Super Soldier

Chapter 299: Devil's means

Gangzi just untied his waistband and didn't understand what was going on. The whole person was lifted by Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing licked his neck. He could barely breathe at this time. For a while, all the hearts were inside. fear.

How did this person appear? How do you cover his neck? Gangzi didn't even see it at all, which made his fear reach a great end. This at least proved that the strength of this person is far more than several times, especially the other's eyes, which reminds him of two words. devil.

Xiao Bing’s eyes are cold, and there is even a **** glow inside. The horror and sultry smell in it seems to want to swallow up the gang, but Xiao Bing does not directly kill him, because Xiao Bing thought of it. A more horrible death law, let this person always fall into a nightmare.

Liu Kexin wiped his tears and hurriedly tied his clothes, but her clothes were torn apart. Even if it was put on, it still looks like spring.

Xiao Bing single handed a straight child, took off his shirt with one hand, and threw it to Liu Kexin, saying: "Put this piece."

"Oh...oh." Liu Kexin hasn't returned to God yet. He didn't know what to do for a while, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

Looking at Liu Kexin's frightened look, Xiao Bing is even more heartbroken, and the murderousness in his heart is heavier.

Liu Kexin’s tears are still spinning in the eyelids. She looks at the lucky boy who has already passed away. She pulls La Xiaobing and asks: "Bing brother, I... I am not okay, give him to the police." Bar, brother."

Xiao Bing grinned and said: "Reassured, I will not kill him!"

Although Xiao Bing was laughing, his eyes were terrible, and the suffocation could not be concealed. Then he threw the scorpion on the ground, and the skeleton of the scorpion was almost broken, and the body could not move completely.

Xiao Bing walked to the front of the child, and the child looked up at Xiao Bing and resisted the fear in his heart. He asked: "Da Lei and Er Lei have been killed by you?"

Xiao Bing coldly said: "They can't live."

Gangzi smiled and said: "I know that you are very strong. I also know that you want me to die. You killed me. I have had so many women in my life. Even if I die, it is worth it."

The red light in Xiao Bing’s eyes suddenly disappeared, the whole person became flat, m.±.c∞om calmed down, his eyes were not shocked, but the calmer he was, the more fearful he was in his heart. Xiao Bing said quietly: "I know that you are angering me and wanting me to end your life with great pain, but I am not going to satisfy your last wish."

The heart of Gangzi has fallen to the bottom of the valley. The reason why Gangzi just took the initiative to die is not that he is not afraid of death, but that he sees this woman is very important to Xiao Bing. It is impossible for the strong person like Xiao Bing to accept it. The **** of the law will never give itself to the police. Although the death is terrible, there are many things in this world that are even more terrible than death.

That is tormenting you to death.

Gangzi actively angered Xiao Bing and wanted to ask for death. He did not want to suffer too much torture before he died. Unfortunately, he was identified by Xiao Bing.

Sure enough, Xiao Bing said calmly: "There are many killing methods in the world, such as digging down one's flesh and blood one by one, and finally leaving only the skeleton on the body, then put a lot of ants on it, you will See the ants madly sucking your blood, even into your internal organs."

The man had swallowed his mouth, and the picture appeared in his mind, and his body shivered.

"Or, peel off your skin one by one. This is a craft that requires a very high art, but I believe I have that ability."

Gangzi screamed wildly: "Kill me, kill me, beg you, kill me, don't torture me..."

Liu Kexin was watching next to her. Although she hated the child, she thought of Xiao Bing’s death, and her body was erect. I felt that the whole person wanted to vomit.

Liu Kexin also asked for love, but was stopped by Xiao Bing with his eyes.

Gangzi was madly asking for help there, and it was a big noise. Xiao Bing suddenly took out a pocket watch from his arms and then suddenly said: "Look at me!"

Gangzi immediately looked at Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing took a pocket watch and dangled in front of Gangzi's eyes. The eyes of Gangzi were completely fixed for a while, and the voice of Xiao Bing was heard in the ear: "Do you think about it?" How terrible the picture is, it is just that life is not as good as death. The skin on your body disappears, only the flesh and blood, the ants are constantly crawling and crawling... You hurt, feel terrible, but you are also moving Can not move, can only look at this scene, slowly crawling, slowly sucking, slowly biting, but they bite but slow and slow, your blood flow is slow and slow, you can never Die."

"It’s terrible, it’s terrible..." All of the eyes of Gangzi were extremely horrified, and then they urinated their pants, and they kept whispering in their mouths, and they didn’t move.

Xiao Bing’s slammed a ring, and there was no pocket watch in front of Gangzi’s eyes. Without Liu Kexin, but there was Xiao Bing, this room was gone. He was lying on the ground in the wild, but Xiao Bing was kneeling at him. Next to him, peeling him... He wants to move, but he can’t move. Xiao Bing seems to be doing a piece of art. He doesn’t even look at him with his eyes, so he quietly peels off his skin. He wants to lick, but he can't speak in his mouth.

His heart was beating wildly, and the tears were flowing, but he couldn't do anything. He could only watch the death of Xiao Bing's death one by one.

Xiao Bing put away his pocket watch. Xiao Bing promised Liu Kexin not to kill this person. It will not kill for the time being. This kind of gang will be immersed in this boundless suffering. This kind of death is more painful than any death. Hundreds of times, until the complete collapse of the spirit, he will die completely, and even the last thing to die is his brain, not his body.

Therefore, strictly speaking to Xiao Bing did not violate his commitment to Liu Kexin.

Xiao Bing has been studying the methods and illusions of Dr. Han Huabin in the past few days, but now it can only be considered a little bit. Only if the person who is just the fear is too strong, there is no way to be blinded by Xiao Bing. Faced with a person who is slightly determined, Xiao Bing now wants to perform this level of hypnotism and it will not have this effect.

Liu Kexin did not know what was in the brain of Gangzi. Just after seeing Xiaobing’s words, the person of Gangzi was already stunned, and his eyes were straightforward. Liu Kexin’s heart raised a chill and asked. : "Bing brother, what happened to him?"

"I am too brave, I am scared by me."

A footstep came, Jiang Yiting rushed in with the police officers. When she saw that Liu Kexin was fine, Jiang Yuting was relieved a little, and then she saw the dull son lying on the ground.

Jiang Yuting pointed at the stranger and asked: "This is the accomplice?"

"Well." Xiao Bing took the lead.

Jiang Yuting asked: "What happened to him?"

Xiao Bing’s answer is exactly the same: “He saw that I suddenly came in and felt that there was no hope of living, and I was scared.”

For Xiao Bing, Jiang Yuting has some doubts. This fierce criminal is definitely not a weak person, but the body of this person has not been seriously injured, and it seems that it is really scary, is it true? ?

Xiao Bing’s tone is faint: “Captain Jiang, I’m so scared, I’ll take it back.”

"Good." Jiang Yuting said, "Yu's body has been seriously hurt, but rest assured, there will be no danger to life. He had to stay and see how it is, but we were forced to go to the hospital. ""

When I heard that Yu Yu was fine, Xiao Bing and Liu Kexin were relieved. If there was anything left in Yu Yu, the hearts of these two people would not be well received, even though this time Xiao Bing was to help Yu Yu conquer Liu Kexin. Arranged for this meal, but if Xiao Bing did not have this idea, perhaps two people would not come here to eat here today, even if things are coincidences, Xiao Bing still has some self-blame.

What Liu Ke thought was that today is because the Gangzi wants to start with himself, so Yu Yu stopped the other party, and Yu Yu Ming Ming did not have any skills, but still blocked the other party from letting the other party hurt himself. Liu Kexin’s heart is still very moving. And if Yu Yu has a long and two short, it is all because of himself, Liu Kexin will not forgive himself in this life.

When I heard that Yu Yu was fine, Liu Kexin said: "Bring my brother to send me home."

"it is good."

"Bing brother, my legs are soft..."

"I am carrying you."

Although this thing still needs them to stay and confess, but Liu Kexin has just been scared, Jiang Yuting is also very understanding, so there is no stop, just after a call will be given to them, a detailed chat about what happened today, Xiao Bing let Jiang Yuting not bother Liu Kexin in these two days, and talk about this thing in two days.

Xiao Bing has helped the police station not once and for all. For Xiao Bing, which is not in line with the rules, Jiang Yuting has no choice but to agree.

The gangsters who were recording the confession of the half-ears didn’t mention the things they were going to do, but they just happened to eat here. At this time, they saw Xiao Bing carrying people out of the inside, and the heart was stunned again. It’s a shame. I didn’t do a good job today, and I didn’t have the opportunity to protect the woman’s woman. But at the time they did not have a way. They didn’t have any guns on them. The two mines used guns to control the audience. No one. Dare to move.

Xiao Bing saw them look at themselves and guessed what was going on. Since Liu Kexin had nothing to do, Xiao Bing would not blame them, let alone this thing is not blamed on others, don’t look at Xiao Bing’s three or two. The next few settled the few flaws, but that is because they are too different from Xiao Bing’s strength. It doesn’t mean that these gangsters can deal with them. It’s three masters of darkness, even if it’s The people sent by the half-ears will be several times more than the opponents of those few people.

After leaving the restaurant, Xiao Bing did not drive, but carrying her step by step toward her home, Liu Kexin's home is not too far from here, Xiao Bing is just a good comfort to comfort Liu Kexin along the way.

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