Super Soldier

Chapter 2257: Moon demon's mind (four more)

After the abbot of Zhiming and other Shaolin masters had overspent, everyone began to hurry again. Although they did not encounter the wolf again, they killed two snakes and finally passed through the woods and arrived safely. At the foot of the mountain at the wrong road.

Drunk gyro said: "Spread home to find firewood."

Liu Zhen said: "I will follow along."

Xiao Bing promised and said: "Go, everyone, sit down and rest."

The two masters of Shaolin said: "We also go to help."

Not much longer, they were back with their firewood one by one, and then everyone lit a bonfire and began to lie down and start to rest and sleep.

Xiao Bing is lying on the ground, but some are unable to sleep. He doesn't know how Xiaobei is doing now, and this time he is about to face the most difficult master in history. This time Xiao Bing is not just chasing. Souls, bows and arrows are also brought in the same way, but if it is facing the Buddha, these are obviously not enough.

Xiaobei is now in the Buddha Mountain Villa. He is also a little sleepless. The actions that the Buddha’s son has arranged in the recent period have made him more and more confused. They have successively attacked the secret laboratories of three countries. Both the country and the y country were successful in sneak attack. Because Russia was prepared for prevention, it eventually failed. The data of its laboratory was all taken away by the Buddha. What did the Buddha son do with this? Is it really like the Buddha said, he also has a large laboratory outside, want to create a plan like a super soldier?

Xiaobeixin’s fear at this time is because the movement of the Buddha’s son is getting bigger and bigger. It is obvious that the Buddha’s son has begun to be unwilling to be silent. I am afraid that there will be big movements sooner or later, but he is completely unable to guess the Buddha’s son. What will be the big action, even the other people in Buddhism are not aware of the situation, since they don’t even know what big moves, let alone tell the story to Xiao Bing.

Xiaobei looked at the moon outside the window, and sighed slightly, and his heart was dark. Where is he? Why hasn’t it been exposed until now? If it is possible to tell the position of the Buddha’s Villa to the Binger, it’s not a plan to know the Buddha’s son.

He was thinking, suddenly felt the footsteps outside the door, his eyes cold, looked at the door, cold and cold: "I have slept!"

The door slammed open, and the moon demon came in from the outside.

Xiaobei frowned: "What are you doing?"

The moon demon used the foot to close the door, and then looked at Xiaobei with a wink and said: "Zhao Zaixing's big brother, do you still need me to say it?"

"I think you still said it well." Xiaobei sat up and said, "I hate that when I sleep, someone is not asking for it. If the other person is a woman, I can suspect that it is not good."

The moon demon giggled: "Why should you say that it is so ruthless, let alone, I am not good, but it is just a bad intention to your body."

At this moment, the moon demon is wearing a see-through skirt, and the hot body is exposed. It is simply tempting to make people feel bloody.

Xiaobei smiled and said: "You must have tempted a lot of people before?"

"You are right, but what can you do?" The moon demon walked step by step, giggling. "I have killed a lot of people and tempted many people, but I am against those men. There is no interest, but it is different for you."

The moon demon sat in Xiaobei’s bed, and his body slowly leaned toward Xiaobei. He said: “Zhao Zaixing, I was not interested in you before, but I don’t know when to start, you are like a person. It started to slowly make me good."

Xiaobei’s heart raised his vigilance and asked coldly: “Is it changed?”

"Oh, no, it may be that I think more, because in the past, your little role was not worth paying attention to."

Xiaobei slightly sighed, then cold and cold: "What later?"

"Of, your martial arts talent seems to be unlocked at once, and the strength is so fast. At the beginning, it caused the interest of Gongbei’s general manager. Let the Gongbei general manager begin to slowly focus on you. In the end, even the doorkeepers began to pay attention. You, at that time, it is impossible for me to not pay attention to you."

Xiaobei said: "The strength of the Buddha Hill is not weaker than mine."

"Giggle, you are right, for example, Huang Quan, such as the head of Gongbei... But I am not interested in other people, only for you..." The moon demon this beautiful snake began to slowly close Xiaobei, sticking out his tongue and gently rubbing his lips, his voice asked with temptation. "I know that you have a woman, but your woman is not in the mountain village. It has already been sent out by you. Don't you think?" Hungry?"

Xiaobei cold and cold: "I am not interested in you."

"Giggle, the more you are, the more I am interested in you. The man in the entire Buddha Mountain Village has never found a man like you. Like a woman, you are so infatuated with a woman, our Buddha Villa. It’s basically ruthless people, or people who have been hurt, giggling, how many people will be so infatuated with a woman like you?”

Xiaobei’s eyes flashed and asked: “A person who has been hurt? Are you talking about you, referring to you and Liu Henshui?”

The moon demon suddenly stunned, and then the eyes showed deep hatred and cold cold, stood up and screamed: "Who told you to mention the man, how do you know the man!! ”

Xiaobei said: "I didn't know it before, but then I often went out to perform the task. The position in Buddhism was getting higher and higher, and it was so high that I was on an equal footing with you. So I didn't want to hear anything outside, such as saying Liu Henshui, who is already dead, is actually a pair with you. You were not in Buddhism at the time, and he was not in the Dragon Gate, but both of you are all top figures in the dark world."

"You two people fall in love together, but Liu Henshui is a big radish. After being with you, I still have a relationship with other women. You are a very strong woman. Other women generally choose to forgive or break up, but your heart is letting you start to go to extremes because of love and hate. The man who has lived with you and died is being misunderstood by you. You change him. Become an eunuch!!"

Yue Yao screamed: "Don't say it! Zhao Zaixing, I don't want you to continue!"

Xiaobei said: "Liu Henshui really has a relationship with other women, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He did make a mistake, but the price you paid him was fierce! From then on, Liu Henshui started. I hate all the women in the world, and become a look that is not male or female. Have you ever thought about a man changing from a man to a man who is not a man or a woman?"

"That blames himself!!" The moon demon screamed angrily. "He betrayed me. He forgot about the vows before me. He carried me with other women, I should abolish him, I Let him live in a shadow that can't be related to a woman all his life, I want him to be in pain for a lifetime!!"

Xiaobei said calmly: "Later Liu Hsien entered the Longmen and became one of the Eight Dragons of the Dragon Gate. But the Buddha's Gate is a **** wolf that colluded with the Dragon Gate. The blood wolf eventually rebelled against the Dragon King. Liu Henshui wanted to rely on the Buddha. The Buddha son used Liu Henshui as a gift to cooperate with the blood wolf. He handed Liu Hsien, who was relying on him, to the blood wolf. The blood wolf thought that Liu Hshui was carrying him and colluding with the Buddha. He was a man with two sides and three knives, so he killed Liu Henshui."

Xiaobei smiled and said: "So in a strict sense, the blood wolf is already dead. Liu Henshui is equivalent to dying in the hands of our doorkeepers. It is no wonder that you are so deadly to the Buddha, the doorkeeper helped you kill that. You hate men."

The moon demon looked at Xiaobei and asked: "Who told you? How did you know this?"

Xiaobei smiled and said: "Which of our Buddhist monks, who dare to say that they have no means and secrets? You don't need to ask, I can only say that what I said is true, so you are the right door. The Lord is grateful to Dade."

The moon demon suddenly sat on the chair.

Xiaobei looked at her and said: "This is already what happened a few years ago. Didn't you know that Liu Henshui died?"

"I know... but I don't know how he died." The moon demon gnawed his teeth. "In any case, he is damned, he betrayed me, so he **** it! The doorkeeper killed, the kill is really too All right!!"

The moon demon swayed and stood up, and some of them lost their souls and ran to the outside, and they no longer wanted to hook up Xiaobei.

Xiaobei saw the moon demon, and he was slightly relieved. At the same time, his eyes flickered and he muttered to himself: "Some people, some things, between love and hate, who said clearly."

The moon demon ran out of Xiaobei’s room at this time, ran far and far, and ran to the river without people, she stopped, she fell to the ground, suddenly cried, and then laughed. She cried and laughed again, her face was full of tears, and then said loudly, "You have been dead for so long, you are damn, you betrayed me, you should get retribution... But why did the miscellaneous Zhao Zaixing mention? You, I think you are dead, I am still not happy? I am still not happy..."

The voice of the moon demon is lost and lost.

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