Super Soldier

Chapter 2475: Geocentric

While Xiao Bing solved Zhu Yungui, other people also solved their opponents. The strength of these opponents they face is strong, but they are the most powerful among the Terran, Protoss and Mozu. The strong, plus the number of people occupying an absolute advantage, it is not too difficult to solve these people.

The old class saw this scene in the hospital, and could not help but tears up. He said a sentence before, let Xiao Bing help him to teach him Zhu Yungui, Xiao Bing did it, and Xiao Bing said what he said before hands-on. The words are even more touching him.

Li Chunlan saw the old class look excited and smiled. "This kid... I used to find that he was a grateful child, and he was a child with a strong sense of righteousness, so I can safely be small. Give it to him."

The old class said: "You can give him a small hand. It really takes great courage."

You must know that when Xiao Bing was in contact with Xiaoxiao, he had already determined the relationship between men and women with the leaves. Although the leaves did not care about this, but one who was the mother’s willing to share the same daughter with other women. If a man is Li Chunlan, he is really optimistic about Xiao Bing, and if he is a mother, he may go to smoke Xiao Bing.

Li Chunlan sighed and said: "I also hope that my child is happy. In fact, I also see it. My daughter is inseparable from Xiao Bing. In this case, there is no way for me to be a mother to stop it. ""

The old class smiled and said: "For other men, I think this is very bad, even too unreliable, but it is Xiao Bing, I think Xiao Bing itself is an unusual man, he is A legend, in fact, the achievements he made, even if compared with the ancient emperors, can be weakened, so they can understand."

Li Chunlan smiled and said: "How good is he, isn't it the man you educated?"

"That is of course." The old class talked about these things, and they couldn't help but feel proud. "This kid, when I saw him unintentionally, I found out that this kid has a stubbornness. That stubbornness is just too much with my old man." Co-produced, and later I heard that he was an orphan, I just took him away. How can I say it is a Bole."

The old class and Li Chunlan only felt that the more they talked, the more they chatted, but they were all attracted to the live broadcast on the TV. The old class said: "Weird, that person and the queen"

Now the whole world is curious, where the emperor and the man are hiding, originally thought it was in the castle, but the castle has been razed to the ground by the missile, and the military is definitely using satellite positioning to find it. The whereabouts of two people, but so far still not found.

Xiao Bing and others were also scattered in the small island to find out, and countless masters almost turned the island to the bottom, but in the end did not find it.

They reunited together, and Mai Tian hesitated: "Is it that the two of them have escaped?"

Other people have this idea.

Xiao Bing said: "This is impossible. They should still be here, but we don't know where they are hiding."

Gao Fei cold and cold: "But now it is impossible to find their whereabouts."

Zhiming abbot said: "Amitabha, Xiao Shizhu, we have already found the whole island, it is absolutely impossible to miss."

Xiao Bing snorted, and then looked at the Buddha.

However, when he saw that the Buddha was not in a hurry, his fingertip suddenly released an energy. Xiao Bing was surprised to find that the energy was the same as that of the previous intrusion into the body. Xiao Bing looked Surprised, this is how the power of the Buddha’s son is the same as that of the spirit.

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “When this man’s spiritual power invaded the body of Xiao Tian’s body, I took the opportunity to follow his spiritual strength and discovered this place. When his mental power was about to disappear, I quietly He has harvested some of his mental power."

Ouyang Yee exclaimed: "You can track his spiritual strength. How strong is your spiritual world to be able to do this!"

Xiao Bing had to admit that even Xiao Bing is now very difficult to do this, but the Buddha son did it, it is really awesome.

The Buddha did not speak, but saw that the mental power was released from the body, and immediately flew out to the front, followed by the Buddha’s son to keep up, and everyone else hurried to follow, then they saw the Buddha. The son stopped on a large piece of sand in front.

Xiao Bing and others surrounded, and Mai Tian asked: "Why stopped, I haven't found anyone yet!"

The Buddha son said faintly: "They are at their feet."

"What" everyone was surprised to look at the bottom of the foot, the other party is actually at the foot of everyone, everyone is nervous, and slightly back.

The Buddha’s son slammed his feet hard, but saw that the sand was scattered to one side, and then there was a pile of rock under his feet. Everyone felt that something was wrong. There were so many rocks on this piece of sand, and this piece The sand seems to be hand-carried, is it... under the rock

The Buddha's son let go of the position, punched it out, and shattered the rock in the air. Then he saw a large hole in the bottom and a hole in the bottom.

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Amitabha, they are underground."

"Yes." Buddha said, "I can make sure that they are definitely below, but they are so deep hidden, they are deep in the bottom, it is very convenient to let them sneak attack, if the strength is not enough, then maybe it will be There will be dangers. I can go down with Xiao Bing, Gao Fei, Zhi Ming abbot, Ouyang Yee Dean, Demon Mai Tian, ​​Gong Bei, and Du Gu Qing. Others think for themselves."

Huang Quan grinned and said: "Where is the doorkeeper, I will go there naturally. I am not dead, I am afraid of death."

Pan Andao: "I will go down too."

Two goods snorted, some complicated look at Pan An, said: "I will go down."

In the end, all the people said that they want to go down. The Buddha’s son said faintly: “Life is dead!”

After the talk, the Buddha first jumped down, Xiao Bing followed the second jump, and the others jumped one by one.

Although Xiao Bing has already been psychologically prepared, but after jumping, a heart can not help but jump through it, too deep, too deep, so far so deep, Xiao Bing has It has been falling for more than ten minutes, but it has not yet reached the bottom. Where is the entrance to where it is, how deep is it?

Time is still consuming, it has been close to twenty minutes. Even Xiao Bing feels that the breathing is starting to get heavy, and finally someone can't stand it. A cardinal is holding his throat and a tragic cry in his mouth. Several cardinals seized their new pope and said with a quick breath: "Can't continue, it's approaching the heart of the earth, it's already severely deprived of oxygen, let's go up!"

The Cardinals used all their strength and began to fly up with their Pope's strenuous effort.

Then someone started to die or couldn't stand it, then flew up.

Xiao Bing was shocked and exhausted all his strength. He shouted upwards: "All of the gods are going up. You can't bear this power and you will die!"

At this time, suddenly a woman’s voice came to everyone’s ears. This voice is the charm of all the female voices under the sun, pure, sexy, charming, youthful, mature, seductive, noble...all The advantages are all gathered on this one voice, no matter what kind of person you like, it will be involuntarily attracted to this sound and dumped.

I heard this voice very softly said: "You don't like me, don't want to see me, why are you rushing to leave, all stay, see how good I am..."

"Okay, okay..." Buddhism’s left hand was originally planning to flee immediately. After hearing this voice, he immediately relaxed himself, forgetting his position and situation, and then his breathing began. It became so rushed that his face was red, almost suffocating. He rubbed his neck with his hand, his eyes almost smashed out, and the last two legs slammed and died directly in the process of falling.

Not only the left hand, but also a lot of masters had the opportunity to escape. At this time, they completely gave up and left, and then slowly began to lack oxygen, and slowly died.

Even Xiao Bing feels that the air is going to squash himself. You must know that it has been nearly twenty minutes since it fell. According to Xiao Bing’s estimation, after more than 30 minutes, he basically reached the Earth’s center. No one in this world has ever been able to enter the Earth's heart!

This is the first time Xiao Bing heard the voice of the woman. This voice is so charming. It is hard for anyone to resist this voice. Xiao Bing is almost confused. He bit his lip and wakes up. Then shouted loudly: "Hurry up and leave below God level, you can't live here!!"

Those whose strengths did not reach the level of God, they couldn’t help but fly up. If they were a little later, they might not even be able to leave here. Even if they want to escape from here, they can’t do it completely. .

First, the sage’s realm escaped from here, and then the semi-god realm was forced to leave. Finally, even the pseudo-realistic realm left here. When the fall reached more than half an hour, the Buddha’s son finally fell to the ground. Xiao Bing also stepped on the damp land, and everyone else fell on the ground, and also included several strong men who died during the fall and fell to the ground.

However, he saw a dead cardinal, two Shaolin sorghums, and several other ancient martial arts strongmen also died here. The people of Longmen and Buddhism are safer, except that the left hand has all left alive.

At this time, all of them stood here to the existence of the realm of the **** level, Buddha son, Xiao Bing, Mai Tian, ​​Zhi Ming abbot, Gao Fei, Gong Bei, Du Gu Qing, Ouyang Ye.

The Buddha son glanced at him and said: "We eight people should be careful next. Now we should be in the heart of the earth. Generally speaking, even if we are stepping into the realm of God, we want to survive in the depths of the earth. It is absolutely impossible, and the other party can do this. At the very least, the strength has already passed through the heart of God, the **** of God and the body of God. Only when this triple realm is reached can it survive here. That is to say, the weakest strength of the other side has reached the level of me and Xiao Bing."

Everyone was dignified and seriously nodded. The weakest reached the level of Buddha and Xiao Bing. That is to say, it may have surpassed the existence of God.

. Mobile phone address: m.

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