Super Soldier

Chapter 2229: Bai Xue is my friend! (one more)

Xiao Bing frowned slightly and asked: "Isn't you happy before... Why? Because I am afraid that if I have other children, will it be bad for her?"

Maggie asked: "Then tell you the truth, if you have your own children in the future, would it really be as concerned about Mingyue as it is now?"

"I...will." Xiao Bing said, "I will have several children in the future. The moon will always be my favorite one. It will not be worse than anyone else."

Maggie sighed and said, "You don't deceive yourself. Xiao Mingyue is lonely in this world, because she is a different kind. She may only have you in her heart. Of course, there are still a few nephews, but she And some of the other people still have a little bit of points, her closest is the leaves of the scorpion, but the leaves of the scorpion are pregnant sooner or later, have their own children sooner or later."

Xiao Bing said: "What should I do..."

Maggie said: "She is a lonely alien. Isn't she more lonely? What's more, she feels more lonely and scared than this."

"and also?"

"Of course," said Maggie. "Even if you are the same to her and to everyone else, but the other children who are watching you are growing up slowly, and finally you are married and have children. You said that it is also yours. The child, what is the taste in Xiao Mingyue's heart? This example is very simple. For example, the same parents have two children. One child is the first in the school every day, and the other child is at the bottom of the whole school. A child is very beautiful, a child is very ugly, do you say that the latter will be very upset?"

Xiao Bing’s eye was slightly red, and he sighed slightly. He looked up at Xiao Mingyue, who was giggling on the back of Bai Xue. He suddenly understood why Xiao Mingyue liked snow so much. It is so exciting after Shirayuki can't live in Xiaofu, because she thinks she is also a different kind, and it is a different kind of snow.

Xiao Mingyue’s age is so small, but his mind is so heavy.

Xiao Bing slowly stood up, suddenly flew up, and then landed directly on the back of the snow, took a photo of the white snow, and laughed loudly: "White snow, fly up, take us to fly Get up and let the people of Kyoto all see your majesty!"

Bai Xue stopped, the voice was soft as a girl, but with a bit of complex color in his tone, he asked, "Can't I not alarm the outside world?"

"It doesn't matter. From now on, it doesn't matter. If you don't go out and hurt humans, you will be big and let you fly! I will let the whole world know that you are my friend of Xiao Bing!"

Bai Xue excitedly screamed, and then directly shocked her pair of wings that had not been opened for many days, flew directly and flew over nine days.

White snow in the air, a scream of a dragon, whistling with endless joy, endless joy, her rounded round big eyes slowly flowed out two tears.

Xiao Mingyue was on the back of Bai Xue, and it was a little dazed. Liu Xiaorui exclaimed: "Wow, this is the feeling of flying."

Xiao Bing stood on the body of Bai Xue. At the moment, there were already many people in Kyoto who looked up and kept talking.

Xiao Bing shouted loudly to the bottom: "Hear it, this is my house, snow, my partner! It is my partner of Xiao Bing, also the hero who guards this country and this land! Heroine!"

Bai Xue began to fly toward the center of Kyoto City. Xiao Bing kept shouting the same words, shouting the same words over and over again, and all the people who heard it raised their heads high and applauded.

Xiao Fu was also alarmed. The Longmen was also alarmed. Everyone ran out. Everyone was applauding. Everyone was shouting the same name: "White Snow! White Snow! White Snow! White Snow! White Snow!"

Shirayuki swayed a few drops of tears, and again, several loud and screaming sounds were heard in his mouth.

"Dragon, I saw it, it is a dragon!" The people of Kyoto City shouted loudly at the sky.

"Isn't that a beast?"

"What monster, did you listen to Vice Minister Xiao, that is his partner, to protect us."

"Yes, since it is to protect us, it should not be called a monster, it should be called a beast!"

"Yes, the beast!"

"And still the mother, is a heroine!!"

"Let's call her name together and let her hear."

"White snow! White snow! White snow!"

"White snow! White snow! White snow!"

With a shout, today, the name of Bai Xue resounded throughout Kyoto, and there are shouts about snow everywhere.

Xiao Bing squatted down and smiled and said: "White snow, have you heard it? You are now friends of our humanity. Everyone is calling your name. From then on, you will never have to be trapped in the base of Longmen again. From then on, the surrounding mountains and rivers will be your place to go, you can fly freely above the sky, do not need to be afraid to be seen by these people. Sorry."

Bai Xue asked: "Bad bad guys, why should you apologize?"

"I should apologize." Xiao Bing sighed slightly and said, "I have never taken care of you before. It is not as good as taking care of you in the moon."

Xiao Mingyue said happily: "Great, we can fly freely together from now on, I want you to take me everywhere to play."

"Okay." Bai Xue said happily. "Where do you want to go, I will take you there. If you bully you, I will protect you."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Whoever dares to bully you, it is not bad for you not to bully others."

Xiao Bing’s words are correct. According to the strength of both of them, there are very few of their opponents in the world today...

Xiao Mingyue said: "Dad, then, can I let Bai Xue take me around and fly around?"

Xiao Bing touched Xiao Mingyue’s head and smiled. “Of course, it’s not enough to sit here, don’t accidentally fall.”

"I won't, let's say, Bai Xue can catch me, isn't it, snow."


Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You two are now a heart, well, then I will approve it. If you want to play, you will play."

Liu Xiaorui said happily next to him: "I want to add one to me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You can't do it."

"Ah? Why, my brother, you are eccentric, prefer your daughter, not to your sister."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You still have to go to school. You have to review your homework at home, but I feel that there is no problem if you finish your homework."

"Yeah, thank you brother." Liu Xiaorui said, "Oh, yes, Maggie is still at the Dragon Gate."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing, that little gimmick, when we go back, we must say that we didn't call her, but it doesn't matter, this little girl usually knows bullying, let her try too. Try to be bullied."

Liu Xiaorui couldn't help but smiled: "Well, I heard that all the classmates in her class are very afraid of her. She is too fond of teasing people."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So, this little girl, just licking his own cleverness."

"That is really smart." Liu Xiaorui said, "Kyoto University is not in the words."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded and said, "I was thinking, waiting for her to do what she was going to do after graduation."

"I heard that she wants to go to politics."

Xiao Bing surprised and asked: "From politics?"

"Yeah." Liu Xiaorui said with a smile. "She told me before that she wants to learn from you. You use your powerful force to protect this country and the people. She wants to go to politics and use the strategy of governing the country. Protecting the country."

Xiao Bing stunned, but I didn’t expect Maggie to think so. Speaking of defending the country, Maggie is not really a human race, but she can’t see her return to the Mozu. It may take a lifetime. Staying in the Terran, now it seems that she really is not the daughter of the devil, although she said that she has no martial arts talent, but she is capable of influencing a country in another way, for example Her intelligence is smart.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No matter what she does, my brother, who is a brother, will fully support it. Look at it, we are above the cloud."

Xiao Mingyue and Liu Xiaorui all looked up and Liu Xiaorui reached out and said, "Wow, it’s beautiful!"

Xiao Mingyue also reached out and grabbed it. He cried in his mouth: "Wow, marshmallow!"

Xiao Bing and Liu Xiaorui all laughed after listening.

Bai Xue was in the Longmen base for a long time. After flying in the sky above Kyoto City, the original road flew back and landed in the Longmen base. The people who saw the Longmen base all gathered at this time. Inside the yard, surrounded by Xiaobing, holding Liu Xiaorui and Xiao Mingyue, jumped up from Bai Xue, put them down, and said: "From now on, Bai Xue wants to be at the base and want to go out. Just go out, no one should stop her."

"Yes." Li Chaoyang agreed.

Xiao Bing continued: "And, a meal can not make Bai Xue hungry."


Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Everyone is going to scatter, what to do and what to do here."

Maggie ran over at this time, and screamed: "Hey, I’m so embarrassed to say, I didn’t know how to call me when I flew out? I didn’t feel the feeling of flying in the sky, no matter what, I have to fly. once."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then you fly on your own!"

Maggie said: "I...what can I do?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "White snow is estimated to be tired, let you have a good rest for a while."

Maggie's eyes turned and said, "You can't fly, then I want you to fly with me."

"..." Xiao Bing has a black line, this little girl is really no trick.

Liu Xiaorui chuckled and said: "I am right, Maggie will definitely not give up, brother, you have to suffer."

The people who were going to disperse the base at this time began to look at the excitement.

Maggie's eyeball turned and said: "If you don't fly with me, I will go to the blind man to complain."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "I didn't do anything today. What can you tell?"

"Oh, what do you have to do to sue? If you haven't done anything, I can't say it?"

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "So, aren't you talking about it?"

"Yeah, then look at the nephews and believe me or believe in you." Maggie said with pride. "Do you believe that I can live a dead life and make a false one?"

Xiao Bing thought that he had just provoked the completion of Zhuo Ka. Although he said that he did not reject Zhuo Ka, it was obvious that he had no confidence in himself. Xiao Bing immediately showed his helplessness.

Maggie giggled and ran to Xiao Bing and said, "Hold me."

"I am holding you, what do you mean..." Xiao Bing helplessly squatted down and smiled. "Take it."

When I saw that Xiao Bing was soft, everyone started to laugh.

Maggie is also welcome, jumped directly to the back of Xiao Bing, pointing up: "Fly!"

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