Super Soldier

Chapter 2410: hostage

"Terror, it is too horrible. Is this the blood of the **** king?"

"Yeah, we really didn't come to this battle. The most powerful blood in the world, the blood of the gods! And the blood of the gods, what humans, what demon, what monsters, all counted ?"

"That is of course, this is also the reason why Xiaojia is the patriarch of our Protoss, because they have the most powerful blood in the world, and only they can lead us."

"Hey, if Xiao Xiaotian was still alive..."

"Hey, don't talk indiscriminately, you can't mention that name. But now Xiao Xiao Tian Shen Wang also sprinted into the realm of the gods. At this time, the breakthrough is just too good. The enchanted horse will disappear. At that time, the **** king. Your Majesty can lead us to regain our status."

"Who said no, but if you look at this battle, who do you think will win?"

"It must be the king of God, although the strength of Song Liandi is too horrible, it should now be called the second person in the realm of the gods, but his blood is not as good as his majesty, so he can not be under the command of the king of God. opponent."

The people around them talked a lot, and the result of this battle also went in the direction they predicted, but they saw that Song Liandi was gradually suppressed, and there was almost no effort to fight back.

Xiao Tiantian attacked madly, his fists madly hit, and shouted: "Song Liandi, is this your strength? Is this the capital you want to challenge me?"

"Everything is a cloud, no matter who is in it, the eyes of our Xiao family are all ants!"

"You are an ant, other people are also ants. Any existence cannot be the blood of our Xiao family. The blood of our Xiao family is invincible. No one in this world can be!"

"It is the greatest honor of your life to be able to die in my broken hands!!"

With a bang, I saw that Song Liandi, who had been very calm before, finally fell from the sky, was directly punched, squatted on the ground, and even fell into a deep pit.

Xiao Tiantian slowly descended from the sky, overlooking the Song Lian Emperor in the deep pit, said: "Song Liandi, you are not my opponent, no matter how many years, you will not be my opponent, you Do you want to continue fighting?"

"Of course, we must continue to fight!" Song Liandi suddenly smiled, and his armor was almost almost broken, but he did not worry at all.

Xiao Xiaotian sneered and said: "If your armor is helping you to block some of the power, my fist has already blown you up. You are confident in this, and dare to continue to challenge me. ?"

Song Liandi suddenly took out a needle from his arms, and there was a potion inside the needle. Then he tied the needle directly to the body, and the medicine pushed hard into the body.

Everyone doesn't understand what his move means, because there is no needle in the gods. Xiao Tian is also a look of ignorance. I don't know what Song Lian is doing, only the eyes of the gods are exposed. A smile.

Song Liandi threw the needle to the side, and then the power of horror almost blew his body. His eyes shone with a pale golden light, first stimulating the blood of the Protoss in the body, followed by a More horrible power is released directly from his body, and even his body begins to work.


Dou Yangsheng was surprised: "What power is this? This is not only the power of his protoss blood, but I clearly feel that his power seems to be infinitely close to the king of God."

Cold and a little relieved, a smile on the corner of his mouth, it seems that today's battle has become more and more interesting.

Xiao Bian’s pupils contracted slightly, and the brows wrinkled. “You just did what, how can you increase so much power?”

The power of terror is spinning around the body of Song Liandi. This power makes people feel guilty. Only the power of Xiao Tian’s power will make these people feel so guilty or even flustered. Now even the Song Lian’s The power has reached this level.

Song Liandi climbed out of the deep pit. He moved his neck and wrist and said: "Xiao Xiaotian, I didn't expect you to force me to use this means."

Xiao Xiaotian asked: "What have you done?"

Song Liandi smiled and said: "Small days, today I am not only to challenge, but also to kill you. Thirty years ago, you used to take the position of the king of the gods. This shows that our Protoss is also the winner. For the king, the strong is respect, if I am strong, I naturally want to sit in the position of the king of God, and you will cease to exist!"

Luo Tongtian, the guardian of Tianshen Mountain, shouted loudly: "Bold!"

Dou Yangsheng also said: "Song Liandi, do you know what you are talking about? Xiao Tian is the **** of our entire god. You are rebelling? Are you going to betray?"

"What about my rebellion? Old things!"

Dou Yang’s angry face was blue, and Song Lian’s eyes looked at Dou Yangsheng. He said disdainfully: “People like you should quit the stage of history. I can accommodate everyone here. I will not treat you badly in the future. Only you Dou Yangsheng, your daughter married Xiao Xiaotian. Unless you show my determination here today, join me to kill Xiao Xiaotian, otherwise, after the death of Xiao Tian, ​​it is the end of your Dou Yangsheng! ”

Dou Yangsheng laughed happily: "The junior, Laozi has lived for decades, and he has never seen a arrogant junior like you. Do you think that the realm of the gods can be so devastating? The strength of the broken sky is not in yours? But in the end it is not dead, and I died in the hands of my son-in-law, and I also had a force in the past! You still want to leave alive today?"

Xiao Xiaotian looked at Song Liandi and sighed: "I also want to say that you are actually looking for death now!"

Song Liandi smiled, and then the whole person disappeared from the place, and in the next second, he appeared behind Xiao Xiaotian, Xiao Xiaotian did not look back and punched, Song Liandi once again Disappeared, Xiao Tiantian punched again, and the two men were now infinitely close at this moment, almost half a catty.

All the people are stupid. The battle between the two men is too shocking. This is a battle that goes beyond the level of the gods. Even in the realm of the gods, this level of fighting is probably not for thousands of years. A few times, after all, the strongest of the gods and gods are rare in the whole history, and such two strong players of the same level can still fight, which is even rarer.

In terms of their true strength, they are now comparable to the realm of the gods, but it is not that they truly cross the realm of the gods. Xiaotian can reach this level, and everyone feels very normal. After all, Xiao Tiantian is the blood of the king of God, if

People who are **** in the king of God can't do this. Who else can still fight across levels? But Song Liandi can do this too, which is incredible.

Both of them have already played a real fire, and no one is willing to admit defeat. Song Liandi’s finger actually broke the shoulder of Xiao’s broken day, the armor at the shoulder was broken, and the shoulder of Xiao’s broken sky was directly poked by a hole. Song Even the eyes of Liandi’s eyes lit up, and the eyes of the people watching the battle almost fell down, and Xiao Tian’s eyes were shot directly on the chest of Song Lian’s chest. Song Lian’s wow spit out a large blood, directly from the sky. Falling down, his armor broke when he fell to the ground.

Xiao broke the sky and shouted: "I said, no one can win me, I am the blood of the king of God, can you win me?"

Xiao Xiaotian went straight to Song Liandi and flew over. Song Lian’s eyes flashed, and the whole person retireed and directly retreated to the side of Xia Hongyin. Then he grabbed Xia Hongyin’s neck and took Xia Hongyin from the ground. stand up.

Xia Hongyin had already been sealed and repaired at this time, and was tied up. It was completely lifted without any help. The legs continued to smash and the whole person began to suffocate.

Xiao Xiao Tian roared: "You are not allowed to hurt her!"

Song Liandi put Xia Hongyin down, but the hand did not leave Xia Hongyin’s neck, looked at Xiao Xiaotian, and smiled: “It seems that you care about this woman.”

Xiao Tiantian pointed to Song Liandi and shouted loudly: "You must not hurt her, hear no? You handed her over to me, I can let you go!"

At this time, two people came out of the crowd in the distance. Both of them had reached the realm of pseudo-god. One person holding a tomahawk and a mouth full of scorpions seemed to be in his forties and another three. In his teens, he is tall, skinny and wearing a pair of black gloves.

Someone began to whisper: "Two disciples of Song Liandi came."

"Not three disciples?"

"I heard that the second disciple Jiang Tian disappeared. Later, there were rumors that the second disciple Jiang Tian had secretly went to the human world and then never returned. It is estimated that he died outside."

"Yes, that's a pity."

"Well, you see that the Tomahawk is the great disciple of Song Liandi, and the other one is tall and thin. It is the second disciple of Song Liandi. The strength of these two disciples is completely up to the false god. The realm, and the strength of Aotian should be closest to the heart of the gods. It is called the three disciples when it is the strongest, and the stream cloud is called the three disciples.

"It seems that this Song Lian Emperor is also very difficult to deal with, whether it is his own realm, or the strong people around him, the whole **** world is really him except the **** king."

"Well, so he is actually a threat to the king of God. It is estimated that the king of the gods is also planning to remove him this time."

The two disciples of Song Liandi became the corner of the squad, and they will be surrounded by Xiao Xiaotian. The guards brought by Xiao Tiantian and the guards of many Tianshen Mountain are going to be swarming. Putting a hand and stopping these people, the tone is calm: "With them, I can't deal with me. Song Liandi, let Xia Hongyin go, I promise to let you go!"

Song Liandi smiled and said: "Small days, Xiao Xiaotian, you let me go, but today you may not be able to live alive. Xiao Bing, if you or your person will not come out, your mother I am dying in my hands! Don't blame me for being mad!"

(End of this chapter)

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