Super Soldier

Chapter 2239: Go to Shaolin to seek cooperation (one more)

Xiao Bing frowned and said: "I want to go back to China immediately. I have a feeling that the Buddha son is just a beginning. I am afraid it will not be peaceful."

Bi Ting Ting sighed and said: "Be careful."

"Reassured." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "After returning to China, I have to go to a place first."

Bi Tingting curiously said: "What place?"


On the second day, Xiao Bing set foot on the plane and returned to Shaolin Temple.

Although Huaxia has a Kunlun, there are eight sects, but in the eyes of Xiao Bing, the real first sect is Shaolin, but Shaolin has always been reclusive, which is consistent with Shaolin’s concept of pure heart and soul.

Of course, although Shaolin is pure-minded, but the outside world has also suffered many things that have harmed the entire nation in the past years, such as the organization of the gods, but even in this case, Shaolin still has no mountain, which is in line with the concept of Shaolin. It doesn't matter, because Shaolin's underground seal suppresses an ancient Warcraft.

In the past, Xiao Bing also believed that the ancient Warcraft that was suppressed was probably the realm of the demon sacred peak. After all, the Zhiming abbot of Shaolin said so, but now it seems that the Zhiming abbot is still concealed, the Warcraft The realm of the realm is definitely not as simple as the demon sacred peak. Otherwise, the entire Shaolin Temple is absolutely not needed to suppress the millennium. A single intelligent abbot can easily settle.

This time, Xiao Bing used to ask Shaolin to go out and let him add a big arm. To do this is to help Shaolin Temple completely eliminate the hidden danger.

In the evening, Xiao Bing finally came to the door of Shaolin, and then screamed loudly: "Xiao Bing asks for the abbot!"

Soon, the monks of the Shaolin Temple came out from the inside. One of the monks was a familiar monk and gentleman of Xiao Bing. When Xiao Bing came over, the gentleman and the young monk brought himself in, and later the Yiyi little monk also escorted Maggie back. Xiao Fu, the relationship with Maggie seems to be very good.

When I saw Xiao Bing, the eyes of Renyi’s little monk lit up and hurried over, then erected with one hand and said: “Amitabha, the abbot has a request.”

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded slightly, his eyes swept Renyi and smiled. "Your law is called Renyi, right?"

The little monk said: "Yes, the Xiaoyan method is called Renyi."

"Well, Zhiming Abbot and I said that you are the most proud disciple of Lin Temple. The future will inherit his clothes. How old are you this year?"

"Oh, oh... 21 years old."

"Not bad, at the age of 21, I have already stepped into the realm of Tianzun, which is much stronger than when I came over last time. Your talent, even if I have never seen it before, Shaolin looks like the next century is still old. Will stand up."

Ren Yi said hurriedly: "Xiao Xiao is only a negligible little monk in Shaolin. On the qualifications, many brothers and sisters are on the top."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Take me in and see the abbot."

"Okay, please come with me."

This benevolent little monk walked with Xiao Bing all the way, but his eyes were somewhat erratic. It seemed that there was something in his mind. Seeing that the room where the abbot was located was getting closer and closer, the footsteps of any small monk asked, "Mc Qi Is the female donor still okay?"

"Oh, Maggie? She is fine, what happened?"

"No...nothing." The Yiyi little monk brought Xiao Bing to the door of the abbot's room and said, "The donor please enter."

Xiao Bing sighed and pushed the door in, but he saw the abbot sitting on the futon at the moment. When he saw Xiao Bing coming in, he opened his eyes. Xiao Bing finally can see the strength of the abbot this time. Like himself, it is also the time to enter the realm of false gods. Even so, Xiao Bing is still full of respect for Zhiming abbot.

Xiao Bing has a double palm and reads: "Amitabha, the abbot, I have come to see you again."

Zhiming abbot looked at Xiao Bing, stood up, folded his hands together, and smiled and said: "Amitabha, the power of the donor is getting deeper and deeper, such a talent, the old man is not as good as himself."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The abbot is too polite, your old morality is high, and the martial arts experience is not comparable to that of the younger generation. Although the same realm, you are now very close to the **** level."

Zhiming abbot asked: "I don't know what the donor came here this time? The last time the donor came over, I learned from the donors, and the experience gained was closer and closer to the **** level."

Xiao Bing said: "The last time my harvest was the biggest, this time I came over and wanted to say something to the abbot."

"The donor please sit down."

Xiao Bing and the abbot all sat down. Xiao Bing began to talk about the current situation. Then he said with a serious look: "I always have a feeling that this Buddha son is very big, so in order to plan ahead, I am this time. Deliberately to see the abbot, I hope that if there is any change in the future, let the abbot be able to help."

The abbot of Zhiming sighed slightly and said: "I don't think that in this era of peace, there will still be such an undercurrent, but we may not be able to leave here."

"I know." Xiao Bing said, "You have to guard the monument, the ancient monsters suppressed underneath. I came here this time to help the abbot in addition to this Warcraft."

The abbot's eyes lit up, his emotions were slightly agitated, then he frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "This Warcraft..."

"It's very difficult to deal with, is it?" Xiao Bing said. "If I didn't expect it, the former abbot said that the following suppression of Warcraft is the level of the demon sacred peak, I am afraid I am afraid of it?"

"Oh." The abbot sighed and said, "I want to avoid causing panic, so I went to the light and said that in fact, if only the demon sacred peak, gather the power of Shaolin, I can already destroy this Warcraft. The realm of this Warcraft has entered the realm of pseudo- demon gods."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Pseudo demon god? Isn't that almost comparable to the **** level among humans?"

"I'm afraid it's a little weaker than the **** level... But if the average **** level wants to kill him, I'm afraid I can't do it. That is to say, although it may not be able to win in front of the **** level, it can escape. ”

Being able to escape under the **** level is already a very horrible skill.

The abbot said: "Don't look at the same realm of pseudo-god, but if the old man fights with it, it is sure to die."

Xiao Bing nodded, and the beast wants to break through thousands of times more difficult than humans and demons, so once it breaks through, the beast is equivalent to the same level of invincibility, even facing cross-level opponents. Can not fall, although the difference between God level and false gods is great, but this guy can really do it in the hands of God level, God level wants to defeat him how much it takes a lot of trouble, and absolutely can not kill Die him, unless it is two god-level masters.

And if it is a strong person in the realm of pseudo-reality, it is impossible to kill him. It is hard to say whether he can protect himself.

The abbot of Zhiming said: "In particular, he is still a talented monster. The strength is more than the ordinary pseudo-realistic monster. If his strength breaks out, I am afraid that the two masters of the pseudo-god level cannot be his opponent."

"Not necessarily." Xiao Bing looked at the abbot of Zhiming and asked, "Mr. Auntie, are you willing to gamble?"

"Gambling?" The abbot said, "Amitabha, the old man is not afraid of death, but the old man did not dare to gamble before the next generation did not grow up completely."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said, "What if I tell the abbot a secret?"

The abbot asked: "What secret?"

Xiao Bing suddenly burst out and was both evil and evil. Among the eyes, there was a red glow in one of the eyes, and a golden glow in one of the eyes.

The abbot was shocked. Xiao Bing said: "Yes, my father is the protoss of the protoss, the **** of the gods Xiao Xiaotian, my mother is the devil princess Mai Hongyin."

Xiao Bing began to tell his story to the abbot from beginning to end. This chat was talked about in the middle of the night. After listening to it, the abbot said with emotion: "Amitabha, I can’t think that the Xiao Shi who was born and died for human beings for so many years turned out to be protoss. And the descendants of the Mozu."

Xiao Bing asked: "Since the abbot knows it now, I don't think it's quick to get rid of it."

The abbot shook his head and said: "The Terran is life, the Protoss is life, the Mozu is also life, good and evil should not be divided by race, just like the woodpeckers outside, they are helping the trees to catch bugs, but there are also many The monster is threatening human life, and the old man is not so confused. And since Xiao Shizhu told these to the old man, the old man thought about it and understood it. You mean that this monster is a talented monster. And you are not an ordinary pseudo-god-level powerhouse."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I mean this. I am a pseudo-god with the blood of the Protoss and the Mozu, and possessing the cultivation practices of the Terran. I have combined the power of the three races of the human gods on one body. I believe With me alone, even if I can't beat it, if there is an abbot to support, our chances of success are still great."

The abbot closed his eyes and meditated. Xiao Bing knew that this matter was related to the air transport of Shaolin Temple in the next hundred years. After all, if Zhiming abbot accidentally fell inside, now Shaolin is probably not really able to replace the Zhiming abbot, so Hesitating is also normal.

Xiao Bing did not ask, just waiting quietly beside, waiting for the abbot's reply.

Finally, the abbot opened his eyes and said: "Tonight, I will take you to see it. Before that, I will tell you about its origins."

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and excited: “Good!”

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