Super Soldier

Chapter 2232: Goofing into the magic? (four more)

In particular a black world, where dark color, only the sky is blood red moon, fly's body has black and blue, who is full of bloodstains, bleeding everywhere, but in his eyes It is still full of indifference, without the slightest fear.

He walked forward step by step. The place visible to the naked eye was a temple, but it seemed to be accessible to the naked eye. Since he entered the world, he has not known how long it has been walking forward, but now he is half now. Did not come.

He was tortured during this time, countless monsters appeared, he had to fight with it, and several times he was dangerous, even though he had several ribs broken in his chest at the moment, even if he was casual When you move your footsteps, you will feel the tearing pain in your chest, but he didn't even slam the cockroaches from beginning to end, and there was no wave in his eyes.

"Don't you give up?" At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in the distant temple. This voice is so evil. Even the most evil people in the world can't make such a voice. All the negative emotions in the world, resentment, hate, anger, jealousy, sorrow, anxiety, depression, pain, and even people who can't help but want to kill themselves.

Gao Fei still remembers that the moment he came in, the first time he heard this voice, he almost couldn’t help but slap his hand to his brain to commit suicide.

But at this moment, Gao Fei resisted the sound, and the tone was cold: "Yes, I will not give up."

"You are very strong, child, you have become so powerful, what are you looking for? What is the strong person like you, the world outside is almost the middle of the world, you are still here." Want to see me, is it so heavy for you to continue to improve? Do you know that maybe you may lose your life if you take a few more steps, is the realm of strength more important than your life?"

Gao Fei this time just spit out two words: "Yes!"

"But you thought about it. Now that you are leaving here, you will have a lot. You will have an endless position. You will have the awe of the world. You will have the same kind of opposite **** that you want to pounce on you. You will still Have the power you have right now, but if you lose here, you have nothing, everything is empty, is it worth it?"

"worth it!"

"Child, you still have a girl who needs to protect. She is waiting for you in the human world. Oh, if I am not mistaken, she should be the daughter of the Lord of the Devil, right? She must be special to you. Important, if you are dead, can you be assured that she will live alone in this world? There is no impenetrable wall in the world, you are not afraid that the human world outside knows that the girl is actually a Mozu girl, you feel it is At that time, would the people you made outside protect the girl even if they were against the enemy?"

Gao Fei cold and cold road: "Yes."

"Children, you are too naive, your age is too small, and only the lifeless endless years like me will truly understand that the world is unbelievable." This voice constantly confuses Gao Fei , no one can resist his spell, because he was able to see through this world a heart of any life, whether human, God or the devil in this world, "you do not understand, let a person time to make a change The man you believe is called Xiao Bing? Even he himself can't guarantee that he will never change. Maybe one day he will change. He betrayed you and betrayed the girl named Maggie. He killed Maggie and used it to win the love and respect of the human world. Have you thought about it?"

Gao Fei didn't even say a word at this time. He just snorted and snorted. Then he stepped forward and stepped forward. Yes, it was a step. Now he feels pain even if he just takes a step. It is.

"You know why I know how much, I know who you are, know what you have experienced, know what the girl is, know what the friend you made is called...because I am the source of power in the world, the world All the reincarnation and destiny can't escape my eyes. The Xiaobing future will be the biggest male in the world, his temper will slowly change, he will harm Maggie. I have seen that picture. You must have seen it yet?"

At this time, the scene around Gao Fei suddenly changed. At this moment, he was standing in the courtyard of Xiaofu. Maggie was talking with Liu Yan. Many people were scowling. The outside of Xiaofu was all talking about the voice: "Know it. What, Maggie was originally a Mozu."

"God, the people of the Mozu are actually in Xiao."

"Hey, who said no, I heard that the Mozu is the most cruel."

At this time, Xiao Bing slowly walked to the front of Maggie, looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, and said: "Bing brother, I am sorry, I am tired of you."

Xiao Bing smiled and shook his head and said: "No."

Maggie's eyes showed a moving color, and then the next second, she showed a face of unbelievable color, but saw Xiao Bing had grabbed her neck and gave her from the ground. It’s up.

Maggie began to suffocate, all the people were stupid, Maggie's legs continued to kick, Xiao Bing turned to the other and said to others: "Only Maggie's life can make us Xiao Yue to wipe out all the humiliation, only He can make me regain the love of the people, and this sacrifice is worth it."

Xiao Bing is laughing, laughing more and more evil, more and more evil...

Maggie's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and in the end her eyes suddenly looked at Gao Fei, and her eyes showed a color of pleading.

Gao Fei’s fist clenched, and his anger burned in his chest. A horrible breath was released from his body, and even his eyes slowly turned into a monster blood red.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring!" Gao Fei could not hear any sounds around him, only to hear the sound of his breathing, the sound of heavy breathing.

He walked toward Xiao Bing step by step. Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and grinned: "I'm sorry, she forced me!"

Gao Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Bing's hair and shouted: "The illusion of damn, let me disappear!"

Xiao Fu disappeared. He was still standing there. The red light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and then slowly moved forward. It seems that there is no way to take Gao Fei for a while. Temple The inside became silent, and the previous voice that gathered all the negative emotions under the sun disappeared.

Gao Fei’s eyes are still so indifferent, still so cold, so that the world seems to end the frost.

At this time, the ground in front began to crack, a huge skull was drilled out of the ground, and even a roaring sound was heard. Goofy stopped and frowned slightly.

This is the head of a purple dragon. In this world, as long as it is an adult dragon, even if it is not the kind of nine-day dragon, any monster with a dragon character is exceptionally powerful and cannot be easily dealt with.

This faucet has been more than two meters long, then the neck, body, tail.

This is not the legendary dragon that soars in the sky. The monster in front of the dragon has the head of the dragon, the body of the wild boar, the legs and claws of the lion.

Gao Fei asked: "What kind of monster are you?"

The monster turned his hair and screamed. The sound of this roar was similar to that of Long Xiao, but it was a little different.

"Stupid life, I am not like Warcraft IV, which is condensed by heaven and earth."

"Four is not like?" Gao Fei said coldly. "You really don't like anything. Everything is just by the body of other animals. I have to say that this is also your sorrow."

This world is a mystery among the Mozu, or a desperate, that is, this place is called the Devil.

Legend has it that only one demon **** has passed through here, and that is one of the most powerful demon gods in history, but it has passed away thousands of years ago, and no one can reach the temple in front. It is a desperate situation, because once you can't enter the temple in front, then you will be in the world.

So entering here has only two consequences, one consequence is to reach the final destination, otherwise it is death.

In the last few hundred years, no one dared to challenge this again. Gao Fei’s solemn reason was to pay Maggie to Xiao Bing because he was not sure that he could live out from here. It was too difficult. too difficult.

Before entering this mystery, Gao Fei still didn't know what the terrible thing about the secret world was. After coming in, I realized that after the Mozu was sealed to the world, the resentment reached its apex, so many of the Devils Resentment gathered together, and the masters of all the demons opened up this space of resentment with great powers, and these terrible resentments created such a world in this space.

The air is composed of grievances. The blood-red moon in the sky is formed by resentment, including these Warcraft... Generally speaking, the monsters are the monsters. They call themselves World of Warcraft because they are also formed by resentment. They are legendary and they have already been enchanted.

The front is the core of the soul of the demon domain. It is said that the grievances of the first generation of the Mozu have formed a powerful soul, and the soul lives in that temple. Once it enters the temple, it will inspire this. The strongest bloodline gene in the body of the Mozu is thoroughly inspired, and this person will become an incomparable strong!


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