Super Soldier

Chapter 246: Generous leaves

The phone was hung up by Liu Kexin. Liu Kexin seldom hangs off Xiao Bing’s phone. Xiao Bing knows that she is really sad, but the more so, the more Xiao Bing must be broken, when you will Feeling sad, that means you fell in love with this man, Xiao Bing can't give her any promise, and this woman is not a woman who has been in bed before Xiao Bing is just a one-night stand.

Therefore, Xiao Bing must let her know that she should pursue her own happiness.

Despite the decision has been made, Xiao Bing’s heart is a bit heavy. Man, a kind of animal that has a strong desire to conquer, pushes your beloved into the arms of others, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it.

Hey, thinking about what to do.

Xiao Bing stood up and slowly walked back in the direction of Hou Wangfu. When he walked back to the courtyard of Hou Wangfu, he saw that Su, Maggie, and Ye Xi were playing shuttlecocks in the yard, although the sky was already dark. However, they gave the lights away, and the yard was brightly lit under the illumination of the lights and the moonlight.

Xiao Bing put away the sad feeling, sat down on a big stone next to him, and looked at them with a smile.

"Hey, sister, you let me, or else I will double the homework for you!" Maggie threatened.

Now living together every day, the most convenient is that Maggie counseling Su learning, according to Su, since Maggie coached her, Su is now making great progress, and even the extracurricular knowledge has grown a lot.

Maggie's age is not big, just 13 years old this year, but her knowledge even the old antiques in the university are self-satisfied, perhaps she is not as good as many well-known professors in many professions, but she has learned a lot, and Every one of them is very good at learning, so few people in the erudition can compete with her, so Xiao Bing and others often call Maggie a enchanting.

The face of the iceberg girl Su also had a warm smile, and only in front of them acquaintances, she would unload the cold camouflage on the outside.

Su smiled and said: "Teacher, are you not? You are older than others, but they are better than others. How can you play the scorpion?"

Maggie said: "I know that sports 10101010, m.≦.c⊕om is my weakness."

Maggie's right, this talented girl also has something to do, that is, her sports cells are very poor, even everyone will think from this aspect, Gao Fei and Maggie must have even a blood relationship. Otherwise, Maggie's motor cells will not be so bad.

Sure enough, after Maggie was finished, everyone else laughed.

"Oh, I don't believe that I can play but you, this time it's my turn to see if I can play a few...."

Maggie just kicked her feet, and the third foot kicked directly. The angry Maggie jumped up directly. Everyone looked at her cute look, and it was a good laugh.

The exhibition was coming out of the house. When I saw this scene, my face was smiling.

Xiao Bing looked at the show and said: "You also go to play with them."

"I?" Exhibition Hongyan pointed to his nose, slowly walked in front of Xiao Bing, shook his head, and even slightly embarrassed, "I still don't want it, I will not play."

The character of the show is also of the iceberg type. After all, she used to be a cold-blooded killer. After being taken over by Xiao Bing, she was with these people every day. The personality has changed, but let a person always have a **** mouth every day. At this time, people are like girls and they are playing with them. They are still not used to it.

When Maggie heard the show, she wouldn't play, but her eyes lit up. She grabbed the hand of the show and smiled. "It's okay, it won't be fun. Come and play together, okay."

The exhibition was still in a dilemma. Maggie's eyes turned and smiled and said: "You are my brother's apprentice, then I am your teacher. Oh, the teacher is now ordering you, and immediately come and play with the teacher."

Maggie is purely Hu Hudao. On the one hand, Gao Fei has cultivated the beauty as a disciple, but he did not take the show in the name. On the other hand, Maggie is Gao Fei’s sister, not the sister, and The teacher can't pull any relationship.

However, a 13-year-old Shantou is so serious with you, you still can't help but smile, it feels a little funny.

Ye Yan is still a little embarrassed, Ye Xi has come over and pulled up her other arm, walked over and smiled and said: "Play together, kicking the shuttlecock is actually very simple, learning will be learned, time has not played What?"

"Play... I played twice, it took too long, I forgot."

Ye Xi picked up the scorpion and smiled. "Look at me, I will kick you to see."

Ye Xi intentionally united every force around Xiao Bing as the future wife of Xiao Bing. She tried her best to have a good relationship with everyone around Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing sometimes felt that she could have A girlfriend who is so sensible is really a blessing in the past.

In addition, there are also many masters in the Yejia villa. Ye Xirang, in addition to the weaker people, guarding the villa, the stronger people are secretly protecting the Su and others in the noodle restaurant every day. The person associated with Xiao Bing is a great burden to share the pressure of Xiao Bing.

Yejia is the commercial no.1 of Jiangcheng. The security measures are naturally very strong. Such huge financial resources will not be bad for the masters.

Xiao Bing looked at him and suddenly remembered Liu Kexin. He thought that Liu Kexin would have a date with Yu Yu to watch the movie. Xiao Bing was somewhat upset.

Hey, look at it, I have leaves, and I am thinking about it. The leaves are like the fairy in the sky. I can have a girlfriend like a leaf. I should be the happiest man in the world. I am looking for it.

Xiao Bing raised his gaze to look at the leaves, but saw the leaves are also looking at himself, the eyes also with a narrow smile, Xiao Bing could not help but panic, this girl is very smart, is it to see what is coming?

But before Xiao Bing was too cranky, the leaves continued to play with them.

Seeing that the sky is getting late, at eleven and a half in the evening, I think I have to go to work and go to school the next day. Everyone will disperse. The most depressing person here is Maggie. The original Maggie movement. The cell is inferior. After listening to the show, I didn’t play it. I finally thought that one of them could win people. As a result, the first two exhibitions were really lost.

Who would have thought that this kind of game is too simple for the martial artist who is a martial artist of the show, but after using the first two to adapt, the show is getting better and better, and never lost. In the end, even Su and Ye Xi couldn't kick her. With one more person, Maggie turned from the third to the fourth, and couldn't be depressed.

Seeing Maggie pouting, Xiao Bing stood up and joked: "It doesn't matter, Maggie, wait until tomorrow to pull someone to come and play with you, you will not be the fourth."

Maggie's eyes lit up and asked: "Who?"

"No matter who you are." Xiao Bing laughed. "Whether it is pulling someone to accompany you to play, you will not be the fourth, and become the fifth...."

Others couldn’t help but laugh, and Maggie screamed: "Okay, brother, you are bullying me."

He chased the past toward Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing ran in front, she chased after him, others were mad at the start, and the troubles were noisy.

In the end, Xiao Bing specially let Maggie catch up, and he smashed him two, which is a stop.

After returning to the room, the leaves said: "You should go to rest first, I will take a shower."

Xiao Bing used to hold the leaves in his arms and smiled and said: "Let's have a bath, oh... light."

After the leaves were finished, Xiao Bing, smiled and said: "The old man is lying down, just playing so sly, sweating, tired."

Xiao Bing loosened the leaves and took a deep breath on the shoulders of the leaves. He smiled and said: "If the beauty is sweating, it is also sweaty."

"Okay, then I am going to wash my sweat." The leaves suddenly turned around, and they stood in front of Xiao Bing, and looked at Xiao Bing with the beautiful and sly eyes. I asked Xiao Bing some guilty conscience, and then asked, "Bing brother, do you have any thoughts?"

"Thoughts?" Xiao Bing panicked and hurriedly said: "No."

"Tell me, don't forget that I am your woman. Although I have not given you the body yet, we have lived together. I have already regarded you as my husband."

Xiao Bing’s heart was full of emotions, holding the leaves in his arms.

"Husband, my father, my sister, my brother are just gone, my mother has passed away for a few years. Will you give me two more years, and two years later, I will marry you."

"Okay." Xiao Bing gently kissed the head of the leaf and said softly. "Two years later, I told you to pass the door."

"Yeah." Ye Xi said again. "In the past two years, if you can't help it, I can... I can also give it to you. You can also find other women outside. It doesn't matter, as long as it is clean. Just do it, don't get sick."

Xiao Bing looked awkward and smiled and said: "Leaves, you have to think about it, rest assured, your brother is not so unpromising man."

"I don't think so much." The leaves were bad and laughed. "Men are very eager for this kind of thing, especially if they sleep in bed every day, can you not think about it... don't give it up. As long as I remember You are my man, you remember that I am your wife, how are you outside, I am not too much, I can understand."

Xiao Bing did not expect the leaves to be so open. He coughed and cried. "You don't think too much, well, you don't want to take a shower? Go take a shower."

Xiao Bing pushed the leaves directly into the bathroom. The leaves saw Xiao Bing’s look like a wolf, and she giggled into the bathroom. She was a very smart woman. She knew that men could not see it. Even if you live on the neck of his neck and want to see it, the most important thing is not how the man is outside, but what is important is that the man can feel warmth in your body and can play outside. Oh, I also remember that there is a woman in my family who loves me deeply and can remember to go home.

This is enough.

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