Super Soldier

Chapter 2277: Times Kyoto City

Xiao Bing had a little insomnia when he was lying down at night, and finally fell asleep.

After falling asleep, Xiao Bing made a dream, a dream far away and far away. At that time, he was so small, he couldn’t walk, he couldn’t even stand up, he just just climbed back. Only, a little boy who is older than himself is holding a pair of shiny big eyes and kneeling on the ground watching himself.

Behind the little boy, a middle-aged male voice that sounded a little bit of a pet was slowly sounding: "Win, this is your brother, do you know what a younger brother is?"

The little boy said crisply: "Know, my brother is a boy smaller than me."

"No, my brother is the boy you have to protect in your life."

The little boy blinked and touched his face. At such a young age, his face was full of perseverance and said: "I know, my brother is the boy I have to protect in my life, because he is better than I am small."

The man’s tone said with a warm smile: “Hey, hey!”

Then Xiao Bing saw a big hand gently touched the little boy's head, and then touched his face, the hand is so big, it is so warm, even let yourself have a kind I want the feeling of tears.

Then Xiao Bing saw that the little boy kept turning around himself, and kept shouting in his mouth: "Younger brother, younger brother, younger brother, younger brother."

Finally, the little boy said: "You grow up soon, grow up and let your brother protect you."

Xiao Bing woke up, and then shed tears without a reason. Is that a memory? A memory that you should not remember?

Xiao Bing took a deep breath, got up from the bed, lit a cigarette, sat on the chair and began to smoke quietly. When the family was facing justice, how to choose it was right...

"Oh, anyway, people may have died. Why do I still have to think about these things." Xiao Bing muttered to himself, "Brother, I know what you have experienced in these years, I I know that you may all avenge your father, but the right one is right, the wrong one is wrong, we can't change things that are wrong, and we always have to find a way to repay things."

"Oh, but why is it so sad in my heart..."

Xiao Bing took out the mobile phone, but unfortunately there was no signal, so he had to re-send it. At this time, I really wanted to find the leaves and they had a good chat. Xiao Bing’s closest relative in the world is naturally Xia Hongyin, but this one There is no way to talk to Xia Hongyin, and talking about these will only make Xia Hongyin still more difficult.

Xiao Bing sat quietly for a few hours until the morning of the next day. Xiao Bing walked out of the room and let the people here prepare for breakfast. After Xia Hongyin also got up, Xiao Bing This accompanied her mother to the restaurant and had breakfast.

Xia Hongyin just put a few mouthfuls and put down the chopsticks. Xiao Bing glanced at it and found that his mother’s eyes were red. I knew that this time my mother’s blow was too big. After all, I didn’t grow up with my brother when I was a child. Therefore, although I am saddened, I can’t compare with my mother. At this moment, if I remember that I am still around, and my grandson or granddaughter is about to be born in the future, I am afraid that Xia Hongyin may now be more take things too hard.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Mom, you want to blame me, want to marry me, you can talk directly, don't always lie in your heart, wronged yourself."

Xia Hongyin shook her head and said, "I don't want to marry you. This thing doesn't blame you, Mom said, this thing blames my mother."

Xiao Bing said: "Mom, I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about it alone. Actually, this thing is no strange to you. Your temperament is fierce, but even if you change to someone else, if you have suffered such a big change in the past, I don't necessarily choose the same road. I see you so uncomfortable, so self-blaming, my son's heart is uncomfortable."

Xia Hongyin said: "That is your brother, but also my own flesh and blood... You don't have to persuade me. After a few days, I will naturally be fine."

"Oh, um." At this time, other people have come to the restaurant one after another, Xiao Bing said, "After eating, let's go together first, then I will let the people of the Ministry of National Security take over here, the main thing is The people here are registered and then taken away from here, and the country will arrange them from now on."

Zhiming abbot said: "Amitabha, can save so many people from the bitter sea, this time Xiao Shi is a hard work."

Xiao Bing said: "This is all relying on everyone, and there are sacrifices of Master Zhihai and the Pope, we will not forget."

The abbot of Zhiming sighed: "I must have seen this scene before, and they will feel that they are dead."


After eating breakfast, everyone left here and then flew to Kyoto by private jet.

After arriving in Kyoto, Xiao Bing let other people go back first, then Xiao Bing entered the Kyoto hospital with Molong, and Zhang Yizhi called the past.

After Zhang Yizhi inspected the injury, the face was dignified: "His injury is really not light."

Molong’s tone is calm: “Mr. Zhang Lao, you have something to say, is it impossible for my two arms to recover?”

Zhang Yizhi thought for a moment and said: "I need to operate for your arm. The bones inside have been completely ruptured, and the operation may last for about five and a half hours."

Xiao Bing asked nervously: "Five and a half hours? Zhang Lao, you are so old, can you still have such a big operation?"

"Oh, look down on me?" Zhang Yizhi said, "Surgery is not a problem, but if you only have a major operation, I can only guarantee that his two arms will move normally, like ordinary people, but It’s hard to be too hard, that is to say, you can’t use force.”

Molong’s face was slightly ugly, but he did not say anything. For him, since it was already happening, the acceptance was only acceptable.

Zhang Yizhi said: "But it is not impossible to completely heal."

Xiao Bing asked: "What do you need?"

Zhang Yizhi said: "The need to heal the magical medicine, the magical medicine above the elixir, the external application, can definitely restore his injury completely."

Xiao Bing's eyes lit up and said: "God medicine? Then I will go to the gods or take a trip inside the devil world."

Molong said: "The door owner, for my arms to go to the gods or the adventures inside the devil, this is not appropriate."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Do you think that without your injury, I will not go? I have now entered the realm of God. Anyway, I am going to embark on this embarrassment. There is no magic medicine in our human world, but it must be found in the realm of the gods and the devil."

Zhang Yizhi said: "I am not in a hurry. I will help him with surgery first. Then he will have to rest for at least half a month before he needs the nerve medicine for external application. Even if the medicine is just a little bit, it will suffice. ”

"Okay, I know, Zhang Lao, then do you have surgery for him today?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi nodded. "Everything depends on the surgery. All his bones and bones have been completely broken. If you want to completely close the bridge, the difficulty is not high, even if it is me. Dare to say that there is 100% confidence that if the surgery fails, you will not have to go."

Xiao Bing took a deep bow on Zhang Yizhi and said: "Zhang Lao, you must give my brother a cure. I am here to thank you."

Zhang Yizhi said calmly: "I am a doctor, the parents of the doctors. This is an old professional ethic. If you don't ask me, can I not heal the healing?"

"This is certainly not..."

"Well, so if you don't worry, I will definitely do my best. As for whether the surgery can be successful, I will wait until I have finished the operation."

"Okay, then it’s troublesome." Xiao Bing asked: "When is the surgery started?"

"It’s about an hour later."

"Oh." Xiao Bing said, "Then I will go back to Xiaofu first, Molong, and I have more confidence in Zhang Lao. He will certainly be able to heal you. He has been doing this all the time."

"Do not worry, take care of your family."

Xiao Bing sighed and said with blame: "There is one more thing. The person who injured your arm is my brother. Although he may have died, if you have these two arms... Hey, No, in short, this responsibility is mine."

Molong said: "The doorkeeper, the Buddha son is your brother, I am not your brother? This is the grudge between me and your brother, and when people die like lights, the grudges will disappear, you don't want to say. ”

Xiao Bing sighed and smiled. "Well, I won't say it, then you are here, I will go back first."

After Xiao Bing left, Zhang Yizhi looked at Molong and curiously asked: "What is his brother? Who is his brother?"

Molong immediately told Zhang Yizhi what happened this time. After listening to it, Zhang Yi pointed out the surprised color of his face. After a few seconds of silence, he smiled. He said with emotion: "This incident has dealt a great blow to this child. He has been looking for his family all these years. As a result, he personally killed his brother. Hey, fate is not so good for him. Fair, how can it be so hard?"

Molong did not know what to say, and he secretly said that he could only pray that Xiao Bing could go out from the blow earlier.

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