Super Soldier

Chapter 267: Kidnapping incident

Xiao Bing called Yu Wenhua and talked about the plan two days later. He watched the phone as soon as he saw it. Xiao Bing mentioned this: "Yu Shushu, there is an underground casino in Harbin, I don't know if you are familiar. Their supervisor is surnamed Lu, and the casino is under the villa."

Yu Wenhua was silent, and then he said: "Xiao Bing, how do you become interested in these things?"

"No, I am more curious, so just ask."

Yu Wenhua said: "Well, what is it, you must not mention it casually? Is it that you have some connections with people over there?"

Xiao Bing found that when talking about these, Yu Wenhua’s voice was full of vigilance. It was obvious that the casino was not very general. Some things were not known to Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is the case. I went through a friend’s introduction and went to play once. Um... The people over there don’t know how to know that I know Yu Yu, so I want to borrow my relationship and Yu. Uncles contact, they want me to help you meet."

Yu Wenhua heard that this was the case, and the tone eased. "Oh, it’s just that some speculations are down. You don’t care about this matter. The dragon family is big, even if this time your plan is comprehensive, it may not be There is a certain victory, just like what you have, I don’t have any good feelings for Longba. If it is a dragon, it will not be easy to control, and it may not be the blessing of the people. Xiao Bing, I have already arranged through the relationship. Ok, since I have already supported you this time, you have to win."

Xiao Bing smiled lightly: "If I can't get a dragon tyrant with the support of Yu Shushu, then I will not be worthy of talking about this with Yu Shushu. Then I will go back first, and Yu Shushu is waiting for good news. Let's go."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing’s eyes showed the light of thinking carefully. What exactly is this casino? Yu Wenhua’s deputy secretary of the provincial party committee can tolerate the survival of this casino. It must be a place with jealousy. The person in charge of this casino wants to see Yu Wenhua. It’s definitely not just a knot. From Yu Wenhua’s tone, Xiao Bing actually I feel that this casino is a disaster star for him, and I will avoid it.

However, like Yu Wenhua, it is not these things that you need to pay attention to now. Dragons 1111, mco↗m must be foolproof. Otherwise, this time it is a disaster.

Xiao Bing gave Lu Yuanlong a call over there. Lu Yuanlong listened to Yu Wenhua and refused to see them. Although it was not too unexpected, but the tone was somewhat lost, so after just two simple sentences with Xiao Bing, two people Hang up the phone.

Xiao Bing touched his nose, and their affairs were not taken care of. They should return to Jiangcheng first.

Before the decisive battle, Xiao Bing still wanted to stay with the leaves.

After going out, Xiao Bing had just entered the elevator. The door of the elevator had not yet had time to close. A black man squatted in and took it down next to Xiao Bing.

The elevator door slowly closed, and Xiao Bing looked at the black man and said, "Are you the romy's bodyguard?"

The black man said coldly: "Our sister, let you go to the casino to find her, you can't go anywhere before gambling with her."

Xiao Bing silently said: "From this morning you started to guard at my door?"

Black mankind: "From last night."


It’s simply unreasonable. Are all the young people now like this? Xiao Bing touched his nose and smiled and asked, "If I definitely have to go?"

"Then I will tie you up."

"If you can't beat me?"

"Try not to know."

"Oh, then try." Xiao Bing's fist hit the man's face, this person directly squinted his eyes, then passed out, the elevator door opened, Xiao Bing himself went out, I clap my hands and look helpless. "This is what you let me try. I really don't think there are people in the world who like to beat..."

Xiao Bing is planning to leave, just to see that the two brothers and a few bodyguards are just out of the hotel's door, Xiao Bing hastily hid to the side, Xiao Bing is not afraid of them, but they are now a lot of things, they are entangled It is also a troublesome thing.

Romy and Luo Hao just left the hotel, Luo Hao asked: "Where are we going?"

Romy Jiao said: "Go to the casino first to find the feeling."

Luo Hao asked: "Is still gambling?"

"That thought I was playing? I must win the stinky guy. Oh, I have let Ajian go to the door of his room and watch it. If he has to go, he will stun him. ”

Xiao Bing’s hearing is sensitive, and his heart is secret. Your Ajian has been stunned by me, but for a time I have lost only a few good feelings for this arrogant big sister. If Xiao Bing is not willing to provoke trouble now, This big sister really should have a good lesson, otherwise she will never know the heights.

Luo Hao heard about Romy, and immediately turned his head. Fortunately, "I have long since stunned that person is not pleasing to the eye. He is better not to come, and then he will be repaired by Ajian, but he will not fight back." ?"

"What's wrong with his hand? Look at his look of color. Look at the **** who usually spends every day. Ah Jian is a full-time bodyguard. Is it not like playing with him?"

At this time a truck was parked at the door of the hotel, blocking them in front of them, just separating them from the car.

Luo Hao loudly said: "Hey, good dogs don't block."

"Sorry, sorry, we are here to unload the goods, just go."

Several people jumped from the car and unloaded some steel pipes from the car. Luo Hao looked disgusted, and wanted to talk. Suddenly, I felt that the eyes were black. Those people were carrying the steel pipes down. I didn’t expect Directly holding the steel pipe swept over, everyone did not expect such a change, one by one was taken aback.

Luo Hao and Luo Mi are surrounded by the remaining three bodyguards, two of which are weak and directly knocked down to the ground. The last bodyguard has his arms across his chest and the steel pipe is on his arm. He just turned back. Two steps, the arm and the steel tube collided together to make a metal-like collision, which shows that the strength of this bodyguard has reached at least the peak of Ming Jin and even above.

Just as he stepped back two steps, several other people had stopped Luo Hao and Luo Mi respectively, grabbed them into a van next to them, and drove them away directly, while the train they had driven was lost. Here it is.

The strongest bodyguard snorted and hurriedly circumvented the van and opened the door of their car. He just got in and suddenly saw a person in the co-pilot's position. He was taken aback. I am going to start, the other party is already cold and cold: "I don't want to save people? I still don't drive!"

This co-pilot is naturally Xiao Bing. Although Xiao Bing doesn't like the two brothers and sisters very much, but as a former soldier, after all, he can't see the kidnapping thing happening under his own eyes. So I did not hesitate to chase it out.

The bodyguard saw that Xiao Bing was not malicious and hurriedly drove to the van, but the van had already been driven far away and it was difficult to catch up.

The bodyguards can't take care of any traffic laws. They try to drive forward at the fastest speed. Xiao Bing asks slowly: "What is your name?"


"I asked what you called, panic."

"My name is Wu Tian. My sister and young master are both tied up. Don't bother me first."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "Your strength is now in a dark period. The secret master of the dark period, when things are still so calm, this mentality will not work, how can you improve in the future?"

Wu Tian was shocked. He found that he had been smashing Xiao Bing before, or that Xiao Bing’s strength was much higher than him, so that if Xiao Bing wanted to hide his strength, he would never see it at all. Out, ridiculously before this, the young master and sister also planned to let Ajian kidnap him, but did not expect to encounter the high-ranking person who plays the tiger.

Wu Tian thought that Xiao Bing had come back, and wanted to save the younger sister for a while. Maybe he still had to count on this person. The attitude immediately became very respectful and respectful. He said with a smile: "Long Shaoye, before our younger sister is actually the age. , not very sensible..."

"Okay, don't have to do this with me. If I don't want to save them, I won't follow them. Although you have reached the dark period of strength, it is estimated that it is not long before you enter the dark period. If there are more people, Or if you have weapons in your hand, you may have been rushing over and losing yourself. You may not be able to get it well. By the time, everything will look good to me. In short, you will not let your younger sister have any accidents. ""

Wu Tianchang sighed and then asked: "Dragon Master, what is your strength?"

Xiao Bing looked at Wu Tian and said: "You can't understand."

When Wu Tian heard Xiao Bing, he stopped asking.

The car was too embarrassing, plus a lot of cars all the way, and Wu Tian chased out a step later, gradually the car has disappeared, Wu Tian parked the car on the side of the road, annoyed to take a look On the steering wheel, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. Xiao Bing asked: "Wait, who do you want to call?"

Wu Tiandao: "Of course it is for the father."

"Don't worry, I may be able to help you." Xiao Bing also called, but Xiao Bing was calling Yu Wenhua. All the public security systems in the entire province were under the jurisdiction of Yu Wenhua. It is naturally best to find him. Make.

Yu Wenhua apparently did not expect Xiao Bing to call him a phone call so quickly. He thought that something had changed. The result was not yet available, but he listened to Xiao Bing on the phone: "Yu Shushu, Xiang Gang Luo Daoyi’s father Grandson and granddaughter had just had an accident in our city, and they were tied to a car by a group of people and tied up."

Yu Wenhua was shocked: "How can they be in Harbin? How do you know? Who are the people who are kidding them? Where are you going now?"

Xiao Bingdao: "These are left alone. Yu Shushu first helped me to adjust the video information. A van that was on the door of the hotel in Hexing Road ten minutes ago is now open."

"Well, you wait, I will call you right away."

Yu Wenhua hurriedly hanged up the phone. Xiao Bing knew that Yu Wenhua would not be scorned. If the Luo family had an accident in Harbin, I am afraid that the public security system in the entire black province would be famous, and Yu Wenhua’s face would not be guaranteed.

Sure enough, Yu Wenhua's efficiency was very fast. After five minutes, Yu Wenhua called and said with a bit of anger: "The car is now driving on Tongda Road. It seems to be going in the direction of the northern suburbs. I sent the police team to save people."

"Don't worry, Yu Shushu, you let them adjust the direction of these people at any time. I will find a way to catch people. I will succeed in saving people."

Xiao Bing looked at Wu Tian and said: "Tongda Road!"

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