Super Soldier

Chapter 295: I owe me one thing

Xiao Bing loudly said: "As for what is called Wude, you will not understand it. The address of this station is changed to:, the mobile phone reading is changed to m-mart, and the Ge is also. We should learn to put down the weapon before picking up the weapon. You should put your fists down before raising your fists."

In these words, Xiao Bing has no previous ridicule and banter, but a sacred face. Without respect for martial arts, Xiao Bing will not go to the ages today, standing. The end of the pyramid of the entire martial arts world.

"The real warriors treat people with courtesy, not to hurt people, not to be bullied." Xiao Bing is like a highly respected master. The students sitting in the audience have a sense of awe. "And you What? You guys have only learned some martial arts fur, they are self-righteous, holding a three-legged cat's effort to force the girl to be his girlfriend, shameless face?"

Li Sikai’s words: "Bing brother, Qin Long, not us..."

"The hills are smashed!" Xiao Bing slammed into humanity. "When you are a president, Qin Long is doing something to force a temptation to entangle a weak girl, what are you doing? You have been discouraged? The most important thing for being a warrior is to say Have a letter, have you done it? You didn't do it. When Qin Long, the taekwondo society, lost, you are despicable and want to attack me. It's still beautiful, no matter how many people I call. You are all thirty-nine people together. Do you want to be shameless?"

This made Li Sikai and his members all look ashamed, and wished to find a seam directly into the ground.

Xiao Bingdao: "You don't just have to match the words of the martial arts. Even an ordinary person is not good. An ordinary person knows how to be a shameful person. Where is your shame?"

These people are silent, and everyone in the audience is quiet. Everyone is quietly watching this scene. I feel that Xiao Bing is very reasonable. Just like Li Sikai’s behavior, even ordinary people like them. I don’t even look at my eyes, I also feel contemptuous.

If you can't fight, you will come to the wheel battle. The wheel war is not addictive. It is just a group of people. Thirty-nine people are together. This time, it’s dumbfounded. You are thirty-nine people. People are three or four hundred people. Who is the group?

Li Sikai trembled, Xiao Bing looked at him and sneered: "If you are such a person, you want to be with me........., m.+.c ≤ er hands, I don't even bother. I also advise you to persuade you, This association is still dissolved, but don't bring other students down. Finally... don't think that I am afraid of you. In fact, you don't even have a fart in my eyes. The reason why I called these brothers came over. I want to tell you a truth, what is called moving a rock to your own feet."

After Xiao Bing finished, suddenly and gently rubbed his feet, and then everyone's eyes were rounded, one by one stunned, the ground rumbling swayed, only people feel like an earthquake, followed by Xiao Bing's feet The marble floor suddenly turned into a large piece of powder for powdering.

Lying in the trough!

In the audience, the sound of a cold breath, many people licking their mouths, can not believe it, just feel that they are like a dream.

Li Sikai was almost soft on the ground, and the students of Taekwondo were scared to the ground, and they just broke a large piece of ground on the foot. Is this still human?

They understand that Xiao Bing is right, Xiao Bing simply does not bother with them, otherwise, I am afraid that their 39 people will not be the opponent of Xiao Bing alone!

These people are just the associations among college students. Just like Xiao Bing, the three-legged cat kung fu is not even the threshold for entering the martial arts scholars. The martial scholars must go to the refining period, and these people are afraid of even refining. Nothing is known about the gas period. Xiao Bing bullies them like bullying children. This is why Xiao Bing is too lazy to start.

"See you? Handsome, dead, handsome!" A female student jumped and jumped.

Next to a girl, the girl gave the girl a big slap in the face and said: "You dare to die, I will kill you."

Then, the two girls began to wrestle.

In the stadium, the girl who made a fool for Xiao Bing is not just these two people. Xiao Bing walked to the front of the Soviet Union and smiled and said: "Let's go, it's already late, I invite you to have dinner."

Sue stood up: "Look at your help, give you a face."

One of the two female students next to Su called out excitedly: "I will go too, I will go too."

Another girl took the girl and gave her a look. She smiled and said: "You, how can you not even have such eyesight? We have to hurry home, we will go back first, see you tomorrow, bye bye. ""

Su Dao: "By the way."

The two girls ran first, Xiao Bing went to Li Sikai, and he was on the verge of saying: "For me to tell Qin Long, he dared to entangle once, I interrupted his two legs and threw it into the Songhua River to feed the fish!"

"Yes, yes..." Li Sikai hurriedly agreed.

After Xiao Bing and Su left, the students who watched the lively ones left the stadium one by one. They had completely ignored Li Sikai. The losers were never worthy of sympathy, let alone such shameless failures. By.

Li Sikai looked blank. He knew that he could no longer mix in this school. Don't mention the society. If he stayed in this school, he would not be able to lift his head wherever he went.

"Hey, how did he go with Su, really, I haven't had time to ask for his phone number, but that's my favorite person!" Manben wants to chase after, but the crowd is too blocked, anxious and embarrassed. Jump again.

Her good friend smiled bitterly: "Have you seen this? You really think that he is the brother of Su, clearly is the brother of love, Su Ke is the school flower in the school, you go to grab the man with her, how to grab..."

The enthusiasm of the temper, but there is no way to refute, look dissatisfied.

Out of the school, Xiao Bing and Su two walked side by side on the street, blowing a faint cool breeze, Su's hair was messed up, Xiao Bing stopped, Su also stopped, looking suspiciously to Xiao Bing, but see Xiao Bing stretched out her hand and gently arranged her hair.

Su had some stays. From the time he was a big man, there was never a man who had so gentlely sorted out her hair. The feeling... It’s hard to say, only knowing that his nose is sour at this moment, and his heart is sour. ,do not know why.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The hair is messed up and blocked in the eyes."

Su Shi, Xiao Bing, asked: "Are you so good for every woman?"

Xiao Bing stunned a bit. It was just a subconscious movement. In fact, I didn’t really think so much. I didn’t expect Su to have such a big reaction, but since Su asked, Xiao Bing really couldn’t help but think about it, honest. The answer: "It is normal for a man to have a gentleman's demeanor, but I am not the same for any woman."

"Oh, then good to me, is it because of my sister?"

Xiao Bing’s heart trembled, and the picture of Su Peiya’s death appeared in his mind. He thought of Su Pei’s sustenance before his death, and he had to take care of her family.

Looking at the painful eyes of Xiao Bing, Su did not feel a pain in his heart and sighed: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't mention your sadness."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Bing smiled with a smile. "My sad thing, isn't this also your sad thing? It's the same sad thing that connects our hearts. But there is one I can Very sincere answer to you is your question."

Su suddenly became very nervous. Her eyelashes were moving and her face was restrained. It still looked as calm as usual, but her heart was calm and she wanted to hear. Xiao Bing's answer.

Xiao Bing looked at Su’s eyes and looked at him seriously. Then he smiled and said: “When I first saw you, I was surely entrusted by your sister, so I wanted to take good care of you, everything. Everything is because of your sister."

Su’s heart was a little lost, but he listened to Xiao Bing’s continued: “But after I met you, especially after being in contact with you for such a long time, I found myself slowly starting to feel good about you. You are a very, very good girl. Any man can't help but be good to you and protect you."

Xiao Bing shrugged his shoulders and said: "In fact, you have asked this question before, maybe you forgot, but this time since you asked me so seriously, I will answer you so seriously. Go, go What to eat?"


"Just look for a place to eat cooking, and see where you open the door."

Xiao Bing was walking side by side, and Su was behind him. Her eyes suddenly showed a bit of warmth. He had a good impression on me. What kind of good feelings...

Two people found a cooking shop, casually took two dishes, and asked for two bowls of rice. After eating, they sat in the car that Xiao Bing drove and drove back to Xiaofu.

After Su was exposed to a gentle touch after Xiao Bing’s hair, he never said too much, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. He looked a little cold and calm. He waited until the car stopped at the entrance of Xiaofu. It restored the indifference of the face, and the tone was faint: "Thank you for helping me today, but don't think that this will offset what you did last night."

Xiao Bing hurriedly argued: "I didn't do anything last night, I killed me."

"I don't care." Su gas annoyed. "If you are a woman, I am sleeping for a night, then I have done nothing to you, what are you doing?"

Xiao Bing groaned, hesitated, and smiled bitterly: "I don't do it."

Su Jiao said: "If you are honest, if this kind of thing goes out, who believes? Put it in ancient times, soak the pig cage directly, remember, you owe me, one day, one day, I will let you back."

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "Then you want me to do a few things for you to make up for this time?"

Su erected a finger, proudly said: "Do one more!"

Xiao Bing sighed and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, owe it first. But you can rest assured that this thing will not let you kill and set fire, will not let you endanger the motherland, and will not let you violate the national justice..."

"Okay." Xiao Bing compromised.

Su backed up and snickered, and he finally took hold of the man. Well, let him do something, think about it later.

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