Super Soldier

Chapter 733: Rouge has an accident?

Walking out of the cabin where the ear lived, Xiao Bing saw a worn-out boy who was squatting on the firewood. The little boy’s body and face were all dirty, and several large holes were broken on the clothes. When he walked, he limped. Looking closely at his legs, it was a long, short, so it would be a bit awkward, but his waist was quite straight, even on a small shoulder. More firewood, and the two legs are not good, his waist is still quite straight, he is clearly carrying firewood, but it is like the pride of the general who just cut off the enemy's head from the battlefield.

Yes, his face is barely proud. It is hard to imagine that a boy who is so worn and even physically disabled will be so stubborn.

The reluctance even let Xiao Bing think of himself and return the time back to twenty years ago. Wasn’t he like him at that time? Although everyone can look down on themselves, even though they are orphans, they are always proud and stubborn. The small backbone looks very thin, but it gives people a feeling of being crushed and falling.

Xiao Bing looked at him with great interest, and then put the wood from the mountains in the yard, followed by a limping walk, passing Xiao Bing's side and pushing directly I opened the door of the wooden house and said to the inside ear: "My son, I cut the wood back, and cook for you after I chop the wood."

Then Xiao Bing heard the ear and said in the wooden house: "Good."

With a bang, the big boy closed the door again, then limped past Xiao Bing, found an axe, found a place to sit down and began to chop firewood.

The big boy did not look at Xiao Bing from beginning to end, as if Xiao Bing did not exist at all.

Xiao Bing smiled: "Can't you see me?"

"I have nothing."

Not to mention, this kid's voice is more reluctant than Xiao Bing's youth.

Xiao Bing smiled even more: "So why don't you look at me?"

The lame boy looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, then continued to bow his head and began to chop firewood.

Xiao Bing was speechless and asked: "Do you want to express that you have seen me?"


Xiao Bing walked over and squatted beside the lame boy and asked, "Do you know your ears?"

"You mean the old man?" He said, "He is a lonely man. I see him poor, and he stays to take care of him."

Xiao Bing asked: "What about your parents?"

"I don't have parents," said the kid. "I just ran away when I was one year old. When I was three or four years old, my dad gambled and lost the house, and then ran away."

Xiao Bing sighed.

Lame kid: "I don't need you to pity me."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is your name?"

"My name is Hadron."

"Hengzi?" Xiao Bing smiled and asked, "How do you call this name? Is it not a surname?"

"My mom didn't want me when I was born. My dad only cares about gambling every day, and I don't want me anymore. I don't have a surname. Hadron wants to tell others, I am not strong."

Hadron finished the firewood, then stood up and looked at Xiao Bing: "What are you doing here? Want me to ask you to drink?"

Xiao Bingxiao asked: "Why is drinking?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), not eating? ”

"For men, it seems that drinking is more important than eating." Hadron said.

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Well, I will let you ask me to drink when I have a chance. Right, your legs and feet are not good. Why are you still waiting to take care of your ears?"

"Because the ear is my benefactor."

"What kind of affection does he have for you?"

"He taught me an idiom."


"He taught me what it means to be physically disabled, so I have to take care of him forever."

Xiao Bing was somewhat moved: "Because he taught you what is called ruin, you have to take care of him for a lifetime, give him a pension? Why? Is this idiom so heavy for you?"

"Yes." Hadron glanced at his lameness, then looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, and said with a firm tone, "This is more important to me than life."

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Bing looked at the hadron with great seriousness. "I believe that the future Hadron will be a name that looks good in the world. You can rely on you to be a strong non-death."

Xiao Bing is gone, and the heart is still thinking about the so-called familiar and stubborn eyes of the hadron, remembering the straight and thin waist of the hadron, perhaps, as long as there is no such person in the world, the world The future is not terrible, and it will never collapse because of one after another.

This hadron can stay here to take care of the ears, proving that the ears also have the meaning of cultivating hadrons. After all, the ears do not need to be taken care of by others. There are huge human resources around the ears, and even they are not completely clear, but the ears are Is there a lot of power, a big intelligence network, otherwise where is his intelligence? So if he really needs people to take care of him, he is not lacking in people at all. Even with his wealth, he does not need to live here. He can buy a villa and hire a large group of servants. Leaving a hadron, it has proved how much he is optimistic about this big boy.

After Xiao Bing had talked with Hadron, he immediately called his previous chartered car. The car quickly picked him up and re-routed to the city of Kyoto.

Xiao Bing wants to use all the relationships that he can use to form a net to investigate the whereabouts of Feng XIII.

Xiao Bing first let the car drive to the foot of a mountain, then let the car wait for himself in the foot of the mountain, and then began climbing alone. This place Xiao Bing once came once, when he first met with Bai Xiaosheng. The place, the people on the rivers and lakes said that everything is omniscient, Bai Xiaosheng, that Xiao Bing and Bai Xiaosheng asked a few questions, from the mouth of Bai Xiaosheng learned that his father is dead, the mother is dead. Unknown, and he was abandoned by his mother, his father is the most powerful man in the world, because he was betrayed and died.

Later, Xiao Bing wanted to ask questions about the Buddha son. Bai Xiaosheng asked himself to go to a small county to kill a man named Lu Tuming. It happened that Lu Tu Ming was also a heinous person, and it happened just after going to the small county. In the encounter with Lu Tu Ming, he wanted to force a woman named Aiding to be his woman, so Xiao Bing went to the small county to kill Lu Tuming, and then learned from Bai Xiaosheng’s mouth. The strength of the Buddha son is above himself, but even Bai Xiaosheng has no way to tell what kind of realm the Buddha's true strength has reached.

Xiao Bing came over this time, also to ask about the whereabouts of Maple Thirteen, the last time and Bai Xiao

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Health contact, Bai Xiaosheng gave Xiao Bing a feeling of omniscience and omniscience.

Xiao Bing finally walked to the hole of the last cave, and asked loudly inside the cave: "Bai Xiaosheng's predecessor, may I ask inside?"

"What about Bai Xiaosheng's predecessors?"

"What about Bai Xiaosheng's predecessors?"

Xiao Bing repeatedly called for more than ten sounds, and there was no movement inside. It seems that Bai Xiaosheng is not inside. He is a white one. Xiao Bing hesitated, or walked into the cave. The cave is empty. What? No, Xiao Bing took out the mobile phone lighting, but did not find anything of value, this nothing.

Going back to the mountain and sitting back in the car, Xiao Bing said calmly: "Drive to the Pink Lady Club."

"So far, sir, I am today because you have delayed your day's business."

"I know, counting the fuel for the car, two thousand dollars, is enough?"

The taxi driver smiled and stopped talking, and continued to drive quietly.

Xiao Bing also closed his eyes and raised his spirits. Even a strong person like Xiao Bing, sometimes he should take a break from rest. From last night, he didn’t sleep very much. Just waiting for this time, nothing happened in the car. Make up for it.

After the car drove to the door of the Pink Lady Club, Xiao Bing opened his eyes and took out a sum of money from his arms. He threw the number to the driver and said, "Hold it, it’s hard."

The driver took the money and the eyes were bright. The money was definitely more than two thousand. It must have thousands of dollars. Today is definitely a big profit. Sure enough, how can people who come to the Pink Lady Club be stingy? Lord.

The driver was excited: "That, don't you pick me up here for a while?"

"no need."

After Xiao Bing got off the bus, he first walked into an alley and put on the mask. Then he turned back and walked into the red-pink beauty. After entering, Xiao Bing immediately went to the front desk and said with a smile: "Go to you." The general manager is calling."

"General Manager..." Several young ladies at the front desk have been very familiar with Long Shao. Every time they come to the dragon, they have to pay a lot of money, so every time Xiao Bing comes in as a dragon, they are all It’s going to be with Xiao Bing’s eyebrows, but today it’s a bit weird, just like I don’t want to ask the general manager.

Xiao Bing’s heart moved and asked: “Is it a rouge?”


Xiao Bing’s eyes became cold and cold, and the tone was cold: “Where is Rouge now?”

A few ladies at the front desk glanced at each other and hesitated for a long time. The last one sighed and said: "Just tell Long Shao, the rouge sister is so good to us, maybe... maybe Long Shao can help a group of rouge sisters. ”

Sure enough, something went wrong!

Xiao Bing raised a sense of uneasiness in his heart and stared at them. He said, "Yes, how do you treat your rouge? You should remember, tell me quickly, where is Rouge? What happened? ”

"She the office on the third floor, but the black angel says not to let anyone go, he..."

Xiao Bing ignored it and strode towards the stairway.

Black angel?

No matter who dares to touch my woman, I have to let him pay the unimaginable price!

(End of this chapter)

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