Super Soldier

Chapter 2227: Total box office! (four more)

Xiao Bing really felt that he was too happy and too happy. At night, Xiao Bing did not live in the room of the red rose. The main reason was that the red rose was too loved, and Xiao Bing could hardly resist the charm of the red rose. I am afraid that I have done something wrong by accident, and if I accidentally give a miscarriage, I will be in trouble.

In the evening, Xiao Bing still lived with the leaves. When Xiao Bing came back, the leaves would always be modest, and Xiao Bing would be pushed to the rooms of other sisters, but this time everyone collectively pushed Xiao Bing to push In the room where the leaves arrived, Xiao Bing was pushed forward and they closed the door from the outside.

Xiao Bing sorted out his clothes and looked at the leaves lying on the bed. He smiled and said, "Hey, how do I become a disgusted person now..."

The leaves smiled and looked at Xiao Bing and said: "It seems that you are very reluctant, just right, today I want to sleep alone, you can go out soon."

"That's not good, I am afraid that you are afraid of one person, or accompany you." Xiao Bing smiled and scraped together.

The leaves with their feet against Xiao Bing’s chest, white Xiao Xiao’s eyes, said: “Then you just go directly to the ground floor and stay with me on the ground.”

Xiao Bing's hand gently fell on the feet of the leaves, the white buttocks, painted with red nail polish, looks more cute and with a touch of faint sexy.

Xiao Bing went down and looked up, smooth and tender, and the shape of the leaves was not so tall, but it was not short, the body was slim, giving a feeling of petite and exquisite, and only looking at her at this time. Only when she knows that she is not petite at all, her legs are so slender.

And when the leaves were wearing nightgowns and with their feet against the chest of Xiao Bing, they clearly saw the white lace-trimmed underwear from the position of the thigh.

Xiao Bing’s fire was immediately hooked up, and a certain position also gave birth. The eyes of the leaves were sharply seen. The beautiful ankles began to slide down and landed on Xiao Bing’s baby, gently stepping on it. At a time, Xiao Bing gasped a sigh of relief: "Where, I’ve started to do this now."

"Who makes you not honest." The leaves snarled. "You said, nothing is going out to attract bees. Is it because this stuff is not honest?"

Xiao Bing hugged the legs of the leaves and smiled and said: "My wife is forgiving, and my husband will never dare again."

"Hey, if you dare not dare, I don't believe it."

"If you don't believe there is a way, you have the means to stop your husband."

The leaves are curious: "What measures? Say it out!"

Xiao Bing directly rushed over, and the whole person was pressed against the leaves. A hot position just happened to be on the thigh of the leaves. The leaves screamed: "You are not saying measures, what is directly pressing on me?" Ah, big satyr!"

"Yeah, I just want to implement measures with you. You directly squeeze me out. I can't go out and not be honest... Come on, squeeze your husband!"

"Big bad guys, I know you have to bully me, hey, you lay down for me."

Xiao Bing still had to push up, but was pushed away by the leaves. Xiao Bing could not force himself, so he had to let the leaves push himself to lie on the bed.

Xiao Bing looked helplessly: "I have been lying for so long, just chatting and lying down? Hey, you are..."

The leaves were directly riding on Xiao Bing's body, with a few smiles in his eyes, and a seductive smirk in his lips: "Don't you say that I want you to squeeze you?"

Xiao Bing gave up the resistance and revealed a look of 'Renjun picking'. The leaves screamed and laughed, and then slowly untied Xiao Bing's clothes buckle, gently crouching on Xiao Bing's body. Gently bite the milk of Xiao Bing. Head, look up and look at Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing could not endure for a moment, directly in turn pressed the leaves under the body, the two began to go crazy.

Two people tossed it several times a night. After one night, the leaves could not get up again. The leaves belonged to all the women who were extremely smart, but they were slightly worse than other women in terms of physical aspects. Once and Xiao Bing has been tossing for too long, it will be very tired the next day, and it will be very late to get up.

Xiao Bing always knew about the body of the leaves, so the next day did not call the leaves up, but he put on his own clothes and crept out of the room.

After going to the restaurant, Liu Xiaorui, Xiao Mingyue and Maggie have already finished eating from the inside, Xiao Mingyue said: "Dad, I asked my two aunts to take me to find snow." ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, remember, let people accompany you in the past."

"I know!"

Xiao Bing smiled and walked in. Others were eating. When Xiao Bing himself came in, Princess Nami smiled and said: "The leaves are not coming up again?"

Everyone is grinning.

Xiao Bing also smiled and said: "Nami, you know the joke leaves, and it will be your turn soon."

"I am not afraid, or else I will try it this evening."

Throughout the house of Xiao, all the women except the red rose, the most daring to say is the Princess Nami, of course, Maggie is not included.

Everyone started to squat one by one. Xiao Bing’s eyes turned and smiled. “If you want to say this, Aydin, I will accompany you tonight.”

Ayi Ding smiled generously and said: "Okay, I have no problem."

Princess Nami immediately raised her mouth and everyone began to laugh.

In fact, there is actually such a jealous woman in Xiao Fu, which is quite interesting and has a lot of fun.

Xiao Bingsheng took a bowl of soup, picked up a flower roll, sat down and ate breakfast. He said, "After the meal, everyone is ready to go? What arrangements?"

"What can I do?" said Princess Nami. "I can go to work. Others are basically idle at home now. The leaves are estimated to be gone to the company today. I will go shopping with Anna for a while, are you going? ?"

"The relationship between you and your relationship is now better." Xiao Bing smiled. "I am not going."

"Well, take me one." Su Dao, "There are going crazy at home these two days."

“Without!” said Princess Nami. “The leaves say, within three months, you have to be safe in your home. At most, you are walking around the nearby path and you can’t go too far.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The leaves are right. I think the leaves are right. Little, you are still at home."

Looking at Su Xiaoxiao’s unhappy look, Xiao Bing smiled and said: “It’s better than that. After dinner every day, I took you out for a walk with the red rose. Are you looking good?”

The red rose smiled and said: "Small, I think it's quite good. Take a walk on the small road. The air here is good, and it is good for the fetus."

The red rose seems to have no worries about doing things, but she used to live in her home for so many years, so don't say that she can't go shopping for three or two months at home, even if it is two or three years, it is not for her. Compared with Su Xiaoxiao, she is more acceptable.

Su Xiaodao: "That's fine, then say it."

"Say, I can deceive you two pregnant women?" Xiao Bing laughed. "Oh, yes, I haven’t seen how much the box office has reached now. It’s almost ten days past, the box office. It should be quite a lot."

"Don't check it." Su Dao, "I have already seen it for you. The national box office has broken six billion, and the global box office has already reached 20 billion."

"What?" Xiao Bing surprised: "Two billion?"

"Well, two billion."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Two billion Chinese coins? Then I want to know, what is the total box office of the world's first box office movie?"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "It has already broken. Now your movie is the first in history at the global box office. There is no ancient person before, and according to the current momentum of less than one month, it is estimated that at least It is possible to grow billions of dollars, even if it is a latecomer."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "I really didn't think of it. I didn't expect it before. I was so surprised, I was surprised."

“Is it really amazing?” Su Dao. “The good news that we wanted to tell you first was this, but later... I knew that I was pregnant with Rose, so I ignored this box office. I only want to tell you about the pregnancy."

"Yes, the pregnancy is indeed a bigger thing." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "But this is a good time. Zhuoka is a hi, you are two hi, the rose is three hi, the movie box office thing. It’s the fourth joy. There is no gain in going out to perform the mission this time, but it’s quite a pleasure to be able to harvest such four good news.”

Li Chunlan came in from the outside and said with a smile: "So happy, I want to cook two more dishes tonight, drink a little more?"

"Okay!" Xiao Bing promised happily. "Then we will drink some tonight, celebrate and celebrate. But the little and the roses are not allowed to drink."

The red rose licked his lips and agreed to it. Su Xiaoxiao promised to be very happy. For these two people, the red rose has a little bit of alcoholism, but Su Xiaoxiao is not at all.

After getting the good news, Xiao Bing gave Bi Tingting a call and sat in the gazebo of the yard. After the phone was connected, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Tingting, now you are 20 billion. The film girl in the box office, is there any award-winning testimonial?"

Bi Tingting’s voice sounded very happy. He giggled and said: “It’s like you’re not the male owner inside, have you gone home? Do you know the news of Xiaoxiao’s and Rose’s pregnancy?”

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Well, even you know it? Just look at me alone!"

"Giggle, isn't it to give you a surprise? When the news just came out, the leaves called me the first time."

"Well, anyway, anyway, it is really a surprise. Tonight we are going to celebrate, but unfortunately you can't come."

"Well, I am still busy shooting advertisements in the country of M. The time is definitely too late, but don't forget to call rouge."

"Do not worry, no." Xiao Bing smiled badly. "I will help you become the heroine of the world's first box office. Let me talk about it, how can I thank me?"

"Let's get along with you..."


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