Super Soldier

Chapter 2263: Who is Bai Xiaosheng? (two more)


After dawn, Xiao Bing and others left the cave and began to search for the Buddha Villa. After all, it was the site of the Buddha son. The longer the delay, the more insecure.

Although the distance to the mountain is very large, rolling, long and long, and the road is very rugged, but for them the world's top powerhouses, want to search again, that is, two or three days It is completely enough.

Now it is getting closer and closer to the search. There is only one mountain in front of you. Xiao Bing points to the front and says: "The one is the most remote. It seems to be the most dangerous. We will find it over there. ”

Molong said: "If you can't find it there, I am afraid..."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "If there is still nowhere to find it, there will be some trouble. We have already looked for it elsewhere. I really don't know where to look again."

Xu Mu said: "In any case, look at the past."

Everyone glanced at each other, nodded, and then walked straight ahead in that direction.

Everyone has to say that they have been very careful. Especially since the Buddha Mountain Village is called a mountain village, it is impossible to say that it is the size of a mosquito. So a big mountain village can be seen at a glance. There is no reason to search. Yes, unless the Buddha Mountain Villa is not here at all.

They rushed straight to the other side and rushed over. After more than half an hour, they finally reached the hillside and were ready to climb to the opposite mountain. It was also the wrong mountain range.

They are planning to climb the past, and a voice suddenly came from inside the woods behind them: "Deputy Minister Xiao..."

This voice is very familiar, Xiao Bing immediately turned around and was surprised: "Bai Xiaosheng?"

"Yes, it is me." There is a black figure in the woods, and the whole body is covered in the darkness. It is completely unsightly to see what it looks like.

Xiao Bing rushed to the past, but when he thought of the rules of Bai Xiaosheng, he hurriedly stopped again. The attitude was respectful and respectful: "Mr. Bai Xiaosheng, I can make a deal with you this time, you tell me Where is the Buddha Villa?"

What Xiaobing expected was that Bai Xiaosheng did not speak, but gradually moved from the woods toward Xiao Bing, and getting closer and closer.

Everyone else has widened their eyes and looked at it. Everyone in the world has almost heard of this name. This represents a name that is omniscient and omniscient.

So everyone is very curious about what this person looks like.

In the past, don't say it is the way of Bai Xiaosheng. They even want to know where this person is. It is very difficult for them to even exchange information. But this person is like a ghost, every time. It will appear when you need him, and then make some exchanges with you.

At this moment, everyone is holding their breath and looking at this person who slowly came out of the woods. This person is squatting, and the age should be very big. When he comes out of the woods, he slowly He took off his hood and revealed his face.

Xiao Bing suddenly widened his eyes and showed an expression of disbelief.

At this moment in Xiaofu, the leaves in the room finally got through the old class phone. After the old class got on the phone, they immediately asked: "Leaves, you call me, is there something?"

The leaves are a little anxious: "Class Minister... Do you know that my husband is going to find the Buddha Villa?"

"I know." The old class looked a little embarrassed. "This time, let your husband take risks for the country. This is what the country owes to him, and it hurts you at home. I represent the country and you. These family members apologize."

The leaves are anxiously saying: "I am not talking about this. What I want to say is that you must not use the national heavy weapons to deal with the Buddha."

The old class said: "Of course, we don't even know the specific location of Buddhism. Unless it is not good for your husband, let them quit, and then we will use weapons of mass destruction to deal with it. Eliminate the problem."

"No, no, no, I am not only talking about this... you... you can quickly find a way to contact my husband and tell him that you must not fight with the Buddha."

"This...leaf, what do you want to say, are you afraid of your husband's accident?"

"Not only worried about my husband's accident, I am still worried about the accident of the Buddha son." The leaves sighed and said, "You don't even know, I was just the news that I just knew last night. The Buddha son is actually my husband's brother! ”

"What?" The old class was completely shocked. "How is this possible? He still has a brother? Oh, yes, I want to hear him vaguely. The details are a bit fuzzy, but how can his brother be a Buddha?" I have never heard him say it before!"

"That's because my husband doesn't know, otherwise how can I make you find a way to remind him? I am not only worried about my husband's accident, but more importantly, even if something happened to the Buddha, My husband will be very upset in this life. I know him too much, I can't let him live in a lifetime of sadness!!"

The old class was completely paralyzed, and there was still some reaction. It has been a long delay since it was a few seconds to react. He muttered to himself: "Yes, yes, Xiaobing, this child has always been with his family. I really value it. This time, if they really kill you, I am afraid that no matter who they are, they will live in pain for the rest of their lives. I will send people now and I will be able to go astray within two days. Mountain."

"That's too late." The leaves asked. "Is there any other way? If it is sent, then it will be gone. My mom is now gone."

"Your mother-in-law? Did she go? Well, then it’s good, then there is nothing to worry about. If it’s really like you said, they are brothers, maybe this is still a good thing, then Their brothers recognized each other, and we have one more helper arm in the human world. Although the Buddha had angered several big countries before, I would discuss it with the above and find a way to bear it."

The leaves smiled bitterly: "But I am a little worried... I also arranged things that were not as simple as that... and I am worried that my mom would only rush over last night, I am afraid that time will be too late!"

The leaves are secretly thinking, Mom, why don't you tell this secret earlier? Now I hope that you can hurry up and don't let the **** things happen....

Ps: Although it is late, at least the second chapter is updated. Um... I will be doing three chapters today, and the rest of the chapter will be updated after dawn. Just arrived home, I have to take care of my wife tonight...

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