Super Soldier

Chapter 721: Pinch pin

Xiao Bing carried Sun Danni, Sun Danni's arm squatted on Xiao Bing's neck, his face stuck on Xiao Bing's shoulder, and the beautiful taste of the breathing orchid was also sprayed on Xiao Bing's face.

While walking, the elastic but soft chest was on the back of Xiao Bing, so that Xiao Bing felt that the whole person would float.

"Bing brother."


"How did you and Tingting sister know each other, tell me about it."

"Hey, this time you take the time to ask your sister Tingting, naturally I know."

"Well, you are really stingy."

Xiao Bing’s body was soft and soft, and he said, “If you talk, talk, lips don’t touch my earlobe.”

Sun Danni smiled a little. "You look like you didn't look like you used to kiss the show. Now it looks like an innocent big boy. It makes people like it."

Xiao Bing asked: "Why, when I take a kiss, don't you like it?"

"Not at all. At that time, it was another feeling. It was like the overbearing male president. It was also very fascinating. You tell the truth, when I kissed me, what is the taste of my tongue, is it sweet? ?"

Xiao Bing: "...."

Sun Danni is laughing again.

This Sun Danni is not only the wave of acting, but even the waves in private, it is like a fairy.

Two people have left the parking lot at this time and went to the lobby on the first floor. Sun Danni did not talk at this time. Two people came to the elevator, and after they opened the elevator, they went in. Sun Danni was on the fourth floor. Xiao Bing had to put it first. She sent it back and helped her by the way.

At the door of Sun Danni’s room, Xiao Bing stopped and said, “You will give me the card.”

Sun Danni came down from Xiao Bing and stood on the ground with one leg. One of her arms was holding Xiao Bing’s arm, supporting her to stand here. The other hand went out of the bag and pulled out a room card. The door lock was brushed a bit, the door rang and opened.

Xiao Bing helped her into the room, closed the door and helped Sun Danni sit down on the bed.

Sun Danni looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "I have been carrying me for so long, tired, you should sit for a while, don't worry."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not tired. I can even run a few tigers. I still have nothing to do with my back."

Sun Danni’s eyes looked at Xiao Bing hotly and said: “Bing brother, I saw your video of playing tigers. You are a real man, a tough guy.”

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Thank you for complimenting me."

"I am telling the truth, I have not touted you. Hey, now the men in this society, as long as they see a woman, they can’t move, and the mouth will say that the sky is falling, as if they are a hero. However, if you really encounter something, you may not even be a woman. How far is it to go far away, like a brave and responsible man, you are too few."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There are still many good men in the world. How do you give birth to so many emotions? Should there be a lot of men chasing you?"

"Which is there, I am in the entertainment circle. The people I can reach are limited. But it is not too small... Some actors have pursued me, but I did not agree, I feel that they are

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) It belongs to the kind that is not responsible, but it is just greedy and beautiful, so I want to play it. You don't know, the water in the entertainment circle is very deep, and you will get to know it later. ”

"I'm afraid I can't understand it. I only filmed this movie. I am not ready to develop in your entertainment industry."

Sun Danni surprised Zhang’s mouth and apparently did not expect Xiao Bing’s good momentum. Such a good opportunity was not intended to be used. He left the entertainment circle after the play. For Sun Danni’s thought, he should be famous in the entertainment circle. For thousands of people, it is too difficult to understand.

Xiao Bing looked at Sun Danni's astonished look and smiled: "Some people pursue fame and fortune, some people are pursuing freedom, and others are pursuing true love. It is normal. Come on, I will help you pinch."

Xiao Bing said, kneeling in front of Sun Danni, gently took off Sun Danni's high heels, and at the same time, a little bit of Sun Danni's socks were removed, revealing a beautiful and delicate foot, slightly white and slightly ruddy It is smooth, soft, smooth and elastic. It has no odor at all, but it has a bit of aroma.

Of course, Sun Danni’s shoes are the most high-end shoes. Socks are also the best material. In addition to bathing with roses every night, I also need to wash my feet with milk, so even her feet look so beautiful. Touching, even people can't help but want to post it and smell it.

Although Xiao Bing did not reach that level, he was slightly disappointed, and then he heard Sun Danni smirking on his head: "What is it, my feet are beautiful?"

Xiao Bing looked up and looked at Sun Danni, Sun Danni's eyes with a smile, with a teasing.

Xiao Bing smiled and looked down. The only thing that was not perfect was that her foot was swollen. It was just the position that was twisted. Xiao Bing gently pressed the hand on it, Sun Danni’s mouth was issued. A sigh, some tempting.

Xiao Bing swallowed his mouth and looked up at Sun Danni. He smiled bitterly: "Can we not scream?"

Sun Danni smirked and said: "The people you pinched hurt, and people can't call it, it's really overbearing."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "It’s just that you call it, it’s really a little..."

Xiao Bing said and stopped, suddenly stopped, and some of the following words did not know how to say it.

Sun Danni did not stop at all, raised her eyebrows and asked: "What? Some can't hold it?"

"There is some kind of feeling." Xiao Bing took a deep breath and lowered his head. He began to gently and slowly give Sun Danni a pinch, and at the same time, a real gas crossed Sun Danni’s foot. Xiao Bing said that she went to the hospital. It is useless. On the one hand, because Xiao Bing’s method of swelling is inside the dragon tooth, it is absolutely useful. On the other hand, Xiao Bing can achieve twice the result with half the effort through infuriating. In the hospital, no one will have it. Infuriating.

Xiao Bing gently groaned, he has a method of contempt, on the one hand can relieve swelling, on the other hand can make blood flow unimpeded, want a night is good, it is impossible, but after Xiao Bing After the contempt, his foot injury should be able to alleviate a lot. At least if you don’t walk, you won’t feel so painful. Even if you go down to the ground, you can barely walk a few steps while walking on the ground, but tomorrow you want to film. Basically not.

There, there was a few seductive and squeaky voices in Sun Danni’s mouth, like a sly, listening to Xiao Bing’s heart as a cat scratching.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), especially Sun Danni's toes sometimes gently curled up, adding that voice, for Xiao Bing is almost a kind of teasing, teasing Xiao Bing's nerves, plucking The ** in the heart of Xiao Bing.

After waiting for Xiao Bing's pinch, he stood up, and this made a tone, Nima, this is really torture, or it is painful and happy.

Normally, the beauty of such a stunner is so touched by you, as if it is a cheap thing, but this woman has nothing to do with you, you are picked up, and there is no way to solve it. Naturally Very tortured.

"Pinch it out? Thank you, brother, sit here for a while. Oh, the people who pinch it are hot." As he said, Sun Danni gently pulled down a pull lock, and the front chest zipper of the skirt was pulled down. Some, revealing the bra inside, and the deep gully, even the bra can not cover the white tender chest.

Xiao Bing’s eyes couldn’t help but look at the place where the white flowers were. Sun Danni smiled and asked: “What is Bing’s brother watching?”

"Oh, I didn't see anything, I was feeling, my life was lonely like snow..."

Sun Danni giggled, Xiao Bing also looked back and said: "Dani, I should go back, you have a good rest."

"Don't go... I haven't eaten dinner yet, you can't go out for dinner like this."

Xiao Bing turned and left, and when he walked to the door to open the door, he said, "I haven't told you about my mobile phone number. If there is something, please call me again. If you are hungry, just call the front desk and someone will come to you. Delivery, I will go first, see you tomorrow. Bye bye."

Xiao Bing opened the door and went out without going back. He closed the door and quickly walked in the direction of the elevator. He said in annoyed words: "Hey, mom, I am so pure, what a big beauty is there, I am still leaving, I am simply a beast."

After Xiao Bing was gone, Sun Danni grabbed the pillow on the bed and fell directly on the floor. All the eyes were filled with grievances. The thoughts in my heart, Bi Tingting, I am not as good as you? Don't think that the old lady can't see it. If you are a normal male-female relationship, you will be blamed. You are not a pure jade girl. Since it is a man you look at, I must rob it. Hey, this man is now. The momentum is on fire, and perhaps it can still be operated with a little bit of his momentum...

Sun Danni’s mind has already made up her mind, taking a stone and two birds, stealing Xiao Bing from Bi Tingting’s side, and then raising her popularity by Xiao Bing.

Although Xiao Bing said that he would not mix entertainment circles in the future, and Xiao Bing is not a real star, Xiao Bing is now a national idol. The current momentum can be said that even Tingting’s super-first-line days are not comparable. After all, the country has already Xiao Bing set up an image and made him a role model for Chinese people to learn. As a model in propaganda, this led to Xiao Bing perhaps not the big star in the traditional entertainment circle, without the traditional irons. Fans, there is no status in the entertainment circle, but his fame has already surpassed the first-line star. Sun Danni can just use his fame to carry out hype, which is too simple for Sun Danni's veteran entertainment industry.

Xiao Bing returned to his room, his ears had gone, and Xiao Bing lay back on the bed and began to pick up the task list that his ear gave him.

(End of this chapter)

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