Super Soldier

Chapter 499: Gyro breakthrough

Liu Zhen asked: "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Xiao Bing thought about it. All the gantry needs are the top elites. The first members of the gantry can see it. Each of them has stepped into the realm of enthusiasm, and each of them has ever When you go to various places, you can set off a storm, and no one has a way to take them. These people, one by one, can stir up storms in any country, and even the top special forces in the world are very tricky. ?八 }〉.}c)o)m

Such a member, it is not easy to find one, and it is even more difficult to pick out four.

What's more, Xiao Bing still doesn't want to look outside, but hopes to be able to cultivate it internally, but if it is selected internally, it seems that there is no suitable candidate for the time being.

Now Xiao Bing's only strength to enter the Dragon Gate is only Gao Fei, but Gao Fei is not obeying Xiao Bing's instructions. He is now helping Xiao Bing to do things only because he lives in Xiao Fu for the time being. That's all.

In addition to Gao Fei, Miyamoto Xinyi is the second master. Miyamoto Xinyi and Xiaobei are the strongest of Dan Jinfeng. Looking at the entire dark world is also a strong one, but compared with the one who can stir the storm. It is still weaker. For example, the Buddha Eight Generals and the Longmen Eight will be able to be called the overlord.

Miyamoto Shinji and Xiaobei have strong talents and potentials in martial arts. Now it is the peak of Danjin. It is just around the corner to reach the enthusiasm.

However, Xiaobei is the elite in Longya. Although it is not the strongest master in Longmen, it is the most talented one. If you dig away Xiaobei, it will be a big offense. What's more, Longmen is a special force of the country. The treatment is very high. What is Longmen? A private organization only, Xiao Bing does not want to let Xiaobei come, so Xiaobei will not think about it first.

Miyamoto Shinji was originally a master of the ace of Hou Ye. After accepting the influence of Hou Ye, he also said to Miyamoto. If he wants to go, he can leave at any time. He wants to stay and can stay at any time, even if he wants to stay. Miyamoto's faith has broken through to the enthusiasm, and Xiao Bing can only ask one question. It is also unknown whether Miyamoto is willing to join.

In addition, the talent of Zhanyan is limited. Even if there is a superb Gao Fei teaching her, I am afraid that her future achievements are limited. It is still unknown when the Monkey Year is entered into the Danjin period.

As for the second goods, his starting point is relatively low. Now it is still a period of hard work. Xiao Bing is very optimistic about his future. This product is a natural power, a natural power in the hard work, even the martial arts world. The person who is most hopeful to reach the highest realm of King Kong is not afraid of his future achievements will be weaker than any one of the Longmen Eight, and he is also very loyal to Xiao Bing, if Xiao Bing proposes, the second goods must be I am eager to come in, but he wants to improve his strength and reach the innate realm. It will take a long time.

Jack did not reach the innate realm and entered the Dragon Gate. It was because of Jack's special role. Jack's real contribution was in scientific research, as well as in computer. With a Jack, it was almost equivalent to a global positioning system. People can't do this. If you want to get the approval of other people in the Dragon Gate, you must at least reach the enthusiasm. Even if it is a special period, it is relatively lacking. The Dan Jin period is already the lowest limit. It is.

Therefore, in the calculation, the only one who is eligible to join the Longmen Eight will be only one Miyamoto Xinyi and one Xiaobei, but the one who can really enter the Dragon Gate has only one Miyamoto faith that is not in the Dragon's teeth.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "Miyamoto is righteous, what do you think? It is with you to deal with the eight kendo masters of Dan Jin master."

"He." Liu Zhen touched his chin and said, "He is the peak of Danjin. Although it is said that all of the dragons and eight will have reached the enthusiasm, but now eight loses half of the manpower and wants to follow the original. It’s not so easy to add back the strength. What’s more, this Miyamoto Xinyi is yours, you can trust it, and the peak of Danjin is actually very strong. It’s nothing to join in. I’m holding my hands in favor, and That Xiaobei can actually be."

Xiao Bing said: "If you are a small North, he is actually a dragon tooth... In the past, his relationship with me and Su Peiya was the best. This time he also came out with a dragon tooth to help me, I and the dragon. You all know the relationship of the teeth... I don’t want to let him get in, so I’m going to let him go back in a few days.”

Liu Zhendao: "In addition to this Miyamoto Lutheran, who else?"

Xiao Bing touched his nose and sighed: "Your Dragon Gate Eight are all the strongest people who can stir up the storm everywhere. Except for Miyamoto, I really can’t think of other people for the time being. Let's do this first. For the time being, we will form our Dragon Gate Five. The goal is to get together the new Dragon Gate Eight in three years, and then declare war on the Buddha Gate."

Liu Zhen said with excitement: "Well, I am excited when I think about it."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, in the past few years, in addition to performing some necessary tasks, we are waiting for the new Dragon Gate Eight to be assembled. Although it is difficult, I hope that the new Dragon Gate Eight will be stronger than the original. There is good news now."

Liu Zhen asked: "What?"

"You didn't notice it, and the strength of Molong is going to go even further."

Liu Zhen, Jack, and drunk gyro three people looked shocked and said: "Breaking the void?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing laughed. "In the past, we were inside the Dragon Gate Eight, but there was no one to break the void. Although the blood wolf was reached, it was only achieved in the last year. If the ink dragon really broke through. Breaking the realm of the void, and I have already been a step closer than a year ago. In fact, there is no reduction in the strength of the Dragon Gate. Instead, it has improved. I believe that after the Longmen Eight will be assembled, we can Really challenged Buddhism."

Drunk gyro excitedly said: "Sprinkle is still behind, his grandmother, wait until the old boy of Molong comes back, sprinkle home must be a good match with him, or else wait a while, sprinkle home can not beat him ""

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "Drunken gyro, you are shouldering the mission of cultivating Buddhism and martial arts. There will be such a day in the morning and evening. However, the master who broke the virtual realm can appear so much, and I have seen the master of breaking the void. There are already four people, I, Igukawa Valley, Maple Thirteen, and Blood Wolf, and the strength of the Buddha son has certainly reached the breaking of the void, otherwise it is impossible to control so many masters in Buddhism, and this is five people. ”

The drunk gyro stunned the chin: "If you wait until the ink dragon breaks through, will it become six? His grandmother, who wants to use the realm of the middle of the world, has already turned upside down in a small kingdom. The small country sent so many masters, did not hurt a finger of the home, sprinkled the house at that time, I feel that the sturdy period is already the world's top existence, has been encountered with your dragon tooth team You only know that there are people outside the sky, and at that time, the family has just stepped into the peak of the enthusiasm, and it is full of enthusiasm, but it is not your opponent."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "In fact, I also feel that in today's gradual decline of martial arts, there are many strong players who can break the void level. I don't know what it is because of the return of light. But I think it should not be. Like the ancient dynasty, the long-term must be combined for a long time, or because of the moon, the moon is full, and the monthly surplus is lacking. Once the same thing makes people feel invisible, it will be reborn, if a thing reaches The prosperity that has never been seen before will also be extremely declining. According to me, everything in the world is like this."

"How martial arts in the land of China thousands of years ago was prosperous. At that time, masters were everywhere, and in modern times, martial arts began to fall because of the existence of hot weapons. From the previous ones, there were various kinds of things. The martial arts and martial arts people have become the performance of the majority of martial arts now. I think it is because of this, so God closed a door, but opened another window, The people who learn martial arts have become extremely rare, but the people who have the martial arts talents that can only meet once in a hundred years have become endless. It may become a once-in-a-century encounter in a thousand years, and become a decade in a hundred years. Once."

"The number of people who practice martial arts is scarce, but the number of people with great talents has increased."

"I don't know if it is, but after I have been in the cloud for more than a year, and then re-enter the cloud, this is the martial arts sentiment I got. I think everything in the world is a hundred, one hundred thousand. When you are a hot weapon, it seems to be the ultimate stranger of martial arts. It is likely to become the last point of returning light, but why is it impossible to become a genius of prosperity? As for this The last glory of martial arts is completely ruined, or the last hope of martial arts re-burning, then no one can say it."

Jack and Liu Zhen both showed their face thoughtfully, and after drunking a few mouthfuls of wine, they even whispered to each other: "Breakthrough, rebirth, fading...茧Reborn, prosperous and fading..."

Xiao Bing and others nowadays, the body of the drunken gyro seems to have a faint sacred radiance. At this time, even if he is holding a wine gourd in his hand, he has a sacred atmosphere of sorghum, just like a sacred sorghum. .

Xiao Bing was very optimistic about this drunken gyro. It is not his strength that he has already counted as a master. It is precisely because he is a free-spirited wine and meat monk. Many people think that he is not a monk at all, but he is not a monk. In Xiao Bing's opinion, he is a peerless sorghum that is more dusty than any other monk in the secular world, because he is really letting it go, and what is more important for the monk than to let go of it. What?

At this moment, the strength of the drunk gyro broke through, and although his strength is still stuck in the peak of enthusiasm, but it has reached the limit of sturdy peaks.

After Xiao Bing saw it, his heart rejoiced and secretly thought that Molong didn’t know how to do it now.

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