Super Soldier

Chapter 738: Reunion with red rose

Xiao Bing took the car to the door of the hotel, Xiao Bing paid the bill and got off the bus. On this way, Xiao Bing saw countless men and women walking in the street, many of them drunk, many of them seem to be sold out and extremely exposed. Sexy beauty, even seeing two people who seem to be drug addicts fell on the street, this is really a chaotic city, is a capital of **, oh, now it seems to be a sin city.

A few young guys in their early twenties surrounded Xiao Bing. One of the young men wearing a round cap also took out a dagger and pointed to Xiao Bing’s chest. He said a lot in Thai. .

Although Xiao Bing couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he still knew that they were coming to robbery. He just didn't know if he could speak English, and these few young people who couldn't learn anything could understand.

Xiao Bing thought about it, or directly talked to them in English: "Do you want to rob? Is it robbing the money?"

I didn’t expect that there were really a few people in this group who could understand English. It was a Sven’s young man with glasses. What did he say to his companions? Then several people looked at Xiao Bing. The eyes became a bit weird. The young man with the knife in his hand said something, and the boy in glasses began to say, "Which country are you from?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Huaxia."

"Oh," said the boy of the glasses. "I heard that Chinese people are very rich?"

Lying in the trough, what should I say, should I be proud, proud, or proud?

However, the image of Huaxia in the eyes of people all over the world is indeed different. The image of Huaxia in the eyes of people in various countries in the world decades ago is poor and backward. Even many people think that the heads of Chinese men are tied behind their heads. The long, long, big scorpion, actually, it was gone after the Qing Dynasty.

Until recently, China has become more and more prosperous and more and more powerful, and the world’s impression of China has also undergone tremendous changes.

Xiao Bing nodded and shook his head again. "Huaxia people have money, but I am poor."

The glasses unbelief said: "If you don't have money on your body, what do you do with us? Did you not expect to encounter robbery? Tell you the truth, we are not only the capital of **, but also the capital of sin. The city is sinning. If you come over, it will only be your misfortune."

The glasses boy pointed at the young man with the knife in his hand and said, "To tell you the truth, it is our boss's sleepy balun. He said, wealth, color, and if you can accompany you tonight. he……."

"..." Xiao Bing looked at the young man who took the knife and saw that the other person was looking at himself with a sly look. Xiao Bing immediately got a goose bump and his body was uncontrollable. Punch on the bridge of the trapped balun, after the knockdown, he even licked a few feet, his mouth shouted: "X Nima, x Nima, but also **** Laozi, let you scare Laozi, let you scare Laozi !"

The other young people were all scared, standing there and wondering if they should start or not, and when they reacted and began to pounce on Xiao Bing, the sleepy balun had been beaten with blood and almost fainted. This is still because of Xiao Bing's true mercy, if not, Xiao Bing can explode his head even with a finger.

Xiao Bing also planned to wait for these few people to do it, but did not expect these few people to be scared of their courage, bent down, lifted the sleepy balun and ran, Xiao Bing did not chase them.

Is this the **** light that the monk said?

Xiao Bing shook his head. As he prepared to walk into the hotel, a big man who looked as if he was stunned suddenly fell to the ground and began to twitch and spit with white foam in his mouth.

This is the capital of **, the most chaotic city in Thailand. Xiao Bing shook his head and did not care about the brawny. He is already at this age. He is already an adult. He is responsible for everything in his own. There are many such people, and Xiao Bing wants to manage it.

Xiao Bing walked into this hotel, the hotel looked pretty good, but there wasn't even a hospitality staff. There were two young Thai ladies at the front desk, one was already asleep at the table, and one was playing mobile games, Xiao The soldier walked to the vicinity, and the working lady who played the game did not even lift her head.

Xiao Bing knocked on the table. The lady who played the mobile phone raised her head and looked at Xiao Bing. It seems that Xiao Bing was not a Thai. So she said in English: "Mr. want to live in the store?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and smiled. "I am looking for two people. They are brothers and sisters. My sister is very beautiful. It is called Bai Yan. There is also a boy called Bai Shiran. I want to know which room they live in." ""

When I broke up, it was almost a year since I passed, and Xiaobai grew one year old. Now it should be eight years old.

I remember that he was full of vigilance and alertness to the world. He was a bit hostile to anyone except himself and the red rose. I don't know what happened now after this year.

The young lady who played the mobile phone saw that Xiao Bing was not going to housing. The attitude immediately cooled down. The tone was cold and indifferent: "We are not allowed to disclose guest information here, this is a three-star hotel!"

Xiao Bing took a bundle of money from the bag and put it on the front desk. He took another trip and put it on the front desk. After paying for the money, he took out five times and 50,000 yuan. The Thai baht, the eyes of the front desk lady are straight.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is a total of these, just did not exchange much at the airport, 50,000 yuan, if you do not tell, I will ask others."

"Don't worry, don't worry, the money is mine!" The front desk lady took all the money into her arms and said, "The beauty is so beautiful, I don't have to check it, remember to clear it. Clearly, she lived in Room 203 on the second floor. In addition to her, there was a little boy of ** years old. The little boy was so strange that his head was long and square..."

"Then I still want to ask, are they in the room now?"

"In, just... they just came in from outside, it seems to be going out for a day, we have the sea here, they went to the beach to play."

"Good." Xiao Bing smiled at the front desk lady. "The money is for you."

After that, Xiao Bing was going upstairs, and seemed to think of something, and said: "Remember, if someone comes to inquire about the same person, don't mention me."

The front desk lady got so much money, and there would be no reason to agree, and quickly nodded and agreed.

Xiao Bing smiled and walked up the stairs. He went all the way to the second floor. Then he found the room No. 203 that the lady said. He knocked on the door and there was a familiar voice. This voice was just unintentional. It makes people feel like they can't stop, it's such a ghost, so moving.


Xiao Bing knocked on the door again, and did not make a sound. He wanted to tease the red rose. At this time, the footsteps came and the footsteps were very light and light, but Xiao Bing could hear it.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a knife also reached the throat. When the owner of the knife in his hand saw the appearance of the person outside the door, he suddenly opened the tempting red lips. I can't believe it.

Xiao Bing gently removed the dagger from his throat and smiled: "Rose, how long has it not been seen, just murdering the husband and wife?"

The red rose is wearing a red pajamas at this moment, and the skin that is exposed to the outside is so smooth, it is really watery, and the blown bomb can be broken.

The red rose was originally a beauty of the country and the people. Even the beauty of Bi Tingting and Princess Anna was not too much. In the early days of Xiao Bing and the Eight Diagrams Serpent, the red rose was believed to be dead, her heart. It also died, but the result was a rebirth, and there was a suede. After that suede, not only her mind and the genes in her body changed qualitatively, but her skin was also smoother than the original. Better, it really turned out to be like water.

It can be said that even if you are looking around the world and want to find a skin like a red rose, it is impossible to find one out of the billions of people!

That is to say, while her genes have undergone qualitative changes, her appearance has also leapt. From her appearance, if she said that she was a millennium, she would not have a suicide. For too.

Any inch of her body's skin is heart-rending, and she is slowly swaying a person's heart. No matter who looks at it, no matter which part of her skin is seen, it is impossible to remove it. Eyes, this is the real country of the country, the country and the people.

When the red rose's tongue gently rubbed his lips, Xiao Bing only felt that his nose was hot, and the nosebleed almost flowed out.

"Xiao Bing, how come you are here?"

Xiao Bing swallowed his mouth and asked, "Why, don't you welcome me? Don't let me go in and say?"

The red rose let go of the position. When Xiao Bing walked in, she closed the door, but saw Xiao Bing sitting at the bedside. There were two big beds in this room. The white and red roses were one person.

When I saw Xiao Bing coming in, the hostility in Xiao Bai’s eyes disappeared and asked: “Xiao Bing, how come you?”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Your sisters are talking about a mold, then I will go back, it is too frustrating."

The red rose giggled and said: "We just didn't think of it, you still provoke something wrong."

"Hey, hello, can you not laugh?"

"I laughed, what happened?"

"I... nosebleeds." Xiao Bing rushed into the bathroom and opened the faucet. When I saw the red rose, Xiao Bing’s nosebleed almost flowed out, just a fascinating laughter. Finally, Xiao Bing couldn't stand it anymore.

At this moment, the red rose smiled happily outside...


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