Super Soldier

Chapter 723: Mysterious and powerful black man

After Xiao Bing began to fill up some stomachs with Bi Tingting, the two people began to slowly drink red wine, even a glass of wine, and they were very happy to talk. Bi Tingting said with a happy face: "Bing brother, you know what, The last few days are my happiest time."

"Well, I know." Xiao Bing answered very sincerely. He did know.

Bi Tingting said: "We have not been able to be so solid together for a long time, although we still have to avoid gossip outside, but at least we can see each other every day, and we can speak every day, just like normal. Friends seem to be, this is enough."

Xiao Bing sighed: "I can't help you."

"No, I didn't blame you for your meaning, Bing Ge." Bi Tingting said silently, "Although sometimes I think you have too little time with me, but I can understand that you have a girlfriend after all." People, let you accompany me occasionally enough to be sorry for your girlfriend, I am satisfied. Not to mention I do not want to give up my career, I can not be so greedy, both want to possess you, but also want to keep me The cause, I will sacrifice the same after all."

"I mean, I have been really satisfied in the past few days. You are accompanying me to film together every day. We can have dinner together, sleep together, and go to work together after dawn. For more than a month, how much I am I hope that this one-month time will never go."

"But brother, I have to remind you that you must keep a certain distance from that woman. I am not jealous, I am for you."

“Oh?” Xiao Bing looked at Bi Tingting and asked, “Why?”

Bi Tingting said: "From the woman's intuition, this woman's mind is too deep, and I also know that she is very good at using others to speculate. She has done this kind of thing several times before, and every time she installs it. It’s very innocent, it’s like a victim, but I don’t think I’m wrong with a person. One of her ex-boyfriends has been filming with me. It’s a very famous actor. This woman is a small star, did not receive much attention. Later, when the two of them broke up, the hype was fierce, and the man directly became the image of a negative person. Although there was not much contact, I knew that the situation was definitely not Only can explain that this woman is too motivated."

Xiao Bing frowned and said: "It is like this."

"Well, and although she has been hyped up again, her image is not bad at all. After all, she is a victim every time. At least she has packaged it like this, and only I can see it. This is also Zhang Dao dare to find. The reason she came to play."

Xiao Bing said: "I believe in your vision, rest assured, I will pay more attention."

Bi Tingting breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This is good, I am fully assured of you, although you are a man of love, but the head is not stupid, not to be played by a bad woman, giggling."

Xiao Bing also laughed, and he screamed in his heart. Before that, he was really a temptation to live without a resistance. This woman is indeed too styled.

Night, late at night.

In a villa building in Europe, a man and a woman just finished in bed, and then two people lay there and gasped.

The man and the woman are all thirty-six and seventeen years old. The left half of the man's face has been destroyed. It looks like all scars, and the left eye is also fake. It looks like a glass ball, and it is ugly.

The appearance of the woman is more beautiful, and the man is of course not born with ugliness. It is because of the disfigurement. The two men seem to have similarities in appearance.

These two people are the most infamous male and female in the dark world. Some time ago, they killed some people in China, and they were chased by the dragon tooth. They fled to the small European country to take refuge. They killed two on the way to escape. The elite of the dragon tooth, but also suffered a slight injury.

Now they are going to recuperate here and enjoy it for a while. After two months, they will go to the Diablo World Summit. I believe that with the strength of both of them, this summit will definitely shine.

When two people lie together, they listened to the man and said: "Women, I heard that the Dragon Gate has been suppressed by the Buddha. It seems that this time the Dark World Summit, the Buddha Gate can be above the Dragon Gate, and it will not be the same again in the future. The two dark worlds are organized."

Although the man looks ugly, but he speaks very softly, he is responding to the sentence. I am ugly but I am very gentle.

The woman’s snoring, it looks like a very small bird, and said softly: “Brother, I don’t care about the Diablo World Summit at all. In these years, we have also committed a lot of cases. There is already enough blood on it, and the killings are all killed, and the ones that should not be killed are also killed. The Chinese government has already been eyeing us, they can’t take you, how about me, but we I have to go through such a tumultuous day every day. I don’t want to live this kind of day, and I don’t want to worry about being worried about it every day in the dark world. Let’s stop it.”

Said, the men are silent. In the past few years, they have indeed killed too many people. How many people have already died in their hands, even they themselves can’t remember that they are degrading because of hatred, but they are killing. Among them, it is more and more difficult to extricate themselves. Even if those people were dead, they still have not stopped. For more than ten years, they have entered the dark world for more than ten years. For more than ten years, two people Although the strength is getting stronger and stronger, but the heart is indeed more and more unreliable.

The dark world is like a swamp. If you don't pay attention, you will fall in, and then you will never be able to recover.

The man was silent for a while, thinking of his woman following his own sufferings in the past few years, he was about to agree, and suddenly a sense of crisis shrouded in his heart, two people almost jumped out of bed at the same time, quickly dressed clothes Going to the window, the man opened the window and shouted loudly downstairs: "Who?"

There is no one in the courtyard downstairs!

The man’s heart tightened. He just felt that he was feeling extremely horrible and evil in the center of the yard. How could it suddenly disappear? He turned his head and looked at his woman. His woman is also Full of doubts.

It was at this time that the door of their bedroom suddenly exploded and the whole door began to become a fragment.

The male and female eyes are one left and one right, each is a horn, and the eyes are vigilant to look at the door. The power that makes them all fear appears. A horrible and weird evil atmosphere appears outside the door, letting their hearts linger. Uneasy.

"who is it?"

As the footsteps got closer and closer, a black man came in from the outside. The man wore a black trousers, a black robe, a silver-white mask on his face, and even a black glove. Except for a pair of eyes exposed from the mask, every part of the body is wrapped tightly, and you can't even see his skin.

His dress is very similar to that of the Buddha. It is also a robes and a mask, but he is wrapped more tightly, and the temperament of the two people is completely different.

The feeling of the Buddha's son is like a Buddha, and justice and evil coexist.

The feeling of this person in front of him is a kind of sinful temperament, the evil spirit of the sky, the breath seems to be swallowing everything in the world, and his eyes are extremely terrifying, his pupil It turned out to be vertical, and looked at each place cruelly, like a poisonous snake eating people.

The male and female eyes are the first to feel the danger of life. They have a feeling of powerlessness in front of this person. It is a feeling of powerlessness that is too different in strength. They clearly can not feel the fact that they are not in front of them. What humans are, but a big python, and they will be swallowed up by anytime and anywhere.

The man looked back and glanced at his woman and gave his woman a look.

They have been smashing the dark world for so many years. This man has never given this woman such a look. The eyes are clearly saying, don't worry about me. You can always find a chance to run away. The farther you run, the better. Even with a bit of pleading.

It is hard to imagine that this man has killed too many people, and there are too many lives in his hands. There are old and young, damn, and innocent. He has never been soft-hearted. Normally, this should have been a cold-blooded and cruel beast. It is even possible that even if it is cold and bloodless to his loved ones, he is so concerned about his own woman, even if he does not hesitate to leave alone and let his own woman Look for opportunities to escape.

But the woman did not care about his eyes, and was full of decisiveness. The man sighed in his heart. It seems that there is no hope for her to escape. It seems that now only one battle can be achieved!

They don't know the person's intentions, but they have no good intentions.

It seems that I feel the idea that the husband and wife are prepared to make a man first. The black man sat down on the sand, and the voice was hoarse but chilling: "Fu Li, Fu Jiayue, you two are best not to act rashly, you are even Adding together will not be my finger opponent, I will eat you!"

It wasn’t a joke, it’s not an adjective, it’s really true, and the couple’s backs are cold.

Even in the entire room, you can only hear the heartbeat of both of them. 8

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