Super Soldier

Chapter 282: Su Xiaoxiao's lifelong event

Xiao Bing came back, everyone was very happy, and it was more than nine o'clock in the evening. Xiao Bing took the leaves and went back to sleep. The main reason was that the leaves felt that Xiao Bing had been so hard recently, so he pulled him back to the room to go to bed early, and was pulling the show to play. In the checkers, Maggie stared at her eyes and smiled. "Let's go back early, we understand."

Although the leaves are more cheerful, I didn't expect Maggie's words to be so direct. The face still couldn't help but be red, and said: "You are a child, you are not old, how is your mind so unhealthy, and I don't think I can clean you up."

The leaves chased the past, and Maggie chased it. Maggie dropped the pieces and giggled and ran away. The last two people were crazy and sweaty. Maggie was caught by the leaves and then pressed and laughed and beaten. For a while, this is a stop, the leaves Jiao. Gasping and pulling Xiao Bing back to the room.

The exhibition was watching her fight, and her heart was mixed. She has spent all these years in the killer organization. She has never had such a happy time and can be integrated into this big family. She is grateful to Xiao Bing in her heart. of.

Back in the room, the leaves complained: "Mc. Nizi is too naughty, just mad with her, making me sweaty, I am going to take a shower."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "My wife, even if the sweat on my body is fragrant, would you like me to accompany you in the bath?"

The leaves looked up and down Xiao Bing, and his eyes suddenly fell in the middle of Xiao Bing's legs. Xiao Bing felt bad in his heart and asked: "What do you look at with me?"

"You dare to come in with me, I will cut off your stuff."

"The trough is too violent." Xiao Bing only felt the following cool, but when the two people first met, the leaves let themselves grab the gang, and then she kicked in the middle of the other's legs. From now on, I still let Xiao Bing remember it. This Nizi laughs so sweetly, and really can do anything.

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "Just kidding, kidding, you know that this person is out of the mud and not dyed, and it is clear and not demon. You don't invite me, I won't go in."

The leaves smirked, the fingers scraped the face of Xiaobing, and giggled: "I don't want to face, not with you, I go to take a bath. ±±±±, m.↖.c⊥om."

The leaves ran into the bathroom.

Xiao Bing’s heart is secret, can’t be washed together, it’s okay to peek.

Xiao Bing is planning to go over, the bathroom door suddenly opened again, the leaves will be headed out, and the eyes will look at Xiao Bing with a narrow smile: "Peeping and cutting jj."

Xiao Bing's face changed: "You are a girl, you are sitting on the side of Xiao Da Ge, is it a person who has no exercise, go to the bath."

The leaves giggled, and this closed the door again. After a while, the sound of running water sounded.

Xiao Bing came back to bed and opened the TV. He said with annoyance: "It’s really boring, not stealing..."

After Maggie and the leaves were finished, they went to the exhibition to finish the game, and then squinted and asked: "Show sister, is your sister like a brother?"

Exhibition Hongyan did not expect Maggie to suddenly ask himself this question, looked at the no one next to him, blinked and said: "Hey, nothing to think about these problems."

Maggie spit out her tongue and said: "Well, just ask, fast, do you think your sister likes a brother? I find that every time my sister sees her brother, that kind of eyes and see others. It’s not the same time, and if I talk to her about her brother, she will be nervous. If I don’t like it, I won’t believe it.”

The exhibition was a bitter smile: "This is something for people. Let's not worry about it."

"How can it be done?" Maggie said. "We can all be our own people. The brother is my most handsome big brother. The leaf sister is my future nephew. You are my sister, and my brother. Closed disciple, sister is my sister, or my student, I am a sister or a teacher, can you not worry about her."

Exhibition Hongyan stretched out his finger and gently glared at Maggie's forehead. He smiled bitterly: "You are a girl, and you are worried about wrinkles."

Maggie sighed: "Hey, my brother often knows how big a person is, how much responsibility is there. Who makes me a enchanting person, so capable, can I not worry about it."

The show is red, smile, this Nizi, as if every day with her there will be many happy things, but think about it, this family will be more lively immediately, the flower that was rescued in the parking lot before Xiao Bing is also immediately I am going to be discharged from the hospital. I will come over and live. Oh, it’s just that the girl died at such a young age. Her mother still died in front of her. It’s pitiful to think about it.

"Hey, show your sister, what are you thinking about? I will ask you a question, is it so difficult to answer? Do you think that your sister likes a brother?"

"Yes, yes." The exhibition was helpless. "But this kind of thing everyone sees it. It is not suitable for clarification. You can't add chaos to this gimmick. You won't mention it later."

"How can it be done?" Maggie said in a hurry. "Isn't that sister just a single person? Is it the most painful to listen to unrequited love? If you like it, why not chase it, everyone Have the right to pursue your own love."

The exhibition will give Maggie's mouth a slap, and said: "My aunt's grandmother, people's own things, people's own treatment, is your apprentice, is the leaf not your nephew? The emotional things can not be mixed I don’t understand if I want to mix and blend. Do you want to break up their relationship? Hey, you lick your head and bite my finger."

Exhibition Hongyan loosened his hand, a look of bitter smile, Mai Qi embossed: "Red sister, you are not right, leaves sister is my nephew, sister can not be my nephew? The feelings of the original It’s fair and just, and Ye’s sister doesn’t have to be a brother to occupy a brother. Anyway, their relationship is so good.”

"Do you want the leaves to let the soldiers out? Ah, no, you want them to two... a total of one?" The show was wide-eyed and looked at Maggie like a monster.

Maggie took it for granted: "As long as you are happy, you can live happily. What's the matter? Doesn't the leaf sister like the brother brother? Doesn't the sister like the brother brother? The brother brother certainly likes the leaf sister, but Wan A soldier’s brother also likes his sister. Isn’t this a good thing?”

"You are crazy, how can you have such a crazy idea?"

"I am not crazy." Maggie snorted. "Since I loved it, I walked together. Is this very strange? Red Sister, you are really strange. You are right, Red Sister likes the brother." Ah? If you like it too, I am just right, and all four of you will be together later."

The exhibition was a bit stunned, and his face was red. He hurriedly stood up and angered: "You are a gimmick, nothing is strange in your head. I ignored you and went back to sleep."

Maggie chuckled and said: "How do I feel that I am puncturing my sister's thoughts? I will ignore it if I ignore it. I will go with my sister and I will not be able to help her get her brother."

Maggie slammed her head and ran to the room of Su, and the exhibition was shocked. It was too late to intercept.

Maggie ran to the door of Su's room and knocked on the door and asked, "Sister, are you sleeping and not sleeping?"

Su’s room sounded like a pair of slippers, then footsteps, the door slammed open, and Su was wearing pajamas, curiously: “I just had to sleep, what happened, is there something?”

Maggie thought about it for a while and could help Su to solve the big things in life. He felt smug and happy in his heart. He carried his hands and walked smugly inside. He also pretended: "The teacher saw your recent troubles and specially came over. I will mention you."

Su didn't know what Maggie wanted. When she saw Maggie's appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little funny. She closed the door and sat down on the bed. She looked curiously at Maggie, and she showed a pair of taught. Looks like: "I don't know if the teacher came to visit late at night, what advice?"

Maggie also jumped into the bed, got into the bed of Su, sat next to Su, and smiled and said: "If you see such a sly copy, then I will point to you."

Su couldn't help but smiled and shook his head, then forced back and laughed, and repeatedly said: "Well, you and me, students need teachers to teach."

"Hey, it’s not a serious line. How can students and teachers play hippie and smile?"

"Well, I am serious, I am serious." Su Qiang smiled and said, "Teacher, what do you want to point to students?"

"Oh, this is almost the same. Look at your sincere attitude, I will point you to you, lest you miss a lifelong event."

After the end, Maggie looked at Su, staring at Sue's face, and seeing Su Shi feel unnatural.

Su looked helplessly: "The teacher has something to say, so staring at me to see what to do?"

"You still don't understand this. Have you seen the martial arts? Didn't the masters in the martial arts stare at people like this before? Hey, look at my eyes."

Su was so good and Maggie began to look at each other. Then Maggie’s next sentence almost made Su’s heart jump out of the chest and let Su’s spurt a blood.

"Do you like a brother?"

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