhism retreated to the back of the Buddha.

The Buddha son still stood there, and the strangeness was already stunned. Even an ordinary god-level powerhouse must be wounded in the face of his attack. Was the Buddha’s son actually resisted? It only thinks that the Buddha has subverted his thoughts.

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “Little guy, I am more and more interested in your strength, let’s go!”

The Buddha’s powerful iron chain, the strange and involuntarily flew past, and then was riding on the body by the Buddha’s son. Xu Mu, who did not know when it had disappeared, suddenly appeared out of thin air. The back of the son took a picture.

It turns out that Xu Mu hides himself in order to wait for such an opportunity. His strength has reached the realm of demigod, and he has mastered a trace of chaos. The chaos is the legend that is superior to divine power, magic and humanity. The power above the air is the purest power at the time of the opening of the earth, even if it is only a trace of silk, it is enough to make Xu Mu a top player in the realm of demigod.

No one thought that this scene would be so abrupt, the pillars of China’s gods would attack the Buddha son, and the Buddha’s son could face the sneak attack of Xu Mu.

Seeing that he was going to shoot in the back of the Buddha’s son, Xu Mu suddenly heard the Buddha’s sneer, and he immediately realized that it was wrong, but he saw a section of the chain and did not know when he had touched himself from below. Xu Mu just felt a cool feeling, followed by a feeling of intense pain, Xu Mu was pulled back from the other end of the chain more than ten meters away, then the Buddha The people disappeared.

Xu Mu took a deep breath and was surprised: "How is it possible!"

"He is really too strong." Xiao Bing said, "I am afraid that he has already captured your position, and he has already been wary, knowing that you will suddenly shoot at him, so you think the sneak attack is successful. He has preemptive."

Xu Mu said: "I mean how they suddenly disappeared."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said: "I have heard that the level of God has a power called teleport. The stronger the realm, the farther the teleport will be, but it will usually not be particularly far, and teleportation. Too much energy consumption, so the general **** level master will rarely use it, unless it is really life and death, I think the Buddha has stepped into the **** level, and he can help so many people teleport at the same time, even if Even if it is not far away, his realm is a bit scary."

Molong said: "Since the teleport distance is not particularly far away, we will hurry and find it!"

Xiao Bing said: "No need."

“Why?” Everyone looked at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing said: "We go together in one direction, it is difficult to find, scattered to find, will only be broken by each of them, when everyone will be in danger of life, let's go, this time we lost!"

This is the first time in the world that people around the world have seen Xiao Bing also lose. Of course, this time the two big sons did not really fight, but at least the result of this time is that the Buddha has won.

Xiao Bing and others descended from the sky and landed on the ground. This live broadcast also announced the end.

Xu Mu looked at Xiao Bing and said with a serious expression: "I am the first time to face this Buddha directly. His strength and realm are above the old man."

Xiao Bing said: "This person is indeed a genius."

Xu Mu asked: "What purpose does he have to take away this monster?"

"I don't know." Xiao Bingxin was a little nervous. He sighed and said, "I just know that he has been collecting monsters all the time, but the specific reasons are not clear."

Xu Mu said: "That means that he is not just catching such a one?"

Xiao Bing nodded.

Xu Mu said: "If he releases these monsters, I am afraid that the world will face disaster."

"This is supposed to be no. He will release the monsters, and it will be the same before he catches them. It will not change much. He must have other purposes." The soldier said very convincingly.

"Well, what you said is also." Xu Mu said with a slight sigh of relief. "But I don't think it is like what he said. What will the monster be taken as a pet? Since ancient times, I have never listened. I have said that someone is catching a monster as a pet."

"I don't believe too much." Xiao Bing said with a wry smile. "I am afraid that I can't get any answers for the time being. This time, I would like to thank Mr. Xu Mu, Chen Baijian, the Pope, and all of you."

Chen Baijian said faintly: "This time we are not only helping you, but also for ourselves. I originally planned to get some of the things on it after hunting the singularity. Maybe I can improve my strength. I didn't expect it to fail. It is."

Xu Mu said: "I have also had this plan. Of course, it is also one of the purposes for the people to get rid of the harm. It is only this time that we have failed. It is probably not a good thing to be taken away by the Buddha."

The Pope dignified: "Does the realm of the Buddha son reach the level of God? I used to think that Vice Minister Xiao should be the strongest. Now it seems that this Buddha is probably the first in the world. ”

Xiao Bing said: "I am not as good as him in strength. Hey, this time I was going to compete with him, but I didn't get this chance. Forget it, let's put it down for the time being. We are fortunate enough to be here this time. It’s a fate to meet together here. It’s not like this. Looking for a nearest city, I’ll entertain everyone and have a good meal. How do you feel?”

Today's presence is all one of the strongest in the world. Xu Mu and others thought about it. They are also willing to have a good relationship with Xiao Bing, and they all agreed.

Xiao Bing and others did not completely give up chasing. For the time being, they speeded up the speed and went all the way. See if the road would pick the right direction and find some clues, but finally arrived in the nearest city after four hours. Still did not find the traces and figures of Buddhism, Xiao Bing can be sure that they are not in the right direction, but it is not too unexpected. After all, there are four directions in total, and the correct rate is only one quarter. This is also Xiao Bing at that time. Those who know the Buddha's door must not be teleported, but they are still far from being discouraged.

After entering the city, everyone first found a room in the hotel, and then found a Chinese restaurant that looks bigger in the city. After entering, Xiao Bing ordered some well-known dishes from China. I called some white wine and everyone sat in the private room and started drinking.

"Deputy Minister Xiao, in any case, although the strength of this Buddha's son is unfathomable, but even now I still believe that you must be the first person in martial arts in the future, the people I have met. Among them, from all aspects, you are definitely the most hopeful one to enter the **** level, I will pay you a cup." Pope said toast.

Xiao Bing smiled and the Pope clinked and said with a smile: "If you say this, your Holy See will definitely not be embarrassed again. After all, it is not good to offend the future of the first martial arts."

The Pope laughed happily: "Mr. Xiao’s remarks are too polite, let alone the future... Even now, I have not been your opponent, how can I be offended?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That's good, our two sides are friends in the future."

Xu Mu said calmly: "And I... Vice Minister Xiao, although my second son died in your hands, but I don't hate!"


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