Super Soldier

Chapter 2405: Father and son conflict

Late at night, after arriving at the village, Xia Hongyin was sealed by the Song Lian Emperor all the power in her body, and she was locked into a house with a large yard. There were two rooms in the house, but only lived with her. One person, and outside the door, there are two strong players who have reached the level of enthusiasm. If they are normal, such two people have no threat to Xia Hongyin. Now her power is sealed and it is different. .

Xia Hongyin sat on the bed and tried to break through the seal inside the body, but it was in vain.

Open your eyes, Xia Hongyin's long spit gas, muttered: "If this is the case, then I will come to it, anyway, I also came to be a bait, now even if it can break through the seal, it is not leaving. Time. Just, what the Song Lian Emperor wants to do, I’m afraid not only to make me a bait, but also to use me to threaten my soldiers. If he really does, then it’s My repair is sealed, and I am rather not a jade."

Xia Hongyin’s eyes flashed a decisive color.

The next day, Xiao Bing was still immersed in books, but the outside world has already caused an uproar. Song Liandi officially announced that he went to the world to find the embers of Xiao Biantian’s family. Xiao Biantian’s home only The rest of Xia Hongyin has been arrested in his hands. He once again challenged Xiao Tiantian. If Xiao Xiaotian went to the appointment after three days, he would hand Xia Hongyin to Xiao Xiaotian’s hands regardless of the outcome of the contest. If Xiao Xiaotian does not appear after three days, he will directly execute Xia Hongyin on the spot.

After the news was released, the Six Fingers and other people immediately went to the library to find Xiao Bing, but after learning that Xiao Bing had retired in this alternative way, they all did not know what to do. According to the current situation, if they really wake Xiao Bing, but they are afraid that Xiao Bing will go into flames, but if Xiao Bing is allowed to retreat, the three-day time will come, and now it’s about Xia Hongyin. They have had a dilemma between the moments.

In the end, they all came back to discuss the ear strategy, or the ear made a mind after a moment of silence: "For the time being, don't call Xiao Bing anyway. In any case, he can't let him risk the fire. For us, I would rather lose. Once, you can't catch the future of Xiao Bing. His talent even surpassed the king of the year. If he is still there, he will have a chance. If he is not there, he will lose completely."

The savvy Yang Heng asked: "What should we do now? If Xiao Tian agrees, the third day is the day of life and death."

Xiao Bing is not here now. Everyone has lost the backbone of the heart. For the time being, they are somewhat overwhelmed.

The ear is as calm as ever, saying: "Even if Xiao Bing can't go out now, our previous strategy has at least achieved results. If Xiao Xiaotian has no tricks, even if Xiao Bing is not useful, if Xiao Xiao Tian Zhong Zhao However, although Xiao Bing is now in retreat, Song Liandi has been in business for so many years. At this time, he has to fight with the tiger. He has to fight with Xiao Tian. After all, this is also a rare opportunity for him. After winning the Song Lian Emperor, it will be badly hurt after all."

Everyone listened to nod, and at the same time, they all sighed with relief. Before they only considered that the main heart could not go out, they forgot that the situation in front of them has gradually tended to be on their side.

The ear said: "But we can't just imagine to enjoy it. If it's a short break, we must find a way to fight with them, because if you want to find this opportunity in the future, you may not find it. Lose, we have to save Mrs. Xia, but also to eradicate the hidden dangers of Song Liandi. So even if Xiao Bing is not there, how should we lay out the layout, then you will all listen to me."

Six fingers: "I have no choice but to listen to the ancient generals."

Others have also expressed that they will only look at their ears.

The ear nodded and began to order in a well-organized manner. He was here to strategize and watched him so calm and calm. The people around him calmed down one by one, and the cold-eyed side looked at the dark nod, Gu Yichuan It is the chief adviser of Xiao Biantian, and it really is a well-deserved reputation.

At this time, Xiao Sixia had already rushed back home. He also knew about the challenges of Song Liandi. He came back this time to see what choice his father had to make.

After he walked into the palace, he saw that Luo Tongtian, the guardian of the palace, had reached the pseudo-realistic realm. Xiao Si Xia hurriedly asked, "What about my father?"

Although Luo Tongtian has reached the realm of pseudo-god, but he knows that the younger master will surpass himself sooner or later, and this young master will be the true master of the entire Protoss, so he dare not have the slightest scorn. The attitude replied with respect and respect: "Return to the Lord, the King of God is there."

"Okay, I know!" Xiao Sixia agreed, and then hurried out of the hall.

Luo Tongtian said behind him: "If the Lord does not see the King of God, it is best to persuade one to persuade, and should focus on the overall situation..."

"Well, I am measured." Xiao Si Xia hurried to the bedroom where her mother was.

All the way, all the next ones were swearing, and Xiao Sixia didn't even look at it. When she walked to the door of the room, she heard her mother's sobbing voice: "Small days, you really Can't you put that woman?"

Xiao Xiaotian did not want to cover up at all: "Yes, I can't let go!"

Then Xiao Sixia’s mother cried.

Xiao Si Xia couldn't help it anymore. She pushed the door straight and went in. She saw that the mother wearing a red robe was crying in bed. When she found that Xiao Si Xia came in, Xiao Tiantian and his wife Jiang Yaner all looked at Xiao Sixia. Jiang Yaner hurriedly wiped his tears.

Xiao Xiaotian’s face sank and Shen said: “Isn’t you learning in Tongtian College? How come you ran back?”

Xiao Tian’s body carries a kind of arrogance and domineering, and even with his own majesty in front of his son, he has always had some hatred and awe in his father. Xiao Si Xia hurriedly said: "Son... son..."

Xiao Xiaotian Shen Sheng said: "Give me out and roll back to Tongtian College! Don't let me see you again before the holiday."

Jiang Yaner wiped her tears and saw this scene. She opened her mouth, but after all, she did not dare to speak.

When Xiao Sixia was about to retreat to the door, he suddenly stopped and then took the courage to look up at his father and said, "Father, I hope that you can not fight with Song Liandi."

Xiao Tiantian did not expect his son to dare to oppose himself. This is what Xiao Si Xia did not dare to do since he was a child. He was going to be angry, but he didn’t know how. This time he endured it, but he said in an understatement: "These Things don't need you to manage, you can go back to class, and there are so many teachers in Tongtian College, as well as libraries and three levels, all of which are channels that can help you to progress. In the years of studying in the college, You need to be attentive and go all out. Only in this way can you inherit my position as a **** in the future, understand?"

Xiao Si Xia clenched his fist and said with a firm tone: "Father, I beg you not to fight with Song Liandi."

Xiao’s eyes were getting sharper.

Xiao Si Xia has a strong tone that he has not possessed for many years. He firmly said: "Father, now is the moment when the enchantment of the gods is about to disappear. At most, it will be less than half a month. The enchantment will disappear completely. At that time, our Protoss will face the entire human race. If you are injured at this time, what a great loss for the gods? And this time even the injured is Song Liandi, you are hurting your arms. It is also very unwise!"

Xiao Xiaotian snorted and said: "How can I get hurt? Song Liandi dared to provoke me, he should pay the price he deserved. If it is impossible to stand up, how can I establish the majesty of the king? In the future war of the gods How can I lead the entire Protoss to rule the world?"

Xiao Sixia asked: "Father, you really want to establish prestige, so go to accept this challenge? Not for that woman?"

After Jiang Yaner heard the words of her son, the body trembled and her eyes showed a bit of pain. Although she was nearly fifty years old, her appearance seemed to be about forty, and she came from her facial features and white skin. Look, I can see it. She was definitely a beautiful woman when she was young. Even if it is still beautiful, the woman has become a pain and a thorn in her heart.

In the eyes of Xiao Tiantian, a fierce light burst into the air and screamed: "What do you say??"

The horrible pressure made Xiao Si Xia almost breathless. If he had done it before, he had already retired at this time, but today he did not know why, the anger in his chest was finally completely ignited after so many years of accumulation, and Xiao Si Xia tightened. Fist, shouted loudly: "That woman... If not for that woman, why should I call Xiao Si Xia?? If it wasn’t for that woman, why did my mother just cry? You are sure that you decided to meet the challenge, and Does that woman have anything to do with it??"

With a bang, Xiao Sixia felt the power of horror hit him directly on his chest. He flew straight out and slammed into the wall, then his throat was sweet and spewed out a blood.

Jiang Yaner rushed out of the room and screamed out. In the past, Xiao Sixia was helped.

Xiao Tiantian stepped out from the room step by step, his eyes seemed to be able to eat people like Xiao Sixia, saying: "Put your words back, who will allow you to say these words in front of me!" (https :)

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