Super Soldier

Chapter 2223: Acceptance (three more)

Zhuo Ka asked: "So... will it be too extravagant to live here? This house is definitely expensive and expensive. It is a rich area, and there are several people in the house, as well as a housekeeper... ...."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If you are afraid of wasting, I will accompany me back to China early, and live in our Xiaofu, then it will not be wasted."

Zhuoka did not speak.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not in a hurry, as long as you can take care of yourself, I will often come with you, in short, I will respect your choice."

Zhuoka touched his stomach and suddenly looked up and asked: "You said, our children will look like you or me?"

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "How can I know this? Anyway, no matter who you are."

"It's still like you." Zhuoka said with a smile. "It's better to be as skin-like as you. We black people are discriminated against in this world."

"Nonsense." Xiao Bing said, "No matter which ethnic group, we are all normal human beings, what is good discrimination?"


Xiao Bing said: "Listen to me, those who really discriminate against black people are some ignorant and ignorant people. I like sports sports. Do you know Michael Jordan?"

"I... I know."

"Isn't he a black man?" Xiao Bing said. "But after he retired, the country immediately erupted into an economic crisis. Although it was impossible because he was retired, his retirement was definitely in it. It’s a big part, you said, isn’t he good enough?”

"This... he is good enough."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Isn't that what it is, so say ah, what discrimination does not discriminate, human cultivation has nothing to do with appearance, and has nothing to do with cultural knowledge in the chest. True cultivation is morality. The kind of person who discriminates first is Those who are not cultivated should be the object of discrimination and what qualifications are there to discriminate against others?"

"you're right……."

Zhuo Ka was somewhat moved.

Xiao Bing softly said: "Know, my favorite woman is a black man."

Zhuo Ka said: "Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

Zhuojia shook his head and wiped his eyes. He said, "Xiao Bing, I will consider going to China with you on the day when I figured it out."

"Okay." Xiao Bing looked at the tears in the eyes of Zhuojia. Suddenly he understood what Zhuoka’s concerns were. His heart became more and more distressed. This woman looks bold, hot and passionate. Actually, actually There is also a fragile side in the heart. On the one hand, she is reluctant to leave this land. On the other hand, she feels inferior to her own black identity.

Xiao Bing said everything, and the rest can only be Zhuo Ka to think about it.

Xiao Bing no longer mentions those things, and starts to take Zhuo Ka, thinking about how the child will look after birth, who looks more like who, and who is more like a character...

When I was eating, Xiao Bing and Zhuo Jia ate the chef's food. Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed the authentic Chinese food, Zhuo Ka, you must pay attention to nutrition now, I will accompany you. In a few days, when you leave, you will be given a menu for the kitchen. Each month, a list of meals for up to one month will be listed. Let the kitchen follow my menu and give you a good supplement. Nutrition. Right, should you have pure milk here? You can order a pure milk and let them send it every day. You drink a bottle every day."

Zhuoka smiled and said: "Well, I am a big man, you still worry about it."

Xiao Bing said: "I don't worry about it. You are pregnant now. You must take good care of your body. You must add nutrients. You have to remember. This is for yourself and for our children. ,do you know?"

"Well, I know." Zhuo Ka said, "In fact, women on our side are still working at home when they are about to be born soon, so you are so used to me."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Other women are other women, you are you, that is different. The husband of other women is not me."

Zhuoka smiled and said: "You are beginning to be proud."

"Yes!" Xiao Bing smiled. "You must be proud. Well, I am full, you eat slowly, I am with you."

Xiao Bing sat there, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message in the family group: "I have to go home in a few days, hey, tell everyone a message, I am dejected, Zhuo card..."

Xiao Bing feels that this thing can't be shackled. Otherwise, it is unfair to Zhuo Ka. Xiao Bing is indeed a passionate man, but Xiao Bing is not the kind of scum male who said that he would make a big abortion. .

The family group quickly exploded: "What? Children?"


"If you play big, isn't you getting bigger in the belly of other women in Africa? But you haven't been there for a few days. How can it be so fast, wouldn't it be hi?"

There is something in the group, Xiao Bing’s black line, and finally the leaves are bubbling: “Don’t say it, I’m listening to my husband’s mention of this Zhuo card... they must have had a relationship before, and this time going I only know that I am pregnant."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing made a sly expression.

Leaves: "Bring back people, and also get a certificate. You can always do a wedding. You can also make a wedding later. We won't stop you."

The movement inside Xiao Bingxin is still the best, and the most understanding of himself.

Xiao Bing: "She refuses to go, I think there may be concerns..."

"Oh." Leaves, "Is it safe in a place like Africa?"

"The safety index is really not high, but I have already taken care of her here, and I am sure there will be no problem."

Leaves: "That's good, I suggest that you bring it back. As for the broken things you are doing outside, we will settle with you after you come back."

Ah, ah, still have to clean up.

Xiao Bing: "This may not work, wait until later, if she agrees, I will take her back to Xiaofu."

"Well, tell her that Xiao's door is open to her at any time. Then you should spend more time with her. After you come back, we also have a good news to tell you."

Xiao Bing sent a color expression: "What good news, just say it here!"

The leaves made an arrogant expression: "Oh, playing outside is so cool, you let us say, we said? Then we should have no face, let me know when you come back, let me know first. It’s good to accompany Zhuo card."

"Well, thank you, leaves, and thank my wife."

Su Xiaoxiao: "Forget it, your big lady doesn't mind. What can we say? People are pregnant and must take care of them."

Red Rose: "Yes, take care of their mother and son."

Xiao Bing put away his mobile phone and looked at Zhuo Ka. He smiled and said: "I have told us about our business."

Zhuoka’s chopsticks paused and looked at Xiao Bing nervously and asked, “What do they say?”

When I saw Xiao Bing's face smiling, Zhuo Ka tempted and asked: "Is it... they are not upset?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Even if you are not happy, it is also unhappy with me, and what is the relationship with you. They want you to enter Xiaofu, saying that I really want to see you and be a sister to you."

Zhuo Ka was surprised: " they really don't mind?"

"I really don't mind." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "So, let me go."

"I..." Zhuoka shook his head, his eyes were red, and said, "The house has been bought, I will wait, I am not prepared."

"Well, when will you be mentally prepared, when will I take you to China, I am not in a hurry."

"Yeah." Zhuoka looked a little excited. After all, she was recognized. This is what she expected. She seems to have a stone falling slowly in the heart. Xiao Bing is right, she looks hot. Enthusiastic, daring, and unscrupulous, but thought of being with Xiao Bing, if it is a one-night stand, still said that if it is really walking together, her heart is inferior.

Because she is an African, she has seen too many people from small to large, those with white skin and yellow skin, many of whom are despising them Africans, so she has a deep understanding of the outside world. conflict.

And now, at least the leaves are not exclusive to her.

After eating, Xiao Bing and Zhuo Kao began to go upstairs, and the maid began to clean up the table.

Xiao Bing let Zhuojia rest in the room, Xiao Bing came out and looked around, then called the general manager, let him list a long list, go out and buy some things, some of which are the necessities of Zhuojia, and Some are similar to health care, as well as radiation-proof clothes, to avoid watching TV and other radiation to the baby.

The thought of Xiao Bing basically thought of it, and then returned to the upstairs, accompanied by Zhuo Kaa began to take a nap.

In the next five days, Xiao Bing stayed with Zhuojia every day to take care of Zhuo Ka's life, but his home is in China after all, and his work is also in China, with Zhuojia a total of one week. After that, Xiao Bing was finally ready to return. Before returning, Xiao Bing gave the menu to the general manager for one month, and asked him to tell the kitchen to do it on time. This is the nutritional meal of Xiao Bing on the Internet. .

Zhuoka likes Chinese food very much, so Xiao Bing doesn't have to worry about it, just let them cook Chinese food for every meal.

On the day when Xiao Bing left, Zhuo Ka wanted to send Xiao Bing, but the result was stopped by Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing said to her directly, you are pregnant now, what else to send, take care of yourself. It is.

Therefore, Xiao Bing himself took the plane and started to return to the plane. On the plane, Xiao Bing, who was bored and bored, suddenly looked forward to it. What was the good news that the group said before telling him...

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