Super Soldier

Chapter 260: Insight into everything

Xiao Bing sat down, straightened his waist, and looked at the front. He was opposite to Yu Wenhua's eyes. There was neither jealousy nor humility in his eyes, with a little respect.

Yu Wenhua seems quite satisfied with Xiao Bing. The finger that was originally tapping the tabletop stopped, and the tone said with ease: "I don't have to be too polite in front of me. I listen to my son and you have a good relationship. You call me. Uncle will do."

When Xiao Bing heard him, he naturally climbed the road: "Yu Shushu."

“Yeah.” Yu Wenhua glanced at the four dishes and one soup on the table, and then said, “This meal does not cost public money, but it is still good to save people. Four dishes and one soup are enough for us to eat. I don't have much more, I hope you won't be too little."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yu Shushu is too polite, and to be honest, it is such a four-in-one soup. It must be in the entire black province. There are many powerful people who want to come and eat together, but they may not have a chance. It."

For Xiao Bing, Yu Wenhua did not deny it. He just smiled and said: "You are very interesting and very conversational. To be honest, it is better than my son."

"Yu Shushu won the prize. In fact, Yu Yu is a rare character in the second generation and the second generation that I have contacted. It can be seen that Yu Shushu is indeed an educated person."

Yu Wenhua said with a serious face: "The most important thing for people is not talent, but good character. If morality is not enough, there are more talents that are useless. Sooner or later, they will use astray, so educators should cultivate people's behavior. the Lord."

When Xiao Bing heard Yu Wenhua, he couldn’t help but admire: "The old people are generally satisfied with the children's material needs, or the ones who are dedicated to the children's academic performance, will always go to extremes, can be like Yu Shushu There are very few people who think about it, and Yu Shushu is really worthy of admiration."

Yu Wenhua’s heart is long: “As a national cadre, there should be these ideological enlightenments. Unfortunately, even my colleagues, who can understand this one, are few and far between. The society is developing too fast. The human heart has become impetuous, and it has become a mere privilege to pay attention to charity. Just like you, parents only value the children's academic performance, that is not ※←※←※←※←,m Is ↗.co≮m a manifestation of profit-seeking? In this case, most parents are sad."

Xiao Bing deeply agrees: "Yu Shushu's thought is the same as mine. A towering tree, his survival skill is his trunk and branches, but his character is its soil. Only good soil can make it This towering tree really thrives."

The two men looked at each other, and the two big ones, one black and one white, had a feeling of sympathy.

"Drink the bar."

Xiao Bing got up and gave Yu Wenhua a full drink. From his identity and his seniority, he needed to go to the wine himself and then pour his own cup.

Yu Wenhua did not have a guest set. Two people touched the cup and each drank half a glass of white wine. Yu Wenhua pointed to the dish on the table with chopsticks. He said: "You are welcome, eat vegetables, eat vegetables."

Xiao Bing knows the rules on the official court. After Yu Wenhua first moves the chopsticks, Xiao Bing followed the chopsticks. After two people ate a few mouthfuls, Yu Wenhua said: "Xiao Bing, I have heard of your things, quite legendary. Listening to you is a veteran, but even in which army you used to, I don’t even know. Later, you went to the Jiangcheng Open Noodle Hall. At the beginning, it was to help. Later, you have your own shares, which is equivalent to a joint venture with others. I am also a boss. Then you have a conflict with a woman named Jiang Tianwang Peony Fairy in Jiang Zihou, and killed someone else. Finally, there is nothing. Jiang Ziwaiti did not find you, I That's right?"

Xiao Bing took the lead: "Yes."

Yu Wenhua Zhangkou Jiangzi Hou, closed mouth Jiangzi waiting, but this is also in line with his identity. If he screams and screams at Houkou, it is strange to say that many people in the province may give Jiang Zi a face, only he No, because even Jiang Ziwaits this level of underground world, he must also do his work.

"Then you have a conflict with the Dragon family. The Dragon family wants to annex the underground world of the Black Province. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. You naturally stand on the side of Jiangzi, and then Jiang Ziwaits to die. He will be his power before he dies. All are entrusted to your hands. The whole thing is in the ins and outs, is that right?"

Xiao Bing took the lead: "Nothing wrong."

Yu Wenhua asked: "Do you know how people would think if they listened to you?"

Xiao Bing touched his nose and did not say anything.

Yu Wenhua said: "Most people will think that you are a dog, first, the Su family likes you, let you be the boss, then Jiang Zi waiting to appreciate you, not just because you killed the peony and killed you, later on Before he died, he will hand over his power to you. Doesn't this sound like stepping on the dog? Other people want to work hard for the rest of their lives, but they all fall from the sky and fall to you. On the hand."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and smiled: "It sounds like this."

"But smart people understand that there is absolutely no luck at all in the world. Luck is basically a manifestation of some strength, so you can have this status now, you can only understand your ability." Very strong, maybe even stronger than the dragon."

Xiao Bing looked at Yu Wenhua: "Yu Shushu looks very concerned about our underground world?"

"The law and order of the entire black province is under my control. How can I not care?"

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and asked: "So what did Uncle Yu call me this time, what is it for?"

"What is the reason..." Yu Wenhua suddenly looked straight into Xiao Bing and stared closely at Xiao Bing's eyes. "You and the Dragon family, is it going to be a battle?"

Xiao Bing’s heart pounded, and the whole person was almost scared. I never thought that Yu Wenhua would suddenly start this. Yu Wenhua’s concern about himself and the Dragon family is not unusual, but he can predict that he will soon have something to do. In the first battle, Xiao Bing was very surprised.

Xiao Bing has been a frequent action recently, but it has been well concealed. On the bright side, he is competing for the underground world hegemony of Jidong Province. In fact, the target is directly aimed at the Dragon Pa, and the hands are already imminent, even the Longba now I don't know the true intention of Xiao Bing, but from Yu Wenhua's tone, he seems to know what he is, otherwise he will not suddenly call himself to the provincial capital to talk about it.

Since Yu Wenhua did not know, Xiao Bing would naturally not be directly clarified. In case he thought about it himself, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "War and no war, this depends on the arrangement of the Dragon family. Yu Shushu It should be known that Hou Ye’s power has always been inferior to that of Longba. Self-protection is still insufficient. If the Dragon family is willing to be safe, then we are really burning.”

"Is that the case?"

Xiao Bing noticed that Yu Wenhua looked like a smile and immediately realized that Yu Wenhua seemed to know something. Sure enough, Yu Wenhua said: "I don't sell off with you. Recently, your actions in Jidong Province are quite big. When I am I do not know?"

Xiao Bing pretends to look innocent, saying: "Yu Shushu, you are swearing at me, the country has been smashing the blacks recently, and we are still not getting the points. How can we still find things for ourselves? It’s all because The people in the east of Jidong Province were so oppressed by the dragon tyrants, so now they all resisted and have nothing to do with me."

Yu Wenhua sighed: "Is the stinky kid playing with me? You think that I am older, so flickering? I am still less than fifty. I am still a strong man in politics. I don't think about it. So confused."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yu Shushu, I don't mean this."

"Since this is not the meaning, some words will be straight. You seem to want to subvert the underground world of Jidong Province. In fact, the meaning of the drunkard is not in the wine. The eyes are really aligned with the Dragon Pa, is that right? ”

Xiao Bing was completely shocked. He intended to deny it, but he saw that Yu Wenhua was staring at his own eyes, and that was a pair of eyes that had all been seen through, so that you had to be honest.

Xiao Bing’s heart moved, and he smiled and said: “How did Yu Shushu know?”

Xiao Bing was not blown out by Yu Wenhua, nor was he afraid of Yu Wenhua, but he had already understood it between the slightest rotation of his mind. Since Yu Wenhua was willing to come with him, he proved that he had a decision in his heart. If you don’t allow yourself to deny it, and if you really kill and don’t admit it, you will offend the person and be treated as an out-and-out outsider. If you admit it, you can win a good impression at least.

In addition to these reasons, Xiao Bing also thought of what Yu Yu and Lu Zhe had to say to themselves. Yu Wenhua said that he did not be malicious this time, and Lu Zhe also passed. Yu Wenhua seems to appreciate himself. Xiao Bing believes that other people may be Wrong, but the driver of a leader must be true, because the driver is often the one who knows his master best.

After trying to understand, Xiao Bing no longer intends to conceal.

Yu Wenhua said with emotion: "I really guessed it correctly. Because I calculated what you will do next. You suddenly start to work on Jidong province, and the sweeping of the black has now basically ended. The character must not endure you. Plus you have just left the relationship between Longba and Zhuge Jiangnan, I think this is the only chance you have won, and Longba will focus on Jidong Province. I didn’t expect you to dare to swear, but you’re not prepared, this is a good time.”

Xiao Bing asked: "Is Yu Shushu relying on this judgment?"

"Not only that, don't forget, you are in the province of Black, and there are very few things I don't know about in Black Province. I have arranged for people to monitor the underground world of the entire Black Province. I found that you recently called Hou Hou. The sharp masters are more frequent, so according to my prediction, you know that your power is too different from the Dragon family, so I plan to swear the thief first, is ready to launch a dagger action, is that right?"

After the end, Yu Wenhua looked calmly at Xiao Bing, and waited for Xiao Bing’s answer.

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