Super Soldier

Chapter 2268: Xiaobei exposed (one more)

The Buddha son actually went to fight his own people, everyone was jealous, and even Li Chaoyang in the hands was also paralyzed.

The Buddha’s son looked at the moon demon who had not seen the blood and vomited blood. He directly looked at the Pope and the abbot of Zhiming. He said calmly: “You must tie your hands. Now the gambling is that you lost.”

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Amitabha, the Buddha son, the Buddha son, in order to win a gamble, you even have your own people to start?"

The moon demon also turned back, looking desperate and looking at the Buddha with a bit of hate, she panted, and the vitality was quietly passing.

The Buddha son finally looked at the moon demon and said: "You can't be **** me. Today I can feel the resentment and murder of me in your eyes, although you hide deeply, although I never care about you like this. Small characters, but in this case, I don't care about sacrificing a piece like you. Now let me ask you, why do you hate me?"

The moon demon asked: "Liu hate water is dead in your hands?"

"Yes." said the Buddha son, "Liu Henshui of Buddhism is dead in the hands of the blood wolf, but if you count on me, there is nothing wrong with it."

The moon demon gnashed his teeth and said: "I thought I had only hated him. When I knew that he was dead, I really understood that sometimes there is love to hate."

"It turns out that." The Buddha son said indifferently, "I can understand, but your relationship with this matter is not great, mainly because I like to win this game. Are you really looking for revenge?" ”

"Yes...." The moon is constantly flowing with blood, saying, "Unfortunately I can't kill you."

Buddha son smiled and said: "Of course you can't kill me, now you are dying, let's talk about it, who told you this thing, about Liu hate water?"

Yue Yao grinned and said: "I won't... I won't say it."

Buddha son said: "I guess."

When the Buddha's son turned his head and suddenly looked at Xiaobei, Xiaobei's heart was tense. Everyone looked at Xiaobei at this time, and Molong and the drunken gyro also became nervous inside.

The Buddha’s son smiled and said: “Xiaobei, one of the eight dragons of the Dragon Gate, used to be at the Dragon’s side to work in Longya. I’m right?”

Xiaobeiben intends to defend, but after thinking about it, he grinned a little, and reached out and directly erased the disguise on his face.

Buddhism and other people will be surrounded by Xiaobei, and he said: "You are not Zhao Zaixing!"

The moon demon was also stunned, then suddenly laughed, and laughed loudly: "Sure enough... Sure enough, no wonder I have always felt that you have suddenly changed a lot in the past few years, and sure enough... Xiaobei... you are small north?"

"Yes, my name is Xiaobei." Surrounded by strong enemies, Xiaobei did not change his face, and smiled freely. "Small North, Xiaobei North."

The moon demon suddenly shouted: "Don't stop him, let him see me!"

The people of Buddhism were hesitant, but they still let the road open a little and stopped the sight of both of them.

The moon demon struggled to climb up from the ground, squatting toward Xiaobei, and finally, after walking to Xiaobei, she hugged Xiaobei’s demon and leaned her face on Xiaobei’s shoulder. Some powerless murmured: "Actually... you are the second man I fell in love with after Liu hated the water... but I didn't expect that after I hurt Liu Henshui, it hurts you..."

Xiaobei faces this woman, this person will die of a woman who is also good at words, Xiaobei raised a few points of compassion.

The moon demon suddenly laughed out, and the voice was weak: "I will help you, you will escape...."

Suddenly, the moon demon exhausted the last strength of his body, grabbed Xiaobei’s arm and desperately smashed Xiaobei out. The Buddha’s eight will be shot together. After all, it’s a late step. Everyone’s attack is hit. The moon demon is on one's body, and Xiaobei has already flew out at this time and landed beside the drunk gyro and others.

The drunk gyro patted Xiaobei’s shoulder and laughed happily: “Brother, welcome you back!”

Xiaobei did not show the slightest smile at this time. His eyes fell on the body of the moon demon. She was now blood all at the moment, and she was completely soft and fell on the ground. Death can't die anymore.

Xiaobei took a deep breath and tightened his fist. He looked at the Buddha son with a murderous look.

The Buddha son smiled faintly: "I haven't pursued your undercover things. How, killing a moon demon will irritate you?"

Xiaobei whispered and asked: "When did you see through me?"

“It’s very early and very early.” The Buddha’s son laughed. “A person’s talent cannot change suddenly. You want to draw my attention. I want to get into the top of the Buddha’s hill. Others have not noticed this. I noticed it. It is not very difficult to see through you. You feel that I am indifferent to everything, but I have already noticed everything around the Dragon King. I have lost one Xiaobei, but I don’t know."

"It turns out that." Xiaobei hated the road, "You shouldn't kill her."

The Buddha asked: "You have a love for the moon? She is a heart-throat woman."

"Her mood is sinister, but she has at least the same feelings." Xiaobei said, "Where is your feelings? Everyone in the Buddha Villa is just your chess piece. The whole world is your chess piece. Who are you? Have feelings? Who has feelings for you?"

When the Buddha looked at Xiaobei, he suddenly asked: "You are not afraid to irritate me?"

"If I am afraid of death, do you think I will go to the bottom of Buddhism?"

"You are right." Buddha said with a smile. "I have tried you. Your mind is indeed very firm. But nowadays, you have a wife and a child. You can still be like before. Don't you fear death at all? I don't believe it."

Xiaobei said: "I have a woman and a child. I want to go back alive, but I want to let my child grow up straight and say that my father is a big hero, a great hero, is a The country can give everything to men."

"Hero, hero?" Buddha said, "Do you know what these words need to bear? What will your child bear in the future? All the heroes in the world, but they are all fools."

The Buddha looked at the Pope and said, "This is so good. We will compare it again. I will give you another chance. If you lose this gambling game, then everyone here is afraid. It’s all going to die.”

The Pope said: "Okay, let me."

"No need to choose, this time the rules are set by me." Buddha said faintly: "We sent Pan An here, you choose that crazy monk on your side. Pan An, you killed him for me." ”

"Good." Pan An calmly went out.

Everyone in the opposite side is sinking. The strength of the drunken gyro is the beginning of the saint. The strength of Pan An is the middle of the saint. There is still a big gap between the two people, and Pan An’s mind is meticulous and his character is calm and calm. One of the most difficult ones among the Buddhist monks.

Pan An looked at the drunk gyro and said, "You must take the shot first."

The drunk gyro came out and was about to talk. Pan An suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and the next second had already appeared behind him, and a palm was shot behind him.

Liu Zhen broke his mouth and said: "Shameless!"

In the eyes of the Buddha, there is a bit of praise, which is one of the reasons why he sent Pan An. The realm of Pan An is on the one hand. On the other hand, Pan An’s mind is the most meticulous one among the Buddhist monks, the IQ. Super high.

Drunk gyro screamed in his mouth and turned quickly. He also placed his caduceus on his chest.

With a bang, Pan An slaps on the caduceus, and the drunk gyro slams back and forth several steps, his hands numb.

The Pope said: "I have begun to calculate the time now."

Buddha son laughed and said: "Good!"

Pan An was unforgiving, and then began to attack insanely. The drunk gyro left the right branch, and there was a gap in his own realm. In addition, he lost his first hand and he was defeated by Pan An.

Gongbei’s chief whispered: “It’s wise to choose Pan’s out, this is a foolproof choice.”

The Buddha son smiled faintly: "This person is somewhat similar to me in some respects, and somewhat similar to my brother."

The general manager of Gongbei sighed.

Seeing that it gradually fell into the wind, the drunk gyro turned out to open the door, and after suffering the Pan An palm, and then flew backwards, the breath on his body completely changed. The whole person seemed to fall into the magic road. Roaring in his mouth: "The Mad Wand Method!"

At this moment, the power of terror raged around the body of the drunken gyro. Pan An frowned slightly, and he could feel that the power of the drunken gyro was not under him, and even faintly higher. a bit.

The drunken gyro rushed to Pan An, and the Zen rod was turned into a shadow of the sky, and Pan An was completely covered in it.

The power of terror is even to make some people suffocate.

The Pope's eyes lit up and said: "There is such a rod method, rare in the world, and it seems that there is a chance to win."

The six fingers on the side whispered: "Don't forget, you have to tie your hand to win the game."

In the eyes of the Pope, there is also a smear of dignity. Yes, you have to tie your hand. The drunk gyro may win, and you may lose, but how can he go with a person?

The Pope realized that the other party chose the purpose of these two hands. The Buddha’s mind was too deep. He even thought that he didn’t even think about it!

Seeing that time is getting closer to the end, Pan An suddenly said softly: "I saw a flaw!"

Then a palm broke the palm of the drunk gyro, and the palms accumulated all the power, directly to the heart of the drunk gyro.

Just in the midst of this millennium, a figure straddles between the two!

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