Super Soldier

Chapter 255: Will the soldier brother come back?

People will always die, but there are few people who are as calm as white hair.

White hair is fearless, eyes are not timid, and it has completely seen life and death. Perhaps he has killed enough people to kill, and death is a relief for him.

However, after killing the white hair, Xiao Bing’s emotions did not calm down. He sat quietly under the big tree next to him, and the big Han Leijun with his rough character and domineering emerged in his mind.

After nine days of thunder, the name will never exist again in this world.

Xiao Bing buried his head in the thigh. The nails of his hands holding the thighs had broken into the flesh of the thighs, and even the thighs had begun to bleed, but he was unaware.

Lei Jun, this is already the second person to die in Longmen, Su Peiya and Lei Jun. This is all the closest relationship with Xiao Bing. It is also the most trusted person of Xiao Bing, but now it is gone, Xiao Bing feels, There is a giant net that is shrouded in the sky, and constantly wants to give itself to the net.

When Xiao Bing was from the time, he was bullied. The next day he would think of catching the opportunity to take a big brick to shoot someone who bullied himself. The person can't suffer.

Now that people have grown up, they have the ability to do so. Naturally, they will not suffer any losses. Seeking truth from facts, Xiao Bing has never suffered any losses before leaving from Longya, that is, the time he left Longya. I was treated by the organization and was used once even if the internal injury was not completely complete, then you were ate a big loss.

At that time, Xiao Bing also recognized, at least the punishment of the organization, and the final result of Xiao Bing was also the wish to leave the Longya, set up the Dragon Gate, the ultimate goal was reached, although the price paid is large, look at Xiao Bing It is also worth it.

And what is this time? First, Su Peiya was concealed, and then Lei Jun also died. However, these two individuals are the two closest buddies in Longmen who have the closest relationship with themselves. They are absolutely loyal to themselves. Obviously things are not so coincidental. There is no way to report back to hatred. Xiao Bing is a happy life, and his heart will not be comfortable.

And now he is suffering, but it is not because of face problems, but more because of feelings, and the brotherhood of Lei Jun.

Xiao Bing, "∈ ∈ "∈ "∈, m.⊙.c≧om stood up. At the moment he stood up, his face disappeared, his eyes returned to calm, step by step toward the outside of the forest. Going, but the leaves can't fall when they fly to his head. It seems that even the falling leaves are afraid of him.

After Xiao Bing left the woods, he first went back to Hou Wangfu, then drove directly to the hospital where Miyamoto and the north were sent. Xiao Bing went alone alone, leaving everyone else to stay in Hou Wangfu. The punch of the white hair into the body of Xiao Bing has been resolved by Xiao Bing, and the force is integrated into the body. Instead, it is equivalent to adding some strength, that is, the blessing in disguise, the strength of Dan Jin’s early stage is more condensed. Really some, but there is still some distance from the middle of Dan Jin.

After arriving at the hospital, Xiao Bing first went to the ward to visit Miyamoto Xinyi. Miyamoto's Xinyi was penetrated by a sword. The most serious injury occurred. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time, and it happened to match his blood type. He was able to deliver blood in time. , is to save a life.

At this time, Miyamoto's face was very pale and looked very tired. After seeing Xiao Bing, he immediately asked: "What happened to Bing Ge, Mr. Bei and Gao?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing in Gao Fei. He was sent to the hospital with you in the north. He was also seriously injured. But I just listened to the doctor. The injury in the north should be slightly worse than yours. It’s lighter and there is no danger to life.”

Miyamoto's Xinyi sighed and asked: "You haven't seen the North yet?"

It is no wonder that he would ask this question. The entire Houwang government knows that the North is the absolute confidant of Xiao Bing. It seems that there are many years of relationship between the two people. Naturally, they are not comparable to them. He did not expect Xiao Bing. The first thing I saw at the hospital was not North, but him.

Xiao Bingdao: "There will be nothing in the north. I know him. I will look at it later. You can rest assured. How is your injury?"

Miyamoto's face is a bit ugly: "I am afraid that the next time I face the Dragon family, I can't help anything. Do you want to delay the time of the big battle?"

Xiao Bing's tone is calm: "It doesn't matter. I have all thought of it when I came. The decisive battle is coming soon. You and the North are injured at this time. It is definitely not helpful. But it doesn't matter, you can feel safe and hurt." Everything has me."

Miyamoto's Xinyi anxiously said: "The Dragon family is not so good to deal with, the strength of Longba is unfathomable..."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I didn't know before this. After the World War I, I finally decided to be completely determined. The strength of Gao Fei is definitely not under the Dragon."

Miyamoto's Xinyi was taken aback and was stunned.

Xiao Bingdao: "The strength of the white hair should reach the middle of the sturdy period, but the result is still easily defeated in the hands of Gao Fei. It can be seen that the strength of Gao Fei has reached the peak of the enthusiasm at least, not worse than the dragon. Now, if there is him to contain the dragon, the situation may be better."

Miyamoto Shinji took a sigh of relief and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect Mr. Gao to have reached this step, but even if Mr. Gao can compete with the Dragon Fighter, there are still many cards in the Dragon. However, there may be some chances to win the game now, but after all, there is no way to be foolproof. If I wait until I am discharged from the North..."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I can't wait, not only because of the gambling contract between me and Hou Ye's subordinates, but also because of other relationships. You should also see it, we are now causing some trouble, And these troubles may be found again in the future. When the time is inside and outside, the sky will really collapse. So, before those troubles have come, at least the dragon must be completely solved. Even if my enemy is really looking for it, I can concentrate on it and add a few points."

"I understand." Miyamoto Shinji suddenly looked at Xiao Bing with a double eye and then did not know what he was thinking.

Xiao Bing sighed: "This time it is entirely because of our private affairs, Mr. Miyamoto, although you have a good rest in the hospital, if you have any need, please call me, I will go to see the North first. ""

Miyamoto's Xinyi agreed, Xiao Bing first left the room of Miyamoto's Xinyi, and then came to the ward where the north was located. The injury in the north is actually no less than the injury of Miyamoto's faith. On the contrary, there are many places in the north. The ribs were interrupted, and a large rib of the chest was broken. When it was sent to the hospital, it was only one step away from death. Now, even though it was rescued, the whole person was wrapped like a mummy.

Xiao Bing first went to visit Miyamoto Lutheran. On the one hand, he had already heard the news about the North from the doctor. Although he was seriously injured, he had already saved his life. As long as they can survive, they can keep their lives. Others are no longer important.

On the other hand, Xiao Bing compares North as his own brother. Miyamoto's faith is also his own. After all, he is worse. The principle of Xiao Bing's being a man is to visit others first and then visit. Because of this principle, Xiao Bing can also serve the public, because the person you visit first will be grateful, and the person you visit will not blame you.

Seeing that Xiao Bing came in, the face of the North’s original stunned face immediately overflowed with a big smile. Looking at the wrapped parody like a mummie, he seemed to be happy in the north. Xiao Bing felt his nose sour.

"Bing brother, I didn't lose face to you, I killed the black man, Mom, I didn't expect him to be the peak of Danjin." Beisheng's muttered, but there is no pride in the tone, after all, with his current strength It is incredible to be able to defeat and kill a master of the top of the mountain.

Xiao Bing admired: "You are really powerful, and it is no wonder that you will be beaten like this, North, this time you are tired."

North does not care about the laughter: "Bing brother, my life is yours, what is not even tired, that is, my current appearance may not help you in the next few days, the Dragon family thing Do you want to postpone the postponement?"

North and Miyamoto are thinking about the same problem. Xiao Bing’s words about Miyamoto’s faithfulness have been repeated to the north. North sighed: “Yes, but now I am hurt with Miyamoto. , Bing Ge, your strength has not fully recovered, although the Long Pa side has not lost recently, there are still some masters, must be heart."

"I know." Xiao Bing looked at the murderous road. "I will never leave a chance for Longba. After solving the Dragon Pa, it is to solve the problem of Pei, and then I will solve the same. ”

North sighed: "Bing brother, the burden on you is too heavy."

"It is my pleasure."

North Road: "No one should be doing more than others when they are born."

Xiao Bing looked at the north and said: "When we enter the dragon tooth, the first sentence we learn, you should remember."

North is nothing.

Xiao Bing looked at the north and looked serious. "The sentence is also the only sentence on the Longya manual. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

North sighed: "Bing brother, why did you leave the dragon tooth at the beginning, if it is always good to stay."

"I left when I left. It was time for me to leave. But I was very happy in the dragon tooth. Even before I left, some people tore the skin, but it did not affect my heart." If there is no dragon tooth, there will be no current Xiao Bing."

North Road: "So the sentence above the Dragon's Handbook you remember."

Xiao Bing shrugged and smiled. "In total, I have no forgetfulness. Why don't you remember? What's more, this sentence is the reason why I am constantly strengthening. Now it is the motto of my life. I'll never forget."

North looked forward to the road: "Bing brother, one day, will you come back?"

Xiao Bing was silent. It seemed that he thought carefully for a while, then shook his head, his voice was low: "No, never."

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