Super Soldier

Chapter 2251: Is there a point? (one more)

The little monk had just caught his eyes, and he heard that Maggie chuckled, and then when he opened his eyes, he saw that Maggie had already got into the bed and started to close his eyes and sleep. This wheat Qi is really teasing. he.

The little monk spit out the air and began to lie down on the already laid floor, calling a good night.

Maggie also said good night.

The next morning, the weather was fine. After the two people had breakfast, they helped the family to clean up the yard, and then they went away together. When they left, the couple always sent them outside. Zhang Wei will also Maggie gave her a side and said a few whispers before she left Maggie and the little monk.

The young monk and Maggie walked out of the village, and the Renyi little monk asked with some curiosity: "What did you just say to Zhang Yan?"

"Nothing," Maggie said with a smile. "And there is nothing to tell you."

The Yiyi small monk smiled and said: "You are the ancient spirit."

Maggie smiled and asked: "What's wrong, can't you stand me?"

"No," Ren Yi said quickly. "How is it possible?"

"Oh, you can't stand it all the time, you said, you are willing or not."

"I am willing, I am willing."

"Well, I have to write it down!" Maggie said with a smile: "Where is the next stop?"

“The nearby town of Guzhen!”

Xiao Bing, who is in the hospital, is actively recovering every day. Besides, he and the rouge are glued together every day.

Seeing that the physical condition is getting better and better, Xiao Bing is also ready to leave the hospital.

After half a month of hospitalization, Xiao Bing was finally ready to leave the hospital. At this time, Maggie was sent back by the Renyi Little Monk. When the two little guys came in, they said that they were laughing and laughing, Xiao Bing and Rouge. Two people smiled at each other.

The Yiyi small monk saw Xiao Bing and Rouge, and his face immediately recovered a serious, hands folded together and said: "Two donors, I have already sent Maggie back."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Trouble you, we are discharged today, ready to return. Do you want to go to our house for a few days?"

"No," said the Yiyi small monk. "Without the permission of the abbot, Xiaoxiao still has to go back to Shaolin Temple."

Xiao Bing said: "Your abbot is now in Kyoto, and is guarding the National Laboratory in Kyoto."

The Yiyi small monk shook his head and said: "Then Xiaoxiao still has to go back and report to the teachers and uncles, and get permission from the teachers and uncles."

Maggie said: "Forget it, people don't want to go, don't want to go, then why are you still stupid here? Don't you go back soon?"

The Renyi little monk snorted and looked at Maggie and said, "That little boy went."

"Go and go! Hey!"

Maggie pouted and looked a little angry.

The Renyi little monk walked to the door and suddenly looked back to Maggie and said: "If you have time, you will definitely visit you."

"Who wants your visit!" Mai Qi snorted, but couldn't help but soften a few points and said, "Then you have time to come over, this time you take me to turn, next time I will take you in Beijing. The city is turning."

The Yiyi small monk smiled and said: "Then we will settle."

"That's a deal."

"Small slams back."

The benevolent monk opened the door and the rouge looked in the eye and smiled. "Mc Qi, do you have a feeling of reluctance?"

Mai Qijiao said: "Xunzi, what are you talking about, oh, after getting married, from a girl to a young woman, your mind is not healthy."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xiao Bing laughed happily. This Maggie's words will always be unexpected, and the most important thing is that if you want to bicker, the average person will not really be the opponent of Wheat Qi.

Rouge is also a little bit dumbfounded, decided to give up to laugh at Maggie, usually it is easy to steal chicken without eclipsing the rice.

Rouge looked at Xiao Bing and said, "Let's go now?"

"Of course, you still can't bear it here?"

"Don't say, it's really a bit reluctant." I thought that this half-month has always been relative to Xiao Bing, and this period is really unforgettable.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The leaves are so smart, I doubt if she will guess anything. When I go back, you will go back to Xiaofu first. I will go to the Longmen base and then go back to Xiaofu later. Caused them to be suspicious."

Maggie smiled and said: "This alone is useless."

"Oh, yes, here is your little spy." Xiao Bing smiled. "Talk about it, what you want, you can't just sue."

"Hey, look at what you don't want to worry about my other nephews. I will be cheaper for you. I don't think about it for the time being. I will tell you later if I have something I want."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "You little girl, my brother, is the life that you are being bullied."

"Of course, who makes you big, I am small, you don't let me, who can you let?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Well, then we have to say it. Oh, I owe you something or a condition. Can you tell me if you go back?"

"Well, I know, it’s like I want to make the blind people worry."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is worth rest assured. Although you say that the ancient spirit is strange, but it is also very sensible."

"Oh, know it, then let's go now?"

"Well, let's go now, I have already booked the ticket."

Three people walked out of the hospital. Xiao Bing stretched out and sighed: "It is really felt now, and the feeling of leaving the hospital is really good."

Rouge said: "Then you have to cherish these things well. You don't want to be hurt so badly in the future. It is still very worrying when you get there."

"I know." Xiao Bing said, "This time there is no way. If the sorghums of Shaolin Temple can come out, they can alleviate the great pressures of the future. The essence of Shaolin is not comparable to other sects. By then, my pressure will be reduced, and my future danger will be much less."

"Well, I know, this time you are so scary. You don't know how worried I was when I came over this time."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I promise that I will pay attention in the future. Oh, we should call a taxi."

After stopping a taxi, three people arrived at the airport half an hour later, exchanged tickets, and stayed in the airport for more than an hour. Then they set foot on the plane to Kyoto. After about an hour, the plane The airport in Kyoto will land.

Three people sat together in the plane, rouge sat inside, Maggie sat in the middle, Xiao Bing sat on the side.

More than an hour, no one sleeps, just casually said something, when talking about the righteous little monk, Xiao Bing suddenly smiled and asked: "Maggie, I see you and Renyi The relationship is very good."

"Oh, the relationship between friends is awkward." Maggie said, "Xiaohe has not yet come to Shaolin's abbot."

Xiao Bing heard the last sentence of Maggie's addition. I know what Maggie means in my heart. Maybe Maggie is really a little bit interested in the little monk, but two people are normal girls, one is Shaolin monks. It may be a type that has no points.

Xiao Bing asked: "How do you know that he is the future abbot? I don't seem to have said it."

"I listened to the little monk himself. You know, he will work hard, called Pudu sentient beings. Oh, he said that it is not called kung fu, it is called Dharma."

Maggie immediately told Xiao Bing about that scene. After listening to it, Xiao Bing couldn’t help but reveal his happy face, and exclaimed: "There is such a surprising Dharma in the world, no wonder Shaolin can The horns of the martial arts, Shaolin is really not ordinary, this practice has never been heard, even in the realm of the gods have never heard of such magical exercises.

Maggie said: "You said that even their abbots will not, but he will, their Shaolin abbot can let him leave?"

Maggie’s words have clearly indicated her thoughts. Xiao Bing sighed, but he also had to admit that Maggie and the young monk probably did not have much fate. Renyi Xiaohe was not yet destined to be Become a Shaolin abbot, and his talent for Dharma is so strong, I am afraid that Shaolin can let go of any other person, and it is impossible to let go of a benevolent monk, so how can they get together?

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "So deep Dharma has long been, no, it should be said that he has a unique Buddha's edge and Huigen. Otherwise, his accomplishments in this respect should be impossible to compare with the top, but even The abbot who has been practicing for decades can't do this. He can, and see that he has Huigen, and the abbot is even less likely to let go."

"Yes," said Maggie. "I have thought of this for a long time. Oh, this little monk is a natural Buddhist disciple, and no one can change it."

Xiao Bing came out to see that Maggie couldn't say that he was not interested in the little monk. He was only bound by the identity of the two of them. Xiao Bing couldn't help but sympathize with his cousin.

Rouge was a little confused in the heart, but it didn't show up. Maggie was so good, but she was also a very proud girl. The girl like Maggie probably couldn't stand the sympathy of other people.

Xiao Bing began to be a little lucky that the little monk did not follow. According to the current situation, the two of them continued to contact with each other, and they could not help to make time to dilute those memories, lest they would feel the last, but they could not Love, that is the most painful thing in the world for Maggie.

An hour soon arrived, the plane gradually landed at the airport. Xiao Bing first sent the two of them to the gate of Xiaofu. Then they did not go in. They went directly to the Ministry of National Security and were ready to listen to the recent Ministry of National Security. What is the harvest.

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