Super Soldier

Chapter 2220: Zhuoka is pregnant (three more)

The next day, Xiao Bing did not go back with other people, but he went alone to find Zhuo.

The country where Xiao Bing is located is also very close to the country of Zhuoka. It takes more than two hours to fly directly by plane.

Although Zhuojia said that there is no husband and wife name with Xiao Bing, but the two people have had rain and dew after all, and Zhuo Ka is definitely a very good girl.

After Xiao Bing came to the city, he directly dialed a phone call to Zhuo. The phone rang a few times, and then Zhuo took over. He was slightly surprised: "You called me, are you... ... are you coming?"

Xiao Bing smiled and asked: "How do you know?"

"Because I watched the live broadcast yesterday, I know that you came to Africa... I was thinking about whether you would come, I want you to come, but I dare not take the initiative to find you."


"It's nothing……."

Xiao Bing asked: "Where do you live now?"

"It's still in the old place."

"..." Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said, "I didn't leave you money and paper when I left last time, let you buy a house again."

"I am afraid you can't find me."

"A fool, you can call." Xiao Bing smiled a bit, and some of his heart was moved, but he was somewhat distressed. "You wait for me, I will be there soon."

After Xiao Bing hangs up the phone, he immediately goes straight to the direction of Zhuojia’s home. Zhuojia’s home is considered a slum-level in the city. It is reasonable to say that the money he left for her is in this film. The land is definitely enough for her to buy a new house, and it is enough for her to spend a few years, although it is certainly not enough to spend a lifetime, but it is definitely enough for a few years, but she still lives there. And still because I am afraid that I can't find her.

It’s a stupid woman...

Xiao Bing has changed his appearance at this time, and he went to the Zhuojia home with the image of Xiao Jun. After going to the door of the house, Xiao Bing recovered his true appearance and then knocked on the door. Zhuoka was soon inside. Open the door.

Xiao Bing saw Zhuo Ka, was about to talk, and suddenly his eyes fell on the slightly raised belly of Zhuo Ka, he could not help but stunned, then thought of a possibility, some excited.

Zhuo Ka's face was slightly red, pulling Xiao Bing's arm and said: "Come in."

Xiao Bing promised, and excitedly followed Zhuo Ka to go in. Just entering the house, Xiao Bing asked: "You are pregnant? Is it mine?"

Zhuo Ka’s face changed and said, “Who is it besides you?”

"Ah, I am sorry." Xiao Bing gently touched the small belly of Zhuoka with his hand and said softly, "I am excited, I am so excited..."

Zhuoka’s face was reddish and softly said: “You have touched it for almost three months. Now many people still can’t see it. I didn’t expect you to see it at a glance.”

Xiao Bing said nervously: "You can sit down, get pregnant, and stand still."

Xiao Bing helped Zhuojia to sit down on the bed. Zhuojia smiled and said: "Where you think so delicate, it is only three months now, nothing is wrong."

"That can't be done. You must pay more attention when you are pregnant. Also, since you are pregnant, why haven't you told me that?"

Zhuoka smiled and said: "I haven't said it before, as long as I can bear your kind, there is this little guy here to accompany me, I will be enough, I tell you what to do? Let you be me Responsible?"

"But... I should be responsible for you!" Xiao Bing said. "You will go back to China with me this time. I will marry you. You will be my wife in the future. Are you willing?"

Zhuojia shook his head and said: "Xiao Bing, we are two world people. In fact, I admire your women. I watched your wedding moment on TV. At that moment, I actually hope that the wedding will be The person you are married to is me."

"You can do it, as long as you are a word, the hostess at the wedding scene will have you one!"

"I know, I know, I know what kind of man you are, you will be responsible for me, but I don't want to... I don't want to leave this land, I don't want to leave this city, I really like the life here, I I don't want to be bound by people.” Zhuo Ka said, “I am different from your women. I know that you may be much better than ours in China, but I am a person in this land, and many people around me. It’s my family in my eyes.”

Zhuoka suddenly asked a word that made Xiao Bing speechless: "If I say let you marry me, then come to Africa and join the nationality of our country, are you willing?"

"..." Xiao Bing hesitated, there is really no way to answer.

Zhuoka smiled and said: "You don't have to be embarrassed. Actually, I know that this is impossible. I understand it very well. You should understand me too."

"Oh, but your child needs a father."

"I will tell him, I will say that you are his father." Zhuo Ka said, "His father is a Chinese, is a great hero, his father did not want him, and will often come back later. He, if he grows up and wants to go to his father, I have no complaints."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Then I have to change your house, you must agree."

Zhuo Ka said: "Okay, I agree."

"I want to ask you for a babysitter, and you must agree."

Zhuoka hesitated and said: "This... don't need it?"

"Then I will tie you away."

"I agree……."

Xiao Bing said: "Well, then I will say so. For the time being, you will live here first. I will buy a suitable house here immediately, and then move immediately. Well, if you have anything you want to take here. Although tell me, I will help you pack it up, all the rest will be thrown here. This house does not need to be sold, I know that you are in love, you miss it later, you can always come back and see."

"I agree……."

Xiao Bing smiled and gently licked Zhuo Ka, but the range of motion was not too big. He said softly: "But you remember, you are my woman, even if you refuse to leave with me, you are also My woman... One day, one day, I will definitely let you come to my side."

Zhuo Ka said: "Thank you... Thank you for not disappointing me at all. I know that I am not as good as your wife, I am not a princess, not a strong woman."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What princess, what female boss... I tell you, all of you have only one identity in my heart, my woman!"


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