Super Soldier

Chapter 566: Bo Gang

Liu Zhen and Zhan Hongyan have made each other a look. They are ready. Those people are getting closer and closer. If their target person Kang Tai is here, then Liu Zhen can directly find Opportunity to get rid of the other party, but this possibility is very small, the other party is almost impossible to talk to their boss, if the person coming is other people, Liu Zhen said that the other level is too low, find a way to see Great drug lord Kangtai side. ★中文网く√.★くく★.

The footsteps of those people are getting closer and closer, and finally they are showing up. There are more than a dozen people coming in. Each person has a gun in his hand, wearing a camouflage uniform and rag shoes, and the writing is still muddy.

These people surrounded Liu Zhen and the exhibition of the Red Yan, the guns were aimed at the two men, and then one of the men with a Chinese face stepped out and asked aloud: "Where did you come from?"

Liu Zhen stood up in his chest and said loudly: "From the Eagle Kingdom, Mr. Smith asked me to come over and talk about things. Are you Kangtai people? Who told you to hold us with guns? You are here to entertain partners. ?"

The exhibition was standing tightly behind Liu Zhen. Liu Zhen’s dress today is like a successful person, and the exhibition is a strong face, with a cold face. At first glance, it is killing countless killers or bodyguards.

The Chinese character face looked up and down Liu Zhen, then frowned and said: "How did Smith send a Chinese?"

Liu Zhen snorted and dismissed the road: "This is not going to explain to you, are you Kangtai? Let Kangtai talk to me personally."

Liu Zhen's tone is unusually arrogant, clearly not giving this person a look.

The Chinese character face man is not angry. He took out his mobile phone and went to the side to make a call. Then he didn’t know what to say. After a while, he seemed to be asking for something, and then the phone quickly gave it. When he replied, he hang up his mobile phone and walked over to look at Liu Zhen and lifted his hand.

Liu Zhen’s heart is vigilant. If this national character face man let his men shoot, Liu Zhen will swear the thief for the first time. In short, he must not let these people hurt the exhibition, even if the mission fails. Method.

However, Liu Zhen saw the Chinese character face and quickly put his hand down. What he said, those people put the gun down.

These Burmese people speak Burmese, but most of them can understand Huaxia, and they can also speak Chinese language. Because there are many Chinese people in the area, and many Burmese people want to go to China, so Huaxia It is very circulated here, but when they usually talk to their own people, most of them naturally use Burmese to communicate.

The Chinese character's face is arrogant and arrogant: "Sorry, we have to be cautious. I just called and asked. I went to Mr. Smith on the phone at home and confirmed that you were sent by Mr. Smith, and you are in Smith. There is still a very important position in the family, distinguished guests, I am sorry for the rudeness."

On the Myanmar side, it has always been the strongest king. Whoever has more guns, who is the truth, who is the law, so usually they will not apologize, but the Smith family is indeed a relatively famous one in the Eagle Kingdom. Family, and in the drug business, the Smith family is a big family. Don’t think that there is no drug in those countries, and the country is very strict with drugs. But the drug in the Eagle country is one of the most flooded areas in the world. In particular, the eagle country is still popular with online drug trafficking. Even severe punishment can not eliminate drugs, or even greatly reduce them.

Kangtai has always wanted to circulate drugs. The area where they mainly sold was the remote areas of China and the more men. Now they finally have the opportunity to cooperate with the Eagle State. Naturally, this transaction is very important, so even It’s how arrogant these people are, and those who don’t dare to negotiate in the future are offended.

But the tone of this person's speech is still a bit stiff.

The other party is welcome, Liu Zhen is even more rude, cold and cold: "But I don't think you have any sincerity about cooperation. If this is the case, then I will go back and let Mr. Smith send someone else."

Liu Zhen turned and left, and the other party hurriedly stopped and said: "The distinguished guest is really embarrassed. I think we will definitely make the most delicious food at home to entertain you and apologize to you."

Liu Zhen had just put a gesture, and when the other said, he stopped.

The national character's face was relieved and reached out and said, "Hello, my name is Bo Gang, a native of Burma."

Liu Zhen and the national character face shook hands, hum, and said coldly and warmly: "Liu Zhen." Then I did not say anything else.

Anyway, these people are not likely to investigate the identity of Liu Zhen, so Liu Zhen can use his name in a blatant manner. The same is true for the exhibition of beauty. Of course, the other party generally does not ask for the name of the exhibition.

After Bo Gang and Liu Zhen took a hand, they did not care about the coldness and arrogance of Liu Zhen’s attitude. He said: "Please go with me."

While Liu Zhen was at the side of Bo Gang, he frowned and said: "Your Burma's land is really too broken. I won't come again in the next life. Also, why didn't Kangtai come to talk to me personally, but also me? Go to his land?"

Bo just smiled and said: "Sorry, the general is still very busy, especially other troops are eyeing. Recently, the situation is relatively tight, and the general is not convenient."

Liu Zhen knows that the people in the hands of these big drug lords are all military-style management. They usually call them General Kang Tai or General Bo Gang.

Liu Zhen walked, complained, and deliberately walked for a while and then rested for two minutes, pretending to be panting, without causing any doubts.

Listening to the meaning of Bo Gang, it takes about three or four hours to reach their base camp. According to the stop-and-go rate, it is estimated that it will not arrive until the afternoon. Liu Zhen has started to complain.

After Xiao Bing sent the leaves to the company in the morning, he drove to the hotel and went directly to Bi Tingting's room. Xiao Bing first cautiously looked at the left and right people. It was only after knocking on the door of the room. Now, all the media are paying attention to Bi Tingting. This level of big stars has arrived in Sanjiang City. This is a big deal.

Bi Ting Ting quickly opened the door, then slammed Xiao Bing into it and hurriedly shut the door.

After closing the door, Bi Tingting carefully asked: "Nobody sees you outside?"

Xiao Bing is very sure: "Nobody."

Bi Tingting patted the chest and let out a sigh of relief: "Bing brother, how come you ran during the day? This time I came to hold a fan meeting, and by the way, I took part in a business event, and after two days, all the media Staring at it, so I didn't tell you."

"I didn't tell you that I didn't tell, there are so many reasons." Xiao Bing pressed Bi Tingting on the wall, revealing a overbearing president, and asked, "You didn't think about me?"

"Why didn't you think about it..." Bi Tingting bit her lip, the road of affection, "Everyone is thinking every day."

Xiao Bing smirked and said: "So guess what do I come over during the day?"

Bi Tingting shook her head and knew it, but deliberately pretended not to know: "I don't know."

"Oh, then let me tell you... I am deliberately coming to the day to declare. Obscenity..."

Said, Xiao Bing directly went to Bi Tingting's mouth to kiss up, Bi Tingting gently snorted, did not resist, but very active, very enthusiastic, very passionate and very rugged... I am going to go, in short, like In a flash, the star's aura was taken off, and instantly became a coquettish little woman, almost even more crazy than Xiao Bing.

The two men madly kissed each other, stroking each other, screaming at each other, and the clothes on the body were getting less and less. Xiao Bing stopped the waist and bound Bi Tingting and threw Bi Tingting on the bed.

Then, Bi Tingting's thighs hooked Xiao Bing's waist, hooked Xiao Bing to the past, and tightly clamped Xiao Bing's waist, and the two began to roll on the bed.

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting have not seen it for a long time. Bi Tingting is an idol star. She has to pack herself very well every day. She loves this industry, but sometimes she feels tired and tired, so this time all are released. When they come out, the two people are like a **, they burn at a point, and the more they burn, the more the fire burns, from the inside out, even burning themselves.

After two people indulged for about an hour, Bi Tingting was lying in Xiao Bing's arms. Xiao Bing tightly put Bi Tingting in his arms and suddenly smirked and asked: "Yan Qiqi that little girl asked you if you were Like me? Why didn't you answer her?"

"Oh, is she called Maggie?" Bi Tingting couldn't help but eat and laugh. "The other woman who was with you yesterday is a small leaf. It looks so beautiful. No wonder you don't want people at all."

Xiao Bing's smile: "Where is it?"

Bi Tingting’s eyes turned and asked: “Where is there? You mean that she is so beautiful, or do you want me?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't want to go around me. I don't want you."

Bi Tingting snorted and said: "How many times have you been on the phone with me? Wechat has not many times."

"Hey, this can't blame me. It's really busy. To be honest, I usually spend a lot of time with her. I am very embarrassed."

Bi Tingting thinks about the nature of Xiao Bing's work, and understands it. In fact, Bi Tingting is just joking. The busyness of her work on weekdays is no worse than Xiao Bing, so she is still very happy about men's career. Can understand.

I was still complaining before. At this time, I saw Xiao Bing’s look. Bi Tingting couldn’t help but want to comfort Xiao Bing. She gently kissed Xiao Bing’s lips and then licked it. On Xiao Bing's body, soft voice said: "I saw your girlfriend Ye Xiaoxi, and she should be a very considerate girl. I think she must be able to understand."

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but smile: "When did you learn to face each other? Right, it’s been smashed by you, and when Maggie asks you, why didn’t you say that?"

Hsiao Bi Tingting face looked cunning soldier, grinning: "That little girl obviously came tempted me, also dressed as a fan, I'm not afraid of you finished your little leaves will beat you giggle ...? ... giggling..."

Bi Tingting, in turn, will have Xiao Bing an army, and seeing Xiao Bing’s face like this, she can’t help it anymore, and she giggled.

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