Super Soldier

Chapter 2285: Do the demons have big moves?

"Is it over? I have the impression that you have changed so much over the years, I can't recognize you anymore, get up, I am not a princess, don't fall to the ground."

Covering the hand and climbing up from the ground, some excited said: "When you were gone, the whole Mozu was looking for it, and the devil was furious, saying that even if you turn the Mozu to the bottom, you will find it. But After looking for a few years, I didn’t find your trace. In the end, I just had to give up. Later, we all thought, maybe you are the top player you met outside, I don’t know why it was killed. The devil wants to see people die to see the dead, but even the body can not find, let alone how to avenge you."

Xia Hongyin seems to recall the past, and her eyes are filled with recollections. She said: "I was too naughty in the past, and I accidentally crossed the enchantment between the gods and the gods and reached the realm of the gods."

"Are you reaching the realm of the gods?" The nervousness of the hand, "The Protoss and the Mozu have always been incompatible with each other. You have reached the realm of the gods. Do they not harm you?"

Xia Hongyin sighed: "Those things will be said later. In short, I got married. The current king of the king killed my husband, and almost killed me and my children."

He clenched his fist and said: "This hatred is not in total!"

Xia Hongyin said: "Xiao Bing is my child."

Overturning this time, I looked back at Xiao Bing again, and then I was a little more respectful. I said, "Mr. Xiao, the demon king has entrusted me to come to you, saying that I am telling you, never let Maggie return to the devil. And don't let Goofy go back."

工具 wavy her brow and ask, “Why is the change?

"Hey." Covered his hand and sighed. "The demon king has been holding the body for a long time in recent years. For this reason, the lady used the young master to be the successor. Now she has drawn a large number of masters. Now there is not much perfection around the devil. A person who believes formation, and recently the de commonly found that his body has not been able to support it for too long. Once he is gone, the young master will become the new demon king. The young master’s age is still too small, and it must be held by the big lady. Everyone knows that the big lady has been annoyed at the time when she could not kill the magician and the little princess of Maggie..."

"I understand." Xiao Bing said, "But I think it is definitely not only that, there must be some other reasons. Once I die, it is very likely that the commander will be able to make a command." The princes, are you willing to be willing?"

"Yes...." When I saw Xiao Bing, I could understand this point and I didn't hide it. I said, "The Devil is planning to launch an action in the near future. The goal is to eradicate the big manager and avoid the orphans left. The widowed mother, the power is falling."

Xiao Bing said: "It's normal, even in human society, it has always been the same in the dynasties. In the case of the devil, the great commander still dare not go too far. Once the demon is gone, even if it is the derelict of the devil, I am afraid. It’s all done by the big commander, so now I’m sure I’m gonna just abolish the big commander immediately.”

Xia Hongyin asked: "Xiaobing, then do you think it will be done?"

"I can't be." Xiao Bing shook his head and said, "Although my realm of strength may be above the other side, but the other party has now caused me to be so wary, even I don't hesitate to send people. Come out and tell me, let me not let Maggie go back in the future, I am afraid that most of us will not succeed."

Xia Hongyin said with some excitement: "If it fails..."

"This is hard to say. In the better case, the martial arts are abolished and then under house arrest. The worse situation is naturally the death of the war."

Looking at the deep worry in Xia Hongyin's eyes, Xiao Bing said: "Mom, don't worry too much. Since this thing made me know, I certainly can't let this happen. He is, after all, my sister, you. My brother."

Xia Hongyin asked: "Would you like to go to the Mozu?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded.

Covering his hand and exhaling the air, he said: "There are many masters in the Mozu. The strength of the big commander has already entered the realm of the demon god, and with so many other leaders, you better not go back, otherwise If you are the current Devil, you can't keep you."

Xiao Bing smiled and smiled: "How can the realm of the demon **** be able to... can he only be allowed to enter the gods?"

The eyes that covered his hands lit up and he looked surprised: "You... Mr. Xiao, are you actually a god-level realm?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing said.

"That... the demon king is sure to grasp it. The Devil's Majesty did not expect that you have already stepped into the realm of God, otherwise you will not be so worried."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "You should go back immediately, lest you be led by the general commander, and I will soon enter the devil world. Remember, this matter must be told to me in private, don't tell anyone. know."

"it is good."

After a deep look at Xia Hongyin, his eyes showed a bit of love, and finally a deep bow, said: "His Royal Highness, Xiao Bing, then I left."

"Go, I won't send it."

After leaving, Xiao Bing looked at Xia Hongyin and said: "Mom, don't worry, I will help you with this matter. Although the commander is unscrupulous now, he must not know that there will be people in the world." My foreign aid, my appearance will definitely break this balance."

"Children, although the strength of the devil is not as strong as the realm of the gods, but there are also a lot of masters inside, there are many masters you have never seen before, I am afraid that you will be in danger."

"Do not worry, even if there are a lot of masters, is there a lot of masters of the devil level?"

"That won't."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Isn't that what it is, what about other people? The most important thing is that I still have me as a helper."

Xia Hongyin sighed and said: "Well, I don't persuade you anymore. My mother is also somewhat selfish. My mother doesn't want my brother to have an accident. Xiaobing, mother kissed you."

Xiao Bing said seriously: "Mom, how can you still say thank you to me, he is your brother, isn't it that I am jealous? What's more, I have a reason. On the one hand, he is my sister, you are. My brother, you don't want to see him happen, so I will definitely save. On the other hand, what I hope now is that the Three Realms can balance, and the enchantment will disappear sooner or later. At that time, if the Three Realms start fighting, Isn’t Limin’s people going to suffer? If there is a place where I continue to be the devil, at least I can speak up. I want to be peaceful in the Three Realms. It is impossible to rely on me alone.”

Xia Hongyin said: "That line, the mother would not say it, the mother kissed you in this time."

"This can't be done." Xiao Bing said with a serious face. "The people who went in this time are not suitable for too many people. I will do it by myself. You all stay outside, in case the Protoss has a master." ”

Xia Hongyin said: "No, Xiaobing, that is your mother's brother, your mother can't let you go alone, I have to go in and help, by the way, see you, I have not seen it for more than 30 years. You are jealous."

Xiao Bing asked: "Did you not see you these years?"

Xia Hongyin sighed: "In recent years, the enchantment has only begun to weaken frequently. I used to look for opportunities to go in once. I thought about going to see you, but your brother didn't want me to be exposed. You have various brothers. There are all kinds of plans that I don't know, so he doesn't want any one thing to accidentally interfere with the plan."

"Okay." Xiao Bing sighed. "My brother's plan, in fact, I don't even dare to say completely clear. If my brother really has... I am afraid that no one will ever know that my brother used to be Thinking about something."

"Well, this time I went in with you, just the last time I went in. I really didn't have a stroll. I haven't walked around in the devil world for a long time. It's time to go back."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Mom, I just found one thing."

"Oh? What?" Xia Hongyin saw that her son was a little weird and couldn't help but add some curiosity.

"I just suddenly found out that the man who called the hand-washed man, after he came in, saw your first sight, his eyes were very wrong."

Xia Hong Yin Bai took a look at Xiao Bing and said: "Then you are not talking nonsense, your mother has been dead in their eyes for so many years, at this time, it has been more than 30 years, and suddenly I see that I am still alive, and still in the human world, can he not feel strange?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It seems that it is not so simple. Did he like you at the beginning? Or is he crushing you?"

Xia Hongyin is embarrassed: "Don't make a joke, he is a little older than your mother. When your mother left the devil world, he was only about thirteen years old. So small age, know how What do you like or dislike?"

"Hahaha, Mom, you may not understand these things, but I have experienced so many things between men and women, and I know a lot of things. He is definitely interesting to you. It must be a crush on you, otherwise. It’s not the kind of look that I just had. I couldn’t think of my mother’s fascination with a 13-year-old kid. My mom is really attractive.”

Xia Hongyin poked her finger on Xiao Bing's forehead, and then couldn't help but smile: "Don't shoot your mother. But your mother, it was really the first beauty of the Mozu, but now Ah, old..."

"Not old, Mom, you are not old at all."

"I know the liar and ask your mother's favor..."

Ps: Book friends who want to guess the plot, you can add an extraordinary public number, directly add a friend to WeChat, select the public number, search for the beam, and then pay attention. Uncommonly nothing will send some posts about the plot, and occasionally send some extraordinary dynamics, thank you for your attention! In addition, there will be some red envelope activities occasionally. Finally, the novel is almost at the end, and now the story is about 80% or so. Thank you for your continued support...

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