Super Soldier

Chapter 2248: Purdue (one more)

Rouge suddenly looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Do you know why I like you?"

Xiao Bing asked: "I am handsome?"

Rouge smiled: "Because you are more real, and in front of you, I can make the most real self."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said, "How do I feel that this is more comfortable in my heart?"

Rouge smiled and said: "That proves that you are not so superficial."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will continue to listen to you."

Rouge said: "The Red Pink Beauty Club exists for the intelligence network. The only thing to do here is to collect intelligence and get in touch with people. People in the north and the south, no matter who they are, may have a role. Anyone can possibly Becoming a network of the future, so no one can offend. I am the boss of the Pink Lady, be careful to face every object, be careful to make each other."

"Do you know why I can be the boss on the surface of the Pink Lady Club because I have already been good at discovering each person's personality characteristics, and then looking for their personality weaknesses to use, which requires me to go Disguise. Many people just wear a mask, but I don’t know how many masks I wear at the same time."

Xiao Bing sighed: "So this is very tired."

"Yeah, so in those years, I seem to be a man of the city of Kyoto. Many people in the outside world said that I am not good at arguing. It is a big-name person, because my network is wide and there are big people behind me, but only I know, At that time, I was not happy at all. At that time, I was really tired and tired."

Xiao Bing said: "If people live, they will inevitably get tired. It is inevitable that they will wear a mask that is not their own. You have to wear so many different masks. You are not a born actor. Of course you will be tired."

Rouge smiled and said: "But you are different. At that time, you were still called Kyoto No. 4, although the outside world said how you are doing it, but when I first saw you, I found out that you were in front of me. What is revealed is actually a very real self. Your usual life is too tired and too tired. The pressure is too great. Remember that every time you see me, you will wear a mask. I can't see your face at all, but I know that it's the fact that you have removed all the camouflage and masks."

"Yeah, everyone who wants me to do this must have their own way of venting. Otherwise, even if it is a strong person, the tight line will be broken, so I usually wear a piece. The mask, a mask called a strong mask, and waiting for me to go to your pink lady with another identity, can remove the mask and vent it without any concern."

Rouge softly said: "Thank you, you make me finally live can not be so tired, husband, I hope that you can live is not so tired, you are too tired now."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I am a man."

"Men and women are not all people," Rouge said. "Don't always give yourself too much responsibility to complete. You are a normal person."

The rouge is bulging: "You don't want to laugh, I am serious."

"Okay, obey, wife and grandmother." Xiao Bing smiled. "One day, one day, my husband will bring you back together. When we live a happy life, we will never be so tired again. You said no. it is good?"

"it is good!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, am I obedient?"

"Hey, then you have to say it?"

"Of course, when will I lie to my own wife?" Xiao Bing said with a smile. "Or else we have a hook?"

Rouge leaned on Xiao Bing's body and said with a smile: "If you dare to lie to me, I will wrap you around every day, but I won't let you go."

Xiao Bing’s coughed twice and said: “That... this punishment is too embarrassing.”

"Hey, know me, just look at it and see if it will ruin you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am going to be broken now, or else we will..."

Rouge's eyes are charming and charming: "Wait for the evening..."

At this time, in a certain ancient town, the young monk and Maggie are wandering inside. I don’t know how many eyes will fall on them. This ancient town is a famous tourist town near Shaolin. Maggie has confirmed by mobile phone. Xiao Bing did not have any major problems, but after a few days of training, she followed the little monk to come here.

At this time, they were the last day of their stay here. After visiting today, they were ready to go that night.

A enchanting little girl, plus a little monk, everyone who sees both of them will cast a strange look.

At this time, the Renyi little monk was holding two bags with souvenirs in his hand, followed by, and kept calling: "Maggie, I bought almost. If there is more, Xiaoxi will not be able to take it."

"Okay, okay." Maggie smiled like a flower. "This time it’s really a big harvest. Where are we going tonight?"

The benevolent monk asked: "Don't you go back?"

Maggie asked: "Why, eager to let me go?"

"No, no, of course not." Renyi’s little monk said in a hurry, “The heart of Xiaoyan’s heart is very happy.”

Maggie licked a pair of beautiful big eyes, a few minutes of radiance in her eyes, and asked: "How can you feel happy with a female donor?"

"This..." Ren Yiluo is somewhat unnatural, but after thinking about it, he still said, "I don't know Xiao Xiaoxin..."

Maggie smiled and said, "Okay, go, let me go and have some snacks."

"Good." Renyi followed Maggie to a noodle shop, asked for two bowls of special features here, and then ate while looking at the outside, while looking at the outside.

Maggie's face changed and she said: "The little monk is not honest. Is it a beautiful female donor?"

"No, no." Renyi hurriedly said, "Xiao Xiao is a monk, how can he be beautiful, Xiao Xiao just found that someone is following us today, Xiao Xiao does not know how the other party is coming."

Maggie snorted and said with a smile: "Then you said that they want to rob the money or rob the color?"

The righteousness of Renyi’s face: “Whether it’s a robbery or a robbery, it’s a bad idea, it should be subject to Dharma.”

Maggie chuckled and said: "Then your Dharma is more powerful than the law? If the Dharma really can pass the sentient beings and let all the bad guys become good people, then there is no need for the law to exist."

Renyi said: "Maggie, don't you believe that Dharma is really able to wash people's hearts, if you are..."

" Stop and stop, I don't want to chanting every day, just like you, obviously not too old, the result is so mature, not at all like peers."

Renyi smiled bitterly and did not speak.

Maggie said: "Well, well, people just talk about it casually, don't be sad."

"No, Xiaoyan is not angry. Xiaoxuan is only thinking about whether it is important to Dharma or whether the law is more important. But then I thought about it. Maybe the law is indeed the most important. The Dharma can only be a small group of believers, but there are still many like you. This kind of unbelievers, these people are simply not able to get through."

"You know it." Maggie said with a smile. "Of course, the Dharma also has the benefits of Dharma. The Dharma is good for people. This is really good. If you really learn Dharma, it is also a benefit."

I heard that Maggie said that Renyi’s face showed a smile.

"Look, you see, you are a hypocrisy, I said that you have just been angry, right? Look at me to praise the Dharma two sentences, your face is not the same immediately."

Renyi smiled bitterly: "It’s also a small encounter."

"Hey, you know it. Oh, eat it well, let's go back to the hotel, pick up the luggage and go on." Maggie said with a smile. "Let's change to another place."

"it is good."

Renyi promised, and the three faces of the bowl ate the bowl, and the soup was also given. Then he left with Maggie and returned to the hotel. Then he carried the luggage of the two people on his back and started to leave.

Renyi and Maggie walked side by side from the ancient town and walked on a quiet road. At this time, from the front, they came out with five seemingly fierce men, stopping the way.

Maggie walked up and smiled and said: "Is it right to say two words, this road is me, this tree is my plant, have to think about this road, leave the road to buy money?"

The four big men glanced at each other and then laughed. One of the most mighty men looked like a big laugh: "This chick is more and more like people, hahaha, she will come tonight. I am."

Maggie turned her head to look at Renyi and said: "Little monk, this is the few people you just said? It seems that they are robbery, not robbery."

The seriousness of the face of Renyi’s little monk, went forward, blocked Maggie behind, and then folded his hands together and read: “Several donors, we should be good people, and we are saying that good and good are bad. Bad reports, causal reincarnation can not escape, six reincarnations, we can reincarnate, should be a good person, accumulate good causes will have good results, the future is naturally a good tire, I am right? ”

The few people laughed again, and the mighty man said: "You little monk, it seems that I should thank you too? Do you know who we are? How many towns in the neighborhood? People have to pay me a protection fee? Oh, you actually talked to me about the cause and effect of reincarnation, it’s just too funny! Brothers, first give this little monk a meal, then take the girl away, tonight I am!"

These big men will soon rush up, and the Yiyi small monk sighed slightly, folded his hands and bowed forward, saying: "There can only be a small scorpion to Pudu."

Suddenly, a golden light emerged from the body of the Yiyi small monk.

Ps: I went back to my hometown last night and drank too much... I owe three chapters, and this week I definitely make up...

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