Super Soldier

Chapter 729: Old class help

Xiao Bing shattered Sun Danni's clothes like a beast, and a few screams in his mouth. Sun Danni originally supposed to be actively involved with Xiao Bing's passionate lingering. At this time, she was shocked by the sudden eruption of Xiao Bing. The whole person was lying there.

Zhang Dao and the videographer are staring at this scene. Xiao Bing and Sun Danni are wrapped in the quilt. Xiao Bing’s upper body is already red. Sun Danni has only one bra, and the enchanting **** body is simply It is enough for any man to be drowned by saliva, but at this time everyone's attention is not on Sun Danni's body.

Yes, several big men have put their energy on the body of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing is like a lion out of the cage. She shook the Sun Danni under her body and shocked everyone else. For a long while, Sun Danni only remembered that she was acting, and then began to wiggle with the ecstasy. It’s up.

Xiao Bing’s hand grabbed her two shoulders and then began to swim down. When she fell on her hips, she squeezed it. Xiao Bing suddenly slammed hard. Sun Danni’s mouth screamed, tears. It hurts, and then suddenly the conditioned condition of the gas is biting on Xiao Bing's shoulder.

"Okay, hey, hey, OK, the performance is too good, can be."

Xiao Bing grinned and grinned. The bite on his shoulder was not light. Although there was no bleeding, it was really painful.

Xiao Bing climbed up from the bed and smiled bitterly: "You are a dog!"

Sun Danni hurriedly grabbed her coat and put it on her body. She snorted and said something unhappy: "You just yelled at me first."

Zhang Dao and the videographer were all listening to each other. The two men, Xiao Bing first married Sun Danni, and then Sun Danni took a bite out of Xiao Bing in anger. This happened during the filming... .

The two men were still playing during the filming, but they just didn't see it.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If I don't want you, can you scream at the right time, can you hurt your tears?"

Sun Danni stayed for a while, and the others were also staying. It turned out that Xiao Bing took Sun Danni’s effect for acting. Everyone recalled the scene. Sun Danni’s scream was really just right, screaming. Adding tears, it seems that Xiao Bing is really at the peak of her body, too realistic!

Sun Danni’s bite was said to be a reflexive revenge Xiao Bing, but it was just right. I really didn’t expect Xiao Bing to be in the process of acting, even the other party’s calculations went in. Sun Danni’s voice was called. And that one is her most beautiful shot in the previous bed.

Xiao Bing got dressed and went out of bed. Sun Danni was also dressed. Zhang Dao was shocked by Xiao Bing at this time. He couldn’t help but shook his head and said: "Bing brother, you know what, in the Huaxia film and television circle. I have seen a lot of talented actors. They are all eyes, such as Wei Zi, Qing Yun, Jia Hui, Man Yu... but you are better than them. I see the shadow of a person in your body, and in the future you are likely to catch up with him."

Xiao Bing did not expect that the biggest director of China’s biggest brand would have such a high evaluation of himself. He couldn’t help but ask: “Who is that person?”

"The king of comedy" is the star."

"Blinding!" Xiao Bing was surprised. "Then you can hold me too much, that is my idol."

"I mean, you are the same ghost as him. The genius has been difficult to describe you. This time Tingting pulled you into the crew. Originally I just sold it to Tingting for a face and let you enter the crew for an interview. I did not expect this to be the most correct thing I have done in my life. It is not just the reason for this movie. If it is not for you to enter the crew, how can I guide such a talented actor?"

Xiao Bing's face is thick enough. It is a bit embarrassing to be told by Zhang. He smiled and said: "Zhang Dao, don't hold me."

"I am really saying this. I will ask you to be a male starring role next time."

Xiao Bing also did not refute, no doubt, now Xiao Bing can only say that it is a taste of the show, and did not really step into this business, but here so many people, Zhang Dao also appreciates himself, there is no need to be directly here Deaf people face, Xiao Bing this politeness still understands.

Zhang Mouzi saw Xiao Bing did not refuse, and he was in a good mood. He smiled and said: "In general, bed. The drama is the most difficult to shoot. I thought that even if you are acting, you must shoot at least ten times and eight times. It’s so fast, it’s really good, and it saves a lot of time.”

Xiao Bing stunned, lying on the grass, and Laozi regretted it again.

Zhang Mouzi smiled and said: "Let's move on to the next shot."

The next group is even simpler. After the end of the bed. Xiaobing got dressed and then left the nightclub with him. There was basically no difficulty. According to the level of Xiao Bing, it passed directly.

I thought that such a play would have to be done at least one morning or even one day. It turned out that it took more than an hour to complete, and this one-hour period also included Xiao Bing and Sun Danni before the filming. To communicate feelings, if the time of pure filming is more than 20 minutes, it has already created a miracle.

Now there are more than two hours from the lunch break. Because the progress is more than expected, the afternoon drama is also mentioned in the morning. Sun Danni and the dialogue of the country’s officers, this time the two of them did not reach and Xiao. The degree of tacit understanding of the soldiers, it took five full shots to complete, even if this is the case, Zhang Dao is already satisfied.

When Sun Danni was filming, Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting sat together. Gao Shanshan left the crew to help Bi Tingting handle the matter. A large company deliberately came to Hengdian to talk about the cooperation with Bi Tingting. These were all responsible for Gao Shanshan.

Bi Tingting looked at Sun Danni, who was filming, and asked with a smile: "I just felt that it was too fast?"

Xiao Bingxin said, how do you become a locust in my stomach, and your brother looks like a vulgar man who likes to take advantage of the cheap body? It seems to be true...

Xiao Bing is a serious saying: "Ting Ting, have you heard a sentence? It is empty, that is, it is empty, and there is a saying that no matter who is just a stinking skin, I entered the realm of ecstasy when filming, and then beautiful people... ...except you, in my eyes, it’s a stinking skin."

Bi Tingting smirked and said: "A beautiful woman who is so beautiful, even I can't help but see the heartbeat. You said that she is a stinky skin in her eyes? Then I ask you, when you kissed the show, you are How do you shoot? When you play the bed, how do you get involved in the drama? Who are you cheating?"

Xiao Bingyi smiled and said: "This... nothing can be seen in your eyes."

Xiao Bing looked at the left and right, and whispered: "I will compensate you at night."

Bi Tingting glanced at Xiao Bing with a smile.

The day passed quickly. I originally planned to finish two games a day. As a result, because Xiao Bing’s speed is too fast, as long as Xiao Bing’s appearance, it can pass through three times and four times, and it is sure. It was because of the problems of other people, and sometimes it was over and over again, so in the end, from the two planned scenes, four games were actually taken.

Zhang Dao looked at the side of the mouth, according to this progress, originally planned to end a month and a half of the play, now look at the situation more than a week before the film can be finished, everything is Xiao Bing's credit, which will save the crew how much money what.

In the evening, Sun Danni and her assistant went first, first went to Europe and the United States to participate in the red carpet, and then went back to China to take an advertisement. It was about half a month to go back to the crew, but because today’s progress is very fast, Sun Danni’s play There is not much left, and it will be enough to give her two or three days to shoot, so the impact is not too big.

After everyone dispersed, Huang Shaoyu received a message. He opened the text message and saw it, saying: "Xiaoyu, I am Danny."

After Huang Shaoyu finished reading, he only felt his heart pounding, his face was red, his eyes were full of excitement, he hurriedly returned a text message, and then saved the mobile phone number.

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting were eating Western food alone outside, and then returned to the hotel. After just tossing in the bed, Xiao Bing’s cell phone rang. Originally, Xiao Bing did not plan to take care of it. When he kept ringing, Xiao Bing had to get up and take the mobile phone. Bi Tingting asked: "Bing brother, is Ye Xiaoxi?"

"No, the leaves will not call me so late." Sure enough, I glanced at the mobile phone number, but I saw the old class number shown above. How did the old class call myself at this time? Xiao Bing is really not wanting to pick up the old class phone. Every time I call to find myself, it is definitely something, but if I don’t pick it up, if he really wants to find himself, even if he turns off the communication equipment, he will rely on the National Security Bureau. The intelligence system of the aspect, no matter where it appears or not, can’t completely ignore him.

Bi Tingting asked: "Who?"

Xiao Bingdao: "I am the old leader of the state department."

"Oh, that must be an emergency."

"Well, let me pick it up first." Xiao Bing replied to the past, and the other side was almost second.

"Hey, little soldier, if you don't pick up my phone again, I will find you in the crew."

Xiao Bing said with anger: "I am not a public official of the country. I have already retired. I have retired to understand it? You are disturbing my normal life."

The old class thought that there was still something to ask for Xiao Bing. Don't look at Xiao Bing he cultivated. Xiao Bing is also grateful to him, but Xiao Bing is a mixed ball in his eyes. It is useless to say who is picking up.

The old classmate laughed and said: "I am just a joke. I know that you are filming a girl there. How can you delay your happiness?"

Xiao Bing hurriedly turned down the volume and looked at Bi Tingting. Then he said to the old class: "You are not serious, I am trying to support the great acting career of our country. For art, this is good for filming. Don't argue with you, hurry up and talk about something."

When the old class heard Xiao Bing’s question, the tone was also serious. He said: “I didn’t let you go to the country, for the event of the blood of God.”

"Yes what's the matter?"

The old class toned the road: "Maple Thirteen appeared."

Xiao Bing: "...."

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